The school was in chaos, and the students were busy.

Several people climbed up the Zhongyuan Building again, and Yang Bin immediately opened the True Vision Eye to check it out.

Zhongyuan Building can almost see the entire school. Under his True Vision Eye, he can clearly see every corner of the school.

Unlike yesterday, today's school is no longer just zombies. After observing it, he actually saw more than a dozen groups of people fighting zombies, both boys and girls.

"It seems that the temptation of crystals is really great." Yang Bin sighed.

"It's related to whether you can survive, for sure." Chen Hao said.

"Well, if most people were not trapped in the cafeteria, this number would have to increase several times." Yang Bin concluded.

"I wonder if those trapped in the cafeteria will hate the school leaders because of this?"

"No need to think about it, they will definitely. Even if the school leaders have good intentions, this result is obviously unacceptable to those students." Yang Bin said.

As Yang Bin expected, the school cafeteria had already been in chaos at this time.

After the official announcement of the crystal, those students who were already somewhat dissatisfied were completely blown up.

Originally thought that they would not have to go hungry after coming here.

But it turned out that eating porridge every day here is not enough to eat.

Now there are zombies outside, and there is no way to go out to get crystals.

Seeing that many people posted videos online about their increased strength after eating crystals, even on the campus network.

These people suddenly felt even more uncomfortable, and even began to scold the school leaders.

"It's all your fault. If you hadn't asked us to gather in the cafeteria, we might have lived a carefree life outside."

"That's right, you let us eat porridge every day and raise pigs!?"

These people completely forgot that they came to the cafeteria because they had nothing to eat. If it weren't for the school's porridge, they would have starved to death.

The principal looked at these angry students, and his heart was full of sadness.

"Is it wrong? Maybe, if I wasn't too worried about them, how could such a situation occur."

"The end of the world is really scary."

Zhongyuan Building..

Yang Bin didn't look for long before he locked on to several targets.

As they expected, there were a lot more second-level zombies today. Just a moment ago, Yang Bin saw more than a dozen, but some were in the zombie group and couldn't do anything.

The few he picked could be killed.

"The target is determined, let's go!"


The three of them went downstairs quickly and walked towards the first target.

Just when they got to the target, they found that a group of people were approaching the zombies.

Yang Bin frowned. The reason why he chose this place first was because he found someone nearby and was afraid that they would meet him first. He didn't expect that he was still late.

He was not afraid that these people would get there first. To be honest, these more than 20 people really couldn't take down this second-level zombie.

He was just afraid that these people would shout and attract all the zombies around, and then it would be difficult for them to take action.

At this time, it was too late for Yang Bin to stop them, because those people had already rushed towards the zombies.

It is estimated that in their minds, more than 20 people against four or five zombies are at their advantage.

After seeing the crowd, a group of zombies rushed towards them excitedly, and the one rushing in front was the second-level zombie.

The two leaders, one holding a fire axe and the other holding a Tang sword, chopped at each other directly.

It must be said that those who dare to come out to kill zombies are all good, at least they are well prepared in terms of weapons.

However, their misjudgment will cost them blood.

Both of them chopped the zombie's head with their weapons. If it was a first-level zombie, it might be possible to kill it.

However, the one in front of him was a second-level zombie. Although the weapon chopped its head, it was not fatal.

The zombie instantly threw one of them to the ground and then bit his neck.

The powerful strength of the second-level zombie made it impossible for him to resist.

The others were shocked when they saw this scene. The man with the Tang sword chopped the zombie again, leaving a knife wound on its back.

However, it was useless. The zombie turned around and pounced on him.

This person reacted very quickly and rolled to the side in an instant, avoiding the pounce.

"Special zombie, this must be a special zombie with crystals!" After dodging, the person was immediately excited.

They killed several zombies and finally encountered a special zombie.

"But we can't beat it."

The man said worriedly.

"Others can beat it, why can't we? Let's go together. I don't believe we can't kill it. As long as we kill it, we will stand up!" The man said loudly.

Although the others were a little scared, they overcame their fear and rushed towards the zombies when they thought that their strength would increase greatly after eating the crystal.

They came out to kill zombies and get crystals. How could they retreat when they finally encountered a special zombie?

But what they didn't know was that special zombies were also divided into levels.

Soon, a group of people started fighting with the zombies, and all kinds of weapons greeted the zombies.

However, these attacks did not have much effect on the second-level zombies.

And every time it attacked, it was almost a matter of death. Several people died in a short while.

The second-level zombies were not something they could kill, but the other four ordinary zombies were hacked to death by others.

"Brother Bin, why don't we help them? We can get the crystal and save them at the same time. After all, we are classmates." Hu Wenliang said reluctantly.

Yang Bin glanced at him and suddenly said, "Do you believe that if we help them, they will not only not be grateful, but will also want to snatch this second-level crystal from us?"

"No way, they should know very well that they can't beat this zombie at all. If they continue to fight, they will all die."

"Hehe, let's make a bet. If it's what I said, don't mention saving people to me again. If not, I will wash your underwear for a month." Yang Bin said.

Hu Wenliang is still a student after all. He has experienced too little and doesn't see many things thoroughly. He thinks that saving these people is just a piece of cake for them, but he ignores the human heart.

He is not like Chen Hao. Chen Hao almost believes what he says and never doubts his words.

Hu Wenliang is not so blind, so Yang Bin just took this opportunity to teach him a lesson.

From the crazy eyes of these people, he knew how obsessed they were with the crystals. If they attacked, the other party would never think that they were saving them, but would only think that they were stealing their crystals.

"Okay!" Hu Wenliang nodded. It was not that he did not believe Yang Bin's words. Some things really had to be seen with his own eyes.

On the battlefield, more than half of the twenty people had been lost, and several were injured. The ending of these injured people was obvious. They would soon become one of the zombies.

At this time, the group of people finally panicked and no longer cared about the crystals. They began to run away frantically.

However, the zombies did not intend to let them go and chased the crowd directly.

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