Chapter 10 This year ~ I just turned eighteen ~


After two loud noises.

Half of the stairs below the tenth floor were blown down.

There were about seven or eight zombies located in the center of the explosion, which were directly blown into a pile of minced meat on the spot.

The remaining zombies were also blown up by the strong shock wave, missing arms and legs, and were lying on the ground twitching continuously.

The undead general who was massacring the survivors in the room was also attracted by the explosion, walked into the stairwell, raised his head and looked upward.

It’s not just the undead generals.

The panicked survivors who were hiding at home, as well as the seven or eight survivors who ran to the top floor, were also attracted by the explosion.

Especially the survivors hiding on the top floor ran into the stairwell with curiosity and looked downstairs to observe.

"Who is this person? He looks so fierce!"

"Could his awakened natural ability be able to summon grenades? Are we saved then?"

"With him at the bottom, at least we are safe for the time being."

"Huh? He looks familiar to me. He looks like Qin Hao who lives on the 18th floor, but his face is covered by a band-aid, so I can't see clearly."

"It's him. I heard that he has become very lonely since his parents died in a car accident..."

"Shh! Stop talking!"

One of them saw Qin Hao raising his head and looking over, and quickly reached out to stop the people who were talking around him.

Qin Hao just glanced at the people hiding on the top floor, but did not speak.

The continuous explosions just now caused his ears to buzz briefly, and he rubbed them with his hands for a full minute or two before he recovered.

This also made him afraid to continue throwing explosive grenades down.

After all, in this narrow stairwell, sound waves and air waves are directed towards the upper floors.

Qin Hao didn't know whether he could carry the zombies, but his ears were almost unable to bear them anyway.

Besides, part of the stairs below had been blown off.

Zombies shouldn't be able to climb up either.

So it is temporarily safe.

The last two explosions killed eight zombies, providing him with 8 honor points and activating the honor system.

"It's quite fun to blast zombies with grenades, but it's a bit hard on your ears. Maybe you should get an ear hat to wear." After muttering, Qin Hao rubbed his ears with his hands and walked out of the stairwell, heading towards Zhao Zifeng's home. go.

"Did you throw the grenade just now?"

Zhao Zifeng, who was standing at the door, asked curiously after seeing Qin Hao coming out of the stairwell.

"What did you just say? My ears are ringing and I can't hear you clearly." Qin Hao pointed to his ears to indicate that he couldn't hear clearly now.

"Did you make the explosion just now?" Zhao Zifeng looked at Qin Hao walking by and asked loudly, and made an explosion gesture with his hands.

"What? I can't hear what you said clearly."

Qin Hao was too lazy to answer her question and waved directly to her, then walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Then you should rest for a while."

Seeing that Qin Hao was unwilling to pay attention to him, Zhao Zifeng naturally stopped asking for trouble and turned around and walked towards his bedroom.

In fact, even without asking, she knew that the explosion just now was caused by Qin Hao, and she just wanted to get a positive answer.

"Why are you like a curious baby who wants to ask questions clearly?"

Seeing Zhao Zifeng walk into the bedroom and slam the door shut, Qin Hao muttered in his heart with a speechless expression.

Then, he leaned on the sofa and opened the honor system interface he had just unlocked.

As always, the style is simple.

【Honor System】

[Honor value: 15 points]

[Honour Level: None]

[After the honor value reaches 100 points, the honor level can be upgraded to black iron level]

"Black Iron Level? How come this Glory Level is the same as the qualifying level in a certain game in the previous life." After muttering something, Qin Hao turned off the system interface.

At this moment, a strange idea suddenly came to his mind.

There won't be lottery or collection of fragments in the unlocked Honor Mall, right?

If that's the case, that's really outrageous!

"No! It shouldn't be!"

After shivering violently, Qin Hao stood up from the sofa and walked towards the balcony.

The rain outside has stopped.

A white sun appeared in the sky, which looked a little distorted, as if it was a fake sun.

Qin Hao lowered his head and looked into the courtyard of the community, and found that the zombies had walked out of his unit. Under the leadership of the terrifying undead general, a large group of zombies moved towards the unit next door. Run.

Qin Hao was not the only one to see this situation.

In the surrounding buildings, many people stood at the windows and saw it.

The people in the second unit had already begun to panic. They stood by the window and kept shouting outside, asking for help.

"Help! I am willing to give my life to anyone who comes to rescue me." A beautiful-looking long-haired woman who lived on the second floor of the second unit stood by the window and kept shouting, her voice became hoarse, beautiful His face was full of despair.

In the silence of everyone, Qin Hao heard a man's voice from a layer below him.

"Beauty, run to the top floor. You can survive at least a little longer if you run to the top floor. If there is a powerful person with super powers in your unit, you will be saved!"

This sentence instantly caused a chain reaction, and several people followed suit.

"Yes, beauty, just now a powerful boss came out of our unit. He threw three grenades and broke the stairs, so that the zombies couldn't get up."

"Damn! That hero is so powerful? He even has grenades. Is it a natural ability?"

"Boss who throws grenades, are you there? I want to be your little brother, please accept me"

"Boss, don't accept him, accept me, I can warm the bed and cry."

"Then you are not as good as me, I eat less, but I can still do it, boss, choose me!"

"I'm not gay!" Listening to the increasingly outrageous words outside the window, Qin Hao shouted out of the window with a black face.

"That's a pity!" Just when everyone fell into silence.

A woman suddenly shouted loudly.

"Boss, choose me. I'm a woman. I just turned 18 this year. I have big breasts, a thin waist, and a nice butt. I'm 36D. Is that okay?"

Hearing this, countless men sighed in their hearts.

Why am I not a 36D who just turned 18, with big breasts and a nice butt.

"What do you think of an 18-year-old 36D? Are you tempted?" Zhao Zifeng, who had just walked out of the bedroom, came to Qin Hao and asked with a smile.

"Too big, I can't handle it."

Qin Hao spread his hands to her with a smirk, and subconsciously glanced at her pair of perky peaks hidden under a high-necked tight sweater.

"I don't have 36D here."

Zhao Zifeng winked at Qin Hao mischievously, then pointed to the zombies downstairs and asked.

"What should we do next?

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