Doomsday: If I draw ten times every day, I will be invincible!

Chapter 41 Human nature gradually losing control (please read)

"Isn't this the weakling scarecrow in the game?" Qin Hao was slightly stunned when he saw the staggering scarecrow, then he raised his hand and threw out a small fireball.


Almost instantly.

The scarecrow hit by the small fireball started to burn.

Ten seconds later.

It turned directly into a ball of flying ash and floated into the sky.

[Successfully killed the F-level scarecrow! Gained 0.2 honor points. ]

"No? This thing is actually F-level? It's only worth 0.2 honor points?" Looking at the flying ash floating in the sky, Qin Hao was completely speechless.

"Sure enough... weaklings are weaklings, and they are weaklings everywhere!"

After complaining in his heart.

Qin Hao continued to walk towards the town.

When passing a farmland, he watched with his own eyes as more than a dozen scarecrows with sickles in their hands and broken straw hats appeared in it.

After hesitating for a while.

Based on the principle that ant meat is also meat,

he turned around and walked into the farmland.

There was no challenge at all, and he didn't even need to take out his gun. He just stood there and threw a small fireball at each scarecrow.

Then more than a dozen balls of flying ash rose into the sky one after another.

After throwing more than a dozen small fireballs, Qin Hao also came to some conclusions in his mind.

With his current energy and physical strength, he could only throw more than a dozen small fireballs in a row. If he threw more, his mental state would decline.

After thinking all this clearly.

He continued to walk towards the town.

In fact, he was not wandering around meaninglessly, but wanted to find the time and space portal nearby.

I don't know if it's because of the low population density in the town, there are not many monsters refreshed here, and they are not very powerful.

And there are no undead creatures to be seen.

After entering Taihang Town.

The deserted streets are already full of garbage and debris, and occasionally a pool of blood can be seen in them.

The shops on both sides of the street were all closed, and I wonder if anyone was hiding inside.

Three or four days.

It was not enough to completely collapse the social order and completely destroy humanity.

Most people hid at home and secretly watched everything outside, imagining that the government would send troops to destroy the monsters and save everyone.

This is also the most important reason why most people dare not act recklessly.

After all...

Most ordinary people have only awakened some ordinary talents.

Even those who have awakened combat talents are afraid that they will be liquidated by the government one by one after the social order is restored.

After all, even if you can withstand bullets.

You may not be able to withstand the Type 70 rocket launcher.

Even if you can withstand it, it doesn't matter.

There are infantry guns, self-propelled artillery, aircraft tanks, and various types of missiles waiting in line.

There is always one suitable for you.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

There are always some brave, crazy, and vicious people who take the lead.

After all, the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

These people all follow a principle in their hearts.

Today we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, so every second of comfort is a second.

“It’s the end of the world, the world is fighting for hegemony, and we are still waiting for the authorities to save us? This is a big joke!”

Tian Shouyi, 28 years old this year, is a courageous man. He doesn’t believe that the authorities are still able to save everyone.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself!

So, after waiting at home for two or three days, he directly picked up a kitchen knife from the kitchen and walked out of the house.

He had to go out too.

Because there was no surplus food at home.

His wife and children were hungry at home.

After walking out of the alley carefully, he came directly to the door of a small supermarket with a closed door.

“I hope there is no one inside, otherwise don’t blame me for being cruel!” After spitting on the ground, Tian Shouyi gritted his teeth and directly activated his own innate ability.

Strength enhancement.

A huge force instantly poured into his body, making his muscles all over his body swell up.

Tian Shouyi, who had transformed into a devilish muscle man, waved the kitchen knife in his hand and chopped at the rolling door in front of him.


One knife went down.

A crack was cut directly on the rolling door.

"There's hope!"

Tian Shouyi's eyes lit up, and he waved the kitchen knife in his hand again.

One knife after another.

After slashing more than ten times, a big hole was cut on the rolling door, revealing the glass door inside.


