Xia Yang thought for a long time, and said: "I want to transform the mobile survival base!" Although

he still has some resistance to the death act of wandering in the last days, this bomb shelter is only a temporary stronghold for him, and the living environment of Sanshan City will soon become very bad, so it is obviously inappropriate to make this a fixed survival base.

And he also has some expectations for the mobile survival base.

If the heavy-duty truck RV is tough enough after the transformation, Xia Yang can adjust his plan - he also has the need to travel far away.

If you can get the benefits of the wandering system by the way during the long journey, why not?

"The need for retrofit has been confirmed!"

The cold voice of the system continued to sound: "Please provide the host with 500 kg of iron ore, 200 kg of tungsten ore, 100 kg of titanium ore, rubber..."

Xia Yang interrupted the system's words and shouted, "Didn't you give you the opportunity to transform the survival base?" Why do you still need me to provide materials? The

voice of the system was emotionless: "The bonus is only the transformation opportunity, with the strength of the host, if you want to achieve the preconditions for transforming the survival base, there is still a long way to go, the bonus transformation opportunity, it is already an exception, of course, the raw materials need to be provided by the host itself!" There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world! "

I can't argue with that...

At this time, the system said: "The host can also give up this opportunity, now, please tell me your choice."

Xia Yang pouted and said, "I choose to continue the transformation!" "

Since you can't resist, of course, you choose to enjoy....

Mainly, in the Xiayang dimensional space, the unlocked part of the strategic material reserve warehouse has warehouses for storing various ores and materials, so he believes that he should be able to directly gather raw materials.

The system then reported the names of more than a dozen materials, but fortunately there were no particularly rare types, and the number was not particularly large.

Xia Yang directly took out the required raw materials from the ore warehouse in the dimensional space.

Suddenly, the side of the RV was full of various ores and raw materials.

"There are enough materials, the transformation time is about 48 hours, and the host cannot enter the car during the transformation, nor can the vehicle be included in the dimensional space, do you want to start the transformation?"

Xia Yang thought for a while, nodded and said, "Let's start!" "

The transformation begins!"

As soon as the sound of the system fell, the entire heavy truck RV was suddenly shrouded in light.

Xia Yang couldn't see the situation inside, but he saw that the ore and other raw materials outside the car had begun to be slowly consumed.

During the two days of waiting for the transformation to be completed, Xia Yang had nothing to do.

Every day is to eat and drink, swipe your phone, occasionally look at the surveillance, and then sleep.

Both weather temperatures have been steadily declining.

The thermometer inside the bomb shelter shows that the indoor temperature has now dropped to about minus 5 degrees, and it is estimated that the outside temperature will be even lower.

Located on the southeast coast of Xia Kingdom, Sanshan City has only a handful of days of the year when temperatures fall below freezing.

Now that we have entered April, the temperature has been around 20 degrees a few days ago, and now it has suddenly dropped to minus 5 degrees, which is obviously very abnormal.

And not only the three mountains, but also the temperature around the world has fallen off a cliff.

This is even more unusual.

Some panic began to appear on the Internet, and this sentiment has a tendency to spread quietly.

Some media and experts began to come out to refute rumors and stabilize people's minds.

Experts naturally have a variety of professional-sounding explanations for the emergence of extreme climate.

And the final conclusion, without exception, is that everyone does not need to panic, the cooling is only temporary, and there are abundant material reserves in various places, and social life will soon return to normal.

When Xia Yang saw these remarks, he couldn't help but smile.

The veil of the end times has just been lifted, and the real cruelty is simply unimaginable.

The cliff-like drop in temperatures is just the first step, followed by heavy snowfall around the world, which then causes a series of chain reactions.

Electricity is interrupted, water supply is interrupted, communications are intermittent, material transfer channels are paralyzed...

In addition to natural disasters, larger crises will continue to emerge.

Xia Yang's current life has not been affected in any way.

He had set up a tent in the bomb shelter in advance and installed a fireplace.

The smoke vent of the fireplace is directly connected to a hidden bomb shelter vent.

The roaring fireplace bakes the tent very warmly.

Xia Yang nestled in a warm tent, drinking the table, smoking huazi, and the food cooked by the hotel chef, and the days were much more moist than before the end times.

Two days flew by.

【Ding! The

system prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host, the mobile survival base has been transformed!" Xia

Yang's spirits lifted when he heard this, and he immediately got up and opened the curtain and walked out of the tent.

The overall appearance of the RV does not seem to have changed much, but the paint of the whole car has changed from the original dark green to matt gray.

The body material seems to have been completely transformed, faintly shining with a metallic luster, and the entire streamline looks very comfortable.

Obviously, the appearance has not changed much, but it looks more technological.

The grade has been raised a lot.

Xia Yang walked to the front of the car and was about to unlock the lock by fingerprint.

The system prompts at this time: "The mobile survival base has been bound to the biological information of the host, and the host can directly control it by voice!" "

Is it so advanced?" Xia Yang said to himself, and then tried to say again, "Open the cabin door!" "


A soft sound.

The door of the rear compartment of the RV opened automatically, and then the steps began to be slowly lowered.

It turns out that the RV is also equipped with electric steps, but it is inevitable that there will be the sound of the motor when starting, and sometimes there is a slight friction sound.

But now the electric step runs very silky and is silent throughout.

Xia Yang stepped on the RV living cabin.

This motorhome was already luxuriously furnished, but now it seems to look more advanced.

The overall layout has not changed much, with a separate bedroom in the front, a kitchen area and bathroom in the middle, and a circular sofa in the rear living area.

But all the wood, soft bags, and metal parts have all been reborn, and the feeling has become much more comfortable to the touch.

In addition, the lights of the whole car have obviously been upgraded and upgraded, and the lights are basically invisible to the eyes, but the lights in all areas are very soft.

In addition, the biggest change is the hidden door leading to the cockpit in front.

Previously, this hidden door was on the inside of the bed and was relatively small.

To get straight from the RV cabin to the cockpit, you have to climb into bed and then get through that little doorway.

It's really inconvenient.

This design is also helpless, and only a soft connection channel can barely be opened between the front and rear cabins, otherwise the stress can easily damage the box.

After this transformation, the living compartment and cockpit seem to be completely connected.

That is, the two cabins are completely through.

I don't know how the system handles the problem of before and after stress, but since you dare to modify it this way, you must have solved this problem.

The separate bed in the master bedroom has been split in half from the middle, raised and attached to the walls on both sides, so that there is a spacious passage in the middle, and you can enter the cockpit directly.

Xia Yang stepped into the cockpit.

He was in the living cabin just now, and he saw that the interior of the cockpit seemed to have changed very much.

As soon as he entered the cockpit, the soft lights automatically turned on.

A soft and cute female voice came from the car stereo: "Welcome master, I am your exclusive intelligent butler!" I'll introduce you to this mobile survival base, so give me a nice name first! "

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