“How do you know about this thing?” Qin Wuyao looked at Tang Tian in surprise.

“This thing, precious?”

“Of course, killing blood jade is a kind of natural crystal scattered between heaven and earth at the beginning of the collapse of the world, which contains huge energy, and human beings have been studying this crystal for hundreds of years in later generations, but for the time being, it has only studied a little fur.”

Tang Tian was a little surprised.

There is a huge amount of energy in it!

“So you know where there is such a thing?”

Tang Tian asked eagerly.

When the time comes to find Xiao Bones, it is necessary to help her reach a higher level as soon as possible, and this Killing Blood Jade is a necessity.

Moreover, when the succubus, that is, the intimacy between Qin Wuyao in front of him and himself reaches the 200 points required for evolution, he also needs to kill blood jade to continue to evolve.

“I don’t know about other places, but when I was in Black Fire Central City, I heard that there was one secret experimental base in Black Fire City, but I was not qualified to enter it, and naturally I never saw it.”

Qin Wuyao recalled and said.

Or Blackfire Central City!

Since this is the case, then this trip, it is really decided, this killing blood jade, must also be obtained!

“Up front was an area we didn’t explore, and now… How? ”

Huang Zhigang turned his head to look at Tang Tian and asked.

At this moment, everyone’s focus was already on Tang Tian’s body, and Huang Zhigang was no exception.

“You guys go search for supplies, I will let some zombies follow you and protect your actions.” Tang Tian groaned.

Huang Zhigang broke three ribs and was seriously injured, and the battle was impossible.

And in this fourth layer area, there are more and more D-level mutants, and the danger level is very high.

Five of the ten explorations involved casualties, and even several were completely destroyed.

This is the first time.

Scavenging for supplies in such a strange situation.

Under the protection of zombies!

“Let’s hurry.” Tang Tiandao.

“What about you?” Everyone questioned.

“I have other things to do.” Tang Tiandao.

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Tang Tian arranged for some zombies to follow them.

Then let the rest of the hounds all send out to find mutants, and the three iron men were also sent.

Qin Wuyao followed Tang Tian.

“Are you going to gather zombies here?”

“Yes, the conditions here are so good, and it is also a good place to gather enough people in a short period of time, so we must take advantage of this opportunity.” Tang Tian nodded.

“Xiao Bone, is it really that important to you?” Qin Wuyao suddenly asked faintly.

She was already a little jealous.

It was also Tang Tian’s contract mutant, and Tang Tian’s entire heart seemed to be placed on the bone woman’s body.

“You don’t understand, Xiao Bone is the first contract mutant I met after I went out of the Black Fire District 4 City, the first time we met, he saved me in the rain of bullets, you may not know, so many members of the original squad, except for Ling Yue, the rest of the people, I killed.”

Qin Wuyao was stunned.

I wasn’t surprised.

“You and I haven’t known each other for a long time, but rest assured, it’s mainly my contract mutants, we are all family, and we are not master-servant relationships, which is very important.”

It was Tang Tian’s words that made Qin Wuyao’s mentality change instantly.

Her eyes brightened slightly as she looked at Tang Tian and nodded solemnly.

She had a strong feeling.

The man in front of him may be the first person in so many years who can shake the foundation of the entire planet’s Psychic Alliance!

Follow him and unify the zombie world of the entire planet!


A few hunting dogs quickly rushed back, fawning in front of Tang Tian for a few turns, and then turned around and ran away.


Mutants found!

Tang Tian’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly followed with Qin Wuyao.

Sure enough, not long after, in a training ground in front, an iron man was found.

It is worth mentioning.

This base is basically full of male soldiers, so they are all male zombies, and there are no female zombies, which makes Tang Tian a little disappointed.

How to say that he is also the king of Yan, but he came to hook up with men one by one, it sounds really strange.

With a simple glance, licking his face and shaking it, the familiar voice of the system sounded in his ears.


[Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the sworn follower of the D-class mutant iron man, and received the reward spiritual power +150]

It worked!

This did not surprise Tang Tian at all.

Then, the hounds brought good news.

There were indeed many mutants in the fourth layer, and Tang Tian was happy to find them inside, and the team behind him was getting bigger and bigger.

Most of them were also sent out again by Tang Tian.

The more sent out, the more variants are found.

The more you find, the more you send out.

It’s a virtuous cycle that keeps accelerating.

“What a treasure trove.” Tang Tian exclaimed.

D-grade iron men are simply everywhere in this fourth layer, as well as some other kinds of mutants.

For example, the D-level flame blade, the swordsman zombie holding a large knife, itself has the ability of fire attribute.

Compared with the iron man, it is more flexible and changeable.

Seeing that the fourth layer was almost looted, Tang Tian’s eyes looked at the fifth layer.

According to what Huang Zhigang said before, there are a total of seven layers here, and this is only the fourth layer, and the D-level mutants are all over the place.

What about the fifth layer, the sixth layer, and the core seventh layer?

What kind of existence will there be inside?

He didn’t know, and he was a little curious.

The distribution of forces in the entire base is simply terrifying.

You know, at the beginning, there were only two D-level superpowers in the entire Blackfire District 4 City, and they were also two major commanders.

One is Chu Tianjiao, and the other is Qin Wuyao.

Here alone, the D-grade ones simply don’t need money, just pick them up!

If you had discovered this place first, circled here, and taken these lineups to the Black Fire District 4 City, then the part-time job would have been crushed all the way!

“Let’s go, let’s go around the fourth floor.” Tang Tian said expectantly.

“Good.” Qin Wuyao nodded.

She was not worried at all, along the way, looking at the magical effect of Tang Tian’s face, Qin Wuyao had gone from being shocked at the beginning to being numb now.

A face, simply invincible!

Fifth floor.

It is a place where the barren army has never set foot before, and it still maintains the most primitive state of the base.

There are not many zombies left to see.

A few ordinary zombies that can be seen occasionally are also staff and the like.

There were also very few D-level mutants, and the scattered few were quickly taken down by Tang Tian.

And just when it was close to the center.


Tang Tian sensed something and looked up.

On a tall building in the center of the training ground, sat a stout man.

There was hardly the slightest zombie element in him, just like an ordinary person.

After that, the two silver pistols were particularly eye-catching.

Tang Tian just glanced at it, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.

Mutant: Magic Gun

Grade: Grade C

Class C!

This was the first C-grade mutant that Tang Tian had encountered in this world!

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