On the other side...

Yang Bin and his companions started their journey to find special zombies again.

There are many people in the school, so there are naturally many zombies. Zombies can be seen almost every time they walk.

Not long after, Yang Bin saw a special zombie again.

"Did you see that group of zombies? There is a special zombie among them." Yang Bin pointed to a group of zombies wandering on the grass not far away.

There are more than 20 zombies in this group. They should have been attracted here by the broadcast, but the loudspeaker on the grass has been destroyed by them.

"More than 20, it's a bit troublesome." Chen Hao frowned.

"Well, the main reason is that there are several waves of zombies nearby. If it takes too long, it will be easy to attract them all."

"Do we still need to kill them?" Hu Wenliang said.

"We must kill them. It's not that easy to find special zombies."

"Haozi, try to lure some of them away. If there are fewer zombies, it will be much easier to fight."

"Okay, I'll try."

Chen Hao turned invisible and slowly approached.

After approaching a group of zombies, he took out a few stones and threw them near a group of zombies.

However, this trick worked well in the dormitory, but it was useless on the grass.

The stones didn't make any sound when they fell on the grass, so they naturally couldn't attract zombies.

After trying many times in a row, it didn't work, and finally he had to walk back helplessly.

"I can't lure them away." Chen Hao said a little embarrassed.

"It seems that I can only kill them by force." Yang Bin said helplessly.

"No hurry, maybe let me try the assassination method I researched first!" Chen Hao suddenly said.

"Assassination method? What's that?" Yang Bin asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, let me rest for a while and replenish my energy." Chen Hao smiled and didn't say it.

"Okay, I look forward to your performance." Yang Bin said with a smile.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Hao stood up.

"Okay, I'm going. Don't rush to go up. Wait for my news."

"Is it reliable? If not, don't be stubborn." Yang Bin said.

"Don't worry, I have simulated it countless times in my mind."

"Okay, be careful." Yang Bin nodded.

Chen Hao became invisible again and soon came to a group of zombies. This time he did not stop, but walked directly to a zombie. The iron pipe in his hand instantly shot out and killed it with one blow.

However, as he shot, his body appeared directly.

A group of zombies were stunned for a moment, but they quickly reacted and rushed towards him with a roar.

Chen Hao was well prepared. After killing the zombies, he retreated instantly. After running a few steps, his figure disappeared again.

Under the gaze of Yang Bin's true vision, Chen Hao tapped his toes lightly, reducing the sound of his footsteps to the extreme. In addition, because of the grass, although he ran very fast, he did not make any sound.

He did not run in a straight line, but went around to the other side to avoid the zombies rushing over.

A group of zombies looked at the man who suddenly disappeared, and they were a little confused. Their brains without IQ obviously did not understand why this person suddenly disappeared.

Soon, the zombies were swaying again.

At this time, Chen Hao went around to another zombie again, and Tieguan shot again, killing him with one blow, and then quickly retreated and disappeared again.

A group of zombies were fooled by him, but they could not find him.

"This is the assassination method he said, it's really something." Yang Bin said in surprise.

"Brother Hao is awesome!"

Hu Wenliang could not see Chen Hao after he became invisible. He only saw Chen Hao suddenly appear, kill the zombie, and then disappear again, and soon appear in another place. Kill with one blow, disappear after killing, it looks awesome.

After killing 9 zombies in a row, Chen Hao finally couldn't stand it anymore. He felt a little dizzy. He knew that this was because he had used his superpowers to the limit, so he quickly ran back while resisting the dizziness.

After returning to the green belt where several people were hiding, Chen Hao quickly lifted his invisibility and sat down on the ground.

"Huh... This thing takes too much energy." Chen Hao said weakly.

"Well, but Haozi you are already very good. You have killed almost half of them." Yang Bin praised.

"That's right, brother Hao, you are so awesome!" Hu Wenliang said with admiration.

"It's necessary, but I guess I won't be able to use superpowers for at least half an hour." Chen Hao said helplessly.

"It's okay, there are 13 left. Wait for you to rest, and we will kill them directly." Yang Bin said.


After Chen Hao rested for a while, he stood up. Although his superpowers could not be used in a short time,

It cannot be used, but it does not affect normal combat.

Then the three of them rushed directly to the group of zombies with iron pipes.

As they appeared, a group of zombies soon discovered them and rushed towards them excitedly.

As the two sides approached, the three iron pipes were used instantly and three were quickly dealt with.

At this time, the remaining 10 zombies had already pounced.

The three iron pipes were pulled out, and they changed from stabbing to sweeping, and swept fiercely at a group of zombies.

Under their powerful force, the zombies in front of them were swept back one after another.

At this time, the special zombies showed up, because the other zombies retreated several steps, only he retreated only two steps.

"I will deal with the special zombies, and the others will be left to you!" Yang Bin said.


The two nodded and then rushed directly to the other zombies.

And the iron pipe in Yang Bin's hand also stabbed the special zombie fiercely.

The grass was relatively open, and he could use his iron pipe without any scruples.

Stab, swing, smash, all kinds of moves were used to deal fiercely with the special zombie.

After a while, the head of the special zombie was smashed by Yang Bin, and the body fell directly to the ground.

At this time, Chen Hao and Hu Wenliang also killed two zombies again, leaving only five zombies.

Yang Bin quickly took out the crystal in the head of the special zombie, and then ran over to kill the remaining zombies with the two.

"Let's go!"

After killing, several people quickly left and ran away, it was not safe here.

Hiding in a place without zombies again, Yang Bin took out the special crystal.

Before he could speak, Chen Hao said directly: "Brother Bin, don't ask about this one, just eat it directly."

"That's right, Brother Bin, eat it quickly and see if there are any changes after eating." Hu Wenliang said.


Yang Bin nodded, and did not refuse. After wiping it clean, he swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Soon, the crystal turned into energy again and poured into his whole body.

However, when the crystal energy was fully integrated into his body, Yang Bin frowned.

"What's wrong, Brother Bin? Is it ineffective?"

Seeing Yang Bin's look, the two asked in surprise.

Yang Bin shook his head and said, "It does work, but it's not as good as I thought."

"Originally, I thought that after eating the second crystal, the second corner of the first star would light up, but now it's not."

"But the strength is still improved, but not as obvious as the first one."

"Is that so? It's okay, as long as the strength is improved." Chen Hao smiled.

"Well, I guess it's because there are not enough crystals. The second corner may need more crystals to light up."

"I think it's possible. Let's keep looking. The school is so big and there are so many zombies. Are you afraid that we can't find it?" Hu Wenliang said.

"Well, let's go, continue!"

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