Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Five: Simple and Honest People in Baichuan City

But in any battle, there must be a vanguard. In a beautiful war, the competition between the generals of the two sides is as beautiful as deriving a mathematical formula.

And the key to all of this is information.

It was very common in the past to accurately judge the enemy's layout based on the damage of the vanguard.

However, in the world outside the tower, the communication equipment is basically invalid. For the intruder, the way to judge information is completely based on breath perception.

But for Baiwu, the way of judging information is God's perspective.

In short - I don't have fog of war, full view.

"The workers in the factory area have already started to fight the intruders. But that centipede is very powerful. It should be one of the six cadres. Although the rules of the factory are distorted, the stronger ones in the factory are also more powerful. Just a few team leaders.

The fire support team from Shudu Prison did not dare to open fire with all their strength, so there should be a lot of enemy vanguard troops. They are not weak, and it may only take a few minutes to enter the next area. "

The white silkworm told Bai Wu what he saw.

These observers have been observing the world for seven hundred years. It is not an exaggeration to say that with the perfect entry of the prying pupil, their breadth of knowledge is second only to Jing Liu.

These teachers became the most powerful auxiliary group in this battle.

As for them, Baichuan City has been well thought out for seven hundred years.

Bai Wu smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, the enemy used the vanguard to test us, but we can also use this to guess their overall strength. Where are the two big demon kings?"

The big devil refers to Jing Er and Jing Wu.

"One is on the way. He seems to be very leisurely, but it's hard to say when he will arrive. Although it looks far away...but the span of space he very scary."

Well two.

Bai Wu guessed that this tourer should be Jing Er.

"And from the west too?"

"Yes. That's not a big problem. Where's Jing Wu?"

"It has already reached the outskirts of Baichuan City, but it didn't act rashly. It seems to have concerns? This is very suspicious... Its power is difficult to restrain based on these rules alone."

These twelve teachers may have a strong vision, but when it comes to playing dirty, they are obviously not as good as Bai Wu.

It is also understandable that the teachers are not worried about the huge army of evil degenerates, but about Jing Wuyi. The evil fallen army can rely on strategy and Baichuan City itself to resist part of it.

But Jing Wu is a variable, because this person is so strong that he can kill through the battlefield by himself.

No rules can stand against it, no force can stop it. An overly powerful individual is the key to victory or defeat in any war.

But Bai Wu was sure that if Jing Wu didn't attack at the beginning, he wouldn't attack rashly in the future.

"It has become smarter. It is waiting for the people from Huangquan Island to arrive. How long will it take for the forces of Huangquan Island to arrive?"

"According to their current speed, they should arrive in three hours."

"It's not slow, Jing Wu can definitely afford to wait for three hours, but we are also waiting, which is a good thing."

The white silkworms can see many areas outside the tower, but they cannot see the things inside the tower. They are not sure whether human beings are really willing to go to death for an illusory thing under the influence of inferiority.

Bai Wu didn't say much, even if the reinforcements from the tower would not come, there would be reinforcements from No. 0.

The only one who can defeat Jing Wu is Zero. Of course, before the arrival of number zero, there are still many things that can be done.

White Mist said:

"I would also like to trouble you to report the situation from time to time."

"A matter of duty." The voices of the white silkworms sounded.



West District.

Cole's automatic headshots have always greeted Baizu. He was very surprised, why is this man's head so hard?

Lu Yan really wanted to break the defense with his words in the past, but it was not appropriate to reveal it yet.

The villains in the factory area obviously couldn't last long. They are the guards of the factory and are beating the workers, while the intruders have shown too much strength and are beating the workers.

Swinging the centipede's body, it can even smash through buildings guarded by rules!

Qian Yixin, who saw this scene from a distance, frowned:

"It's a pity that I don't have any money... I am a white worker, and I am no match for this big centipede. It is very strong."

Cole also felt that even with full firepower, it would take some effort to defeat Centipede. This has to be that the other party does not resist. The world outside the prison is very vast. Cole did not expect that anyone who took the lead would have such strength.

After a few minutes, the factory gradually became less chaotic, and hundreds of workers were finally freed from death, no longer obsessed with endless work.

In a sense, these workers work to the death.

The remnants of the ground began to be devoured by the evil degenerates.

Cole and others have already stopped.

"The good show is about to begin. The area they are going to next should be the hardest hit area, right?" Yuan Ye stood on the head of the Hydra in the distance, overlooking the intruders in the western urban area.

The vanguard of the invaders lost 30% in the factory area, and the general White Centipede only suffered some insignificant and minor injuries.

And then they will arrive at a three-way intersection after passing through countless factories. Baizu is also on the way to Sanchakou at the moment.

In Bai Wu's plan, the task of annihilating the enemy's vanguard will be completed here.



Inside the teaching building of Baichuan Middle School.

"For seven hundred years, in fact, people have always had a misunderstanding, and I believe that there are also evil degenerates."

"What misunderstanding?" It was Yan Jiu who asked.

"Humans are not suitable for living outside the tower, and the twisted rules outside the tower are aimed at humans."

Yan Jiu was puzzled, she tilted her head and thought, isn't it like this?

