The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

The artillery fire continued, and the entire area was devastated, with tens of thousands of zombies falling in the artillery fire.

Just when everyone thought that the zombies were just like that, the group of zombies suddenly went crazy and ignored the bombardment of artillery fire, rushing towards this side frantically.

"Heavy machine gun! Fire coverage!" Sun Lei did not panic, and still commanded the battle in an orderly manner.

Soon, a heavy machine gun was pushed out and fired wildly at the zombies rushing in.

These heavy machine guns were extremely powerful, and even the sixth-level zombies could not withstand a few shots.

The zombies rushing over fell in pieces like cutting wheat.

However, when the zombies in front fell, the zombies behind would quickly make up for it.

Although the heavy machine gun killed the zombies very quickly, the zombies were still approaching.

Not long after, the zombies rushed to the river, and then jumped into the river without hesitation and swam towards this side.

"All the sixth-level evolvers with long-range output come forward and bomb with skills!" Sun Lei still commanded in an orderly manner.

Soon, more than half of the more than 10,000 sixth-level evolvers came out, and then madly threw skills at the zombies in the river.

The moment they were in the water, they became live targets and were quickly killed.

Although the skills selected by the sixth level are all initial skills, basically single-body, there are not too many zombies jumping down now, and they can still hold on for a short time.

At this time, two big birds flew over from the opposite bank and landed next to Chen Hao and others.

"Sister Jing, recover for me, I want to fight again!" Lao Hei came to Hu Wenjing and said.

Hu Wenjing didn't say anything, but waved his hand casually, and a transparent light fell on Lao Hei.

Soon, Lao Hei became lively from a state of loss.

Hu Wenjing's state recovery is much better than eating crystals.

"Haha, zombie cubs, I, Lao Hei, am here again!"

Lao Hei laughed loudly, rode Xiao Hui and flew above the zombies again, and then a rain of fire fell madly, quickly harvesting the lives of the zombies.

Everyone looked at Lao Hei with envy. A group of sixth- and seventh-level evolvers who were madly hitting fireballs, after seeing the situation on Lao Hei's side, suddenly felt that the fireballs in their hands were not so good.

"Sister Jing, I want it too!" Zhong Yuansen was not to be outdone after seeing Lao Hei steal the show.

Soon, Zhong Yuansen also regained his strength, flew above the zombies again and kept hitting the zombies below.

The battle instantly entered a white-hot stage..

The artillery fire continued to bombard, looking for places where zombies were densely packed, and constantly consuming the number of zombies.

The heavy machine guns continued to fire without stopping, harvesting the lives of zombies.

With so many outputs, the number of zombies was decreasing rapidly. In just a few minutes, the number of zombie deaths had exceeded 100,000.

Everything seemed to be moving in a good direction...

But, it was only on the surface after all...

After more than ten minutes of crazy bombing, the sound of artillery fire slowly stopped, and a soldier ran to Sun Lei.

"Captain! The shells... are gone!"

"Got it!" Sun Lei waved his hand, not too surprised.

"Let the brothers guard the shore!"


Without the roar of artillery fire, the battlefield seemed to be much quieter.

However, without the bombing of artillery fire, the zombies in the rear became even crazier.

One after another, more and more zombies broke through the heavy machine gun fire, jumped into the river and swam quickly towards the other side.

For a time, the pressure on the evolvers increased greatly.

Although the skills of the sixth-level evolvers can quickly kill zombies of the sixth level and below, they only have a long-range output of less than 10,000. It was okay at the beginning, but as the number of zombies increased, they slowly began to be unable to kill them.

Moreover, releasing skills consumes too much energy. Even if you eat crystals, it takes time to recover. There will be pauses, and it is impossible to use them continuously.

Not long after, zombies swam over here. There were also countless melee evolvers guarding the shore, preventing them from getting ashore.

However, if there is one, there will be a second one.

As time went on, more and more zombies swam to the other side and fought hand-to-hand with the soldiers guarding the shore!

Fortunately, humans have a geographical advantage, and it is difficult for zombies to break through in a short time.

The two sides were deadlocked for a while.

However, this stalemate only lasted for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the sound of the machine gun slowly stopped.

Obviously, the bullets were also used up!

Sun Lei sighed heavily, what was coming

, finally came!

Although in this short period of less than an hour, with the cooperation of artillery fire and heavy machine guns, the number of zombies they killed has reached 700,000 or 800,000, which has long exceeded their original budget.

In addition to the zombies killed by Lao Hei and others before, they have killed millions of zombies.

But there are still nearly two million zombies!

This number is still desperate!

Without the heavy machine guns, the zombies rushed towards this side like a broken dam.

At this time, the Jurong River was almost filled with zombie corpses. These zombies stepped directly on the corpses of their own kind and ran towards the other side of the river.

"Brothers! The real challenge is here, take out your weapons and kill!"

Sun Lei raised his weapon, shouted, and then rushed to the zombies first!


All the evolvers also shouted, and then killed the zombies rushing towards them.

At this time, there is no way back, and they can only fight to the death!

"It's time for us to do it!" Chen Hao said loudly.

"Xingyun Squad, kill!"

As Chen Hao finished speaking, Hu Wenliang, Hu Wenjing, Lin Yifei, Shouhou and others took out their weapons and rushed towards the zombies.

Following closely behind them were Da Huang, Xiao Hua, Xiao Juzi and eight huge white apes.

All eight white apes were at the 12th level of Kaiyang Realm, and all members of the Xingyun Squad were at the 10th level. Da Huang, Xiao Hua and Xiao Juzi were all at the 9th level. The Xingyun Squad's lineup was still extremely terrifying. Wherever they passed, the zombies were instantly bloodbathed.

The war ushered in the most intense moment...

At this moment, Yang Bin was not on the battlefield. He searched all the nearby areas carefully again.

Finally, it was concluded that the corpse king was definitely not nearby.

But this did not explain how the corpse king commanded the zombies.

"Could he use the eyes of other zombies?"

But this is not realistic at all, and even if he can, he can't use other zombies to control the zombies.

Looking at the battle in the distance, he was also very anxious, but he knew that he should not be anxious at this time and must calm down.

"There is definitely no one nearby, so it can only be in the zombie group!"

"But I have seen almost every zombie group, and there is no zombie king. I have also carefully seen those ninth-level zombies. They have no special powers and cannot control so many zombies. The zombie king is definitely not them!"

"But where is this fucking zombie king hiding! It can't be hidden in the body of another zombie!" Yang Bin said very unhappy.

"Hey... wait!"

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