The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

Song Tielin stared at Yang Bin and the others with wide eyes, and a huge wave of shock rose in his heart.

Even among the officials, there were only a few fourth-level zombies, and this team of six was all fourth-level, which was really hard for him to accept.

At the same time, Song Tielin was very grateful that he did not follow that woman, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Although they had guns, only he knew that their bullets were almost exhausted along the way.

This was not an open place, and the other party would not be stupid enough to let them fight. Once they ran out of bullets, they might all have to explain.

"How did you provoke so many zombies? With your brain, it shouldn't be that bad. It won't be that woman's problem again." Yang Bin suddenly said.

"Not entirely, I have my own problems too." Song Tielin said with a wry smile.

"Damn, it's really her."

"Old Song, I think you should just throw this woman down to feed the zombies, otherwise she will definitely have a hard time when she returns." Yang Bin patted Song Tielin on the shoulder and said.


"Don't talk about this anymore. Soldiers have their own bottom line and principles!"

"Ah." Yang Bin sighed.

He admired the principles of soldiers, but he knew very well that such principles were quite stupid in the end times.

Shaking his head, Yang Bin looked at Song Tielin and said, "Let's discuss how to leave here."

"Do you have a solution?" Song Tielin said excitedly.

"No, if I had, I wouldn't discuss it with you."


"You are all level 4 evolvers, is there nothing you can do?"

"We are human, not gods. Tens of thousands of zombies, unless we can fly, we will die if we go down."

"Well, it seems that I can't count on you."


"Don't you have those powerful grenades in the military? Wouldn't it be solved if we throw a few dozen down?"

"If we had them, would we still have to hide here?" Song Tielin rolled his eyes.

"Then... what about rocket launchers, Italian cannons, etc?"

"No!" Song Tielin's face turned black. Such weapons are usually placed in the arsenal, so how could they be carried with them?

"Then it seems that I can't count on you either." Yang Bin shook his head.


"Then can you call for support?" Yang Bin asked again with some reluctance.

"Yes, but the communication equipment is in the car, not brought here." Song Tielin said awkwardly.


"Then the authorities will send someone to pick you up after seeing that you haven't returned for a long time."

"That's for sure. This batch of supplies is very important to the base."

"How long will it take?"

"Tomorrow at the latest."


Yang Bin frowned. He didn't want to spend the night here.

He wanted to go back to pick up crystals tonight. If I guessed correctly, there would be at least one or two fourth-level zombies born there tonight. The people in the villa couldn't afford it.

Looking at the people around, Yang Bin suddenly said, "How about I take you out."

"Rush out? How can we rush out with tens of thousands of zombies below? You are probably going to take us to see the King of Hell." Song Tielin is not stupid.

"I'd better wait for rescue here."

"You can't wait like this. At least someone should go back and tell the situation here. They don't know there are so many zombies. If there are not enough people to rescue, wouldn't it be a waste of food?"

"This..." Song Tielin frowned, obviously afraid of this situation.

"I have a more reliable method."

"You say."

"Now we have more than 400 people here, about 100 soldiers and more than 300 deadweights."

"Who are the deadweights?" Hearing Yang Bin's words, a group of people were immediately unhappy.

"Okay, since they are not deadweights, then follow us down to kill zombies."


With one sentence, these people shut up.

Yang Bin no longer cared about them, and continued to look at Song Tielin and said: "These deadweights don't need them to fight, fighting is also a drag.

Let them go to the roof and then smash things down. There are more than 20 floors. Just smashing a table can kill a few people. At the same time, it can also attract the attention of most zombies. At that time, we will break out from the other side with the soldiers."

After hearing Yang Bin's words, Song Tielin's eyes lit up, and he seemed to be a little moved, but after thinking about it, he frowned and said: "Then if we break out

, what should we do with these people?"

"Are you stupid? You can go back and ask for help after you break through. If you know the situation here, you will know how many people to ask, and then you can rescue these people."

"Yes, this method seems feasible, but the risk is also very high. If we can't break through quickly, when those zombies react, we are likely to be surrounded and wiped out."

"With six of us fourth-level evolvers, you are afraid of nothing!"


"Okay, let's do it!"

Song Tielin is not a person who hesitates. After thinking about it, he made a decision.

Then he looked at the group of people and said, "You have heard the plan just now. You don't have to kill zombies. You can always throw objects from high altitudes."

"Yes, yes, but Captain Song, you won't just leave and leave us here."

"I'm not that kind of person. Hurry up, go upstairs, remember, throw in one direction, don't throw everywhere. "


A group of people quickly ran upstairs.

Then, Song Tielin looked at Yang Bin and said, "How do we go down? The stairwell is full of zombies and it's probably blocked now."

"On which floor are they blocking the zombies?"

"The third floor."

"Then it seems that we can only jump down from the third floor."


"The first floor of this building is high, almost five meters high, and the third floor is more than ten meters above the ground. It's not easy to jump down."

"It's difficult, but there's nothing we can do. Who told you to keep climbing up? If you go upstairs and block the stairs directly, there won't be so many troubles."

Song Tielin lowered his head and didn't dare to answer, mainly because he didn't think of this at the time.

"The soldiers are all trained regularly, and they are all above the second level. It may be a little difficult, but we should be able to defeat them."

"Yes!" Song Tielin said firmly.

"Okay, then we go down, and my people will lead the way in front, and you follow closely. "


Several people went down to the third floor. At this time, four or five soldiers were still guarding the stairs to prevent the zombies from rushing up.

However, the stairs were now full of zombie corpses, and it was difficult for the zombies to rush up.

Several people entered the third floor and came to the window of a company.

Just then, there was a loud noise of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the zombies below were in chaos.

Obviously, the action above began.

Yang Bin looked at the situation below and found that it was an office desk. The zombie that was hit was directly bloody.

And with the first one, soon, there were bangs. Continuously, various things fell from above.

The zombies that were hit were basically turned into meat patties. At a height of more than 20 floors, even the third-level zombies could not withstand it.

The zombies below were in chaos and roared at the top.

The zombies in other directions also ran over here after hearing the noise.

Seeing this situation, Yang Bin's eyes lit up. This effect was better than he imagined.

But soon Yang Bin was stunned again. It seemed that the zombies that ran away were all low-level zombies, and the zombies above the third level were still there.

"Sure enough, the zombies above the third level are not so stupid. It seems that a tough battle is inevitable."

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