The gorilla leader looked at the exit in front of him, but his eyes were a little hesitant.

He could feel that it would be a completely different world if he went out from here.

Their clan had lived in this forest for generations, and it was still a little worried about going to a completely unfamiliar world. This was an instinctive fear of the unknown.

Su Jin seemed to see the worry of the gorilla leader, and quickly said: "Don't worry, there are all people like me there, you will definitely be the strongest if you go there!"

He gestured to himself while speaking.

Seeing Su Jin's gesture, the gorilla leader's eyes lit up.

There are many people like you in there? Can't you change them every day? You can even carry forward the gorilla clan in it! ?

Thinking of this, the leader of the ape beasts gritted his teeth.


As the roar of the leader of the ape beasts sounded, the ape beasts went straight into the exit.

In the unknown town, Chen Hao and others cleaned up all the zombies in the town, and then found a house that was relatively well preserved to rest while waiting for Yang Bin to come out.

Not long after the few people rested, Xiao Hui, who was standing on the roof and responsible for observing the exit, suddenly flew down and shouted at the skinny monkey.

"Is there something wrong with the exit!?" The skinny monkey stood up: "Did the boss come out?"

The others also stood up quickly, walked out of the room quickly and looked at the exit on the mountain not far away.

This look immediately changed everyone's face.

One after another, black figures quickly came out of the exit.

"Ape beast!!!"

"Why did the ape beast come out too!?" Lao Hei frowned.

"It seems that this exit does not stipulate that the mutant beasts inside cannot come out." The skinny monkey whispered.


"These guys are not running out to chase us." Zhao Kun swallowed his saliva.

"If I guess correctly, it should be." Chen Hao whispered.


"Then what should we do?"

"Let's retreat before they notice this side."


Just then, Lao Hei suddenly pointed over there and said in shock: "Fuck, there seems to be a person sitting on the shoulder of that ape beast!"

Everyone looked over carefully and really found that there was a person sitting on the shoulder of an ape beast, but it was too far away and it was not very clear.

"This person, it can't be Su Jin." Zhao Kun guessed.

"Yes, it's her!" Hu Wenjing gritted his teeth.


"I said that Su Jin had an affair with the ape beast leader. Maybe these ape beasts came out because of her instigation. Otherwise, why didn't they come out for so long before, and they came out after she went." Lao Hei said.

This time, no one refuted him, because everyone suddenly felt that what Lao Hei said seemed to make sense.

"Doesn't this guy know how terrifying these ape beasts are? Bringing them out will only make the already difficult end of the world even more difficult? With the strength of these ape beasts, who on Blue Star can stop them now?" Zhao Kun complained.

"Maybe this is the effect they want, they want to dominate with the power of ape beasts." Lin Yifei said.

"It's really possible." Everyone nodded.

"Damn, doesn't this guy have the ability to control mutant beasts? Why does he feel more awesome than me?

I only control a few mutant beasts of the same level as me, but this guy directly got a group of mutant beasts that are far superior to her!?" Skinny Monkey said unhappily.

"Hehe, maybe he has paid more than you?" Lao Hei smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Think for yourself, okay, we have to leave quickly!"

"But, Su Jin..." Hu Wenjing looked at Su Jin with some reluctance.

"Don't worry, Brother Bin will help you get revenge when he comes back. Since she is not dead, maybe you still have a chance to kill her yourself!" Chen Hao said.

"Let's go, sister!"


Then, a group of people left the town from the other side with the cover of the building.

On the mountain, at the exit...

A group of ape beasts looked at it curiously, with some excitement in their eyes.

And Su Jin, who was on the shoulder of the ape beast leader, was even more excited.

"Finally I'm back, I will make this land tremble because of me!"

"Go over there!" Su Jin pointed in a direction, which was the direction of Jinling City.

For this unfamiliar place, the ape beast leader didn't know how to go, so he naturally followed Su Jin's instructions.

Then, more than 400 ape beasts marched towards Jinling City.

They ran in the direction of the zombies.

Soon, their movements attracted nearby zombies.

After a while, a large group of zombies surrounded them.

Seeing these zombies, Su Jin sneered.

The zombies that she was afraid of before were just scum in her eyes.

The ape beasts were extremely excited to see so many zombies.

Zombies were originally transformed from humans, and they couldn't tell them apart yet, thinking they were all the same humans.

Then, a group of ape beasts rushed directly into the crazy fight of the zombies.

It seemed that they wanted to vent the anger they received from Yang Bin.

This group of zombies, whose highest level was only level 7, was simply unlucky to encounter the lowest level 7 ape beasts, and the heads of the zombies were smashed directly.

Wherever the ape beasts went, the zombies collapsed completely.

The battle lasted only a few minutes, and all the zombies fell to the ground.

A group of ape beasts grabbed the zombies on the ground and took a bite, but they all frowned.

"Hoo..." (Why does it taste wrong?)

The leader of the ape beasts also picked up a zombie and took a bite, then threw it away.

It tastes terrible!

Su Jin pointed to a sixth-level zombie.

The leader of the ape beasts walked over, picked it up and took a bite.

This one is better, but still not as delicious as the ones he had eaten before.

Su Jin also understood their thoughts, then patted the leader of the ape beasts and pointed at the zombies on the ground, waved his hand and said: "These are not the same as us."

Then he pointed in the direction of Jinling City: "There are many people where I take you, enough for you to eat!"

Seeing Su Jin's gesture, the ape beasts nodded.

Su Jin asked the leader of the ape beasts to put her down, and then ran to the sixth-level zombies to dig crystals.

The leader of the ape beasts frowned when he saw her actions, and then roared at the other ape beasts.

Soon, these ape beasts began to help dig.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin's face was even more delighted.

Perhaps... being killed by that guy is not a bad thing, maybe this will be a turning point in fate.

After digging the crystals, Su Jin continued to lead a group of ape beasts towards Jinling City.

Along the way, all zombies were killed by ape beasts, and Su Jin picked up crystals all the way until his hands were soft, with a happy smile on his face, and even felt more comfortable with the ape beast leader.

Before, she didn't understand what those who married older people than her father for money before the doomsday thought.

Now she understands, MD, what's the big deal about being older, I can even accept ape beasts now, what else can't I accept.

As long as you can get what you want, you can do the craziest things.

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