Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 158: Origin of the Black Mist Investigation Team

The Baichuan campus has many areas, and there are even many areas that are worth exploring again.

For example, in the area where the principal used to be, there are many documents that Bai Wu has not yet discovered.

The battle is imminent, and now there are two areas that concern him the most. In his opinion, if these two areas can be used well, there may be a chance of winning the battle.

One is the teaching building.

In the teaching building, if you don't answer the questions according to the rules, even Cain will have a hard time escaping.

This rule must not be able to restrain the tic-tac-level monsters, but it may be useful for businessmen and blacksmiths with strange names.

"The real battle is coming. Although Baichuan City's combat power is not bad, it has to hide as much as possible in the dark. A head-on confrontation is the most stupid."

"The opponent's attack must no longer be the invasion of a few generals, and there will be a lot of evil deeds. Not to mention the never-appearing Jing Tac-level, I am afraid that Jing Wu's forces alone will be more difficult to deal with than in the Mechanical City."

"I must be their main target. Before the real battle comes, I should consider how to participate in it...Whether I stay behind the scenes or take the lead, this has to be well planned. This teaching building can be used well, at least I don't think these villains Falling can answer the questions inside."

The teaching building has become an examination room, and once you enter, you will be forced to take part in the examination. It is a powerful control hub.

Even answering wrong questions will be given negative attributes. Except for the powerful force like Tic Tac Toe that can break the rules, most of the evil deeds will not be easy to come out.

But there is also a problem that must be solved.

"My people can't go in directly, otherwise they won't be able to get out, so how to solve this problem?"

To attract the target into this area, there must be bait naturally. How to get the fish to take the bait without hurting the bait is very important.

Bai Wu had some answers in his heart. He turned his attention to the second important area - East Campus.

If the teaching building is an area that traps the enemy, then the East Campus is a secret altar that can revive one's own side.

Those aggressive students who entered the East Campus fought in it all day long, never stopping to die.

And the dead evil fall will be resurrected in a short time.

"There is no doubt that fighting will kill people... But if I can use this rule flexibly, maybe I can turn this kind of battle loss into an advantage."

"No... we have to go one step further. It would be best to have a way to transfer the corpse to the East Campus, but in this way, the East Campus will definitely attract attention."

There were still a lot of things to arrange, so Bai Wu stood on the top of the teaching building, and kept looking down until the sky became dimly lit, and he finally had some eyebrows, and at the same time turned on the return wheel, ready to go to the tower.



Beyond the black mist, Orlo Island Shengxiang College.

After Tang Jing returned to the dormitory, he closed the curtain on the bed in the dormitory. Several roommates did not come back.

Most boys of this age are keen on various activities, and Tang Jing is actually no exception, but he is somewhat out of gregarious.

After all, some views on Hei Wu made everyone feel that he was a little nervous.

However, Allo Island Shengxiang College is originally a Shengguo people's college, and there are people of different skin colors outside the school, so students of the same color in the school are more or less friendly.

There were no cases of extreme bullying. Tang Jing is also very used to this kind of loneliness.

Since he came back from the hospital, he would go back to the dormitory once the schoolwork was over.

Not long ago, Dr. Kang gave Tang Jing a contact information. He still remembered what Dr. Kang said:

"Actually, I have a friend who works as a psychiatrist in Menan. He once had a patient who had similar symptoms to yours. He was too panicked by the black mist and claimed to have seen some visions. I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I think you Might be interested in this guy."

"Of course, I still hold my previous opinion. The black mist is normal. I still think you are too sensitive and unreasonable to worry about. Fortunately, you do not have any problems in other aspects. After you are discharged from the hospital, study hard. If there are some things that we will eventually be unable to hide from, It’s better to have a good time.”

Dr. Kang took great care of Tang Jing, and Tang Jing also remembered it in his heart. Not long after, he contacted the patient Dr. Kang was referring to.

Zhou Yuehan, Sheng Ji's name is Zhou Zhi, a round fat man in his thirties. An online car-hailing driver in Meinan.

Menan is a developed country, blacks account for one-third, and the proportion is still increasing. Many people like to come here to buy various luxury goods.

Zhou Zhi is begging for a meal here. Even though he is a driver, he does well. At least he has no worries about food and clothing.

It’s just that passengers have complained about it because they spread false speeches and created panic.

Knowing this, Tang Jing guessed what vain speech was and what panic was.

Tang Jing straightforwardly told what he saw and dreamed, which directly aroused Zhou Zhi's resonance!

