Lu Kuan hid in the elevator. Originally, he and Mo Chuan walked from the stairwell alone and the other from the elevator.

This will cover both sides.

But it took him more time to climb the rope in the elevator shaft. As soon as he climbed up, he saw through the gap the scene of Mo Chuan being beaten unilaterally by Qin Feng and shot directly in the head with a steel bar.

Blood burst out and brains flowed out along the steel bars.

Mo Chuan lay on the ground, lifeless.

Mo Chuan, who had fucked the same woman as him before, was so cold now.

Lu Kuan was startled and fell from the elevator.


It hit several places and all the bones in the body were dislocated.

Fortunately, he pulled the rope next to him in time and scraped off a large layer of skin on his hand, thus barely saving his life.

The severe pain was accompanied by blood flowing out, and Lu Kuan was hanging in the air.

With a hard push, I finally jumped out of the open elevator on this floor.

But after all, it was a bit high. As soon as he jumped out, Lu Kuan's body, which was used to relieve the impact, was dislocated.

Lu Kuan just wants to escape now. The man with the knife on his back is really strong.

Mo Chuan is the strongest security guard in their security team, and no one dares to mess with Mo Chuan on weekdays.

Mo Chuan also single-handedly knocked down four or five gangsters who came to rob the building.

After the apocalypse, those employees who usually yelled at them hid aside obediently. With Mo Chuan around, no one dared to mess with them.

But Mo Chuan, who was already very strong, was like a puppet on strings in the hands of the man with the knife.

He was kicked around and thrown around, but he had no ability to resist at all!

The more Lu Kuan thought about it, the more frightened he became.

He didn't know whether it was because he was in too much pain or because he was too scared. His clothes were soaked with cold sweat and his lower abdomen was tight.

I actually felt like I was urinating.

After so many days, they were all just afraid of zombies. Lu Kuan didn't expect that he was really scared.

Ignoring the dislocated hand, he quickly covered his hand and ran downstairs.

He kept running down until he reached the eighth floor and saw the bodies of those he had killed before, which were still a little warm.

Only then did he react, and he sat slumped on the ground, muttering to himself with trembling lips: "No, calm down. There are zombies outside. If you rush out like this, you are seeking death."

"Go get the gun. Yes, there is a gun on the seventh floor. Although it is a simulated one, it is better than nothing."

"Go to the seventh floor."

With trembling legs, Lu Kuan crossed the eighth floor to the corpse in the corridor on the seventh floor and wanted to go to the seventh floor.

But he didn't expect that he saw two people as soon as he turned the corner.

Xiao He supported the man in the shirt and was about to go down.

It turned out that Xiao He knew that Mo Chuan and Lu Kuan were killing people, so she went out when there was no sound outside.

After waiting for a long time, Xiao He finally heard no sound, and rushed out.

However, since I have been fucked all this time, my legs are never weak and my whole body is bruised and bruised. When I went out, I saw the man in the shirt who had pretended to be dead and escaped.

The man in the shirt had one of his ears cut off, his thighs and waist were torn apart by steel hooks, and his whole body was dripping with blood.

The man in the shirt once gave Xiao He a piece of bread when he was in trouble. Xiao He hesitated and stepped forward to support him, wanting to go down together.

Unexpectedly, Lu Kuan came down within a few steps.

It can be said that Xiao He had a psychological shadow during this period. Lu Kuan shouted and she didn't dare to move.

The man in the shirt said: "Go quickly, quickly."

Only then did Xiao He react and wanted to help the man in the shirt go down.

However, Lu Kuan took three steps at a time, rushed over, and stopped in front of them: "Wait! Where do you want to go?"

"Lu Kuan," the man in the shirt said, "don't think that I can't kill you because I'm injured now."

Lu Kuan sneered, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said: "You are so weak and weak, where do you want to run?"

Xiao He and the man in the shirt looked at each other. They didn't dare to go out when they were intact.

Who knows that zombies will rush at them wherever they go and eat them beyond recognition?

Especially now.

Lu Kuan came up with a plan and continued: "There is a heavy truck down there now, with first-class protection measures. I saw it, and it seems there is a real gun. As long as we can get on the heavy truck, we will be safe. We can settle the score later.

Now we must share the same hatred and fight for this car. "

Xiao He had no opinion and remained silent.

The man in the shirt thought for a moment and said, "Okay, without transportation, we will die if we go out for a few steps. Then I ask you, how can we fight? Where are the car keys?"

Lu Kuan knew that he had convinced them and said: "The person who drove over is up there. No matter what happens, he will come down later. We will directly ambush him, kill him and seize the car."

"But, he's strong, so we need to outwit him."

On the other side, Qin Feng helped Mr. Guo to the bodies of Mr. Guo's children.

As soon as we passed by, we were surprised to see a swarm of flies and inch-long white maggots crawling around on several corpses.

Mr. Guo insisted on leaning against the wall next to the corpse.

The blood on his shoulder was flowing rapidly, and he looked at Mr. Guo's pale face and purple lips.

Qin Feng knew that Mr. Guo had lost too much blood. No matter how tough a man of his age was, it would be difficult to save him without modern and excellent medical technology.

"I have lived in the world all my life, but I didn't expect that I would encounter the end when I was old and die in this way."

"Fortunately, I have experienced many hardships and enjoyed wealth and honor throughout my life. Before I died, I also made a friend like you, Qin, hahaha, I have no regrets in my death."

Old man Guo looked deeply at the bodies of his children, grandchildren, daughter-in-law and a security guard who had been protecting him. He turned around and closed his old eyes for a while.

Qin Feng waited for Old man Guo to calm down and remained silent.

After a while, Old man Guo opened his eyes and said, "Qin, go ahead. I want to die quickly."

Qin Feng nodded and took out a pistol from his waist. The corpse hunter pistol could not be used. The old man would be directly reduced to ashes.

Old man Guo looked at the muzzle of the gun and suddenly smiled kindly.

Closed his eyes and nodded.

Qin Feng pointed the gun at Old man Guo's forehead and fired with a bang. A round blood hole ended Old man Guo's life.

Mr. Guo, a veteran of the Republic of China and a top business tycoon in Hongteng City, died on the last day of his life at the age of 104.

The sound of gunfire spread over the financial building and lingered for a long time.

Qin Feng looked for a long time, patted the space package on his waist, and with a few buzzes, all the bodies of Mr. Guo, his children, grandchildren, and security guards were collected.

Qin Feng turned around and went out, collected Mo Chuan's body, and walked down.

This time, he didn't have the heart to collect things. The things in this building should be left here.

After collecting the bodies on the seventh and eighth floors, Qin Feng continued to go down.

However, it was not until he went down to the first floor that Qin Feng realized something was wrong. The door of the stairwell on the first floor was locked.

Someone wanted to lock him here?

At this moment, a weak voice sounded from behind the stairs: "Is there anyone? Save me, okay?"

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