After a long time, Chen Hao finally finished vomiting, and his eyes changed when he looked at Yang Bin..

"Brother Bin, I know you are hungry, but you can't eat everything. That thing was picked out from the head of a zombie. How dare you eat it!?"

Yang Bin smiled and whispered, "This is a good thing. I'll tell you later."

Then he looked at Zhao Kun and the others, but found that they were looking at him with a strange look at this time, and it felt like looking at a monster.

Yang Bin said helplessly, "Is it that serious? Isn't it just eating something to fill your stomach?"

"You...are you really going to become a zombie, otherwise how could you eat everything!" Zhao Kun said in horror.

"You are surprised by what you have seen before. When you are too hungry to bear it, you might even eat human flesh." Yang Bin said.

"How is it possible! Even if I starve to death, I will never eat human flesh." The thin monkey said firmly.

"That's right, we are not as perverted as you!" said Lao Hei.

Yang Bin spread his hands and said, "I hope you will do what you say."

Yang Bin has never eaten human flesh, but he knows very well the feeling of being extremely hungry. At that time, he even fought with wild dogs for a little food.

"Take a break and continue." Yang Bin looked at the few people and said.

"No, I have no strength now. I was already very hungry, and I was exhausted from vomiting just now. I guess I can't even hold a brick now." Lao Hei said weakly while lying on the ground.

"Me too. If I don't eat something, I can't even stand up." The thin monkey said.

Yang Bin shook his head: "Who made you so weak in mental endurance that you vomit all the time?"


Several people stared at Yang Bin with wide eyes, complaining in their hearts: "Isn't it your fault?"

"Yang Bin, let's find a way to get some food first, otherwise we won't have the strength to do it." Zhao Kun smiled bitterly.

Yang Bin nodded. He didn't feel very hungry now, probably because he had just absorbed energy.

However, looking at the looks of the other people, Yang Bin also knew that it was obviously impossible for them to continue to deal with zombies in this state.

"Well, let's go down and find some food. The zombies near the stairs have been almost cleared. There is a dormitory next to the stairs without zombies. Find a way to go into that dormitory to see if there is any food."


Hearing about finding food, the eyes of the others suddenly lit up, as if they suddenly had strength.

"I'll go with Chen Hao, you guys stay up there, too many people will easily attract zombies."

"This..." The other people hesitated, and it was obvious that they were worried that the two of them would eat alone.

"How about I go with you?" Zhao Kun suddenly said.

Yang Bin thought about it and nodded.

Originally, he thought that Chen Hao could be invisible, so it would be safest for him and Chen Hao to go, but now they are two groups, and it is not really appropriate for the two of them to go.

In the end, he decided that he and Zhao Kun would go down to find food together, and the others would stay upstairs and wait.

The two of them carefully came to the staircase on the seventh floor. Yang Bin opened the True Vision Eye and looked around, confirming that there were no zombies in the dormitory, and the zombies in the corridors on both sides were also relatively far apart.

After making a gesture to Zhao Kun, Yang Bin half-crouched and moved step by step to the door of the dormitory. Seeing that the door was open, he decisively went in.

Zhao Kun also imitated Yang Bin and quickly got into the dormitory.

However, his figure was taller than Yang Bindao, and perhaps his movements were too big. Two zombies in the distance looked at this side in confusion, and then staggered towards this side.

After the two came in, Yang Bin locked the door immediately, and then the two began to search inside.

The whole dormitory was in a mess, and there should have been a fight, but the final result was obvious.

After searching for a long time, the two finally found two buckets of instant noodles, a few sausages, and a bag of bread.

"That's all, not enough for me alone." Zhao Kun complained.

"It's good to have it. Who would put too many things in the dormitory." Yang Bin said.

"That's right, then let's go back?"

"Don't worry, find a way to get some weapons. It's too passive without weapons." Yang Bin said.

His steel pipe was almost scrapped, and even the ladder was broken. They didn't even have a weapon to show now.

Although his physical fitness has greatly improved, he believes that he can deal with ordinary zombies even with his bare hands, but if there are more zombies, he really can't do it without weapons.

