The Lieyang sailed through the stone monument of the "Great American Frontier" and officially entered the border province.

Xia Yang sat in the car, looking at the endless Gobi in front of him, and the excitement in his heart was difficult to suppress.

The heavy snow is still falling, and the Gobi has turned into a snowfield.

The map shows that there is still about 700 kilometers from here to Yanglei County.

If you continue to travel at night today, you can rush to the territory of Yanglei County.

However, Xia Yang did not intend to do this.

Because the road still has to climb over the steep East Tianshan Mountain, and Meng Meng judged that the more than ten kilometers of the East Tianshan Tunnel may have been blocked by snow, and the shortcut is impassable, so it can only be taken from the old road.

That means taking the winding road from the Tianshan Temple side with nine curves and eighteen turns.

It is obviously not wise to walk such a path at night.

After all, in the post-apocalyptic environment, everything depends on itself, and road assistance is impossible.

If something really happens, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

After crossing the Xingxing Gorge and entering the border province, Xia Yang stopped and rested for a while.

He still missed the taste of yesterday's lamb puff bun, so he still chose mutton puff bun for lunch today.

Of course, there is also roasted source beast meat.

Source beast meat is an energy supplement, while other delicacies are more about tasting.

Ten pounds of source beast meat, plus a large bowl of mutton puff buns, Rao is now that Xia Yang's rice has increased greatly, he still feels that his stomach is a little bloated when he eats.

So, Xia Yang simply got out of the car and went to the snow to move.

In the past two days, I have been rushing with high intensity, basically staying in the car and not going out, no longer moving, feeling that my joints are about to rust.

Xia Yang punched a few times in the snow, and suddenly felt comfortable.

Wrapped in the cold wind and returning to the car, Xia Yang ordered Mengmeng to continue to move forward.

In the vast Gobi, the Lieyang braved the wind and snow, driving at high speed to the northwest, and the tracks rolled up the snow powder.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Yang had already arrived at the first stop into the frontier, Hami.

He chose to check in without hesitation.

2 contribution points were received, bringing the total number of contribution points to 1050.

Without any surprises, the system came with 1,000 secret melons.

This side of the frontier is rich in various fruits because of the long sunshine time.

the grapes of Tuqiaofan, the melons of Hami, and the fragrant pears of Kuergo; The walnut harvest of Kash, the dates of the field, the pomegranate of the night city are all boasted of....

Among them, the secret melon is naturally known to everyone and well-known.

It's just that after the end of the world, the extremely cold weather covers the world, and the fruits on this side of the frontier have also lost their growing environment, and it will be difficult to eat honey melon and kurta pears in the future.

As for the Tuqiao Flame Mountain, which was once famous for its heat, with a surface temperature of up to forty or fifty degrees, and you can directly fry eggs, I am afraid it has also become an iceberg....

At six o'clock, it was still early afternoon on the frontier, and it was still very early before dark.

Xia Yang did not stop too much in Hami, but continued to drive forward.

The location he is in now is a huge East Tianshan Mountain Range between him and Yanglei County, so after arriving in Hami, he must first turn north and cross the East Tianshan Mountain.

If you go directly west, you have to take a long detour.

Therefore, Xia Yang decided to follow the road north over the East Tianshan Mountain, passing Balikun and then heading to Yanglei County.

At this time, it was still early, and Xia Yang felt that he could still advance a while, at least to the foot of East Tianshan Mountain first.

If it is more dangerous to cross the East Tianshan Mountain at night, it will be time to camp again.

He also avoided Hami and drove north along National Highway 275.

After driving about 30 kilometers, in front of a toll booth that had long been empty, Mengmeng took the initiative to stop the car.

She said: "Brother Yang, there are now two routes to choose from, and you need to make a decision.

Xia Yang smiled and said, "With our cute high computing power, can't we still come up with the optimal solution?"

Mengmeng said: "Mengmeng's optimal solution is not necessarily Brother Yang's optimal solution!"

Xia Yang's eyebrows were the same, and he said with a smile: "Mengmeng is becoming more and more philosophical when she speaks!" Then you talk about it!

"Okay! The first plan is to get off the national highway from here, turn into Provincial Highway 249, and cross the East Tianshan Mountain along the provincial highway. Mengmeng said, "Although there are many curves and the terrain is relatively precipitous, with the passing ability of the Lieyang, there should be no problem."

Mengmeng paused for two seconds and added: "This provincial road is also known as the most beautiful Tianshan Highway, and before the end of the world, the scenery along the way was very beautiful, but it is basically only open in summer, because it is still more dangerous to drive on this road in ice and snow."

Xia Yang said with a smile: "What about the second plan?

"The second option is to continue on State Route 275." Mengmeng said, "Before the end of the world, this road was the mainstream traffic route from Hami over the East Tianshan Mountain, because the 11-kilometer-long East Tianshan Tunnel greatly reduced the travel time and driving difficulty. But...... Now the snow on the Hami side has also reached a depth of 1 meter, it is estimated that on the higher altitude of the East Tianshan Mountain, the snow will be deeper, and the tunnel entrance should most likely be blocked by the snow..." Xia

Yang nodded and said: "So, the best solution for Mengmeng is to take the 249 provincial road, right?"

Moe Meng giggled and said, "Yes! But for Brother Yang, maybe the second option is more suitable!

Xia Yang groaned slightly, and understood what Meng Meng meant.

From the perspective of the Lieyang, it is naturally the easiest to take the provincial road, without considering the problem of tunnel blockage.

But from Xia Yang's point of view, it may not be, he doesn't have to be trapped on the Lieyang!

And he has dimensional space, if the tunnel cannot let the Lieyang pass, he can completely receive the Lieyang into the space, and then use more convenient means of transportation, such as snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles, through the East Tianshan Tunnel.

"Which option saves time?" Xia Yang asked.

"It should be faster along the national highway!" "After all, the route is shorter, and there are not so many curves, so the speed is faster.

Xia Yang thought for a while, and then said: "Then let's choose the second option!" Keep going! He

originally wanted to camp and rest at the foot of Dongtianshan, but now that he saw that there were at least three hours before dark, and it was really not possible to stay in the tunnel of Dongtianshan for one night, and he would go down early tomorrow morning, and basically he would be able to reach Yanglei County before noon.

"Understood!" Mengmeng said, "Lieyang, let's go!" "

The Lieyang passed through the toll booth and did not turn from the intersection to Provincial Highway 249, but continued to drive north along National Highway 275.

As the altitude continued to rise, the snow outside also fell heavier, and the instrument showed that the temperature outside the car had reached about minus 40 degrees.

The snow on the national highway is so deep that the guardrail has long disappeared, and the street trees on both sides are only half exposed, barely able to guide the direction of the road.

Under the control of Mengmeng, the Lieyang still traveled very smoothly.

More than an hour later, Xia Yang saw a tunnel entrance half-exposed in front of him.

Above the entrance of the tunnel are written the words "East Tianshan Tunnel".

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