Lin Hui winked at his three subordinates, and the four of them took out their guns from their waists one after another, looking left and right with a guarded look.

Just then, a buzzing sound came.

Four drones flew in from the outside, hovering above Lin Hui's four, and the muzzle of the black hole hole was aimed at them.

"Special! Leopard, what kind of plane are you engaged in! Want to eat black? Lin Hui couldn't help but scold, "Ah Feng, where did you die?"

"Are you looking for them?" A playful voice came.

Lin Hui looked up sharply and saw that Xia Yang appeared in the corridor on the second floor without knowing when, leaning on the railing to look down on them, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Hui's pupils suddenly shrank sharply.

As soon as Xia Yang's words fell, Lin Hui saw several corpses appear out of thin air and fall heavily in front of him from the sky.

Although there was no A Leopard or A Feng, these four people Lin Hui all recognized, it was A Leopard's side, and the old donkey was also A Leopard's gold medalist.

"I underestimate you!" Lin Hui said with a gloomy face, "You killed them all?

Xia Yang shrugged his shoulders and asked rhetorically, "Shouldn't they die?" Oh, and you, a few of you, don't you deserve to die?

Xia Yang pointed to the room downstairs and said, "Those unjust souls in that room, do you dream of them coming to ask for their lives when you dream?" And their families and partners, I am afraid that they have died in your hands a long time ago, right?

Lin Hui laughed maniacally: "In this world, strength is respected, strength is not as good as people, and you deserve to die!" The only role of those women is to find us some fun and decompress us! If they can live a few more days, they are already creation! Why ask me for my life!

Xia Yang nodded and said, "Well said!" The person with a hard fist has the final say! So you guys today..."

Xia Yang said halfway, and a thick alloy plate suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the same time, thumping gunshots rang out, and bullets hit the alloy plate, making a dangling sound.

Lin Hui originally wanted to take advantage of Xia Yang's distraction and shoot a sneak attack.

Where did he know that Xia Yang's spiritual system could see his subtle movements, and Xia Yang had long been preventing this situation.

Although it is difficult for ordinary firearms to cause fatal damage to a C-class supernatural like Xia Yang, it will hurt when a bullet hits the body, right? Therefore, Xia Yang directly summoned an alloy plate from the dimensional space and easily blocked it.

At the same time that Lin Hui shot, Xia Yang also roared in his mind: "Mengmeng! Fire! Lawfully kill on sight! No need to leave a live mouth!


Four attack drones shoot at the same time!

Tongues of fire erupted from the muzzle, and this firepower was much stronger than Lin Hui's pistols.

And the drones shoot condescendingly, and the four drones are almost intertwined into a network of fire without dead ends.

"Ah..." The

three of them were shot and fell down at the first time, and only had time to let out the last terrible howl, and then quietly fell to the ground.

Lin Hui was also an earth system powerhouse, and he summoned several earth shields at the first time, protecting the top of his head and all four sides tightly.

The corners of Xia Yang's mouth turned up slightly, this kind of soil system supernatural is the weakest chicken in the early stage, as long as they knock off their turtle shells, they are basically no different from ordinary people.

His mind moved slightly, and the bazooka appeared in his hand.

Reload, shoulder and fire!

The action is done in one go.


The rocket hit accurately, not only shattering Lin Hui's earthen shield, but he also flew far away with the shock wave.

The algorithm of attack drones is very advanced, and at the same time that Lin Hui was shot off, they have quickly calculated and adjusted the angle of fire.


Before Lin Hui could summon the earth shield again, his body was still in the air when he was hit by bullets fired by drones in four directions at the same time.

This is 360 degrees without dead angles!

In just one or two seconds, Lin Hui didn't know how many bullets were hit, and his body was like a sieve, and he was hit everywhere with air leakage.


Lin Hui's body fell to the ground like a broken sack, and there was no sound, only blood was still gurgling out.

Xia Yang looked down indifferently.

He didn't want to be the embodiment of justice to judge these people, but since he encountered it, he got rid of these scum at will, and his thoughts suddenly became a lot clearer.

"Mengmeng, the drone is homecoming!" Xia Yang said.

Then, he directly bent lightly, nimbly climbed over the railing, and jumped directly from the second floor.

Xia Yang conveniently collected all the weapons left behind by Lin Hui and the others into the dimensional space.

The attack drone returned to the drone mother nest on the Liesun.

Xia Yang also took the Lieyang into the dimensional space.

Then he opened the room again, took out a few small barrels of gasoline from the dimensional space, and poured it on the poor female corpses.

If you can't let them go into the soil, then return to dust! It's much better than exposing the corpse like this.

After pouring gasoline, Xia Yang came to the second floor.

He took out some warm clothing such as cotton jackets, which were actually the supplies that the leopard had hoarded in the warehouse.

They would rather hoard it there than take it out for the poor women to wear.

Xia Yang opened the door of the room where Ah Leopard imprisoned those women.

The women had already heard gunshots and explosions outside, and they huddled close to each other in the corner of the room, their heads buried low.

The sound of the door opening came, and they were even more frightened and hid in the corner.

Xia Yang put those warm clothes on the ground and said lightly: "Give you two minutes, get dressed and come down, and I'll take you away!"

After that, Xia Yang turned around and walked out of the room.

The women were stunned, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Is this man really going to let us go?

They dare not hope for freedom, but they just survive so longing, maybe one day they will be tortured to death.

Xia Yang didn't lock the door when she left, and the women couldn't help but have some hope in their hearts.

They exchanged quietly as they quickly put on their cotton clothes.

Two minutes passed quickly, and the women helped each other out of the room.

Xia Yang was standing in the corridor outside, and he said lightly: "Let's go!"

After that, he walked directly to the stairs.

The women followed apprehensively.

On the first floor, Xia Yang told them to wait outside the warehouse first, while he himself went back to the room where the bodies were stacked and lit the gasoline.

Thick black smoke came out of the room.

Xia Yang quickly left the warehouse and led the women through the ruins of the building.

The women were physically weak and moved slower.

Xia Yang didn't rush, anyway, it was only a few hundred meters away, and it wouldn't be long to delay.

Half an hour later, the group came to the avenue.

Xia Yang stopped and said, "I can only send you here."

He pointed in the direction of the survival point and said, "You guys keep walking along this road, it is the Jiangcheng survival point, and there will be someone over there to rescue you." If you encounter an army on the way, you can also ask them for help, and if it is some other group of survivors who collect supplies, it is best not to have more contact with them. "

The avenue is cleared all around, the danger level is very low, as long as the women can hold on to the survival point, they can be rescued."

Xia Yang can only do this, he can't help these unknown women without limit, even if they are really pitiful.

After Xia Yang finished speaking, without waiting for those women to react, his figure flashed, disappeared into the ruins of the building next to him, and soon his figure disappeared from the sight of the women.

These women really believe that they have met a kind person.

Some of them came out from the survival point to collect supplies, and were robbed by the leopard's people to the warehouse, so they also knew the situation of the survival point.

The women who survived the disaster couldn't help but burst into tears, they bowed deeply in the direction where Xia Yang disappeared, and then supported each other, staggering towards the survival point in the wind and snow.

After a while, the steel monster-like Lieyang drove onto the avenue at another broken intersection, quickly moving towards the direction of the highway, and soon left the Jiangcheng survival point far behind...

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