The two quickly became one, and each other became more convinced that what they saw was not an illusion or a delusion.

Soon afterwards, Zhou Zhi invited Tang Jing to join a mysterious chat group.

There are more than a dozen people in this group, living in various parts of the world, Fuyo Old Island, Fuyo New Island, Orlo Island, Menan, Paka Island...

The dozen or so people, without exception, were all from Shengguo.

"Since we are here, we should be honest with each other, but I hope that the newcomer can tell you what you have seen. If you are consistent with us, we can trust you and tell you some more unbelievable truths. "

This is a group joining ceremony. It seems that there is a person in the group who can judge that this person is telling the truth and has a certain potential according to the description in everyone's dream; or judge that this person just wants to get in and is telling lies talk.

Tang Jing easily passed the group entry test, and even won the title of an A-level black mist sensitive person.

He himself thought it was very normal, including the meaning of this chat group, he also thought it was just an ordinary...communication group for like-minded people.

But in fact, the owner of this group spent a lot of time collecting information on the descendants of the patients with black mist disease.

Tang Jing didn't realize that he had already started the journey to fight against the black mist.

After leaving the hospital and returning to school, he returned to the dormitory every day after school, and then closed the bed curtain to communicate with these people.

The same is true today, and this time is different from the past, the two people in the group whose profile pictures are always gray, suddenly have colors, which means that these two people who entered the group earlier are now online.

Among the dozen or so people before, everyone expressed their opinions. The former prosperous country is hidden in the black mist, but that place has been distorted, with various distorted rules and various powerful monsters in it.

The black mist was spreading, and those who entered the black mist died in the black mist. Either really die, or become a monster.

The origin of the black mist is unknown, but many people's dreams have one thing in common, a tower and a well.

It seems a little inappropriate to describe it as a well, but in the dream everyone naturally calls it a well.

This can be regarded as a common place, except for this point, what everyone sees is actually different, some people's eyes are focused on Baichuan City, some are in Food City, and some are in Shudu.

Although they exchanged information with each other these days, Tang Jing always felt that something was missing.

For example—the meaning of everyone gathering here.

Tang Jing asked:

[The black mist is expanding, I think it is a force that we cannot fight against, if one day, the monsters in the black mist come out, what should we do? For the information that everyone has seen, we can sort it out in a unified way, but what we should think about now is how to make people perceive the spread of the black mist area... as if there is a power that is modifying their memories. 】

Zhou Zhi echoed:

[Yes, what Tang Jing said is what I have always wanted to say, and I was complained about this matter, hell. 】

[It seems that everyone is familiar with it, just in time, this is why I called everyone to discuss together, have you ever thought about a question, why only we can perceive the world inside the black mist, and the spread of the black mist? 】

The person who spoke was the person who joined the group very early, but there was no bubble during this time.

Tang Jing didn't know this person's name, but his online name was Lao Zhao, and everyone always called him Lao Zhao.

【Why? ] Tang Jing asked.

[The answer is—maybe the black mist expects us to go in. 】

【You are joking? Old Zhao, none of the people who have entered the black mist can come out alive. ] Said an old group member.

[I know, but we are different from them. Of course, when I say this, you may think that I will encourage you to enter the black mist, but in fact it is not. I will send my partner into the black mist, any theory needs to be proven. My partner will do it. 】

[Hello everyone, my name is Carlos, Sheng Ji’s name is Yan Qi, you can call me Lao Yan, I have discussed with Lao Zhao for a long time, we think that if we just keep expressing our ideas, people will only think we are crazy, We must go deep into the black mist, find some key things, and even find someone in the black mist...]

Yan Qi's profile picture is a bearded man. He and Lao Zhao both seem to be more mature, but they are obviously the crazier kind.

【I'm different from you guys. Ever since I sensed the black mist, I felt that it was inviting me in. Yes, we all think that we should beware of the spread of the black mist, but have you ever thought about what if we can't guard against it? At least before the black mist spreads and catches the world by surprise, we can try to enter the black mist and get used to it. 】

People didn't know how to answer Yan Qi's words. After about ten seconds, Tang Jing said:

[But no one has gone in before this. 】

[Yes, the roads are all explored. The people who entered before are all elite troops from various countries, but they are different from us, they have not received any enlightenment. We can detect the changes in the black mist, and even the time of the changes, and dream about the content of the world inside. I think... this means that maybe we can enter it. 】

[Haven't you ever thought that all this is wrong, is it your illusion? ] Tang Jing asked.

