But now is not the time to rest, and the devil knows what is hidden behind every fire safety door!"


three of them gasped for breath, did not dare to stop longer, climbed up the stairs with weak legs, and returned to the company through another safe passage.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and only two living corpses dragging their intestines were stabbed by Jia Xu and sent to reincarnation.

They returned to the company, entered the financial room, locked the heavy door, and then felt that their souls had returned to their bodies, and their lives were their own.

Bai Lidong's eyebrows tightened.

He came to Wang Beibei, lifted his clothes, and found that the tooth marks on his shoulders had injured his muscles, and the black blood was already in a semi-coagulated state like jelly.

And the blood vessels around the wound have turned blue-black, spreading around at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jia Xu was shocked and hurriedly asked, "When did you bite it?"

Bai Lidong felt like a stone fell in his heart, and said, "When I was in the conference room, in order to save me." Wang

Beibei didn't care.

He took off his clothes casually, and said nakedly: "It's okay, it's a small injury, I'm fine, I'll be fine in two days!"

Bai Lidong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it.

He knew that living corpses were poisonous.

They carry genetic viruses that can be transmitted through bodily fluids, and infected living creatures can also become living corpses.

He pulled out a small vial from the dimensional barrier, which was the frog venom generated by the venom machine.

This thing is used externally to stop bleeding and internally to detoxify, but the wound bitten by this living corpse has no effect.

He sprinkled the medicinal powder on Wang Beibei's wound and gave him some more.

The blue-black blood vessels are spreading more slowly to the periphery, but they are still spreading.

No way.

Bai Lidong shook his head.

This frog poison can alleviate the living corpse virus, but it cannot be cured, and if you want to cure it completely, you need special immunity agents.

That's it.

Bai Lidong took out the food, and everyone ate something hastily.

Everyone's appetite is not very good, Gao Daqiang's death, and Wang Beibei's injury, like a dark cloud, shrouded everyone's heart.

Who is the one who dies today, and who will die tomorrow?

Bai Lidong took a sip of juice and said, "Beibei, you are injured and rest here, let's go out and strengthen the door." "


He winked at Jia Xu, who put the fruit knife on his waist and went out with him.

Just closed the door.

Jia Xu opened his mouth and asked, "Bai Lidong, will Wang Beibei become the kind of monster outside?"

Bai Lidong nodded: "I gave him some antidotes, but I estimate that it can only last for five hours at most." "

Is there any salvation?" asked

Jia Xu with a solemn face.

"There is little hope, unless we can prescribe virus immunity drugs from the blind box.

Bai Lidong took out two cigarettes and handed one to Jia Xu: "What do you think?" Jia Xu took a

hard sip: "Da Bai, you decide, I'll listen to you."

After listening to this, Bai Lidong grinned, he took a cigarette and said: "Hehe, since he is a teammate, as long as Beibei is not dead, you have to save him..."

Bai Lidong can save Wang Beibei today, and he will be able to save him in the future, this sentence makes the seeds of trust take root in his heart.

Bai Lidong squinted and smoked a cigarette.

Although teammates are temporary, trust is not, and abandoning teammates in the apocalypse is taboo.

This kind of behavior has high benefits in the short term, but it is very harmful in the long run.

If the injured Wang Beibei is thrown down today, then there is no need to look for the medicine, and there is no need to bear the risk of burying the corpse.

But it's addictive because it's so easy, and once you become addicted to abandoning your peers, you're not far from dying.

Bai Lidong had seen too many such examples in his previous life, and they all did not end well.

After Bai Lidong finished smoking, he asked, "Is there a pharmaceutical-related company in our office building

?" "There is a pharmaceutical company on the thirty-third floor, I saw it when I went upstairs..."

Jia Xu recalled for a moment, holding half a cigarette in his mouth and asked, "What are you looking for a pharmaceutical company?"

"What bursts out of the blind box will be affected by its location.

Bai Lidong explained: "For example, in the blind box in the kitchen, the probability of opening food is relatively large, although it is not absolute, but it is better than hitting luck."

Jia Xu stepped on the ground and extinguished the cigarette butt: "That's great, let's go!" "Don't

worry, kill a villain first and sacrifice to the sky."

Bai Lidong said softly: "Go and see if Wu Lingling has come back." "


The two pushed open the glass door and entered the open office area.

It was already evening, and the setting sun was shining through the glass into the office, casting a golden hue over the wreckage walls.

After encountering the mutant frogs, several more people died.

At this time.

The rest of the survivors are here

, and Liu Longlong and Zhang Yue are rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the office area, as if they are looking for something to eat.

And Yang Lei looked at the dirty water in the mop pool with a solemn face, as if he was considering whether to drink it.

Wu Lingling and Yu Liang also returned.

Yu Liang was sitting on the ground, bandaging the wound on his leg with his shirt.

And Wu Lingling didn't know where to get some dough biscuits, and she was spinning wildly into the pig's mouth, choking and stretching her neck.

Bai Lidong looked at Wu Lingling's oily face covered with pus, and calmly pushed his glasses.

Jash pulled the dagger from his back.

Their appearance attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at Jia Xu, who had an obviously bad face, and they all wisely did not say anything.

Only Wu Lingling's eyes lit up, she sprayed biscuit foam in her mouth, and shouted in her voice:

"Bai Lidong! stinky unlocking! Okay, you still dare to come back! Did you take all the food downstairs, so I didn't find anything!"

"Hehe, I'll give it to you in a while."

Bai Lidong leaned on the desk and asked with a smile: "Let me ask you, did you remove the shelves in the corridor downstairs!" Wu

Lingling looked proud: "That thing mixed me up, why don't I move it and keep

it?" "Okay! Okay!"

Bai Lidong said two good words in a row, and then asked: "The sanitary napkin in the fire escape downstairs, is it yours

?" "What's wrong with me?" Now that the water is out, the toilet is like a dung pit! I love to be clean, where can I go if I don't go to the fire escape?"

Wu Lingling roared as it should be: "Also, I was in a bad mood during my menstrual period, what are you shouting at me here?"

Liu Longlong pulled the corner of Wu Lingling's clothes and whispered:

"Say... Lingbao'er, something is wrong with Bai Lidong, don't shout at him yet..."

"Get out of the way for me

!" Wu Lingling pushed Liu Longlong away, and scolded indiscriminately: "It's like an old lady, what are you muttering in my ear

!" She pointed at Bai Lidong and spat fragrantly: "My fucking third uncle sent suo, I'm not afraid of you!"

After finishing speaking, she felt very aggrieved, and howled in her throat: "Ah... You men don't have a good thing, they all bully me as a little girl... Ahh

He looked at Wu Lingling, who was like a fat pig, and felt that there was a string in his brain that controlled his emotions.

He slowly backed away, retreated to the door, and began to run... Run faster and faster...

"I'm C, you're M!" he

burst out like thunder, and the whole person soared into the air! Like a cannonball, he kicked Wu Lingling's pig face!

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