at the same time.

In the North Atlantic, Heidia sneezed violently.


The whip in her hand slammed into the back of a seahorse, and Heidia shouted like a shrew:

"Swim fast for Princess Ben!" If you can't get to the palace in ten minutes, Princess Ben has peeled your skins!"

After cursing angrily, Heidinia sat back down on the gorgeous phoenix chair with a gloomy face.

Remembering the last look Nika looked at her, a trace of remorse flashed under Heidia's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by endless hatred.

"Sister, don't blame me, who let you always press me for everything, don't worry, I will let my father help you take revenge..." The

dozen seahorses pulling the phoenix chair were all stunned after hearing Heidia's whisper.

"You guys... Did you hear anything?

"Nope! No! Second princess, we didn't hear anything. "*14

" is good, speed up!"

"Yes!" *14

Heidia squinted, her gaze sweeping over them one by one, no one knowing what she was thinking at the moment.


The blue sea, rolling in waves.

In the starry sky, countless stars shone brightly, like countless diamonds scattered on the black sky.

The sea and the starry sky converge at this moment, as if it were an invisible portal to the more mysterious and unknown realm of the universe.

[There is a picture here, the sea and the starry sky meet.

As the perspective gradually expands, the starry sky becomes more colorful and colorful, and stars and nebulae of various colors are intertwined, like an infinite stretch of pictures, showing the mystery and infinity of the universe.

At this time, it is not many light-years away from Aquamarine.

In the darkness of the depths of the universe, a brilliant vortex of rose-red suddenly appeared.

Countless starlight and nebulae in the vortex flickered, like a mysterious portal to the unknown universe.

Suddenly, a huge warship flew out of the vortex, like a wormhole.

The figure of the battleship is huge and heavy, and the surface is covered with thick armor plates, like a moving castle.

[There is a picture here, a battleship in the depths of the universe.

In the battleship, there are many humanoid creatures.

"Boss! I've successfully shuttled to the Kagezawa department, but... The previously scanned signal source is gone! Hearing

this, the tall man standing at the front of the battleship's control room frowned tightly.

They are bloodthirsty people in the universe, usually wandering the universe and plundering planets that have been occupied by zombies.

The moment he detected the aura of the supreme treasure, he ordered to open the space jump to shuttle here.

In such a short time, he did not believe that there would be another team of bloodthirsty people who could be faster than them.

But this is just a low-level galaxy, and this mediocre place definitely does not destroy the strength of the supreme treasure.

How could the source of the supreme treasure disappear out of thin air?

The tall man was silent for a while, and ordered: "Search for all the living planets of the Shadow Ze system, even if it violates the rules of the universe, you must find the supreme treasure!" "


With the tall man's order, the huge battleship flew out of the vortex and immediately accelerated forward, leaving a golden trail.

It was like a shooting star, cutting through the darkness of the universe.

Behind it, the vortex gradually disappeared, as if it were a short-lived illusion.

The other side.

The Galaxy has arrived over the Kyoto base.

Old man Leng, Li DaoChang, Father Feng Lin's husband and wife, plus a small monkey, were standing in the square of the military base waiting.

A large number of soldiers around were dressed in combat uniforms, holding various weapons, and had serious expressions.


The Galaxy slowly landed into the clearing.

"Whoosh!" With the sound of air pressure released, the door of the Galaxy slowly opened.

As soon as Su Yu stepped out, he heard a loud drink.



All the soldiers present gave a standard military salute.

Su Yu was slightly stunned, not knowing what old man Leng was doing, but he also subconsciously gave a military salute to show his respect.

At this time, a hearty laugh came.

"Hahaha! Su Yu, you kid can be counted back!


, it's nothing, it's just that they know that you sank the little cherry blossom and spontaneously came to pay their respects to you."

Su Yu suddenly waved his hand casually and said, "I thought something was wrong, the coldness startled me."

"Haha, you kid can still get scared sometimes?"

