Long Weijiang listened to Xia Yang's words, and he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Of course, he knew that it was not safe to take a transport helicopter, especially scientists like Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin.

The projects currently being studied by these two people, to a large extent, are related to the survival of the entire human race, and it is not an exaggeration.

It is certainly best not to take risks.


Long Weijiang said with some hesitation: "Brother Lei, there are indeed certain risks in taking a helicopter in harsh weather conditions, but... There's no better option now! Professor

Li, the armored personnel carrier they were riding in when they came over this morning has also been destroyed by the source beast..." In fact, when Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin came over early this morning, they were riding in the armored personnel carrier.

The importance of these two is undoubted, so the command does not dare to take the slightest risk.

In addition to Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin, the armored personnel carrier also carried two powerful people, a man and a woman, to protect the safety of the two.

Other security guards and research support personnel fly in large transport helicopters.

It can be said that the armored personnel carrier is for two people.

Of course, this kind of special, everyone has no opinion at all, they all feel that it is deserved.

The team of more than 100 people gathered about a thousand meters away from the old site of the institute, and then entered together.

Outside the survival point is not very safe, especially on the other side of the river, where humans clean up less frequently.

So after the transport helicopter sent the person, it first returned to the survival point.

Originally, they were waiting for Li Chaoyang to notify them after the work on their side was completed, and then flew over to deliver supplies, but not long after the team entered the annex building, the headquarters received a distress message.

And the armored personnel carrier parked in front of the annex building, which Xia Yang also saw just now, had already been smashed into a pile of scrap iron by the source beast.

Obviously, it is also the handiwork of that quasi-B-class source beast, only it has such an IQ, and knows how to specially send a source beast to destroy the armored personnel carrier and cut off Li Chaoyang Fang Wenxin's back road.

Xia Yang smiled slightly, and directly took out the off-road vehicle that had just been assembled today from the dimensional space.

In tracked mode, the matte gray off-road vehicle exudes a fierce wild atmosphere, and the huge body even gives people a sense of oppression.

Long Weijiang couldn't help but show surprise.

This car... It looks even more domineering than the military's armored personnel carriers!

Xia Yang smiled and said: "Brigadier Long, Professor Li and Professor Fang will take my car back, plus my sister, and Mu Yu, I think the land route should be safer!"

Long Weijiang nodded.

This really has no rebuttal, the three strongest superpowers in the team, it must be no problem to protect the two professors.

If the three of them can't protect the two professors, then even if the entire rescue team is surrounded by the two professors, it won't help.

Long Weijiang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I think it's okay, it's more secure!" Our helicopter is flying over your vehicle, so if there is any situation, we can respond in time!

Xia Yang smiled and said, "You don't need to be so close, you guys just return to the vicinity of the survival point in advance, so it's safer." If you really don't worry, the plane can circle first without landing, I have a radio in the car, let's agree on a communication frequency, if there is any dangerous situation that we can't deal with, I will contact you in time!

"Good! Just do it! Long Weijiang said decisively, "I'll arrange it!" At

this time, the transport helicopter had slowly landed under the guidance of the ground personnel.

Of course, to say that it is a landing, in fact, is to hover at an ultra-low altitude, and it does not really fall on the ground.

Because the ground is soft snow.

Long Weijiang quickly arranged for everyone to board the plane, and also told everyone that Professor Li and Professor Fang did not take the plane, but took Xia Yang's off-road vehicle to return to the survival point.

Xia Yang stepped forward and said with a smile: "Uncle Li and Aunt Fang, let's take my car back!" It's safer to ride in a car in this weather! You two are baby bumps, don't let anything go wrong!

Li Chaoyang smiled and nodded and said, "Xiao Xia, I'm causing you trouble!"

When Li Muyu heard that he didn't have to take the bumpy helicopter, he could go back in the same car with Xia Yang, and he immediately nodded with joy like a chicken pecking rice.

Over there, Long Weijiang was organizing everyone to board the plane quickly, and Xia Yang also opened the door and asked Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin to get into the car.

At this time, a thin young man wearing glasses walked over.

"Teacher, I just have a few questions I want to ask you, can I take the car back with you?" The young man asked respectfully.

Li Chaoyang hesitated, and then said to Xia Yang: "Xiao Xia, this is a student who is doing a project with me, I wonder if the car can still sit down?"

Xia Yang glanced meaningfully at the young man with glasses, and said quietly: "No problem!" My car is seven-seater. "

The car is three-row, and the rear seats can form a lot of storage space when they are flat, and if there are more occupants, the rear seats are raised and can seat up to seven people.

The young man was overjoyed and quickly said, "Thank you Brother Lei!" By the way, my name is Bai Siming, you can just call me Xiaobai.

Xia Yang nodded slightly and said, "Hmm! Hello Xiaobai, let's hurry up and get on the bus!

Bai Siming hurriedly said: "Good, good, good!" Then I'll go to the last row!

After that, he was ready to get in the car first.

This kind of seven-seater car, generally the last row of space will be relatively cramped, and the comfort is also the worst in the whole car.

Xia Yang stretched out his hand and pulled Bai Siming, smiled faintly and said, "Xiaobai, you sit in the co-pilot!" Let my sister and Mu Yu sit in the back row, it is more convenient for the two girls to chat. My sister is still a fan of Mu Yu! We have to give her a chance to chase stars! Everyone

couldn't help but laugh when they heard this.

The two most comfortable seats in the middle of the car were naturally reserved for Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin.

The co-pilot can seat one person.

So that at least two people will have to sit in the back row.

If Bai Siming goes, it will be a girl sitting in the co-pilot, and another girl sitting in the last row with Bai Siming.

And Xia Yang's arrangement is that Bai Siming sits in the co-pilot, and Li Muyu and Charlene sit in the back row together.

Obviously, Xia Yang's arrangement is more reasonable.

What's more, he also put forward a strong reason - star chasing.

This is even more impossible to refute.

Li Muyu said with a grin: "From today onwards, I am also a fan of Sister Lin!" Even the C-level source beast can be killed, it's too sassy!

Charlene suddenly smiled and said, "Let's fan each other!" Mutual powder!

Bai Siming didn't feel anything wrong either, he smiled and said, "Miss Xia, junior sister, then I have wronged you to sit in the back row!" "

Get in the car!" Xia Yang said.

Everyone quickly got into the off-road vehicle, Xia Yang glanced at Bai Siming next to him, and then said: "Everyone fasten their seat belts!" Let's go! The

off-road vehicle let out a surging roar, and the tracks turned gently in the direction of the bridge across the river.

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