White Mist said:

"If there is no negative attribute coming every four hours, there is no difference between human beings and evil fallen outside the tower.

The survey corps have always faced all kinds of twisted rules, but most of them only have a few days to explore an area. even shorter. "

"What about the degenerates? Because of the regional restrictions, many degenerates have lived in one area for decades or even hundreds of years.

They naturally have an advantage in the face of humans who have just arrived in a certain area. But what if they went to an unfamiliar environment? "

"Baichuan City has experienced a seven-day catastrophe, I don't know what it is, but it seems that the seven-day catastrophe has made the city very distorted.

These distortions are very suitable for the evil degenerates who have been aboriginals in the local area for seven hundred years, but they will be fatal to invaders, even if they are evil degenerates. "

From the moment he came to the tower, Bai Wu believed that the rules outside the tower encouraged people to leave the tower.

"Sanchakou area, the left side leads to the chemical industry area, which is the hardest-hit area. In the future, even for us, it will be a headache to purify there. The monsters inside, the rules themselves, and the corrosive air are far worse than the machinery industry area in front of us." Too powerful."

"If you go this way, they will encounter the worst evil in Baichuan City. This area is also the area we will purify in the future, but I have not been able to find a good entry point because it is too corrosive..."

When Gu Hailin and others opened up areas, they would deliberately avoid this area. Because the area itself is full of poison, and there are all kinds of severely deformed monsters.

White Silkworm said:

"They may not come here."

"Yes, choose one of the three, and wait for the enemy to guess, it will be too troublesome, there are too many variables, although the other two options are beneficial to us, but not good enough. So we have to find a way to make one of the three choices change. Choose one."

Baichuan City is a huge maze.

There is a place here that even Bai Wu has a headache.

The chemical industry area is the highlight of the entire western urban area. Not only do you have to find all kinds of clues and pass through the area with knowledge, but you also have to deal with all kinds of monsters that have been severely distorted by chemicals that exceed the standard all the year round.

The most frightening thing is that the air in this place is extremely corrosive, and the deeper it goes into this area, the more corrosive it becomes.

This place is not a black area, but it is also a high-risk area among several red areas in Baichuan City.

Bai Wu stood up:

"It's time for me, the commander-in-chief, to show off a little bit."



The outskirts of Baichuan City.

Both the merchant and the blacksmith heard the clamor that broke the night, and it was obvious that the vanguard had already fought against the defensive forces of Baichuan City.

However, Baizu, one of the six slaves of Heijin Island, still had a strong breath of life, and the battle didn't last too long. This situation makes the businessman very happy:

"Hey, it seems that the enemy is weaker than we thought."

"Not necessarily, maybe they focus on other areas." The blacksmith said.

"There are a few good seedlings in this city. If Baizu provokes them, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with them."

The blacksmith behaved very calmly. Jing Wu, who was still behind, waited silently.

It felt a terrible breath, which seemed to be far away from itself, and seemed to come at any time.

The well was opened a little too early, because it has already been opened once this year. So Jing Wu was able to guess part of the reason for the opening of the well this time.

And the appearance of this breath made Jing Wu feel something was wrong.

"Why did he come to this place? Is he looking for me? Or is he looking for someone else?"

The opening of the well is naturally related to Jing Wu's elder brother, Jing Er.

But Jing Wu wasn't afraid either, he was just puzzled, after all, Jing Er was on the side of evil.

Although it has always been considered, Jing Erci's kind-hearted look is very detestable.

Jing Wu was just curious, why Jing Er came here even after leaving Jing.



West District of Baichuan City.

The moon was covered by clouds, and the whole world became much darker. The strange lights in the city supported the thick darkness.

Finally arrived at Sanchakou, Baizu and the others began to make a choice.

As a vanguard general, Centipede itself is relatively cautious.

This Baichuan City is very strange. It has already realized the seriousness of the problem, and has also noticed the cunning of human beings. Although the area and area restrictions have disappeared, the distorted rules have not disappeared.

These rules are also very troublesome for intruders.

Although Centipede suppressed the workers in the factory in the previous battle, it also discovered something outrageous——

It only fought in that place for a few minutes before discovering that some of its subordinates... put on worker uniforms and joined the workers' forces.

I thought that if I stayed in that place for a long time, I might become a slave in the factory.

These areas are scary, and there may be even scarier areas to come.

So Centipede is very cautious. It is not the kind of reckless vanguard, which is why the blacksmith made Centipede the leader of the vanguard.

Baizu's perception ability is not bad. At Sanchakou, he should be able to easily feel that a certain intersection is dangerous.

Just when it decided to avoid this place, it saw a figure.

At this moment, Bai Zu thought about whether this was a trap, so its perception was released to the extreme.

"It's not an illusion! There are really humans who have penetrated into this place. Come with me!"

Under the night, the green mist in the air could not be seen. These corrosive gases did not make the villains who entered the chemical industry feel uncomfortable.

not yet.

Many of them saw a vague figure, and it was this figure that Baizu was chasing!

But as the group continued to go deeper into this area, Baizu found that the figure had disappeared.

completely disappeared...

