As the giant fireball approached, the air became hotter and hotter, as if the entire base was surrounded by a huge furnace.

The fireball left an orange trail in the air, and the air next to it was distorted and distorted.

"Nope! They're all mine!

Ignoring his own safety, Bud Yi rushed towards the center of the square, trying to stop the fireball.


The giant fireball was so fast that it came close almost in the blink of an eye.

The light of the fire illuminated the pitch-black mask of Bud's clothes, and the howling heat wave whistled the suit on her body.

The next moment.

The entire square was illuminated, powerful energy fluctuations swept around, the ground began to tremble, and the rubble trembled wildly.


As the rumble resounded in the sky, a series of buildings collapsed like dominoes, and the scene was thrilling.


Over Mt. Fuji, more than 1,000 kilometers away from Hanato, a large amount of smoke and ash fills the air, giving the clouds a sense of unease and danger, varying in color from light gray to dark black.

Su Yu flew out of the smoke and dust with Feng Qianxue and all the women, fortunately, the battle suits all had an automatic cleaning function, otherwise the group would have to be ashen.


After Shen Yimo fired a shot at the crater, it was like igniting a barrel of dynamite, causing Mt. Fuji to erupt a large amount of magma.

Su Yu didn't have time to think about it, and directly used the Earth Explosion Star to gather the magma that erupted together.

After forming a huge fireball, Su Yu probably glanced at the map and threw the giant fireball formed by magma towards the direction of Sakura's sacred toilet.

"I don't know if I lost my position."

Su Yu muttered, just as he was about to check.

A series of system prompts suddenly sounded in my mind, and the jingle sounded non-stop.

Su Yu was stunned, and immediately reacted.

Whether the giant magma fireball is formed by himself with his own skills, or thrown from his own hands, the creatures killed by the fireball will naturally be counted on his head.

After more than a minute, the prompt finally stopped.

Su Yu opened the properties panel and looked at it.


The attack that I had just launched was rubbing my hands on the little boy!

Directly razed all the flowers to the ground??

A total of 47,921,305 tips for killing humans, zombies, and alien beasts were obtained, and Spirit Yuan was obtained 170,849,036.

In other words, Su Yu had just killed nearly 50 million living beings!

'Sin, sin...'

Su Yu prayed silently for 0.1 seconds for those dead souls in his heart.

"Big brother, look over there, it's so beautiful!"

Looking in the direction pointed by Xiao Linger, the sea water of the coastline was lifted, and the sea surface reflected in the night was filled with strange colors, like ripples as bizarre and beautiful.

Of course, the most shocking thing is the distant sky.

With the brilliant night sky as the background, the distant clouds are burning in the sky like burning clouds, graceful and beautiful.

[There is a picture here, burning clouds.

"Wow! Brother Yu, it's really beautiful! Let's play again!

Su Yu gave Shen Yimo a slap in the head, "I almost forgot to clean you up, you nizi is also bold, how can you do that."

"Hehe, it's not that I didn't expect such a big movement, besides, Brother Yu, you yourself said that you can make it casually on the Sakura chassis!"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, let's go, let's go over there and take a look."

Saying that, Su Yu took the women back to the Galaxy and flew towards the flower capital.

The Galaxy was moving at full speed and soon came to the sky over Hana-to-du.

At this time, there is not a complete place in the entire Hana の.

After the city was destroyed in the fire, there was chaos, with ashes and broken buildings everywhere.

Walls collapsed, curved steel structures scattered around, and burnt wreckage still smoked.

As soon as Su Yu and his party walked out of the Milky Way, they clearly felt the hot breath coming from below, and the air was filled with gunsmoke and the smell of burning.

"Qianxue, you go to the city and collect all the light masses that are all over the place, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are meat, and they can't be wasted."

"Okay, husband."

Feng Qianxue answered the women, and after assigning their own direction, they fell into the ruined city.

Among them, Shen Yimo's three girls were the most excited, "Xiao Linger, you are lucky, you lead the way in front, Xi Yao and I are responsible for picking up the light group, whether you can get rich or not, it depends on this wave!"

When Su Yu saw this scene in the air, he couldn't help but smile.

How simple and cute Xiao Linger was at the beginning, now she has been staying with Shen Yimo for a long time, and she is about to become a black little loli.

Su Yu had a faint premonition, maybe one day, he would be pushed backwards.

Shaking his head and putting aside the messy thoughts in his mind, Su Yu flew towards the center of the city.

After entering the range of a thousand kilometers of Hana no Du, he received a message from Galaxy to himself.

In the city of Hana, there is a female creature with more than 90 points.

This made Su Yu a little surprised, but he didn't expect that in a place like Little Sakura, there could be a girl with more than 90 points.

And look at the location where the pink mark is, it is still the center where the giant fireball fell.

Being able to survive such an attack of such intensity is obviously not low in the opponent's strength.

Little cherry blossom is one of the countries that Su Yu hates from the bottom of his heart.

The only thing that can be compared with the little cherry blossoms is the group of disgusting real ▪ sunspots, and sooner or later they will have to go to that country and let the little sunspots there know what is really black!

So, face the people of these two places.

Regardless of whether the other party is a sister or not, Su Yu will not have a good face, avoid leaving a shadow in the hearts of Feng Qianxue's women, or it is better to spread them apart first.


Su Yu came to the base of the flower capital, and from the sky, you can roughly see that this should have been a square before.

Looking at a hill where stumped limbs and broken arms and boulders were piled up, Su Yu waved his hand, and one by one boulders, and stump flew to the sides.

Not often.

The bud clothes buried under the boulder were exposed to Su Yu's eyes.

Bud Yi was seriously injured at this time, and when the stone that pressed on her body was moved, she opened her eyes.

When all the boulders were removed, Nha Yi slowly got up from the ground, looking at the strange man in front of her, she did not act rashly.

Can accurately find out her location, and from Su Yu, she feels a strong crisis.

Obviously, the previous fireball, eight or nine is not far from ten, it was created by the person in front of him.

Bud Yi turned his head to look around, devastated, and there was no trace of life around.

This made her heart sink, and a killing intent began to breed in the bottom of her heart, and then she was forcibly suppressed by Bud Yi in an instant.

Despite her extreme anger at this time, this strange man took everything that belonged to her.

But Bud Yi knows very well that even if he is in his prime, he will never be the opponent of the person in front of him.

And, for some reason.

This man has a temperament that cannot be described in words, and he is subtly changing his attitude towards him.

Bud Yi quietly pinched his thighs, and his spirit instantly became clear.

Then he slowly raised his jade hand and uncovered the mask he was wearing.

[There is a picture here, a picture of the Bud Clothes person.] 】

[There is a picture here, a picture of the bud man. 】

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