"Yes, it is indeed troublesome without weapons." Zhao Kun felt deeply


"But I just searched around in this dormitory and didn't see any handy weapons."

"Where did you get that steel pipe?" Yang Bin asked.

"I got it outside before and hid it under the bed. I thought I would use it for fighting, but I didn't fight it. Instead, I used it to fight zombies. The most annoying thing is that I was cheated by someone before I used it a few times." Zhao Kun said resentfully.


"How can you say that you cheated? Don't you think it plays a greater role in my hands than in yours?" Yang Bin said awkwardly.

"It's big, so big that it directly scrapped my steel pipe." Zhao Kun rolled his eyes.

"Otherwise, if the steel pipe is not scrapped, then we will be the ones to be scrapped."


"Forget it, I won't pursue the matter of you cheating me about the steel pipe. This dormitory obviously doesn't have weapons hidden. Where can we get weapons?"

"If there are none, then we can only dismantle the bed."

After Yang Bin finished speaking, he looked at the ladder between the upper and lower bunks. This ladder is made of iron, and the length is just right. If it can be dismantled, then the middle crossbar can be removed, and it will definitely be two excellent iron rods.

"Don't look at it, this thing is welded, and it can't be dismantled without tools." Zhao Kun said.

Yang Bin ignored him and walked over to carefully check the welding points of the ladder.

The ladder is grounded, and the top is welded to the bed frame of the upper bunk. There is an iron pipe below, one end of which is welded to the crossbar of the footrest under the ladder, and the other end is welded to the bed frame of the lower bunk.

In other words, this welding is only to fix the ladder so that it does not move, not to bear force.

Seeing this situation, Yang Bin also had a clue in his mind.

If it was before, he might not be able to do it, but now his physical fitness has greatly improved, it may not be impossible to break it.

Thinking of this, Yang Bin grabbed the ladder leg with both hands, and then pulled it out with all his strength.

Then, in Zhao Kun's stunned eyes, the welding point between the iron pipe and the ladder was directly torn off by Yang Bin.

"Fuck, you guy, have you taken Viagra!?" Zhao Kun said with wide eyes.

"This welding point is only used to fix the ladder and it does not move. It is not welded very firmly. It can be torn apart with a little force." Yang Bin said casually.


Zhao Kun walked to the other bed with doubts, and grabbed the corner of the ladder like Yang Bin, and pulled it out hard. As a result... the ladder did not move at all.

Zhao Kun, who did not believe in evil, pulled it several times in a row, and the ladder was still as stable as a mountain.

"Is this what you said that it can be torn apart with a little force!?" Zhao Kun said speechlessly.

"You are probably really hungry and have no strength left." Yang Bin smiled.

If it was so easy to tear apart, the ladder would have broken long ago.

The lower part of the ladder was torn apart, so the upper part was easy. Yang Bin grabbed the ladder and swung it up and down several times, and the welding point on the upper part soon broke.

Soon, an iron ladder about 1.8 meters long appeared in Yang Bin's hand.

Yang Bin waved it casually for a few times, but it still felt not very smooth, but he could only make do with it for now. He would go up and knock off the horizontal bars in the middle, and there would be two 1.8-meter iron pipes.

"Take it."

Yang Bin handed the ladder to Zhao Kun, and then came to another bed and dismantled the other ladder in the same way.

"If you go up and deal with it like this, there will be four iron pipes." Yang Bin smiled.

At this moment, there was a sudden "bang bang" sound from outside, which scared the two of them.

Yang Bin immediately opened his True Vision Eye and looked over. He saw two zombies outside the door, banging on the dormitory door.

"How could there be zombies coming?" Yang Bin frowned and said, "Did they just see us?"

"I don't know, what should we do now?" Zhao Kun said worriedly.

"What else can we do? Rush out. Otherwise, if they keep banging like this, other zombies will come over soon. Then we won't be able to get out." Yang Bin said seriously.

"Okay!" Zhao Kun nodded.

After so many battles, Zhao Kun, who originally didn't accept Yang Bin, would no longer doubt Yang Bin's words. From the bottom of his heart, he had already recognized Yang Bin's ability.

"I'll lead the way in front, and you follow behind with the things."


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