The dead body was buried in the river.

At this moment, Zheng Yan, who was beside Deng Changlin, only felt his calves trembling.

He felt like he had walked through the gates of hell.

If it weren't for Deng Changlin, perhaps he would have become one of the ashes underground at this moment.

"Minister Deng... Thank you!" Zheng Yan thanked sincerely.

Deng Changlin nodded and said nothing.

He didn't expect the other party to be so decisive and directly wiped out all of them.

He originally wanted to wait until they killed the wild wolf to see if there was any way to plead for others.

Now it seems that there is no need.

Yang Bin and others seemed to have done something insignificant, and even their expressions did not change.

"Minister Deng, we'll go back first."

After saying that, Yang Bin led everyone to their residence.

The onlookers in front of them retreated to both sides and made way.

Until Yang Bin and others disappeared from sight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that when they were there, they didn't even dare to breathe.

At this moment, everyone understood why these people killed people in the base, but the military didn't do anything to them, and even the commander was polite to them.

It's all because of strength.

Such strength is enough to break any rules.

In the crowd, Zhang Tingshan, the captain of the Zhenshan team, was also shaking at this time.

He was the first to approach Yang Bin and others in the base, and he was the one who told the information of Yang Bin and others to the Wild Wolf Team.

Originally, he was thinking of pulling these people into his team, but he didn't expect that the strength of this group of people was so outrageous.

At this time, his heart was also full of fear. If the other party held them accountable, their team would also be finished.

What happened here spread quickly in the base.

Most people didn't believe it when they first heard it, but so many people saw it with their own eyes.

Moreover, even the military issued a ban, strictly prohibiting any force from offending them.

Now, everyone had to believe it.

In addition to the military, there were hundreds of thousands of evolvers in the base.

Going out to hunt zombies or search for supplies, a single evolver would definitely not be able to do it.

So many teams were derived.

These teams are strong and weak, and the strength gap is huge.

However, at this moment, whether it is a strong team or a weak team, they all called back everyone in the team and held an emergency meeting.

The content of the meeting was very unified, all asking the people below to open their eyes and never offend these people.

From the annihilation of the Wild Wolf Team, it can be seen that this group of people is more terrifying than the military.

If you offend the military, you will be shot at most.

But if you offend these people, the whole team will be buried with them. Who wouldn't be afraid?

While everyone in the base was in a panic because of them, Yang Bin and others had already returned to their own residence.

This time, they exchanged 200,000 first-level crystals from the military, so they don't have to worry about the crystal problem in the short term.

Their base is an elite route, and quality is more important than quantity.

Moreover, it is still difficult for them to develop a population of hundreds of thousands, so these crystals are enough for them for a long time.

"I still have to go back and give these crystals to Sijie." Yang Bin said secretly.

This thing is useless in his hands, and he doesn't care about it.

"Let's talk about it after Liangzi's parents are found."

Yang Bin put the crystals into the space ring, and then prepared to make something delicious.

At this moment, the door was knocked.

The skinny monkey ran to open the door immediately.

Seeing two soldiers in military uniforms standing upright at the door, the skinny monkey was embarrassed to ask for a door-to-door gift for a while.

The two soldiers saluted everyone, and then looked at Yang Bin and said.

"Captain Yang, Minister Song has arranged a new place for you to live. He asked us to come and help you move. Do you need to go?"

Yang Bin looked at the house and nodded.

This place is indeed a bit crowded. There are four bedrooms and a living room. Normally, two people in the eight of them can live in one room.

But there is Lin Yifei in their team. She has one room for herself, and the other seven have three rooms. It's a bit crowded.

Originally, it doesn't matter if it's the end of the world, but since there is a better place, why should we wrong ourselves?

Afterwards, everyone packed up casually and followed the two soldiers to the new residence.

Yang Bin now has a general idea of ​​the situation of some of the top leaders of the base.

Generally, there is one division, one army and two ministers.

The first division is Commander Xiao Zhan, who is in charge of the base.

All operations.

The first army is the army commander Sun Lei, who is mainly responsible for combat, managing soldiers and reserve forces.

The two ministers are Deng Changlin and Song Liangping.

Deng Changlin is responsible for managing the evolvers in the base, and Song Liangping is responsible for managing daily chores and ordinary survivors in the base.

Of course, this is the highest level, and there are many branch management levels below.

A group of people walked all the way to the center of the base.

Many people saw them along the way and avoided them, fearing that they would offend them.

After a while, everyone came to a villa.

Even in such a base, there are still different areas.

"Captain Yang, this is the new residence arranged by Minister Song for you. You will live here in the future." A soldier said, with some envy in his eyes.

Obviously, those who can live here are all top-level people in the base.

Yang Bin and others looked at the villa in front of them with satisfaction.

Compared with the previous four bedrooms and one living room, this villa is much better.

Sure enough, after showing strong strength, the treatment is different.

"If I had known, I would have filled in the eighth level when I came in directly." Yang Bin thought to himself.

But just think about it, it is stupid to expose your strength when you don't know the situation of the base.

Although he doesn't think that anyone will pose a threat to them at this stage.

But there are always people who are better than you, and it is necessary to be cautious.

There are more than one billion people in China. Even if 90% of them become zombies or die at the hands of zombies, there are still more than 100 million survivors.

No one knows how many superpowers there are among them.

They have their own growth path, and others will also have their own opportunities.

There are thousands of superpowers, and there will always be some particularly powerful superpowers who are ahead of others.

Especially the army, they have too many advantages in the early stage. If there are powerful superpowers among them, their strength will definitely be very strong.

Not to mention other things, Yang Bin found an eighth-level superpower in this base, and his strength is very good.

This base is like this, let alone the base in Beijing.

And they have already started to study crystals and energy.

With so many high-end talents in Beijing, it may not take long for them to research ways to improve their strength.

Therefore, at any time, you must leave yourself some room.

Of course, with their strength, they don’t need to suppress themselves too much. They should kill when they should. Even if someone can threaten them, no one dares to take action at will. This is Yang Bin’s confidence!

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