The other side...

"Boss, was that someone from the government?" Zhao Kun asked in confusion.


"Then...will we get into trouble if we kill someone from the government?"

"Yes, but there will be more trouble if we don't kill them."

"Okay, but in this case, we have completely offended the government, so we have to be more careful in the future." Zhong Yuansen said.

"Are you scared?" Yang Bin looked at Zhong Yuansen and Zhao Kun.

"How is it possible? Isn't it just the official? Now is not the past, what's there to be afraid of!"

"That's fine, remember, in the doomsday, strength is respected, as long as we are strong enough, the official will be afraid of us."

"Besides, the official has a lot of things to do now, so it's not necessary to mobilize a large number of troops for Jiang Tianming, unless the official has begun to serve private individuals."

"Brother Bin, what do you mean?" Chen Hao widened his eyes.

"Well, it's strange that Jiang Tianming appeared in Tang Weiwei's team. There are people who need rescue everywhere. How can the official be so idle? But if this is a private act, it's not strange."

"Some people want to cultivate their own private forces."

"Could it be..." The other people also widened their eyes.

"Okay, let's not guess about this matter. In short, be careful."


Yang Bin brought everyone to another commercial district again, and then found the tallest office building and climbed up.

Using the wide field of vision of high-rise buildings to find high-level zombies is the most effective way, and it is also Yang Bin's biggest advantage. This method has been tried and tested.

Not long after, Yang Bin found a fifth-level zombie, and then took everyone to kill it.

Survival base....

When Ma Zhongguo learned that Jiang Tianming was killed, he was furious.

Then he directly issued a wanted order, and pasted the portraits of Yang Bin and others everywhere in the survival base. Anyone who found Yang Bin and others and provided clues could get official crystal rewards.

This time, Yang Bin guessed wrong, and Ma Zhongguo really planned to mobilize troops.

He wanted to let everyone know that even if it was the end of the world, the official was not something anyone could provoke, so he needed to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

As soon as the wanted order was issued, the evolvers with some strength in the entire survival base were excited, thinking about when they could go out and meet that group of people.

Because it shows that if the exact location can be provided, the official will give a fourth-level crystal reward after catching the person.

The fourth-order crystal is something that most of the current evolvers cannot refuse.

On the other side..

Wang Zhenhong's residence.

"Are you sure it's the group of people that Akai mentioned?" Wang Zhenhong looked at the housekeeper below and said.

"Yes, sure, I specifically took the picture to confirm it with the young master." The housekeeper affirmed.

"I didn't expect that this group of guys would offend the official so quickly."

"That's good, let Akai go to the other party tonight and tell them that as long as they join the Wang family, they will be safe."


While Ma Zhongguo was thinking about how to catch Yang Bin and others, Liu Yong was having a headache because of the sixth-order zombies.

He had integrated the team, and each team that went out to perform the mission had at least more than 2,000 people.

Originally thought that this would be fine.

However, just now, a team of 2,000 people was also attacked by zombies.

Although the whole army was not annihilated, it suffered heavy losses because this time, the sixth-order zombies took action.

The scene of the other side ignoring the rain of bullets and rushing into the crowd to kill crazily frightened everyone.

Although Liu Yong did not witness it with his own eyes, he could also feel the helplessness from the surviving soldiers.

Ordinary submachine guns and rifles no longer posed any threat to the other side.

Although high-powered weapons could hurt it, because the other side was too fast and the weapons were too heavy, the effect was also not great.

Liu Yong thought that thermal weapons might gradually become ineffective, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

This made him feel panic.

He knew very well that once thermal weapons failed, the official's unshakable position would change completely.

It was ridiculous that some people still claimed to be official leaders and still wanted to control everything.

Liu Yong sighed, and then took out a crystal..

This crystal was the biggest gain of this battle, a fifth-order crystal.

According to what they had agreed before, high-level crystals needed to be taken out to discuss how to distribute them.

But this time, Liu Yong did not plan to take it out.

Because if it was taken out for distribution, the current high-level political leaders were more important than the military.

The crystal is high. If it is decided by voting, this crystal is likely to fall into the hands of the government.

Those who go out to fight are all military people. The government people are just managing internal affairs in the base. Why do they need such a high-level crystal?

However, Liu Yong did not want to use it himself. This crystal cannot play the greatest role on him.

After thinking about it, Liu Yong put the crystal away and then walked out of the room.

On the other side...

The Xingyu team, led by Yang Bin, kept looking for the fifth-level zombies.

Unfortunately, there are too few fifth-level zombies now. Even if Yang Bin climbed up one high-rise building after another to search, the harvest was still unsatisfactory.

By the evening, only 3 fifth-level zombies were found.

Two were hiding in the room, and one was hiding in the zombie group.

The one in the room was simple, and was directly blocked in the room by several people and killed.

The one in the zombie group wasted a lot of time for them. They killed more than a thousand zombies before killing the other party.

After killing this zombie, it was already dark, so everyone had to go home first.

It was not suitable to kill zombies at night.

Now the street lights outside were basically broken by zombies. It was dark. Zombies could see you, but you couldn't see them. How could you fight them?

Even Yang Bin didn't dare to kill at night unless he could keep his true vision on.

So, as soon as it got dark, everyone went home consciously.

Although the power system had not been completely paralyzed, no one dared to turn on the lights at night, because that was purely to point the direction to the zombies.

But this did not include Yang Bin and his group.

Because there were no zombies in Jinghe Garden, and there were no other buildings around Jinghe Garden, they basically kept the lights on and turned them off when they went to bed.

This time they went out a little far, so as soon as it got dark, everyone hurried home. When they got home, it was completely dark.

Just after returning home and before they started cooking, there was a knock on the door.

Yang Bin shook his head helplessly and motioned to Shouhou to open the door.

"Hey, you didn't bring anything again?" Shouhou was still honest.

"Can you stop thinking about things? This time it's important." Wang Ruikai looked at Shouhou speechlessly.

"You have to bring things no matter how important it is. In our place, if you don't bring things when you visit, you will be beaten out."


"Monkey, let them in." Yang Bin said with a smile.

"Okay, come in, remember to bring things next time."


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