Yan Qi from a certain newspaper office in the distance smiled. He wrote a report not long ago, satirizing the fact that the country he is currently in is ambiguous in terms of racial and human rights, and listed many people from Shengguo in the workplace. A case of being suppressed.

As a result, it is currently in the resignation status of "not yet resigned".

That is to say, as a newspaper writer, he has no manuscripts to write, and his career may end in a few days.

Seven hundred years is enough for many people to forget history, but the people of Shengguo have been squeezed out and become a tradition, which remains unchanged for seven hundred years.

Strange to say, the progress of human civilization has been very slow in the past seven hundred years, and everyone seems to have entered a state of technological stagnation.

Or... There is a powerful setting that keeps people's cognition back to a certain point in time.

Both Yan Qi and Tang Jing have thought about this point, whether people's memories will be modified is not just about the spread of the black mist.

Maybe people's memories have been modified in many ways?

In short, Yan Qi has no motivation for the current life. He knows that even if he has a cynical heart, he can only do nothing in this world.

He wants to do something big. So he and Lao Zhao combined together and came up with what they have today.

[Of course I thought that this was my wrong judgment, and there was no basis for it all, but someone of us will always go in and try it out. If I die, Lao Zhao will take care of my funeral and take good care of my family. If I come back alive, he will also help me... spread the truth of the matter. 】

[Although the possibility of me coming back alive is very low, what if? If I come back alive, I believe we can all enter the black mist area. Maybe we have a mission on our shoulders. A test when you were admitted to the group before, about the details of what you saw in your dreams, was a grade evaluation. 】

[Lao Zhao and I think that the higher the evaluation level, the more comfortable you will be after entering the black mist area. 】

Tang Jing felt that there was a little truth in this statement, but more places were too subjective.

Among the sixteen people, there are only two grades A, and the rest are grades B and D. The details of the evaluation level are also formulated by people, those who have never entered the black mist, so the reference value is not great.

This statement is unreliable, Tang Jing still admires Yan Qi very much.

It's just that this person even has the consciousness of death, so he is an admirable existence anyway.

Everything in this world looks normal now, but only a handful of people know that doomsday-level disasters are eroding this world bit by bit.

The monster in the black mist will eventually come out one day, and the cruise ship as huge as an ark seen in the dream will definitely break through the black mist.

Is the only thing waiting for this world to sit and wait?

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Tang Jing admired people like Yan Qi even more. Because this person is really worried about the world and wants to give his strength. Be a pioneer.

[I don't have such courage, I admire Mr. If you need our help in other places, please let me know. 】 Tang Jing said.

Yan Qi said:

[That’s not the case, Lao Zhao will help me to deal with it. I will enter the black mist area in the near future. Some of you are students, and some have already worked, but they are relatively young. I believe that we will find you after the disaster strikes. My own mission, but before that, you have to protect yourself. If you have trouble, you can contact Lao Zhao at any time. 】

Tang Jing realized a very critical issue. To get close to the black mist have to bypass the armed forces of various countries, and you can only transport it by ship or air.

This is not something ordinary people can do. Who is this old Zhao?

Tang Jing asked this question directly:

[Old Zhao seems very reliable? 】

It was Old Zhao who answered this question:

[My black mist sensitivity level is only C-level, which is lower than everyone present, but I do have one advantage that is not worth mentioning. 】

[What is it? 】A person in the group asked.

【I have money. 】

Yan Qi added a sentence——

【Old Zhao has endless money. At present, he is still observing everyone, and when the time is right, he will gather us together. I believe you will be amazed after seeing that place. 】

In any case, inexhaustible money is definitely a superpower.

Tang Jing suddenly had a feeling. If... Yan Qi really came back from the black mist area, and really saw those terrifying monsters, and even had some power to deal with them...

Then this means that everyone here has such power, and the current configuration...isn't it just a group of super rich people and a group of superpowers?

Only now did he realize that this chat group was not simple.

Of course, the premise of all this is that someone can really come back from the black mist area.

~~~~~~~~~~~~This chapter is over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm in the liver, but I don't know if I can write it tonight, it may be a bit difficult to deliver... a bit stuck in the plot behind it. There will be a plot line outside the black mist, but it will not overwhelm the main character. The protagonist of this book is Bai Wu, regardless of whether he is inside or outside the fog. The next chapter will get back on track.

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