"Answer three questions correctly to clear the level, and each team has five chances to answer incorrectly."

"For every member of the team out of the circle, an incorrect answer can be offset once."

After the words of the galaxy fell, the hall suddenly became noisy.

Su Yu also came to some interest, mainly because the rules of the game were interesting.

When a question arises, all teams answer it in order, and only then announce the answer.

That is, the answer can be the same for all.

Glancing at Heitia, she was complacent because of the large number of people in the team.

After discovering Su Yu's gaze, Heidinia showed a contemptuous sneer at Su Yu, and then raised her hand to scratch on her neck and made a throat-cutting motion.

Su Yu was immediately happy, and he didn't know where this mentally disabled mermaid came from.

'Do you really think that more people give you an advantage?' Brother will not play you to death later.

Beside Su Yu, there was a trace of worry in Wan Qingxin's eyes.

She and Su Yu's team was the smallest of the more than twenty teams present.

Other teams have at least 3 people, and Nika and Heidinia's team has as many as 7 people.

That is to say, if they let their subordinates out of the circle, they can have 5 more chances to answer incorrectly.

Obviously, they will have more advantages.

Just when Wan Qingxin secretly regretted that she was too arrogant and did not group more people, Su Yu hugged her a little tighter.

"Don't worry, everything is still with me, and they can't turn over the wind and waves when there are many of them."

"Well, I believe you!"

Wan Qingxin smiled and nodded, and gently snuggled into Su Yu's arms.


The galactic voice sounded again in the hall.

"Please listen to the question: if the pain level is thirteen, the pain level of the bloodthirsty sharp-billed mosquito bite is level 1, and the pain level at childbirth is level 12."

"Excuse me: What is the highest level of thirteenth level pain?"

"The first group has one minute to answer the question, and the next team has to give the answer within three seconds."

The voice of the galaxy fell, and a 3D hourglass appeared in the middle of the hall, flowing fine sand at a uniform speed.

At the same time, Su Yu counted on the right side, and the color of the aperture where the second team was located was a little brighter.

Obviously, they were the first to answer the question.

The first one begins to answer the question without a reference object.

Several men with spikes on their heads, like sea urchins, had black faces and whispered discussions.

"Well, how do we know how painful childbirth is!"

"Does childbirth hurt? I see that those fish can spawn hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands at a time, and I don't see how painful they are?!

"The sand is about to slip through the net, brothers, you should hurry up and give an answer!"

"I think it's better to die, and what hurts more than death, although we haven't died yet."


"When the time comes, please give the answer from the first group."

The four sea urchin men looked at each other, and then one of them took a step forward and shouted,

"Death!" It's time to die! Hearing

this answer, almost everyone in the hall nodded in agreement.

It was the turn of the second team, which were a few people with green scales on their faces.

Three men and one woman, one of whom lay on the ground, as if he had fainted.

The woman took a step forward, "Our answer is to cut off Tintin!" We've done experiments.

Saying that, the woman pointed to her companion on the ground.

"We cut it off and he's fainting now, so that's definitely the right answer!"

Su Yu's eyelids jumped wildly, they were all ruthless.

No wonder they made such a big movement just now, they didn't expect it to be a castration ceremony.

Unexpectedly, the last eunuch beast of Aqua Blue Star would be born in such a way.

After the second group answered, it should be Su Yu's group.

Su Yu gave Wan Qingxin a reassuring look, and then made a hesitant look.

"Is there another possibility? When I was giving birth, I happened to be bitten by a bloodthirsty sharp-billed mosquito, and the twelve levels plus one pain level were exactly thirteen. As

soon as Su Yu's words came out, suddenly the entire hall was instantly quiet and the needle could be heard! ! !

Immediately, the hall erupted into a tsunami of laughter.

Heidia burst into tears, and mocked loudly:

"Hahaha! Princess Ben never imagined that there was a stupid sea beast like you, so you better commit suicide as soon as possible, so as not to spread your stupidity to others.


Although Wan Qingxin also felt that Su Yu's answer was outrageous, she would never allow others to say that Su Yu's was not.

What's more, the person who said it was still Heitia, her enemy.

Wan Qingxin raised her hand to point at Heitinia, and was about to scold angrily, but was pulled back by Su Yu.

"Leave her alone, it's just a jumping beam clown, when she cries later."

Wan Qingxin bit her red lip and didn't say anything more.

Soon, all the teams gave the answer.

The answers they gave were all death and cutting off Tintin, only Su Yu's answer was different.

"Next, announce the correct answer to the first question, and the team that answered correctly is..." Hearing

the deliberately prolonged voice of the galaxy, everyone held their breath, straightened their ears, and waited nervously.

But Wan Qingxin lowered her head, thinking about how to comfort Su Yu and let him not mind.

"Congratulations, members of the third group! Answer correctly!

Everyone's expressions were very exciting, and they looked at Su Yu in disbelief.

How can it be?!

It really fooled that kid?!!

At this time, Wan Qingxin also reacted.

She turned her head to look at Su Yu in surprise, and then hugged his neck excitedly, stood on tiptoe, and kissed the corner of his lips.

"Yu, you are amazing!"

Su Yu put his arm around her soft waist and revealed a bad smile.

"Trust me, in the future, there will be even better!"

At this time, Heidia's sharp voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"It's not fair! I happened to be bitten by a bloodthirsty sharp-billed mosquito while giving birth, what is the answer?! Princess Ben was not convinced! Responding

to her was the cold voice of the Milky Way.

"This is not the place where you can be presumptuous!"

At the same time, a blood-red vine extended from the top of the center of the hall.


The vine slapped Heidia's delicate face fiercely.


Heidinia fell to the ground, half of her face quickly swollen, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth...

Nika raised her hands and held her behind her.

"Sir, I will definitely discipline my sister well, I will not let her run into you again, and please spare her life!"

Heidinia slowly raised her head and looked at Nika's back.

The tingling pain on her face made her eyes flash a cruelty that no one had ever seen before, making people feel fear at a glance.

Since coming here, everyone has been working against her.

Heidia didn't think she had done anything wrong, and Nika didn't even stand on her side when she saw her being bullied.


Heidia hated everyone here, including Nika, her own sister.

Scanning the week, Heidinia took note of everyone's faces.

After leaving here, she must make these people pay the price and make them worse off than dead!!


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