Old man Leng patted Su Yu on the shoulder, "However, you kid did a beautiful job in this matter!" At

this time, all the women also walked out and greeted their father.

After talking with Old Master Leng for a few words, Su Yu spoke up: "Old man, we are not going to stay for a long time when we come back this time, you always arrange for manpower to receive those cherry blossom women."

"So urgent? Did you encounter any trouble?

Old man Leng frowned, now he pressed everything on Su Yu.

Dare not to go with Su Yu, that is to live with him and the entire Great Xia Dynasty!

Su Yu waved his hand and said casually: "It's some small miscellaneous fish in the North Pacific, I can solve it myself, you don't have to worry, old man." Subsequently

, Su Yu explained to Yinhe and asked her to release the cherry blossom woman one after another.

Old man Leng also recruited a group of warriors and arranged these women.

After arranging the handover, Su Yu greeted Old Master Leng and his group:

"Old man, Uncle Feng, Uncle Lin, and Qianxue have already prepared meals, let's go in and talk while eating."

Li DaoChang saw that Su Yu was greeted by everyone, but he did not greet himself, and his slender eyebrows couldn't help but tremble.

"Hey, you're a bastard, did you mean to forget me."

Su Yu had a smile in his eyes, he did it on purpose, who let this stinky Taoist calculate him in the first place.

At this time, the little monkey who was chirping with Li Jingyi suddenly turned his head.

Su Yu is her boss, and she will think of her good person when she has wine.

This stinky Taoist priest dared to talk to Boss Su Yu like this, it was simply a lantern in the toilet, looking for!

The little monkey's figure flashed and rushed to Su Yu's body.

After seeing the little monkey, Chief Li Dao's neck shrank sharply, and then he looked at his granddaughter and rolled his eyes.

He didn't believe it, in front of his granddaughter, this little monkey dared to beat him!

Immediately, Chief Li became angry.

"Hmph! Dead monkey, what do you want to do! Seeing

that the little monkey didn't mean to beat him, Li Dao's chubby face immediately hung a mean smile.

"Hehe, don't dare to hit me, I'm standing here, you move me like a ha!"

In the next second, the little monkey moved.

A brisk stride rushed to the front and back of Li Dao's body, his tail curled, and his hands were tied.

"Hey... Hehe..." Chief

Li Daolong let out a few strange laughs on the side, with a grievance expression on his face.

"You this... If you don't hit in the face, you have to no. "


Irons, here is a deep analysis of the two sisters of the mermaid.

To be honest, I didn't understand what was wrong with the plot of the mermaid sisters.

After yesterday's chapter came out, the book review had several more two-star bad reviews.

If I just read the bad reviews in front of me, I usually smile and smile, but seeing those few, seriously, is a little uncomfortable.

For the character of Nikka, if I had accepted it, I would not have written about her encounters.

She is a tragic figure.

Can you say she's bad?

Ask yourself, how many people can do it to the point of her for family affection.

She had to suffer in place of her sister because she herself understood that she was also an accomplice, and she was willing to accept punishment.

Otherwise, when using B-level defensive equipment against her sister, she can use it on herself, stop in front of her sister, and then escape with her sister.

Isn't that obvious?

She had no intention of running away at all, and was willing to stay and bear everything.

At the same time, she chooses to save her sister.

There is also foreshadowing in front, my sister was not like this when she was young, and she was also very kind and simple.

She wanted to redeem in this way.

I can't understand these things without writing them in the text?



The tears of mermaids are very important, now known, and have attracted the attention of some powerful people in the universe.

In addition, this thing is also the key for Yi Yao to obtain his own body.

As for why her sister Heidia ran away, there should be enough foreshadowing made by Coke, they are royal princesses, and some high-level equipment in their hands will not be obtrusive.

Now she is only running away temporarily, not to say that she will not kill, but also needs her to lead out of the Atlantis continent.

So I wondered where some people got so angry.

There are so many words, but it is very uncomfortable to be suddenly disunderstood by old readers like this.

And thank you to the irons who have always supported me!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, brothers!

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