Batu didn't dare to play any tricks, so he quickly went into the room and got under the bed, pulled a few times inside with his hand with a broken finger, and dragged out a small box.

"Open!" Xia Yang ordered lightly.

Batuu lifts the lid.

Xia Yang saw that there were more than a dozen gold bars placed in the small box, and two source crystals were placed on top of the gold bars.

He had already seen too many source crystals, and at a glance, he knew that these two source crystals were indeed genuine.

And it was no different from the source crystal he got from the waist of the Gayuan Beast before.

Why is this thing in a tree hole? Xia Yang's curiosity grew stronger.

He unceremoniously received the entire box into the dimensional space.

Although gold is basically useless in this post-apocalyptic environment, he will also use gold as a raw material when upgrading the Flaming Sun.

Batu touched the box when he saw Xia Yang, and then the box disappeared directly like magic, and he couldn't help but be even more shocked in his heart.

"Let's go! Take me to that tree hole! Xia Yang said.

Compared to the two D-grade source crystals, Xia Yang was more interested in the tree hole where the source crystals could be found.

At this time, Charlene spoke: "Yangyang, first go and see the three women who were robbed by them!" "

Charlene is a woman after all, relatively more emotional.

Xia Yang nodded and said, "Batu, take us to the room where those women are being held!"

"Yes! Be! Be! Batu did not dare to disobey in the slightest, and quickly endured the pain of his arms and fingers, leading the way in front.

The three women were held in one of the easternmost rooms.

Coming to the door of the room, before Batuu could unlock the lock, Charlene went up and kicked the door open.

A disgusting stench suddenly came out of the room.

Xia Yang frowned, took out two masks from the dimensional space, put one on himself, and handed the other to Charlene.

The three women in the room were all dumbfounded, and Charlene kicked the door loudly, but they only glanced up indifferently, and then lowered their heads again.

Two of the three men wore tattered cotton wool and sat next to a small stove.

It is estimated that Batu and they set up this stove to prevent the women from freezing to death.

After the end times, a room without heating is no different from an ice cave.

There was also a woman who was even more unclothed, and her body shrunk into a ball with some trembling.

Xia Yang thought that earlier, when the Lieyang was using radar in the air, it actually found that there were two people in one of the rooms.

Now it seems that one of them should be one of Batu's side, and the other is probably this woman.

From the exposed skin of the women, you can see all kinds of horrible scars, these scars are dense, many of them overlapped together, obviously the reason why the old wounds have not healed, and new ones have been added.

Xia Yang looked at the three skinny, unkempt, and scarred women in front of him, and he also had a more intuitive understanding of the evil deeds of Batu and his gang.

What makes him feel even more incomprehensible is that these three women have been tortured like this, basically the walking dead, and their appearance is as terrifying as the female ghosts in hell, Batuu How can they be sexy in the face of women with this image?

Hunger doesn't go to this extent, right?

When Charlene saw the miserable appearance of the three women, she couldn't wait to chop Batu directly and feed it to the dog.

However, she also knew that Xia Yang still needed Batu to lead the way, so she didn't take action, but just glared at Batu fiercely.

She said: "Yangyang, you let Mengmeng give me simultaneous interpretation, I will say a few words to these women..."

Xia Yang nodded and said: "No problem!" Moe, did you hear that? A

cute voice came from the earphones: "Brother Yang, Mengmeng received!"

Xia Yang nodded and stepped forward to put the Bluetooth speaker aside.

Charlene walked over and squatted down, and said softly: "Don't be afraid!" We are not bad people, you have been saved..." In

the Bluetooth speaker, a cute analog female voice came out, translating Charlene's words into Mongolian.

The three women still didn't have any reaction, just sat on the ground with dull eyes, without any expression on their faces, completely numb.

Charlene continued, "Where are you from?" Do you still have relatives at home? Where do they live? The

three women still didn't respond.

Xia Yang sighed and said, "Sister, don't waste your effort, these three people have obviously suffered serious psychological trauma and completely closed themselves off..."

Charlene looked at the three women who were like puppets, helpless.

Xia Yang was silent for a moment and said, "Sister, although it is a little cruel, I still want to say... Maybe for them, death is the best relief..."

Charlene was stunned, she looked at the three poor women, and finally sadly found that Xia Yang's words could not be refuted at all.

That's really the case now.

Xia Yang thought for a while and said, "Sister, let me come!"

With that, he dragged Batuu over, kicked him over, and trampled him underfoot.

Then he said to the three women: "You see, Batuu is already our prisoner, and this stronghold has been captured by us, so you will not be harmed by Batu and the others in the future..."

The stimulation of the words had almost no effect on the three of them.

But when they saw the nightmarish Batuu being trampled under the feet of this somewhat weak-looking man, a look began to appear in their eyes.

But the light of hope was like a candle in the wind, flashing and extinguished.

Xia Yang took out the few guns he had put away casually just now from the dimensional space and threw them on the ground along with a few magazines.

He said, "We are leaving soon, and this place will belong to you from now on, including Batuu and their unused supplies, and they will also give you everything!"

After that, he picked up Batu and casually put the Bluetooth speaker into the dimensional space.

Then he turned to Charlene and said, "Sister, let's go!"

Charlene faintly guessed Xia Yang's intentions, she hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed secretly and quickly chased towards Xia Yang.

Xia Yang threw Batu to the ground and said in disgust: "Go by yourself!" Get downstairs right away!

"Yes, yes, yes!" Batuu replied.

Bang! Bang bang! Bang!

Before the three of them reached the staircase, they heard several gunshots from the east room.

Charlene's face changed slightly, and her figure flashed towards the room where the three women were held at the easternmost end.

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