The two of them were very excited.

In the mountaintop villa, Yang Bin handed two Yaoguang Realm crystals to Hu Wenliang and Zhao Kun.

The two did not act pretentiously and took them with great excitement.

Then the two sat on the ground and swallowed the crystals into their stomachs under the expectant eyes of everyone.

Five minutes later, the two opened their eyes almost at the same time.

"How is it? What superpowers?" Everyone came over eagerly.

Zhao Kun stood up and said helplessly: "Now I finally know how cool it is for the boss to choose his own superpower."

"There are light spots all over the place, and I don't know what each light spot is used for. It all depends on luck."

"Unfortunately, my luck is not very good."

"Then what superpower is it, you tell me."

"It's wind-related, and its function is to increase speed when used."

"Uh...that's it?"


"How much can it increase specifically?" Yang Bin asked.

"I don't know either, I'll go out and try."

After Zhao Kun finished speaking, he walked out, then ran around the top of the mountain and returned to the living room again.

"I felt it, and when I used this superpower, I ran about 20% faster than I usually do." Zhao Kun said helplessly.

"That's not bad. You can run fast and chase people. What's wrong with it?"

"Yes, I think it's good too."

"What's good about it? It's totally incomparable with the boss and Haozi."

"You can't compare with the boss. He chose it by himself, and you were randomly selected. How can you compare? As for Haozi, it's pure luck."


"I think this ability is actually quite suitable for you. Your original ability is not lacking in damage, and it's just right to add acceleration." Yang Bin said.

"I'm more curious about what changes have been made to your original skills."

"Hehe, talking about this makes me more satisfied." Zhao Kun swept away his previous disappointment, and his face was full of excitement.

Then both arms turned into black metal arms, and then, spikes grew on the metal arms.

Zhao Kun clenched his fists and waved them casually a few times, and his face showed satisfaction.

"I feel like I can smash a Yaoguang zombie with one punch now."

Everyone looked at the cold spikes on Zhao Kun's arm and swallowed their saliva.

If you get hit by this thing, you will cry for a long time.

"Not bad, not bad, your damage is off the charts now, and the wind ability can improve your flexibility. The two abilities are a perfect match, so there is no good or bad ability, the one that suits you is the best."

"Boss, now that you say that, this ability is really suitable for me, then I won't be depressed anymore."

"Well, Liangzi, what about yours?"

"My original healing ability has changed a lot, and now I can help you heal without touching you."

After Hu Wenliang finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a white light fell on Lao Hei's shoulder, and the claw mark on Lao Hei's shoulder slowly disappeared in front of everyone.

Both the healing speed and the healing effect have been improved a lot.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes lit up.

This is great, I don't have to get goose bumps all over my body when he touches me anymore.

"Great, if this is the case, can you treat everyone during the battle?"

"Yes, but I still need to explore. I am not sure how much energy is needed for different degrees of injuries."

"It's okay, we will find out slowly. If it doesn't work, pull Lao Hei as a test subject." Yang Bin smiled.

"Why me?"

"Because you are the weakest now."


"What is the new ability?" Yang Bin asked.

"The new ability is not very strong, but it is okay. Finally, I have some means of attack." Hu Wenliang smiled.

Then he waved his hand, and a black light fell on the stone slab outside, and then everyone saw a hole shot through the stone slab.

"Dark system?" Yang Bin asked.

"Yeah, the dark light of the dark system."

"Not bad, it has strong penetrating power."

"I also think that it should be able to penetrate the head of the Yaoguang Realm zombie, but the consumption is a bit high."

"It's okay, use it as a trump card."


"Haha, now our Xingyun team has completely risen. With four Yaoguang Realms, who dares to challenge us!"

"Don't be proud, have you forgotten how we got here?"


"I get upset when I talk about this, Brother Bin, when are we going to take care of the Wang family and that

What Mayor Ma is dead!" said the skinny monkey angrily.

"When the three of you also reach Yaoguang Realm, it will be almost done. Some accounts should be settled."

"The Wang family is fine, but Mayor Ma represents the official. If we kill him, will it...?" Zhong Yuansen said worriedly.

Yang Bin glanced at him, and then said seriously: "Asen, you have been a member of the Star Meteorite Team for quite a while. I hope you remember that since you are a member of the Star Meteorite Team, you should not be timid when doing things. Members of the Star Meteorite Team do not need to be afraid of anyone!"

"Yes." Zhong Yuansen nodded.

"Okay, we have gained a lot today. I won't go out in the afternoon. Have a good rest. I will go to cook some good dishes. Haozi, go get a few bottles of wine from the cellar and we will celebrate."

"Okay. "

On the other side...

Official survival base.

Ma Zhongguo was enjoying the secretary's oral service in the office.

Just then, the office door was suddenly knocked, startling the two.

The secretary quickly stood up, picked up the documents and stood aside, while Ma Zhongguo quickly tidied his clothes and then spoke.

"Come in."

Soon, a soldier walked in.

"Report to the mayor, we have found out everything you asked us to investigate."

"Tell me."

"Captain Zhao Hu led the 1st and 3rd regiments to the large armed tribe in Minghu District and has established a base."

"Tang Weiwei left Xingcheng with the team and is currently missing."

"As for the team you are focusing on, except for the older one, everyone else is a student of Zhongxiang College."

"Captain Yang Bin should have reached the sixth level of evolution, and the others are all fifth level. Among them, Yang Bin should be a teleportation type mutant. There is also an invisibility type special mutant and an earth element mutant in the team. ”

“Seven people, three of them are superpowers. No wonder they can reach this level in less than a month in the end of the world.”

“And we were lucky. We just happened to pick up a sixth-level zombie that was beaten by Liu Yong.” Ma Zhongguo tapped his fingers on the table.

“Have you found out where they are now?”

“We found out. Their team is currently living in a villa on the top of Xingyue Mountain.”

“Haha, they are quite good at enjoying themselves.”

“Notify Wang Zhenhong. We will provide weapons and they will provide people. This time, we can’t let them run away again!”


“By the way, how is the matter of the sixth-level zombie?”

“This morning, Captain Xiao found a sixth-level zombie in Yuelian Community. Minister Jiang has already gone to support it with heavy weapons and a group of fifth-level evolvers.”

“Well, we must obtain the sixth-level crystal as soon as possible!”


“Okay, you can go down.”


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