"Qin Hao, do you think the government can really turn the tide and save everyone?" Zhao Zifeng glanced at the news on the district channel, stretched out his hand and tugged on Qin Hao's sleeve, and asked expectantly.

Qin Hao, who was squatting on the ground to check the damage to the door lock, heard Zhao Zifeng's words, raised his head and looked at her and said, "I saw the news just now. To be honest, I don't have much hope."

"Okay~" Zhao Zifeng curled her lips. She also felt that this matter was a bit unreliable.

This is not to say that officials are lying.

Now that the official has spoken, it will definitely be done in accordance with this goal.


It’s one thing to try hard;

Whether it can be done is another matter!

You must know that this is not just a natural disaster, but someone behind the scenes has directly set up Blue Star into a fighting arena.

The undead are only the first race to appear.

I don’t know which races will appear in the future.

In addition, there are other monsters that are constantly refreshed.

As for humans also awakening their innate abilities?

Please, anyone who is not stupid understands what is going on.

To put it bluntly, I just want to give you some hope first.

Just like when the slaves in the Colosseum were fighting tigers, the nobles who were watching would always give them some swords, guns and sticks to make the game more interesting.

Now humans are slaves in the Colosseum. They need to constantly fight, fight, and fight again before they can survive.

Looking at Zhao Zifeng who curled his lips and looked disappointed, Qin Hao stood up, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and comforted:

"Okay, stop looking pitiful. This is actually not a dead end."

"Why is it not considered a dead end?" Zhao Zifeng's cute face showed a trace of doubt.

Qin Hao squatted down, trying to repair the door lock, and said:

"Think about it, since the masterminds behind the scenes have unlocked our genetic shackles, it proves that they don't want us to be wiped out in one wave."

"Suppose that the masterminds behind the scenes are a group of high-latitude life forms. They are setting up a huge gambling game on which race can win in the great chaos."

"This lock can't be repaired, go and have a look next door." Qin Hao looked at the completely broken lock cylinder in his hand, sighed, then turned and walked towards the next door.

As he walked, he said:

"Theoretically speaking, the mastermind behind the scenes will not let humans be eliminated in the first game. As for why, I will slowly figure it out myself."

"I don't want to, I can't figure it out." Zhao Zifeng simply shook his head.

"In short, this is a situation where you can put yourself to death and survive."

Qin Hao added while checking the lock of the security door:

"But the mastermind behind the scenes will definitely not let mankind unite, otherwise he will set the camp to be the Blue Star human race instead of their respective races."

"In short, I just want to give you a glimmer of hope, but keep it under control."

Zhao Zifeng tilted his head and thought for a while, then said with a sad face, "So, we are now the playthings of a group of high-dimensional creatures?"

"You can think so." Qin Hao raised his head, looked at her seriously and nodded.

Then, he began to repair the door lock in front of him.

Zhao Zifeng fell into deep thought after hearing Qin Hao's words.

A few minutes later.

Qin Hao fixed the lock door.

He stood up and pulled Zhao Zifeng, who was deep in thought, with his hand.

"Why are you crying, what are you thinking about?"

"I don't want to be used as a plaything." Zhao Zifeng pouted, looking like he was about to cry.

"Oh~ That's not appropriate. In fact, I just made random guesses." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Hmph~ You're annoying!" Zhao Zifeng raised his hand and hit him lightly with a look of feigned anger.

Then he looked at the security door in front of him.

"Has the door lock been repaired?"

After Qin Hao tried the door lock with his hand, he looked at her and said, "It should be fine. Let's go in and have a look."

"Oh ~ then this one?" Zhao Zifeng raised his hand to straighten his ponytail and looked at Qin Hao and asked.

"Go in first and look for the key."

While talking, Qin Hao walked directly into the room, followed closely by Zhao Zifeng.

The house was in a mess, with messy things scattered everywhere. It must have been rummaged through.

There was a large blood stain on the floor of the living room.

There was also a large blood stain on the floor of one of the bedrooms.

But no bodies were seen.

After some inspection.

Qin Hao found a bunch of keys in the bedside table of the master bedroom. After trying it out, he found that one of them was the key to the security door.

As soon as he locked the security door, Zhao Zifeng walked over with a disappointed look on his face.

"Qin Hao, this place has been turned over. There is no food, no valuables, not even a piece of auntie towel!"

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What? Auntie is coming soon?"

"What do you think? Huh~" Zhao Zifeng rolled his eyes at Qin Hao with an annoyed look on his face, and then angrily walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Why are you still angry?" Qin Hao walked around the blood on the ground, walked to sit next to her, and asked tentatively.

"How about we drink some hot water?"

"Huh~ drink it yourself." Zhao Zifeng rolled his eyes at him, then turned his head in another direction.

"Then I have no choice. I don't have a scarf now." Qin Hao spread his hands helplessly, and then glanced at the watch on Zhao Zifeng's wrist.

Around four fifty.

"Hmph! Who asked you for a towel? I...eh? Something happened." Halfway through his words, Zhao Zifeng's expression suddenly changed.

He said seriously:

"There is important news in the nearby people's channel. Some people say that new monsters and undead have appeared outside."

As she spoke, her big eyes kept staring in front of her, as if she was browsing the news on nearby people's channels.

"Someone also broke the news that killing monsters and undead above D level has a chance of dropping various treasure chests and a white crystal the size of a fist."

"But it didn't say what effect this white crystal has."

"Now many people who think they are capable are going out to hunt monsters and undead." Zhao Zifeng looked at Qin Hao with excitement and asked, "Should we also hunt monsters and undead?"

"Of course I'm going." As he spoke, Qin Hao was already walking towards the balcony.

From the third floor, you can already clearly see the situation downstairs.

It's not dark outside yet.

In the small square.

A group of people were fighting an undead knight, led by a middle-aged man holding a huge warhammer.

There are also some people in other directions, gathering together in twos and threes to fight the spawned monsters.

"Huh? These zombies seem to be different from the stupid ones before." Qin Hao suddenly found a loli zombie wearing Lolita standing downstairs, looking up at him.

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