There was only some aura left in the distance, but it seemed to be behind him?

Baizu is very strange, it is impossible for him to lose him, where did the other party go?

It has a bad premonition in its heart, but it doesn't have time to think about why this premonition came.

In the dark night, the terrifying monsters who were silent in the chemical industry area seemed to be awakened.

Monsters with strong acid liquid flowing from their bodies emerged from all directions.

The catastrophe seven hundred years ago caused a major leak in this place, and the chemical plant continued to explode, but the distorted rules did not let the workers die, but survived in their respective chemicals, becoming an extremely terrifying existence.

Out of the night came out those people with no fixed form, they were like clumps of walking slime under the night. The outline of a human can be vaguely seen, but this outline seems to turn into a puddle of acid in the next second.

Each monster makes a terrifying sound. It's like the throat has been completely corroded, but it is forced to speak.

Variation level eight, perfect distortion entry: Absolute Corrosion.

Whether the sequence and the entry correspond, Bai Wu is not clear, but if there is a correspondence, he is sure that absolute corrosion and absolute dissolution are obviously on the same level.

These monsters are very troublesome alone, but in a group... this vanguard doesn't even need to handle the battlefield by itself.

Bai Wu's prediction was right. When the densely packed corrosion monsters came out, the level of corrosion in the air also increased rapidly...

A lot of wicked hair began to curl, and there was a burning pain in the skin.

Is evil falling afraid of evil falling? Of course they are afraid, not only human beings are afraid of those grotesque things.

When a bunch of corrupt monsters emerged around them, the spines of the vanguard's centipedes went numb.

"What the hell kind of city is this... Retreat! All retreat! Why are there so many dangerous things!"

With just one glance, it judged that its own strength was not enough to forcefully break through here.

It just couldn't figure out one thing, the human figure just now was clearly very real...why did it disappear?

Centipede began to retreat, but it was too late to retreat. Corrupt monsters attack very fast!

They frantically pounced on Centipede and the evil fall behind them, as if someone had poured a large ball of slime on Centipede and other intruders!

How amazing is Centipede's defense, Cole's firepower can't even break through it.

But when it thought it could face these eighth-level mutants, the strong acid instantly corroded half of its body...

Even the head was corroded a little.

The huge centipede's body writhed on the ground in pain, but no matter how hard it tried to break free, strong acid continued to seep into its body...

At this time Baizu finally reacted...

Don't mess with these neutral units! Never mess with these neutral units!

"At least... spread the way forward..."

Centipede is still very tenacious.

Most of the Evil Fallen behind him had been wiped out by the Corruption Monster, only it was constantly retreating with its broken body.

It deserves to be the vanguard chosen by the blacksmith, and Absolute Corrosion didn't kill it directly. Relying on strong will, Centipede finally retreated from this dangerous chemical industry zone.

It has a shadow in its heart, but fortunately these slime-like corrosion monsters have not been chased out...

They didn't seem to know that the regional restrictions were lifted, or they knew, but they didn't leave for some reason.

Baizu felt very fortunate that although his body was severely damaged, as long as he returned to Heijin Island, he could rely on his military exploits to exchange for a stronger body.

It began to retreat further, preparing to tell the blacksmiths and merchants of the enemy's plans.

Baizu is now convinced that Baichuan City itself is terrifying, and these humans are deliberately taking advantage of this.

Just when it thought it would be able to escape unscathed.

White mist appeared.

"It's really tenacious. I have to admit that the foundation of Heijin Island is very strong. How many monsters like you are there?"

Centipede was shocked, didn't this human disappear in the periphery of the area?

"Surprised? Don't be surprised. This time you played very conservatively. I thought you would attack in an all-round way. In this way, I can use Baichuan City to deal with you, but your boss seems to be smart?"

"How could you be here! I clearly saw you entering that area?"

Bai Wu revealed the answer to the mystery.

"I can do magic."

Bai Zu was shocked to find that the surroundings were full of white mist... A large pile of white mist appeared around him.

It tried to perceive, but found that it had no way to distinguish between true and false.

Gaze with resentment.

From the strange talk apartment, the ability of TV strange talk can create short-term hallucinations, and the hallucinations cannot be seen through.

This is also Bai Wu's greatest method of luring the enemy.

The hallucinations began to disappear one by one, and the white mist came to Bai Zu step by step:

"You are a good pioneer, but I hate centipedes the most."

Swinging the bronze ax, the centipede wanted to resist, but found that his speed had slowed down a lot!

The second ability of the strange apartment apartment - the field of spider webs and chains.

The closer the person is to the white mist, the slower the speed will be. Bai Wu also finally verified the rate of slowing down.

The centipede was not immobilized, but from Bai Wu's point of view, his whole body was full of flaws.

After dozens of heavy slashes, Baizu, the vanguard general of Heijin Island, finally died.

Bai Wu dragged the centipede's body and moved it to the second entrance of Sanchakou.

The clouds slowly slid, and the moon appeared again. After dealing with the centipede, Bai Wu patted the dust on his body in satisfaction:

"The appetizers are finished, should you also serve hard dishes?"

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