Meng Meng replied: "Understood!

Then, Mengmeng suggested: "Brother Yang, I judge that this small mutant octopus does not necessarily stay in the mother's body all the time, maybe they will act alone when they grow to a certain stage, so when we search, we should not only pay attention to the giant mutant octopus, but also pay attention to whether there are traces of small mutant octopus activity."

Xia Yang nodded approvingly and said, "That's right! Think about it carefully, this time we're going to dig up all the mutant octopuses in the Lake Berga area – if there are any!

Xia Yang thought for a while, and then continued: "In addition, considering that these mutant octopuses may live in relatively deep lake water, we must be prepared to fly at ultra-low altitudes and expand the range of downward detection as much as possible." Of course, at the same time, it is also necessary to maintain the highest state of alert and be ready for an emergency pull-up at any time!

"Understood!" Mengmeng said, "Brother Yang, I still have an idea..."

"The lake is not only covered with thick ice, but also covered with a lot of snow, which is very disturbing for us to detect the situation in the lake." Mengmeng said, "Can we find a way to blow that snow away and even blast the ice?"

"How?" Xia Yang asked with interest, "Did you drop a bomb?" That's too costly... And Lake Berga is tens of thousands of square kilometers! We can't finish working for a year!

"Mainly to the area around here!" Meng Meng said, "Isn't there a mutant octopus here?" The probability of its kind appearing nearby will be greater, we can delineate a range and focus on searching!

Mengmeng then said: "And there is no need to drop bombs, let's fly directly at ultra-low altitude, and then let the Lieyang break through the speed of sound, and the shock wave of the sonic boom is very powerful!"

"But sonic booms are instantaneous and can't last forever!" Xia Yang said.

Meng Meng said: "Then we can repeatedly break through the speed of sound, then reduce the speed, and then continue to break through the speed of sound!" For the performance of the Flaming Sun, this is easy!

Xia Yang thought for a while, nodded slowly and said, "It seems to be a little interesting!" And if there are really mutated octopuses under the lake, it is easier to alarm them if they make a bigger movement!

"Yes!" Mengmeng also seemed very happy to hear that her suggestion was accepted by Xia Yang.

Xia Yang said: "But such repeated acceleration and deceleration, now you can't do it for the time being!" My sister is still resting in the lower cabin!

When Xia Yang said this, he groaned a little and said, "So be it!" Tonight, let's search normally according to the previous plan, and tomorrow day, after my sister gets up, go to this area and implement it according to your plan!

"Understood!" Mengmeng said, "Brother Yang, then I will continue with routine detection!"

Xia Yang nodded and said, "Hmm! Pay attention to do a good job of statistics, in addition, do not let down your vigilance, and be ready to urgently raise the height at any time! I'll squint for a while, you can wake me up at any time if there is any situation!

"Okay, Brother Yang, good night!" Meng Meng said with fighting spirit.

Xia Yang laid the driver's seat flat again, covered himself with a thin blanket after lying down, and soon fell asleep.


The next morning, the sun shone into the cockpit.

Xia Yang rubbed his eyes and sat up.

After all, the driver's seat is relatively narrow, so although the wrapping is excellent, sleeping on it is definitely not as comfortable as the master bedroom bed.

Everything was calm last night, and Mengmeng didn't wake up Xia Yang once.

Xia Yang stood up and casually put the thin blanket into the dimensional space.

He asked, "Mengmeng, how was the detection last night?"

"Brother Yang, good morning!" Mengmeng's voice is always so energetic, "There were no other emergencies last night, so far, we have searched about half, and it is expected that in another day and night, we can search the entire Lake Berga area."

Xia Yang nodded and said, "Didn't you find that kind of mutant octopus?

"Nope!" "Maybe they hide deeper." In fact, last night I had lowered the altitude of the Flame Sun to a very low level, almost flying against the snow, but the radar still did not find any trace of the mutant octopus activity.

"Is it possible that in the entire Lake Berga area, there is such a giant mutant octopus?" Xia Yang asked.

"This possibility cannot be completely ruled out." Mengmeng said, "But I still suggest, let's focus on the area yesterday again, and even drop some bombs into the lake, maybe there will be gains!"

Xia Yang nodded and said, "Hmm! You search normally first, my sister and I have breakfast, let's go back to yesterday's area!

"Understood!" Mengmeng replied happily.

Xia Yang got up and returned to the master bedroom, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, and changed into clean clothes before walking down the stairs to the lower floor.

"Sister! Good morning! As soon as Xia Yang walked down the stairs, he saw Charlene busy in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Charlene obviously slept quite well last night, "Yangyang, breakfast will be good immediately!"

"Sister, you worked hard!" Xia Yang walked over and took out a porcelain bottle from the dimensional space.

This is exactly the porcelain bottle containing the energy pill.

Xia Yang poured out two energy pills and handed them to Charlene.

He smiled and said, "Give!" Treat the old lady!

Charlene took the two pills with a smile and asked, "What is this?"

"Strengthened! Take two capsules a week in the future, and when you get stronger, slowly increase it! Xia Yang said.

He did not say that this was refined from the blood and flesh of those mutant octopuses yesterday, as well as the blood and flesh of the previous source beasts.

Charlene is a girl after all, and she will feel a little embarrassed in her heart after knowing it.

For Xia Yang, Charlene naturally trusted absolutely her, she directly threw the pill into her mouth, then picked up the water cup on the kitchen counter and swallowed the pill with water.

The effect of the energy pill was still obvious, and Charlene immediately felt warm in her stomach.

"It seems to be good!" Charlene's eyes lit up.

"That's a must!" Xia Yang said with a grin, "Sister, let's have a simple breakfast today, there are still a lot of things in a while!"

"Right away! You go to the restaurant and wait! Charlene said.

After a while, the siblings finished breakfast.

Although it is just simple red rice porridge and white water eggs, plus a few white steamed buns, in the last days, for many people, this is a luxury enjoyment.

After simply cleaning up and putting the dishes in the dishwasher, the siblings went to the upper cockpit and sat down.

"Sister, we're going to play big in a while, hurry up and fasten your seat belt!" Xia Yang said while also fastening the three-point safety belt himself, and specially pulled it tighter.

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