Li Yuan and Zhao Zhonglei did not expect that the one who suddenly appeared was such a ruthless character.

Unexpectedly, he directly moved the knife without saying a word, and there was not a word of nonsense at all.

But the two were not too afraid.

The two of them have one main attack and one main defense, and they have been cooperating for a while, and the degree of tacit understanding is still very high.

In their opinion, Mo said that Xia Yang was alone, even the female supernatural in the car came down, the two sides fought two against two, who won and who lost is unknown!

Since Xia Yang has all started, then Li Yuan and Zhao Zhonglei will no longer talk nonsense.

With one look at the two, they performed their respective duties very tacitly.

As soon as Zhao Zhonglei waved his hand, a heavy earthen wall appeared in front of him, just blocking Xia Yang's attack line.

Xia Yang sneered, and the speed under his feet increased again.

With great might, he smashed a whip leg heavily on this earthen wall.

The corners of Zhao Zhonglei's mouth twitched, revealing a mocking smile.

This is no ordinary earthen wall, and anyone with more strength can tear it down.

This earthen wall is actually condensed by abnormal energy, and it is no less solid than the copper wall and iron wall.

If Xia Yang's leg is solid, I am afraid that he will end up with a broken leg.


A loud explosion-like sound came.

The earthen wall released by Zhao Zhonglei was directly shattered under Xia Yang's whip attack.

The sneer on Zhao Zhonglei's face suddenly froze, his mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

In this extremely fast battle, mind wandering is death.

Because Xia Yang can't lose his mind.

One force down ten times, he already has a clear understanding of his strength after the breakthrough of the power system, and he has also fought against D-level earth system powers, and he has long expected this result.

Therefore, the moment the earthen wall shattered, Xia Yang's figure was like the god of death, directly passing through the smoke and dust and coming to Zhao Zhonglei.

Zhao Zhonglei just felt a flower in front of him, and there was a coldness on his neck.

He subconsciously covered his neck.

A stream of warm liquid began to burst out from between his fingers, and severe pain began to strike.

Zhao Zhonglei looked incredulous, covered his neck in vain, and fell down.

Before the darkness of the eternal night fell, the last scene he saw was that Xia Yang was sweeping towards Li Yuan not far away at a terrifying speed...

Li Yuan was also a little caught off guard - the script is not written like this!

Shouldn't Zhao Zhonglei's earthen wall block the enemy, and then he wields the alloy rod and makes a big splash?

Why is that earthen wall the same as paper paste today?

And Zhao Zhonglei, just standing there like a stupid goose at the mercy of others?

That's crazy, right?

Li Yuan didn't have time to think about it, and hastily raised the alloy stick to greet him.

An inch long and an inch strong.

Holding such a long stick himself, but the other party only has a short dagger, or does he have the advantage! Li Yuan encouraged himself.

But he didn't think that an inch long and an inch stronger was based on the premise that the forces of the two sides were similar.

If one side is crushed by strength, even if he takes a hundred-meter long stick, what is the use?

Xia Yang only shook his body slightly to change direction, and easily avoided the seemingly sharp blow.

Li Yuan was a little flustered, and quickly slammed the alloy stick back, and at the same time his body quickly retreated backwards.

However, compared with the speed of Xia Yang, the gap between his speed and Xia Yang was as big as the dirt on the ground and the clouds in the sky.

Xia Yang easily grabbed the end of the alloy stick.

Li Yuan suddenly felt bad.

His first reaction was to give up.

But Xia Yang didn't give him this opportunity at all, and before Li Yuan could let go of his hand, he felt a huge pulling force, and his body flew up involuntarily.

Flew in the direction of Xia Yang.

After his body was suspended in the air, Li Yuancai subconsciously released the hand holding the stick.

But at this time, it was difficult for him to change direction with the help of air power.

And Xia Yang directly swung the alloy stick.

The stick rubbed against the air, making a sharp sound of breaking the air.

Li Yuan was shocked to find that the alloy stick that he had once held to kill all sides quickly grew larger in his field of vision.


The alloy stick smashed down firmly, and Li Yuan's head suddenly shattered like a rotten watermelon.

With a plop, the corpse fell heavily in front of Xia Yang.

From Xia Yang's figure flickering to attack, to Li Yuan being directly smashed to death, the whole process took only a few seconds, so fast that ordinary people may not react at all, and the two high-ranking superpowers were killed on the spot.

Xia Yang did not have the slightest mood swing, but Charlene in the car was already stunned at this time.

She was originally angry, but now she is standing in the cockpit so dumbly, looking at her brother who feels a little strange to her outside.

This is the first time that Xia Yang has shown her strength in actual combat in front of her - throwing Zheng Mingxuan on the side of the igloo can only be regarded as child's play.

Charlene thought that her brother should be stronger, but the terrifying lethality that was revealed just now was something Charlene didn't even dare to think about.

No wonder he had the confidence to cross more than 3,000 kilometers to the border provinces....

Charlene couldn't help but think of the words she said when the two reunited when she said that she would cover her brother and take him to eat fragrant and spicy food.


And I'm afraid this terrier won't be able to live for a long time! Charlene felt like crying without tears.

Xia Yang casually received the alloy stick into the dimensional space, although it is just an ordinary alloy and some garbage, but at least it can be recycled by the system!

Then, without any psychological burden, he began to grope through the two corpses.

People are killed, what psychological burden can there be for such a thing as touching a corpse?

However, he did not report any hope, most of the powerful people in this period were very poor.

Li Yuan's body, in addition to the alloy stick just now, there are also some convenient foods such as compressed biscuits.

This kind of junk food, he didn't even bother to collect it.

Xia Yang turned to Zhao Zhonglei again.

With a light touch, he found that Zhao Zhonglei's waist was a little clumsy, as if he was hiding something.

Xia Yang untied Zhao Zhonglei's coat and found that there was indeed an inner pocket near the hem of the clothes.

He reached out and took out the contents inside, and he couldn't help but feel a little lost in his mind when he saw it.

It turned out to be Yuanjing!

And there is more than one!

Zhao Zhonglei had three source crystals hidden in the inner pocket of his clothes!

And what about this good thing? Xia Yang couldn't help but be happy.

It is not unusual for a supernatural to collect source crystals, and the production of precious source crystals on the source beast should not be a secret among the supernatural at this time, especially Zhao Zhonglei, who has faced off with the source beast, must have understood the information in advance.

However, Zhao Zhonglei was able to collect three source crystals, which was really something unexpected by Xia Yang.

Come to think of it, there is only one possibility.

That is, there are many source beasts in Qitai County these days, and the military often bombards with heavy weapons.

Then sometimes the situation is urgent, and it is not even too late to collect the source crystal.

Zhao Zhonglei couldn't get it right, that's how he picked up the leak.

Anyway, no matter how Zhao Zhonglei got these three source crystals, they would now become Xia Yang's trophies.

Even if the source beast was killed by the military, this source crystal is also Xia Yang's trophy!

It's hard for anyone to come!

Who let them not collect in time? To settle the account, find Zhao Zhonglei!

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