After a while, the food was eaten.

Several people returned to the dormitory and shared the food they had robbed at noon.

Originally, the food was enough for two days, but because of the addition of several people, it was solved in one day.

So although there is strength in numbers, the consumption is also high.

Fortunately, Zhao Kun and his team also brought some food, but if six people eat, it will only be enough for one meal tomorrow.

"It seems that we have to find a way to get some food before leaving tomorrow." Yang Bin said.

"It's hard to get food in the school now. Basically, every supermarket has been looted several times, and several canteens have been looted clean. Now it is estimated that there are still two large supermarkets that should have some food, but they are occupied by the two strongest teams." Zhao Kun said helplessly.

"The strongest team? Which two?" Yang Bin asked curiously.

"One is led by the group of people in the sports department. The captain is Qin Wei. They dared to fight zombies at the beginning of the apocalypse. In addition, this person is good at winning people's hearts. Now the team should be almost 200 people. Most of them are second-level evolvers, and he himself is already third-level."

"The other team is led by a woman named Tang Weiwei. She is a superpower, and she is also a power-type. Now she is also third-level. She is very powerful. Moreover, this woman has some means. I heard that she rescued those people in the cafeteria. Many people followed her. Now the number of teams has exceeded 200 people."

"The two teams occupied the two largest supermarkets in the school, but they have a lot of people and consume a lot of food. It is estimated that there will not be much food in the supermarket even if there is still food." Zhao Kun said.

"Hey, Liangzi, your wife is quite powerful." Yang Bin smiled.


"Brother Bin, can we not bring this up?"

"You are such a coward, no wonder you are still a virgin in your twenties. Brother Bin has helped you so many times. If you take the initiative, maybe this thing will work." Chen Hao said.


"It's just that I like her more, I can't even say I like her, don't make trouble."

"For a man, it's enough to just like her. If it were me, I would just get her first."

"That's why you are cuckolded."


"You are going too far."

"Okay, stop arguing, Liangzi should handle this matter himself."

"Let's go to Qin Wei's place to borrow some food tomorrow, and then we will leave the school." Yang Bin said directly.

"Brother Bin, why don't you go to Liangzi's wife?" Chen Hao asked in confusion.

"It's too familiar, it's hard to start."

"Uh... it seems so."

"Brother Bin, food is lifeblood for everyone now, not to mention Qin Wei, he won't lend it to us." Zhao Kun said with certainty.

"He will lend it to us." Yang Bin said with a smile.

Zhao Kun was stunned for a moment, and soon understood that in this world, the strong are respected.

"Okay, go to bed early, you still have to get up to watch the stars at night." Yang Bin said.

"Watch the stars? What stars?" Zhao Kun asked in confusion.

"You'll know when you follow us."


Wulian Supermarket..

"Sister Weiwei, there's not much food left in the supermarket. We didn't find any food when we went out to search today. If this goes on, we may have to leave the school." A woman came to Tang Weiwei and whispered.

"We have to leave, the school has only so many resources, and we can't stay in school forever." Tang Weiwei said.

"Let everyone pack up their things, and we'll leave in the next two days."


"By the way, what's the situation with the other teams now?"

"Qin Wei's team still occupies Wumart Supermarket, but I guess there's not much food left, not to mention the other teams, who have probably already started to leave the school. Oh, Sister Weiwei, we also found out today that Zhou Xiong's team was wiped out!"

"Surrounded by zombies?"

"Looking at the scene, it should be, but a few people's heads were broken, and their bodies were intact, so it doesn't look like zombies did it." The woman said uncertainly.

"Broken heads?" Tang Weiwei frowned, and suddenly seemed to think of something, muttering to herself: "Could it be that we offended those people?"

Wumart Supermarket...

"Boss, I just counted the food. If we save some food, we can probably eat it for about two days." A tall man looked at the equally tall Qin Wei who was in the lead and said.

"Two days is a bit short. Now that there are fewer zombies in the school, it's a good time to improve. I don't want to leave school so soon." Qin Wei frowned.

"There's nothing I can do about it.

, now the other teams probably don't have much food, maybe only Tang Weiwei and the others can bring out some food. "

"Forget about Tang Weiwei and the others, that woman's superpowers are a bit fierce, we can't beat her, let the brothers search everywhere tomorrow, I guess the others should be leaving the school in the next two days, we can stay one more day, the better."


Late at night...

Yang Bin and his friends got up, and by the way, they also called Zhao Kun and his friends in the next room.

The six people and the cat came to the rooftop again and found a clean place to lie down.

"Brother Bin, you called us to the rooftop in the middle of the night, can't you really watch the stars?" Lao Hei said sleepily.

"Well, just watch the stars. When the Big Dipper comes out, we will concentrate on staring at them, which can improve our strength." Yang Bin said.


"Watching the stars to improve strength? Why does it feel so unscientific? "The skinny monkey said with wide eyes.

"Since you believe in science so much, then explain how zombies came about?"


"Just look carefully. We won't entertain you in the middle of the night." Chen Hao said with a smile.


Soon, the Big Dipper appeared in the sky again.

Yang Bin and the other two quickly got into the state by looking at the stars.

Zhao Kun and the other two looked at them and then at the Big Dipper in the sky, and then looked at them doubtfully.

On the other side...

In a dormitory...

"Brother, you said that these zombies stare at the sky at night. What are they looking at?"

"Who knows? There is nothing in the sky except those nine stars. Do zombies like to look at the stars?"

"Could this be the zombies' way of training? Otherwise, why do zombies become stronger every night?"

"Practice by looking at the stars? You can think of it. No novels dare not write it like this." ”

“That’s right. Let’s go to bed early while the zombies are quiet now. We have to get up early to kill zombies tomorrow.”

“I’ll try it. Maybe it will work.”

After a while...

“Damn, I’m just a fool. This thing is useless except that it makes my eyes sore and my neck hurt.” The man complained.

“Go to sleep.”

At five in the morning, the nine stars of the Big Dipper disappeared. Yang Bin and his friends got up, stretched their bodies, and then looked at Zhao Kun and the other two and said, “How do you feel?”

Zhao Kun clenched his fists and said with some surprise, “It seems to have improved.”

Lao Hei and Shou Hou also showed incredible expressions.

“Brother Bin, how did you find out?” Zhao Kun said in shock, “I was curious and looked at it before, but I didn’t feel any improvement. "

"My ability allows me to see the flow of energy. When I concentrate on looking at the stars, energy will flow into my body. However, the amount of energy that flows into the body is too small, so if you look at the stars for too short a time, you can't feel the effect at all. You have to keep looking at the stars for at least one or two hours to feel the effect." Yang Bin said.

"I see, Brother Bin, your ability is really too strong." Zhao Kun said enviously.

"Okay, let's go downstairs and take a nap."


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