On the rooftop, the two were observing the zombies while browsing the latest news online.

Suddenly, Chen Hao looked at his phone and said excitedly, "Brother Bin, look, there is a video of a fight with zombies."

Yang Bin hurried over. This was a video posted on Station B. The video should have been shot from the window, and the angle was pretty good.

In the video, a man in a security uniform, holding an anti-explosion baton in his hand, had a fierce fight with a zombie.

The man was tall and should have exercised regularly. Every time the anti-explosion baton in his hand hit the zombie, it made a dull sound, and it was obvious that he was very strong.

However, the zombie seemed to have no feeling at all. No matter how the man hit it, it still pounced on the man frantically.

Fortunately, the man was flexible and was able to dodge the attack every time, and then hit the zombie again.

The man and the zombie fought for more than two minutes, but at this time, two zombies nearby heard the fighting and rushed over.

The man was shocked when he found out, and then he decisively gave up the zombie in front of him and turned to run away.

However, because he was too nervous, he reacted a little slowly, and was pounced on by the zombie and bit directly on the ankle.


The man screamed and fell to the ground. Soon, the other two zombies also surrounded him.

The next scene may be because the photographer was too frightened to continue filming, but everyone can think of the man's fate.

After watching this video, both of them were silent. The danger outside was far more terrifying than they imagined.

After a long time, Yang Bin said in a deep voice: "From the video, the strength of zombies should be similar to that of ordinary people, but zombies are not afraid of pain, like an indestructible cockroach, which is very troublesome."

"Brother Bin, we won't have to fight these zombies too, right?" Chen Hao said with some worry.

"What do you think? If you want to survive, you must face these zombies. If you don't kill them, they will eat you." Yang Bin said directly.

"But... I don't dare..." Chen Hao whispered.

Yang Bin sighed: "Don't talk about you, I don't dare either. We are all just ordinary people. We have never killed anyone. How many people dare to kill zombies? However, since the world has become like this, we have no choice but to face it."

Yang Bin patted Chen Hao on the shoulder and continued:

"We are in a good position and have time, but we must overcome the fear in our hearts during this period, otherwise when we really face the zombies, we will lose our lives because of fear."

"I know, I will try my best..." Chen Hao said with a pale face.

Yang Bin nodded. He was not much better than Chen Hao. He was just an ordinary student.

It was just that he had experienced more. He had been alone for so many years. He naturally had to consider more things than Chen Hao. He knew very well that if they could not overcome the fear in their hearts, death would be waiting for them. "

Looking down again, there were no living people. Only zombies were wandering around. At this time, the living people had already hidden, and no one dared to come out.

Yang Bin frowned. In this situation, he could not leave the dormitory building at all, but the food in the dormitory was limited. If he could not leave, he would starve to death sooner or later.

"We must find a way to solve this dilemma. "Yang Bin said secretly.

He raised his head and glanced at the girls' dormitory opposite, but suddenly saw people swaying in the girls' dormitory, as if there was a fight.

Because the boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory are far apart, it is impossible to see the specific situation. Yang Bin guessed that it is very likely that someone is fighting with zombies, which made him curious about the situation over there. Who is so brave?

Yang Bin stared at that place closely, wanting to see it more clearly, but at this moment, the surrounding scene suddenly blurred, and then, the girls' dormitory in front of Yang Bin was constantly enlarged, just like adjusting the focus with a telescope, getting more and more The clearer it is.

Soon, the situation in the girls' dormitory was clearly presented in front of him.

In the corridor on the sixth floor of the girls' dormitory, four tall women were holding benches, clotheslines, bed boards and other things in their hands and smashing them at the zombies in front. Judging from their figures, these women should be from the sports department.

The four of them were obviously from the same dormitory, and none of them turned into zombies. This was very lucky.

However, in this situation, they dared to leave the dormitory. It must be said that they were really brave.

Fortunately, compared with other girls, they were physically stronger.

The shape has an absolute advantage, and the zombies in front of them are shorter than them.

The dormitory corridor is relatively narrow, and the "weapons" in their hands are constantly waving, as if they want to force the zombies in front of them to retreat. Judging from their appearance, they should want to go to a dormitory in front.

Yang Bin shook his head. These women thought too simply. Although they have "weapons" and have advantages in physical fitness, they will attract more and more zombies. Then they will know they are wrong.

As Yang Bin expected, after a while, the zombies in other dormitories heard the noise, came out one after another, and then rushed over here frantically.

The four women saw this scene and were immediately frightened and pale. Then they quickly retreated to their own dormitory and locked the door as soon as possible.

A group of zombies rushed to the door and slapped the dormitory door frantically. Looking at the dormitory door that was shaking violently, if they didn't have anything inside to support it, they probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Yang Bin retracted his gaze and suddenly felt dizzy. He almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Chen Hao supported him immediately.

"Brother Bin, what's wrong with you?" Chen Hao asked with concern.

Yang Bin shook his head and pointed to the girls' dormitory in the distance and said, "Haozi, can you see what happened over there?"

"What a joke, how can you see clearly from such a distance?" Chen Hao said speechlessly.

Yang Bin nodded thoughtfully, puzzled.

"I have more than 100 degrees of myopia. Although I don't need to wear glasses, my eyesight is not good. How can I see so far away? Moreover, it is so clear at such a long distance. This is no longer a problem of eyesight."

"Is it a special ability!?" Yang Bin's eyes suddenly lit up.

"But why didn't I find such an ability before? Could it be that it suddenly appeared last night?"

"Could it be that this doomsday will not only turn people into zombies, but also give them special abilities?"

A gleam of light flashed in Yang Bin's eyes. Although there is no such thing as supernatural powers in reality, we are all people in the 21st century. Who hasn't seen similar movies?

In this situation, only supernatural powers can explain it. After all, zombies have come out, and it is normal for special abilities to exist.

In order to further verify, Yang Bin once again focused on Chen Hao in front of him.

Chen Hao was suddenly a little flustered by being looked at, and felt like he was being stripped clean by the other party.

His hands instinctively covered the lower part, as if this would be better.

"Don't cover it, it's not like you haven't seen it before." Yang Bin smiled.

At this time, he was extremely surprised. Originally, he just wanted to verify whether it was a special ability, but he didn't expect that he discovered a new ability. He could actually see through.

This is an ability that countless men dream of, and it actually appeared in him. Even though he has always been calm, he couldn't suppress his excitement at this moment.

Yang Bin continued to look at Chen Hao, wanting to see what he could see.

Suddenly, Yang Bin's expression became extremely shocked, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

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