On Minghua Avenue, a car was driving fast in an S-shaped posture.

This road has been cleared by the military several times, and there are not many zombies on the road, so it is still smooth.

But on such a smooth road, this car feels like it is full of roadblocks.

The key is that the car can still keep from turning over and still run fast despite the swaying left and right.

This is naturally attributed to the strong ability of the driver!

In fact, after having the experience once, Yang Bin drove quite well at the beginning.

But because the speed was a bit fast, the direction was turned sharply when avoiding an obstacle, and then the car never got back on track, basically driving in an S-shaped posture.

But Yang Bin relied on his extraordinary vision and the strong reaction ability of a Yaoguang Realm expert to prevent the car from turning over.

Anyway, he would turn the steering wheel in the direction the car was leaning, but he couldn't control the force every time, causing the car to never get back on track.

Despite this, Yang Bin drove very hard. He actually liked driving very much, but he was too poor before the end of the world to buy a car. Now he finally got his wish.

It was just that the two people in the back row suffered.

Especially the light-type supernatural person, because he didn't wear a seat belt, except for sitting in the seat at the beginning, he basically didn't sit in the seat afterwards. The whole person was in a semi-floating state, bumping here and there.

"Brother... I regret it, I really regret it, or let's walk." At this time, the light-type supernatural person was numb.

Because he lost a right hand, he wanted to stabilize his body, but he couldn't stabilize it, so he could only drift with the car.

Chen Hao did not reply to him. At this time, he held the seat belt with one hand and the door handle with the other, ready to jump out of the car at any time.

But surprisingly, under this situation, the car drove more than ten kilometers, and finally in a sharp turn, the car successfully flipped several times in the air and hit the ground hard.

At the moment the car flipped over, Yang Bin teleported out of the car.

Similarly, Chen Hao unbuckled the seat belt at the first time, opened the door and jumped out of the car quickly.

In the end, only the light-type mutant silently endured all this.

After a long time, the two lifted the car and pulled the light-type mutant out at the same time.

At this moment, the light-type mutant collapsed.

Although the injuries on his body were nothing to a fifth-level evolver, the psychological damage could not be made up in a short time.

"Brother... let's walk. I'll walk by myself. You don't need to carry me. I won't run away. It's too damn torturous."

"Wouldn't it be better if you did this earlier? Why do you have to take a car when there's a good road?" Chen Hao complained.

If this guy hadn't brought it up, Brother Bin might not have thought about driving.

He was also terrified along the way.

Although he, who was in the Yaoguang realm, couldn't cause any harm to him even if he really flipped over, this thing was an instinctive fear.

Yang Bin ignored the two people's complaints, but carefully summarized the mistakes just now.

This is one of his habits. After failure, he would summarize the reasons for failure.

"The turn was too sharp. Pay attention next time." Yang Bin said seriously.

"Brother Bin... you don't want to drive again, do you?" Chen Hao said with wide eyes.

"Forget it today. We have to take the small road. This road is not well cleaned and it's not easy to drive. Let's do it next time."

"There are still more than ten kilometers. We can just run over it."

Hearing Yang Bin's words, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Yang Bin took out the sack from the trunk, and the group ran towards the armed forces again.

This time, the light-type mutant was indeed more cooperative, and Chen Hao didn't need to carry him, and he took the initiative to follow the two.

The two were naturally happy about this, anyway, this guy couldn't escape from the two.

Yang Bin avoided almost all the zombies he encountered along the way, and killed them if he couldn't avoid them.

In fact, there are very few scattered zombies now. Most of the zombies will be summoned by nearby high-level zombies and then gathered at a certain location. There are not many zombies on the road.

This gives many people an illusion that there are fewer zombies now.

In fact, the zombies now are in groups, which is even more terrifying.

Yang Bin has the Eye of True Vision, so large numbers of zombies are basically avoided in advance.

The three ran for another half an hour and finally saw a large base.

This was the former armed forces department, and now it has been transformed into a base.

Although this base is not as strong as the base on Ma Zhongguo's side, the number of people has also increased.

There are already 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Obviously, the development of the military is not slow.

The gate of the military base was open, and there were four soldiers standing upright at the gate.

Yang Bin thought about it, and then said to Chen Hao: "You take him here for a while, I'll go in and take a look."

"Okay." Chen Hao nodded.

Then, Yang Bin walked directly to the gate of the base.

Several soldiers guarding the door soon found Yang Bin, and one of them walked quickly to Yang Bin.

"Are you a survivor who came here to take refuge?"

"Yes." Yang Bin nodded.

Since he came, he also planned to go into this base to take a look.

He believed that the military base would not be the same as Ma Zhongguo's, and he wanted to see if there was anything he could learn from.

He also planned to build a base, and it was always good to see more.

"Then please come here to register your information."

After the soldier said that, he took Yang Bin to a table in front and then took out a form for him.

Yang Bin looked at the form, which contained some personal information, as well as where he lived before the end of the world, whether he was an evolver, and if so, what level he was, etc.

Yang Bin filled it out casually and handed the form to the other party.

The other party took the form and walked into the base.

After a while, he came out again.

"Okay, go in, someone will receive you inside."


Yang Bin nodded, and then walked directly into the base.

Soon, a soldier walked towards Yang Bin with the form Yang Bin had just filled out.

"Hello, you are Yang Bin, right?"


"Please follow me."

Then, the soldier took Yang Bin to a group of houses.

Along the way, Yang Bin carefully observed the people in the base. Because this base was just established not long ago, most people were still engaged in construction, and basically all of them were men.

Women and the elderly were doing needlework in the room. Judging from their status, they were not living badly, at least they could eat enough.

Many children can be seen playing outside, which shows that the military is completely different from Ma Zhongguo.

"Okay, you will live here from now on." The soldier took them to the door of a house and said.

This house has only one room, a kitchen and a bathroom, and the facilities are quite complete.

"Tomorrow morning, go to the central management office of the base to make a record, and then you can receive a week's worth of rice and pasta."

"You are an evolver, you can apply to join the combat team, follow the main force to kill zombies, and get a crystal you need every day."

"Every day?"

"Well, as long as the fourth-level and lower evolvers join the combat force, they will get at least one crystal of the same level every day. If they perform well, they may get two crystals."

"For the fifth-level evolvers, it depends on their performance. It is possible to get one crystal every two days or three days. After all, the fifth-level crystals are relatively rare."

"Of course, the fifth-level evolvers can also choose to get low-level crystals, which can get one or two crystals almost every day."

"This treatment is not bad."

"Well, so I suggest you join the combat force. Although it is dangerous, it is actually much less dangerous to follow the main force."

"Okay, I understand."

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