Tian Shouyi, who was already a little red-eyed, raised his foot and kicked the glass door inside to pieces.

"Haha~" Looking at the dazzling array of goods in the supermarket, Tian Shouyi showed a hint of crazy laughter on his face, leaned down and got in.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the supermarket.

A woman in her thirties, holding a little girl of seven or eight in her arms, was trembling.

Just when the rolling door was destroyed, she hid in the bedroom with her daughter in her arms.

She did not awaken the innate ability of the combat system, and her daughter did not either.

So, she only had a brand new kitchen knife in her hand.

In endless fear.

In desperation, she posted a message for help through the nearby channel.

[Someone is prying open my door. Can anyone come and save me and my daughter? Please. ]

[Is there any kind-hearted person? Please, the door has been broken open. ]

[The man who broke the door, are you there? Can you just take whatever you want from the house and leave? Please, please]

After sending several messages for help.

No response was received, no one wanted to meddle in other people's business.

Even in the nearby channel of Taihang Town, few people were chatting, and everyone was afraid that they would be targeted.

At this time.

On the first floor of the supermarket.

Tian Shouyi did not read the messages in the nearby channel, he was constantly stuffing all kinds of food into his backpack.

The main reason why he chose this supermarket was that the owner of this supermarket was a helpless widow.

So, he was not afraid.

After filling a full backpack with food, Tian Shouyi glanced at the stairs leading to the second floor.

After struggling in his heart for a while, he finally turned around and walked out the door.

He needed to go home quickly.

After all, his wife and children were still hungry at home.

Not long after Tian Shouyi walked away.

A man in his thirties with shifty eyes sneaked into the supermarket.

This man's name is Jin Jie, and he is a well-known rogue in Taihang Town.

He is also a bachelor.

Before the doomsday, he had always coveted the widow Yang Chunli in the supermarket and wanted to get her.

Just now, after seeing Yang Chunli's distress message in the nearby channel, he instantly became interested.

After rushing over.

He happened to see Tian Shouyi leaving with a full backpack.

After looking around and confirming that there was no one around, he walked directly into the supermarket and spliced ​​the damaged roller shutter door together casually.

"Chunli baby, brother is here, hehe~." With a wretched smile on his face, Jin Jie rubbed his hands and walked to the second floor. When he passed the cashier, he also picked up a box of small umbrellas.

When he just walked into the second floor.

The roller shutter door was gently pulled open, and a burly man wearing camouflage clothes and carrying a rifle walked in.

This man was Ren Tianzhi who came to Taihang Town to inquire about the news.

On the roof of the second floor opposite the supermarket.

Qin Hao held a sniper rifle in his hand and watched everything happening below quietly.

Ren Tianzhi had entered the supermarket for less than a minute.

Tian Shouyi ran out of the alley next to him again, and his backpack had deflated.

"Interesting, is Azhi going to be a hero and save the beauty?" After muttering in his heart, Qin Hao raised the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed at the street a few hundred meters away.

After a light sound of "bang~".

A little demon who had just wandered out of the alley was directly shot in the head.


After pulling the bolt, Qin Hao raised the sniper rifle in his hand again, aimed at another little demon and pulled the trigger.


The poor little demon was shot in the head as soon as it was refreshed.

At this time, there was a sound of fighting in the supermarket, as well as the roar of men and the crying of women.

However, Qin Hao did not pay attention to all this, because he believed that Ren Tianzhi could handle it himself.

After taking a look in the direction of the supermarket.

He raised the sniper rifle in his hand again and looked towards the east of the street.

Just a glance.

His eyes shrank.

In the scope.

A fat zombie with a height of more than four meters and a mace in hand slowly walked out of the alley.

This scene was not only seen by Qin Hao.

Several people hiding in another direction also saw it. These people were Lei Lao Hu's younger brothers.

Please read it, thank you (*︶*)..:*

Thanks to 08a for the 100 starting coins reward, thank you

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