When Li Chaoyang said this, he couldn't help but change his face drastically.

With an incredulous look, he said, "Xiao Xia, shouldn't it... Before Siming came to the survival point, he was actually possessed by the parasitic beast, right?

Xia Yang said, "If he hasn't left Starfire City for a month, then there is a high probability that it is." However, it is also possible that he was possessed in Starfire City, if that is the case, it means that the interior of Starfire City has also been infiltrated by parasitic beasts, then the situation is more serious.

"This should be unlikely." Li Chaoyang said, "There are not many residents in Spark City, and the investigation is very strict. Some time ago, in the information shared by the border province, there was a screening method for parasitic beasts, and Starfire City had also launched internal secret screening, and more than one round..."

"Didn't Bai Siming still avoid screening?" Xia Yang asked rhetorically.

Li Chaoyang was suddenly speechless.

Xia Yang comforted him: "Uncle Li, that's just the worst-case scenario. I deduced that he was possessed before coming to the survival point. The goal of the parasitic beast is very clear, and that is the two of you. In addition, the identification method of parasitic beasts transmitted back from the border province is still very effective, but it is a C-level parasitic beast that possesses Bai Siming, which is more cunning and knows how to hide itself.

Li Chaoyang nodded, his face still not very good-looking.

Even if there was no parasitic beast infiltration inside Starfire City for the time being, Bai Siming was possessed by parasitic beasts, and he unknowingly entered the Biological Research Institute, and he also worked by his side for more than a month, which made him shudder to think about it.

Xia Yang said while driving: "Uncle Li and Aunt Fang, it is obvious that the research results of your two are likely to pose a great threat to the source beast and the parasitic beast, so they will deliberately want to get rid of you and make this research stall."

Li Muyu, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help but say with some worry: "Then what to do?" It's too dangerous! And neither parents have special abilities, or ... Let others study it! You guys rest and rest..." This

cannot be said that Li Muyu is selfish and cares about his relatives, which is a common human feeling.

What's more, Li Muyu must have been very nervous when she saw so many source beasts dispatching with her own eyes just to kill her parents.

Li Chaoyang frowned and said, "Mu Yu, what stupid thing are you talking about?" The sky is falling down and research can't stop, we can produce results right now, once mass production is achieved, it means that humans can mass-manufacture supernatural beings, and can quickly improve the strength of supernatural beings! What does this mean that you don't know?

Xia Yang smiled and said, "Mu Yu, you don't have to be too nervous, the inside of Spark City should be relatively safe." In addition, if you are not worried, you will stay with your uncles and aunts to protect them during this time! The biggest danger of parasitic beasts is that they can hide in humans, and they can also summon source beasts, their own combat effectiveness is actually average, you are by your uncles and aunts, even if there is danger, you can definitely deal with it. "

Inside Starfire City, the biggest threat is the parasitic beast.

If the source beast attacked Spark City, then the survival point of Jiang City would not be far from destruction.

At least in Xia Yang's previous life, this kind of thing had never happened.

As for the parasitic beast, as long as you are careful to prevent it, and then Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin have the protection of powerful people around them, the problem is not big.

When Li Muyu heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, I will follow them step by step during this time!"

Fang Wenxin kept frowning slightly, and then suddenly said: "Xiao Xia, there is a question that I haven't figured out. Since the parasitic beast has been attached to Siming for so long, we usually have close contact in the laboratory of the institute, if it wants to be unfavorable to me and Lao Li, it should be able to find an opportunity! Why bother so much?

Xia Yang thought for a while and said, "It should not be sure that one hit will kill!" At least I am not sure to kill you two at the same time, the defense of Starfire City is still very tight, and if I guessed correctly, such an important place as the institute must be guarded by superpowers, right?

"Yes!" Fang Wenxin nodded and said.

"That's it!" Xia Yang said, "It is very clear that it only has one chance to strike, and once it misses, it can only escape." And if it doesn't kill both of you at the same time, Genjing's project can still go ahead, it's just that the progress may slow down a bit, but this is certainly not the result it wants.

Xia Yang paused and continued, "And this parasitic beast should be very confident in its own hiding methods, knowing that you can't identify it, so it will wait patiently for the opportunity." "

In fact, when everyone left the annex building today, Xia Yang asked Mengmeng to use the high-definition scanning equipment on the Lieyang to screen everyone brought by Li Chaoyang one by one.

But Mengmeng also did not find any flaws.

The top of Bai Siming's head did not have obvious round red spots like He Mei.

Presumably, he either managed to dye it or simply wore a wig.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the parasitic beast that possesses Bai Siming has a higher level, and the possession time is so long, so even if there are markings, it is already very light.

In short, even Mengmeng couldn't tell who might be possessed by a parasitic beast.

Xia Yang then thought of a temporary trick to lure the snake out of the hole.

Of course, he also thinks about the safety of all.

If the parasitic beast makes some small moves while the transport helicopter is flying, then the situation is quite bad.

But on the ground, Xia Yang was still sure to deal with it.

Although it was a bit risky to use Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin as bait, it was already the best plan at that time.

Xia Yang continued: "There is another reason, the reason why it is not so anxious to start is also because it is in the project team itself and is well aware of the progress of the project. Recently, the experiment has been successful, and it has begun to prepare for mass production, and it should feel that it must be shot, so it quietly guides you two to launch today's task, and it has already laid a trap at the site of the Bioresearch Institute, waiting for you to jump in.

Li Chaoyang nodded and said, "Xiao Xia's analysis is very reasonable. This is almost a must-kill situation, if it weren't for the timely arrival of the Xiao Xia sisters and brothers, we would have already lost our bones..." Xu

Yi thought of the people who carried out the mission together this morning, most of them became the delicious meal of the source beast, and Li Chaoyang's face also showed a trace of sadness.

The off-road vehicle was already very close to the west gate of the survival point at this time.

Xia Yang saw from a distance that above the West Gate of the survival point, a huge transport helicopter was circling.

He picked up his hand and said, "Brigade Commander Long, we still have about a kilometer to arrive, you guys land first!" My side is already safe! "

Received!" Long Weijiang said.

The helicopter landed slowly in the open field in front of the city gate of the survival point.

When the off-road vehicle arrived at the west gate of the survival point, the rescue team had already completed the team under the command of Long Weijiang.


When Xia Yang and the others got off the car, Long Weijiang gave an order, and the rescue team members saluted them in unison.

This military salute was not only given to the highly respected Li Chaoyang and Fang Wenxin, but also to Xia Yang, who played a mainstay role in today's rescue operation, as well as Xia Lin and Li Muyu.

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