The two of them were very happy.

The Star Meteorite Squad was officially established, and Yang Bin was extravagant. He took out the long-treasured bacon and some dried vegetables that he had been reluctant to eat, and made a big meal to celebrate the establishment of the team.

With the addition of Zhong Yuansen, the Star Meteorite Squad also had a real combat ability.

Although their team has three ability users, they are all auxiliary abilities, and even Chen Hao's invisibility is not very useful for team battles.

So their battles are actually similar to those of ordinary people. The only advantage is that Yang Bin can accurately find the zombies they need through the True Vision Eye, which keeps them ahead.

But this battle against the fifth-level zombies made him feel great pressure, so Yang Bin urgently needs a combat ability user.

Especially after fighting with Zhong Yuansen, he knew the horror of the superpowers. They could definitely crush ordinary people of the same level, and it was not difficult to fight against them.

You know, Zhong Yuansen had just advanced to the fourth level, and a stone could hit him with a force of 2,000 kilograms, which had reached the standard of the fifth level. It is obvious that when he reached the peak of the fourth level, he could definitely fight the fifth level.

That's why Yang Bin tried to pull him into the team. If the superpowers could be transferred, Yang Bin would choose to transfer them, after all, he didn't know Zhong Yuansen well.

But the superpowers were unlikely to be transferred. Although it was said that they could be sliced ​​for research, what else could be researched after slicing, except for being disgusting, after all, that thing was not in the flesh.

Now that Zhong Yuansen has joined, it can be regarded as a relatively perfect ending. The only thing to consider is Zhong Yuansen's character.

But this thing will gradually manifest itself in the future, and Yang Bin will observe him more. If it doesn't work, he will get rid of him without hesitation.

After the meal, the group of people played for a while and went to bed early, which made Zhong Yuansen, who had been living a thrilling life in the doomsday, uncomfortable.

He even wanted to go out to see if he had returned to the time before the doomsday. This life was too carefree.

"Lao Sen, go to bed early. I'll take you up to see the stars at night." Lao Hei patted Zhong Yuansen on the shoulder.

"See the stars?"

"That... Brother Hei, I have a normal orientation. Why don't you change someone?"

"You can go if you want." Lao Hei said and went back to the room.

Just when Zhong Yuansen looked strange, Yang Bin also patted him on the shoulder.

"Go to bed early and see the stars at night."

Since he was a member of the Starfall Team, there was no need to hide some things. This would be counterproductive.

Although this method should be known to them at present, it will be discovered sooner or later. Now they can only strive to establish a little more advantage.

Seeing Yang Bin also said so, Zhong Yuansen guessed that it should be a special code or something. Although he was a little confused, he nodded, and then found an empty room and walked in.

Looking at the luxurious room, Zhong Yuansen dared not dream that he could live in such a house in such a harsh doomsday environment.

This is not the end of the world, it's just a vacation.

Survival base...

With tens of thousands of people working day and night, the construction in the survival base has begun to take shape.

In the past few days, people have rushed to the survival base. Now the number of people in the survival base has reached more than 40,000.

The authorities are also clearing the zombies around and slowly expanding the wall outward to make the survival base wider.

In the conference room at the center of the base...

"More than a thousand soldiers who went to the arsenal have all died!" Liu Yong said with great sorrow.

"How could this happen? Those more than a thousand soldiers are all strong and well-equipped with weapons. How could they all die!?" Ma Zhongguo frowned.

Arms are extremely important to them. If they have a large amount of arms, they can directly sweep the surrounding zombies, which can not only solve the surrounding zombie crisis, but also obtain countless crystals.

Originally thought that a large amount of arms would be obtained immediately, but unexpectedly such news came.

"The city is more than 60 kilometers away from the arsenal. The road is too far. They almost killed all the way there, but they encountered a group of mutant beasts attacking halfway through the journey, and the whole army was wiped out!" Liu Yong said sadly.

"Mutated beast?"

"Yes, it is the beasts that have mutated. They are born with a huge advantage in their bodies. After the mutation, this advantage will be more obvious, and the soldiers are simply unable to resist."

After hearing Liu Yong's words, everyone present

He frowned. Zombies are already scary enough. It seems that mutants are scarier than zombies.

"Why are there so many mutants in the city?"

"They should be walking along Furong Road, where there is a large zoo." A middle-aged man said.


"Tigers and lions are already extremely powerful. Now that they have mutated, it is obvious that they must be even more ferocious. No wonder they were wiped out."

"In any case, we must find a way to transport the munitions back. The ammunition reserves in the base are seriously insufficient."

Ma Zhongguo did not discuss the sacrifice of soldiers too much. He was still concerned about the batch of munitions.

"During this period, as more and more people have come to the base, more and more zombies have been brought. Just dealing with the zombies that have rushed in has consumed a lot of ammunition, not to mention going to other places for rescue. Therefore, the issue of arms is extremely urgent!"

Liu Yong frowned, but still said seriously: "I will send more people to continue to go to the armory!"

"This time you go in person, bring more people, this batch of arms is very important and can't be missed again."


"In addition, I arranged for Captain Lu Jiao to go with Battalion Commander Song Tielin to transport supplies, but Battalion Commander Song came back and took Captain Lu was left there."

"Captain Lu is the orphan of Director Lu. We have an obligation to protect her. Captain Song has gone too far. I am going to dismiss Captain Song Tielin. Do you have any objections?"

"Song Tielin? How could he?"

"You will know the truth when you go back. I will arrange someone to replace him. You don't need to intervene in this matter. You will be mainly responsible for the arms in the next few days."


Liu Yong had to nod, but he still didn't believe it in his heart. He knew that his soldiers should not do such things.

After returning to his residence, Liu Yong immediately called Song Tielin over to ask about the situation at that time.

Song Tielin did not hesitate and told the situation in detail.

"So it was Lu Jiao who offended those people, and then those people didn't allow her to be taken with them?"


"How confident would you be if you attacked those people at the beginning?"

"Before I saw them fighting, I thought that if we lost some people, we should be able to kill them, but after fighting with them, I knew that if I attacked them at that time, no one in our entire team would survive!" Song Tielin said with a wry smile.


"I didn't expect that there would be such a strong team outside the official team? Six fourth-level teams are indeed very strong at this stage." Liu Yong said with some surprise.

"Yes, Commander, that group of people are really strong, brave and resourceful, definitely good seedlings, should we..."

Liu Yong shook his head, somewhat helplessly said: "The official is no longer the official it once was, so don't go and harm them."

"Commander, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, Tielin, although there are reasons for Lu Jiao's incident, it is an indisputable fact that you left her behind and came back by yourself, so don't be dissatisfied with your dismissal, you will stay with Zhao Hu in the future."

"Yes, Commander."

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