Charlene seemed to know that her brother was looking at her, and she said without raising her head: "Don't worry!" I know the measure... You think I'll put some pictures of my face? Just a close-up view of a dining table, even the Flaming Sun cannot be exposed! "

Xia Yang said with a smile: "It's okay to be exposed, as long as my sister is happy!" "

Charlene raised her head a little unexpectedly, smiled and said, "Why is your mouth so sweet all of a sudden?" "

Xia Yang said disapprovingly: "It was originally ah!" I am a relative of your sister, I am desperately trying to improve my strength, isn't it so that no matter how bad the environment is, you and I can do whatever we want, without worrying about this and that? "

Speaking of this, Xia Yang smiled slightly and continued: "One thing to say, with our current capital, even if we look at the entire Blue Star survivor group, it cannot be said that it must be a unique transcendent existence, but it is not much!" "

Charlene giggled, "Yangyang, you're floating!" "

Xia Yang smiled and lowered his head to refocus on the computer screen in front of him.

He refreshed Charlene's post just now.


It was only two or three minutes, and the comment was already more than a dozen pages.

This forum has 15 comments per page, so in this short period of time, there are one or two hundred replies?

How idle the survivors of Jiangcheng's survival point are!

Looking at everyone's comments again, that's called a thousand gestures...

"Young sister, you call this unpretentious? Do you have any misunderstanding about this idiom? "

"Aaaaah! I really want such unpretentious happiness! "

"Landlord, is your thigh missing pendant? Warm the bed..."

"God, are you punishing me? Why would you want me to see this kind of post? The instant noodles in front of me instantly became fragrant..."

"The big guy upstairs can actually eat bubble noodles, and his real name is envious! I'm nibbling on expired ham sausage..."

"The big guy upstairs can actually afford to eat ham sausage, and his real name is envious! My lunch today is half a compressed biscuit. [Sadful face]"

"The big guy upstairs can actually afford to eat compressed biscuits..."

After a while, the building was crooked, and it became a different kind of grievance solitaire conference.

Charlene leaned back on the couch and watched with pleasure.

The familiar forum atmosphere gave her the illusion of returning to civilized society.

Xia Yang watched for a while, and Quan Dang relaxed.

Soon he went to other sections to browse the posts, after all, the main purpose of logging in to the forum is to learn more about the current situation of Jiangcheng's survival point, not to brag about it.

In fact, if this information is collected and summarized by Mengmeng, it can be completed in almost instant.

Moreover, Mengmeng can also make comprehensive research and judgment based on the collected information and give its own opinions.

However, Xia Yang still wanted to see it for himself.

After all, Mengmeng is just artificial intelligence, maybe it will ignore some seemingly ordinary posts but hide important information.

After browsing for an hour, Xia Yang had a general understanding of the current situation of Jiangcheng's survival point.

From the advent of the apocalypse to the present, the Jiangcheng survival point has not suffered any major crisis tests, and there were several source beast attacks some time ago, but the scale was not large.

The nearby garrisons have also been moving closer to the survival point, so the defense of the survival point has become more and more stable.

It can be said that the current survival point of Jiangcheng is not said to be solid, but the safety in the short term is still very high.

Judging from a series of official notices and posts made by ordinary survivors in other sections, the biggest crisis in the current survival point is still the problem of material shortages.

The most scarce thing is naturally food survival materials.

This is also a matter of no way, at least a million people are stuffed into the small survival point, and food has become a non-renewable resource in a short period of time, and it can only rely on a small team to search for the ruins of the huge city outside the survival point, which is naturally difficult to meet daily needs.

This is also an important reason why Charlene's post caused such a big response.

Many people are struggling to survive, barely surviving with daily rations, and even starving to death if they don't go on search missions.

The meal that Charlene sent out may have been just an ordinary home-cooked meal before the end of the world, and at most it sold better.

But in the current situation, it is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely a top-notch luxury lunch.

There are definitely a lot of people who are willing to help you with such a meal, and killing people is not a problem.

People are hungry and can do anything.

In addition to food shortages, shortages in other strategic resources have been somewhat alleviated.

On the one hand, the army carries a large number of weapons and strategic materials.

On the other hand, some time ago, the survival point also organized a large number of personnel, opened a passage to a large oil storage center in the nearby suburbs, and transported back a lot of reserve fuel.

Therefore, compared with when Xia Yang first arrived in Jiangcheng, the power supply in the survival point has also improved.

Energy is the foundation of everything, and this Jiangcheng Home Forum can be built, in the final analysis, it still depends on energy.

Server rooms and base stations all need power supply!

Xia Yang also noticed a post that the Jiangcheng Institute of Biology was recruiting volunteers.

He looked at the specific content and quickly analyzed that the survival point official should be initiating research on synthetic food.

In the previous life, synthetic food was developed by Jiangcheng survival points, and most of the ordinary survivors of later survival points basically relied on this "toothpaste" with poor taste and bad taste to survive.

The so-called synthetic food is actually a paste food mixed together with a small amount of flour, rice flour, and some edible plant ingredients, and even a very small amount of source animal blood and flesh ingredients.

These plant ingredients are also heavily screened and then grown using artificial suns in underground greenhouses.

Of course, this is also indispensable for the wood attribute supernatural to take care of.

The cost of planting is relatively high, but compared with the consumption of extremely large basic food, growing these plants to add to synthetic foods is more in line with the current reality.

This synthetic food can meet the most basic survival needs of the human body, and at the same time can greatly save food consumption.

As for the taste, it is naturally difficult to say.

Synthetic food mainly plays a very small amount of source beast blood and flesh components and those plant components, a tube of synthetic food, water accounts for 80%, but such a tube of food, but can maintain an ordinary survivor for a whole day to survive, cost-effective.

It seems that the research of Jiangcheng Biological Research Institute in this area should have made great progress, otherwise volunteers would not be recruited to cooperate with the experiment.

Xia Yang remembered that this project was not in charge of Li Muyu's parents, Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin.

It seems that a professor surnamed Song led the project team to complete it.

Every time those survivors in their previous lives ate synthetic food that tasted like chewing wax, they inevitably complained in their mouths, but everyone was still full of respect for Professor Song.

The people take food as the sky.

Without food, everyone can't live.

If saving someone's life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, the floating butcher created by Professor Song is probably comparable to a space elevator.

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