Xia Yang couldn't help but smile and said, "Boom! There are actually such old-fashioned weapons?

Charlene on the side said: "These people are definitely not a good thing!" Yangyang, just destroy them!

Xia Yang laughed, how could the old sister's anger be heavier than herself?

Charlene actually has itchy hands and can't help but want to fight.

It's the same as a person who just got a driver's license and has a car addiction.

Delicious and fun-loving.

Xia Yang said with a smile: "Sister, in this kind of world now, as long as there are conditions, they will definitely carry weapons with them." But in this mining area where birds don't, it's really weird to have such a group of people entrenched..." Xia

Yang thought for a while and ordered: "Mengmeng, let the hummingbird drone continue to scout, it's best to figure out the situation in the room." Also, listen to what they say..."

"Understood!" Mengmeng said, "By the way, Brother Yang, the exploration work has just ended, and there are good discoveries at depths below 1300 meters!"

Xia Yang suddenly lifted his spirits and said, "Show the results on the screen, I'll take a look!" "

Compared with a few small shrimp in the living area of the abandoned mine, Xia Yang is actually more concerned about the exploration results.

Mengmeng synced the exploration results to a screen in the center console of the Lieyang.

Xia Yang got closer and took a closer look.

The results are really good.

From a depth of 1300 meters, the content of rare metal ore begins to increase significantly.

These rare metals mainly include beryllium, lithium, niobium, tantalum, rubidium and so on.

In general, the reserves and quality are not much lower than those in the Cocoto Sea of Xia Guo Border Province.

Moreover, this mining area is relatively large, and several subsequent explorations at different points will be carried out to basically cover the entire mining area, and I believe that more rare metal ores will be detected by then.

If all the rare metals in this mining area of Mongolia are mined and refined, basically the rare metals needed for the Lieyang to upgrade to Class A are enough.

If you add the slag refining on the other side of the Cocoto Sea, there will definitely be a surplus.

In addition to rare metals, starting at a depth of around 800 meters, a large amount of high-quality magnetite was discovered.

Preliminary detection shows that in this area, the magnetite reserves in the mineable range have reached 20 million tons, and the average iron content has reached 35%.

Obviously, this iron ore mine may have been limited by mining technology, and only shallow mining was carried out at first, and then temporarily abandoned.

Those high-quality iron ore mines in the deep layers are still intact.

In these ten kilometers alone, underground iron ore is mined, and after refining, almost 5 million to 7 million tons of iron can be obtained.

In fact, during the upgrade of the Lieyang, the largest consumption is iron.

Because it is possible to use it when making various alloys.

As for those rare metals, in addition to the need to use some of them when creating alloys, more application scenarios are still used to manufacture some precision equipment.

It's just that there was a large amount of iron ingots stored in the strategic reserve depot, so there was no shortage of iron for the time being.

If the Flaming Sun is to be upgraded in the future, it is definitely necessary to reserve a large amount of iron and metal in advance.

This mining area in Mongolia almost perfectly meets the needs of Xia Yang.

Mining all the mineral resources here, conservatively estimated that it is enough for the Lieyang to rise to the S class.

It is estimated that there will be a certain gap in rare metals, but now that the radius of activity of the Lieyang covers almost the whole world, it is a big deal to go to a few places to collect it.

Now that the required mineral resources have been discovered, the next step is to deploy mining base stations and mining robots.

In this way, those people in the living area may be a hidden danger.

Xia Yang asked: "Mengmeng, how is the reconnaissance situation on the side of the hummingbird drone?" Since there are mineral deposits that we need, for the safety of the mining base station, we must find out why they are staying here and whether they have companions elsewhere.

"Brother Yang, the detection equipment of the hummingbird drone cannot penetrate the wall, the curtains of several rooms are closed tightly, and the drones we left on the periphery have not detected any useful intelligence." Meng Meng said, "But from the conversations of several people in the hall, some intelligence was analyzed. "

Oh?" Xia Yang said with interest, "Tell me, what are these people doing in this desolate mining area?" How did they get supplies?

Mengmeng said: "According to their conversation and analysis, the boss of this group is called Batuu, and it seems that he is very strong, but it is still to be confirmed that he is not a superpower." In addition, they should have come to this mining area at the beginning of the end of the world, and it is estimated that they carried a large amount of supplies, so they have survived until now. But there should not be much left of their supplies, and the three people in the hall are a little anxious..." Xia

Yang nodded, the drone obtained very little intelligence.

It's better to go and meet them in person for a while.

As for that boss Batu's so-called strong strength, Xia Yang did not pay attention to it, he believed that so far, there should be no second B-class supernatural on the blue star.

It is estimated that even if it is an ordinary D-level superpower, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the same existence as the God of War.

Therefore, the conversation content of the three people in the hall does not have reference value.

Xia Yang stood up and said, "Sister, let's go meet this group together!"

"Okay!" Charlene said with some excitement, "Yangyang, if you want to do it, let me go first!"

Xia Yang smiled and said, "No problem! Xia

Yang and Charlene put on their winter jackets, and Xia Yang also put on their tactical glasses, and then the two walked out of the cockpit and came from the stairs to the lower floor.

The two walked all the way to the rear cabin, and after opening a door, a flight of stairs descended directly to the hidden cabin where the small aircraft were parked.

The two sat in the small flying machine.

Xia Yang said: "Mengmeng, you come to control the aircraft remotely, by the way, disguise it as an ordinary snowmobile!"

"Understood!" Mengmeng answered excitedly.

The lock automatically fell off, the small aircraft trembled slightly, and the anti-gravity engine was firmly suspended after starting.

At the same time, the hatch leading to the outside of the car was slowly lowered.

The small aircraft flexibly penetrated out, and then flew close to the ground at high speed in the direction of the living area.

The place where the Lieyang is parked is only two or three kilometers away from the two-story building in the living area.

In the blink of an eye, a small flying machine had arrived near the building.

The aircraft slowly landed, and the extended track mechanism began to rotate and drove in the direction of the building.

Of course, because the visual deception device is turned on, this small flying machine is an ordinary snowmobile to the naked eye.

Xia Yang didn't bother to grind, opened the hatch and poked his head out, taking out an automatic rifle from the dimensional space.


He was facing the glass window on the second floor.

It was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and someone first quickly glanced at it.

It is estimated that I saw a small snowmobile underneath, so soon everyone rushed out.

One floor was half buried by snow, but they dug a passage to the outside world.


Xia Yang counted, and a total of five people rushed out.

Why are there still three missing?

In addition, when he saw clearly the appearance of the last person who rushed out, he couldn't help but gasp.

Is this really personal?

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