The tracks of the Flaming Sun ran over the snowy road in the dark night wind and snow, and drove all the way north towards the direction out of the city.

The Lieyang has fully realized automatic driving, so Xia Yang sat in the driver's seat with something to do.

He flipped through his system panel.

In the past few days, he has gained a lot of contribution points by signing in, hunting source beasts, and cleaning up orcs on the road.

Now the total number of contribution points has reached 183.

Xia Yang originally wanted to save up 200 contribution points and upgrade the weapon module first.

But the plan is not as good as the change, and the upgrade plan can only be postponed slightly.

Of course, this time will not be long.

It's only a dozen contribution points, if you can find the source beast that has fallen behind, it will be a matter of two source beasts.

After upgrading the weapon module, the Flaming Sun has the ability to actively attack for the first time.

At that time, Mengmeng controls the weapons mounted on the Lieyang, and Xia Yang shoots with Barrett or bazooka, and the attack power will be greatly enhanced.

And Xia Yang read the introduction.

The weapon module not only includes the weapons attached to the Flame Sun itself, but also upgrades some existing weapons.

Of course, each upgrade requires a certain amount of contribution points.

If the power of the Desert Eagle and Barrett can be changed to be greater, then even if he pays some contribution points, Xia Yang is very willing.

Before you know it, the tall buildings outside are getting sparser.

The Lieyang sailed onto the Tangshan Bridge.

The water of the Dongjiang River under the bridge that originally flowed east has also frozen and solidified.

After crossing the Tangshan Bridge, it is considered to be out of the main city limits.

The Lieyang traveled unimpeded.

The people in the urban area have almost withdrawn, occasionally a few orcs jump out on the road, Xia Yang directly used the Desert Eagle to name one by one, and also harvested five or six contribution points by the way.

After leaving the main city, the speed of the Lieyang gradually increased.

After a while, the front street sign showed that turning left was the Qishan Expressway exit.

"Brother Yang, are you sure you can turn onto the highway here?" A cute voice came.

"Very sure!" Xia Yang said calmly, "After getting on the highway, about ten kilometers ahead is the Qishan service area, let's go to the service area to rest." "

Received!" Mengmeng said.

The Lieyang turned flexibly at the intersection, and a high-speed toll booth appeared in front.

The toll booth is naturally empty, and all the poles are erected.

The Lieyang passed directly through the toll booth and then took the Jingwa Expressway from the ramp.

The highway was also covered with deep snow, and the guardrails on both sides were only slightly exposed, barely indicating the direction of the road.

The Lieyang, equipped with a crawler device, has a snowy road surface and a speed that is not slow.

Along the way, Xia Yang saw people dying on the side of the road from time to time.

Many people are relatively weak in physique, and their bodies cannot withstand it in extremely cold weather, and it is basically impossible to stand up once they fall.

Especially in the southern provinces, there are only a few days below zero, and people rarely prepare particularly warm clothes at home.

This apocalypse suddenly came, and many people could only resist hard.

If you can't resist, then expose the corpse wilderness.

On the way, from time to time, you will encounter fleeing teams.

One by one, these people were ashen-faced, supporting each other and struggling through the deep snow.

When passing by the bodies of those who froze and starved to death, these fleeing people also looked numb and did not look at them at all.

However, when the Lieyang passed by, these people's numb faces showed a bit of hope.

Many people waved their arms and shouted loudly towards the blazing sun.


"Stop! Take us for a ride!

"Okay, okay! I'm still carrying a child, and my physical strength can't support it..."

Mengmeng asked, "Brother Yang, what should I do?"

Xia Yang's eyes calmly said: "Drive directly over!" "

Received!" Mengmeng said.

After Xia Yang's struggle in the last life in the last life, his heart was already hard as iron, how could compassion flood?

And there are very many people fleeing, there are two or three million people in Sanshan City alone, most of them are along this high-speed at this time, and Xia Yang cannot carry so many people even if he drives a train.

Who will not take when the time comes?

What's more, in the post-apocalyptic environment, the most untested is human nature.

The speed of the Flaming Sun did not decrease, roaring like a steel monster running over the snow, driving forward at high speed.

These fleeing people did not dare to stop them.

Seeing that the Lieyang had no intention of stopping, the woman who had just pretended to be pitiful and sympathetic was the first to start cursing.

A few young people even grabbed the ice on the ground and smashed it towards the Flaming Sun.

At this time, the window on the passenger side was lowered, and a desert eagle leaned out of the cab.


A shot hit the snow not far in front of the crowd, and suddenly ice chips splashed.

Those people were so frightened that they trembled, and the scolding woman wisely closed her mouth, and the few people who had just smashed the Lieyang with ice cubes were even more frightened and directly lay on the cold snow, for fear that the people in the car would shoot again.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Xia Yang's mouth and put the pistol back.

The co-pilot's window rises, and the cockpit becomes warm again.

Xia Yang said lightly: "Mengmeng, go straight to the Qishan service area, no matter who stops the car, don't stop, if you dare to jump to the middle of the road, just run over it directly!"

"Understood!" Moe replied.

Ten minutes later, the street sign showed that 500 meters ahead, Qishan service area.

Every few tens of kilometers, the military selects a service area and sets up temporary rest points.

There are personnel in charge of logistics to provide everyone with some warm water, warm facilities and so on.

However, the Qishan service area is too close to the city and has not been used as a temporary resting point.

The Lieyang quickly came down from the ramp and sailed into the service area.

Too many people fled along the way.

Trekking through the snow is physically exhausting.

Therefore, although the Qishan service area is not an official resting point, there are still many people who stay here temporarily.

Of course, the vast majority of people are crammed into the main building in the service area.

Although it is also cold, it is also windproof.

And with so many people together, it will be warmer to some extent.

The parking lot in the service area is very empty.

The few cars that were abandoned were almost half-buried in the snow.

When the Lieyang drove into the parking lot, the people in the service area building immediately noticed this domineering heavy-duty truck RV.

At this time, it was just dawn, and many people had been making do with it for a few hours, getting up early to continue on their way.

Everyone crowded to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked towards the Flaming Sun.

For this luxury motorhome that can drive in the snow, everyone's hearts are full of yearning.

In particular, through the window, they saw that in the brightly lit cab, Xia Yang was only wearing a thin long-sleeved T-shirt!

What does this mean?

The inside of the car is very warm!

The envy in the hearts of these people is almost rushing out of the sky.

Xia Yang did not have the slightest interest in those who fled, and he said directly: "Mengmeng, turn out the fire!" Let's rest here first!


Although the Lieyang is turned off, the car is powered by lithium batteries, so it is still brightly lit.

Xia Yang was about to go back to the living cabin to lie down for a while, and out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed that on the side of the main building of the service area, several people were shrunk their necks and walked towards the Lieyang against the biting cold wind.

Xia Yang couldn't help but show a hint of teasing.

In the end, there are still some people who don't have long eyes!

But that's fine.

If Xia Yang will stay in this service area for a day or two, kill a few chickens to scare the monkeys, and there will always be nasty flies coming to disturb them.

Therefore, Xia Yang simply did not get up.

He sat in the driver's seat for a long time, waiting for these uninvited guests.

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