A large number of wounds on the source beast's body were bleeding at any time.

Moreover, Xia Yang found an opportunity to stab it twice in the thigh, which greatly reduced its ability to move.

If nothing else, even grinding can grind it to death.

However, the unexpected came unsurprisingly.

In the direction of Tianchi, the figure of the three-headed source beast appeared...

They are somewhat slow.

It was obviously the source beast that was injured before, and it hurried to catch up.

Xia Yang showed a solemn expression.

The victory was already in hand, but if a siege is formed, the result is difficult to say.

It's a quick fix!

But in that case, it is necessary to take risks....

Xia Yang did not hesitate and decisively changed his tactics.

His figure flashed, and he took the initiative to sweep in the direction of this source beast, then lowered his center of gravity, quickly rolled on the snow, and the A-grade alloy dagger in his hand stabbed towards the leg of the source beast.


The A-grade alloy dagger directly sank into the thigh of the source beast.

Xia Yang's mind moved, and he withdrew the dagger into the dimensional space.

Then roll to the side with all your strength.

But the source beast's tail still swept violently, and the sharp tip of its tail slashed through Xia Yang's cold clothing.


Several layers of clothing were cut at the same time.

Moreover, Xia Yang felt a chill in his back, and it was obvious that his back had also been cut out of a big way.

This is still he hid fast.

If this blow is real, even if Xia Yang's physical fitness is extremely strong now, I am afraid that he will be injured not lightly, and even broken tendons and bones are not impossible.

If you want a quick victory, you must fight close to you, and the danger will naturally increase significantly.

There's no way around it.

Xia Yang was not frightened.

He took a deep breath, first took out the bazooka and slammed it at the chest and abdomen of the source beast, then took out the A-grade alloy dagger again, and continued to rush forward with a loud shout.

The three source beasts that came to support were getting closer and closer, and Xia Yang had to hurry.

Three times in a row, Xia Yang took the initiative to seek opportunities for hand-to-hand combat.

For the first time, a blood hole was left in the thigh of the source beast.

The last two times were cut at the root of the source beast's tail.

The tail of the source beast was pulling and almost being cut off.

A grade alloy dagger, the sharpness will not disappoint!

Of course, Xia Yang didn't get anything good.

Once again, he was hit in the back by the source beast's punch.

This time, there was no trauma, but he felt that his internal organs seemed to have shifted, and he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Xia Yang didn't say a word, exchanged a bottle of recovery potion from the system, raised his head and drank it all.

The source beasts that supported the three heads were about five hundred meters away from here.

Xia Yang drank loudly, holding the A-grade alloy dagger in his hand, and once again pounced on the source beast.

This difficult bone, Lao Tzu gnawed today!

The trauma of the source beast's tail makes it impossible to protect the rear door.

This is the effect that Xia Yang braved his death attack to achieve.

After several rounds in a row, Xia Yang finally found a flaw.

The alloy javelin in his hand was already hungry and thirsty!

Xia Yang's body was sliding on the snow, and under the action of spiritual powers, everything in front of him seemed to be in slow motion.

He avoided the condescending attack of the source beast by a millimeter, and then the alloy javelin in his hand jingled with lightning speed, accurately avoiding the broken half of its tail, and pierced into the source beast's life gate like lightning.



The first sound, naturally, was the sound of the alloy javelin piercing the door.

And the second sound, it was Xia Yang who used the old method, and at the moment when the javelin was freed, he directly took out the bazooka that had been loaded in advance and blasted at the tail of the alloy javelin.

All this happens in a very short instant.

Xia Yang's figure did not decrease, and he rushed forward for about ten meters before stopping, just avoiding the body of the source beast that crashed to the ground.

He didn't look back.

Because the system panel has prompted that this source beast was killed by him.

The previous judgment was not wrong.

This is indeed a C-grade source beast.

Because the system gives him 100 contribution points.

Xia Yang couldn't help but secretly complain.

C-level source beasts and C-level source beasts are different, okay?

Like this one just now, even if it is three heads and five ordinary C-grade source beasts combined, I am afraid that the strength is not as strong as this one.

It's so unfair to all give the same contribution points!

But this is just a flash thought, and now the situation is only somewhat relieved, and it is far from the time to completely relax.

Because, those three source beasts were also approaching.

Xia Yang and Mengmeng confirmed that there was nothing big on Charlene's side.

Although it is more difficult to kill, it is still no problem to use the tactic of flying a kite and hang the opponent from a long range.

Therefore, he also put down his heart and focused his attention on the three source beasts in front of him.

Xia Yang glanced at it, two of the three source beasts were C-grade source beasts, and there was also a D-grade source beast that was not too badly injured.

Of course, the mobility of these three source beasts has dropped a lot, so their strength must have dropped a lot compared to usual.

Xia Yang didn't think so much, the biggest bosses were solved, and these remnants were left to do it!

A dozen three is a dozen three, and nothing remarkable.

The three-headed source beast was already close at hand, and Xia Yang rushed forward.

It is still a guerrilla tactic.

When he really fought, Xia Yang found that the ability of these three source beasts to move was greatly limited, and even though it was one against three, he was still at ease.

After a while, Xia Yang spotted a flaw, and an alloy javelin was given to the D-grade source beast, and it was simply solved neatly.

The remaining two half-crippled C-grade source beasts did not take much effort to deal with.

In just a few minutes, Xia Yang killed the last C-grade source beast.

After this battle, he found that if some thermal weapons are used well, their usefulness is still great.

For example, today's big war, such an effect can be achieved, in fact, thanks to anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-tank mines.

These two C-class source beasts were half-crippled by countless anti-tank mines.

No matter how thick the blood is, it can't withstand the impact of so many mines exploding at the same time!

Not to mention more than one explosion.

This battle has been fought until now, Xia Yang knows that the general trend has been decided.

With a slight adjustment, he swept towards the last C-class source beast that was still being kited by Charlene.

"Sister! I'm coming! You take a break! Xia Yang shouted.

The A-grade alloy dagger in his hand slashed at this C-grade source beast that was already on the verge of doubting the beast...

Two minutes later.

This C-grade source beast crashed to the ground.

The alloy javelin stuck behind it shines in the sun....

Xia Yang experienced several dangerous battles in a row, panting slightly.

However, he still collected the corpses of these five source beasts into the dimensional space for the first time.

Then he said to Charlene: "Sister! Hurry up and get in the car, let's kill back! "

There are still many source beast corpses on the road, as well as source beasts that are very seriously injured.

That's all a contribution!

Of course, there are also a large number of source crystals, the kind that are picked up in vain!

Xia Yang didn't want to be escaped by those injured source beasts, not to mention that there were a large number of anti-tank mines on the road, which could not be wasted, and all of them had to be taken back.

He has already tasted the sweetness, and he will use it when fighting in the future!

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