
Zhang Wei hugged Zhang Yue's body, the corners of his mouth were torn, his gums were all exposed, and he bit Zhang Yue's white and tender buttocks.

Zhang Yue only smelled a stench mixed with blood, and he was about to suffocate.

In a hurry, she struggled forward, and the professional clothes on her body were torn like a loach, like a loach

, and she fled with a crawl! She was bumped into an ugly thing by Bai Lidong just now, She didn't even have time to put on her underwear, and she ran completely naked at the moment.


Zhang Wei lost his target, his gray eyes locked on Yang Lei again, and rushed straight towards him.

Yang Lei walked around the desk frantically, regretting in his heart that he shouldn't have made Zhang Yue today, this cannon smashed down, and all the good luck was gone!

The others were also in a mess.

In this office, either the weak social animals, or the pampered leaders, who can run out early, are brave at the moment around the door of the office to watch.

Yang Lei was in a hurry, and at a glance he saw Bai Lidong standing by the door, and shouted at

him in a panic: "Save me quickly, I order you to save me quickly!"

Bai Lidong had already taken out a snake tooth pistol, and when he heard him say this, he put it down again, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Yang, Zhang Wei is my beloved colleague, brother and sister, you can save you, you have to pay!"

Yang Lei was so angry that he opened his mouth and wanted to curse, but he was distracted, tripped over a chair and fell out, hitting his head on the desktop air conditioner.

Zhang Wei rushed up frantically and pressed on his body.

"Save me, I'll give you money!" Yang

Lei grabbed Zhang Wei's neck with both hands, looked at a face with the corners of his mouth torn to the root of his ear, and desperately begged for help.


Bai Lidong walked up to him with a smile and took out a pistol.


a dull gunshot, Zhang Wei's body was like a toy with electricity unplugged, and he collapsed on Yang Lei's body.


Yang Lei looked at Zhang Wei, who was brainy, and finally broke his guts.

And Bai Lidong saw that Zhang Wei's broken head had a square wooden box.

He grinned.

This kind of blind box that bursts out of the monster's body is generally not bad in quality.

He used a rag to pad it, pulled out the blind box from Zhang Wei's head, and then helped Yang Lei up with a smile.

"Mr. Yang, save you once, I want five wooden boxes like this!"



Bai Lidong's smile froze, and then his face sank, and he threatened: "If you don't, go and look for it, I can't find it and break your leg!" "


Hearing this, Bai Lidong put away his pistol with satisfaction and strode towards the door.

His purpose in saving Yang Lei is very simple, that is, he wants to find more blind boxes through him.

The blind box is also very hard to find.

The same drawer.

Maybe Liu Longlong opened the blind box, but Yang Lei opened the blind box.

In Bai Lidong's previous life, he had never seen a blind box appear in the trouser pocket of a living person.

This Yang Lei.

is probably a hidden European emperor, if he doesn't meet Bai Lidong in this life, maybe he has a bright future.

But when he met Bai Lidong, he could only have a bright future~


Bai Lidong walked to the door of the office, and the gathered colleagues automatically dispersed a gap.

"White... Bai Lidong, you put him... Did they kill?" Ren

Yuzhuqiao's face turned pale, she stared at the corpse in the room, her small mouth open in shock.

At this time, Zhang Wei's head exploded, half of his face was gone, and the remaining half of his face was like a dye shop, with red blood, yellow fat, and white brain, which looked extraordinarily infiltrating.

Bai Lidong didn't stop, and asked rhetorically as he walked: "Otherwise, what can you do?"


Ren Yuzhu retched.

Her mind was in chaos, and her eyes looking at Bai Lidong were also full of fear and trepidation, but her strong heart, which had been in a high position for a long time, allowed her to quickly stabilize her mind.

"You can't go, Xiaoxue called the police.

She stopped Bai Lidong: "I'm sorry, you can explain to them when the police come." "

Mr. Ren.

Ren Yuzhu's little assistant Xia Xue had a blazer around her waist.

When she ran away just now, her tight skirt was already torn, and she stammered: "I have already called, but whether it is the hospital or the police station, all of them are busy, and no one answers." "

Do you hear that, get out of the way.

Bai Lidong dodged Ren Yuzhu and walked out.

"Xiaoxue, stop him.

Ren Yuzhu grabbed Bai Lidong: "The company has a life

, you can't leave!" "Mr. Ren, why can't you figure out the situation!" Bai

Lidong was blocked by her several times, and his temper was quite gentle, but he couldn't suppress the fire.


grabbed Ren Yuzhu's wrist, pulled her to the window, and said, "Look at the outside world, my Mr. Ren!"

Ren Yuzhu subconsciously looked out the window.

As far as the eye can see, there is chaos.

I saw a large number of car accidents breaking out on the overpass downstairs, and cars continued to rush down the bridge and fall into the muddy river.

As far as the eye could see, smoke billowed from no less than ten places.


"The end has come, it's not Zhang Wei that I'm killing, it's a living corpse, it's a monster!"

"Living corpse

?" Ren Yuzhu's eyes revealed confusion: "Is it that kind of thing in Resident Evil?"


Bai Lidong looked at the disaster outside the window, although he had seen it once, he was still a little shocked.

"Loosen up, let go!" Xia

Xue, an assistant with black-framed glasses, pulled Bai Lidong away, blocked Ren Yuzhu behind him, and looked at him with big eyes full of vigilance.

"Store more water and find a hidden place to hide it, it will be safer.

Bai Lidong patted Xia Xue on the shoulder and turned to leave.

He had some impressions of Xia Xue.

This girl is a little silly, but her mind is not bad, in her last life, she first discovered the role of the blind box and told everyone.

After all that's said.

He went straight to the finance room.

"Mr. Ren, it's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, a young man covered in blood rushed in from outside.

"Something is wrong!" His

glasses were shattered, and he shouted while holding his bleeding shoulders: "The customers who came to discuss business in the reception area are crazy, Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang's head was torn off by them!

" "What?"

Ren Yuzhu's face changed suddenly, and he was about to go over to take a look while he stepped on his high heels.

"Mr. Ren, you can't go.

Xia Xue stopped her with her body: "We don't know the situation outside, if everyone goes crazy, you won't be able to come back!" It

seems that in order to match the atmosphere of the crisis, the electrical appliances in the office suddenly burst into a cloud of sparks

! "Bang! sting

!" "Ah!"

Everyone screamed in unison, and then all the electrical appliances stopped working.

Ren Yuzhu was stunned in place, her mind was a mess, and her whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and she had goosebumps.

She felt that all the knowledge and skills she had acquired in the past had been invalid.

In the face of the current crisis, she is simply a helpless fool.

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