Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 167: Queen of Misfortune

Jiang Yimi didn't expect Lin Rui to be able to do this kind of thing. She was a little excited at this moment when she saw the revived refuge guard force full of blood.

At this moment, the refuge forces that launched the charge seemed to have reversed their fighting power with the invaders, as if they were the stronger side!

A series of figures distorted the air and rushed into the crowd in an instant! The gap in strength has been narrowed a lot at this moment!

The teaching building in the East Campus is a little far away from here, and because of this, Jiang Yimi subconsciously believes that the location in the city center cannot use the teaching building at all.

But only now did she know how terrifying Lin Rui's speed was. Space distance is not called distance at all to him!

Gu Hailin is a very qualified leader. During his lifetime, he was a bit cold and ruffian, and he also had a bit of passion in his heart.

As his subordinates died in front of him one by one in the scarlet area, he underwent an astonishing transformation. He began to become restrained and stable.

Maybe the coolness and ruffian attitude have disappeared, but the passion is still there.

What used to be the charge slogan of the Investigation Corps became the Sanctuary Guard Corps at this moment. This change came abruptly, but everyone felt that it should be so.

There is no investigation team, no prisons, no human beings, no evil degenerates, and all the classifications of the past have disappeared here.

Their identities are all unified, the Sanctuary Guardian Legion, they have only one purpose, to defend the Sanctuary!

Yuan Ye's lion's roar resounded throughout Baichuan City, and the terrifying sound waves caused all the evil around him to recede.

Her target is clear, alcoholic.

The scar on the alcoholic's body was still shocking, and he could feel the pain caused by the scar only visually.

However, although Yuan Ye was resurrected in full condition, facing the injured alcoholic, he still couldn't make up for the gap in strength.

The lion's roar did little damage to the drunkard, and the terrifying claw slashing was also blocked by the drunkard one by one!

The alcoholic's mace swung wildly, with strength and speed far surpassing Yuan Ye's.

Suppressing Yuan Ye, the drunkard taunted:

"Little lion, isn't one death enough?"

Yuan Yeren didn't talk too much, and the other party didn't know about Baiwu's "Hero Altar", and didn't realize that this was an endless war.

Because they are no longer afraid of death, Yuan Ye and others' fighting styles have become more aggressive. Almost all of them are fighting with the crazy posture of killing eight hundred enemies and self-defeating one thousand.

This fighting method is very effective, and it is reflected in the intruders, and soon there are many new injuries.

The other is that the defensive forces in the shelter died faster than the first time!

"Damn it, these two lunatics, don't you want to die? How dare you get so close to me." Toad didn't expect Qian Yixin to give up the long-distance and sniper, and started to fight directly.

Qian Yixin even took his venom head-on several times, in order to create a chance for Lu Yan to hurt his opponent.

"Just because this scraping attack can hit me, will I lose my life?"

Qian Yixin was corroded by the venom, and Lu Yan was directly wiped on the neck by the toad's tongue.

Not far away, Yuan Ye had his head blown off again by the drunkard, but Yuan Ye also had a new injury on the drunkard's chest.

With two wounds connecting the city and a cross scar, the drunkard felt very humiliated. In order to prevent Yuan Ye from being resurrected, it wanted to smash Yuan Ye's body to pieces.

Gotta make this lioness splatter and blood splatter!

But just as it raised its mace to whip the corpse, that damned golden light appeared!

This time the drunkard was very focused, trying to see clearly the doorway of this golden light.

It's just that this behavior itself is futile, and Yuan Ye has disappeared. The drunkard was shocked. Could it be that the lion will be resurrected again?

In the four duels, Cole was the first to die.

Because the ice bird's ice pick pierced through Cole very quickly, Cole chose to overload firepower. Even without the ice pick, the method of almost spontaneous combustion would kill him.

However, the speed of the ice bird was much slower, and the destroyed wing made it difficult for the ice bird to find a balance in its flight.

After Ke Er, it was Lu Yan and Qian Yixin, and finally Yuan Ye.

There are quite a few other evils around who died.

But this time, the invaders were obviously injured due to their frantic counterattack and attack at any cost, and their overall strength declined again.

In the second round of confrontation between the two forces, the guarding forces lost again.

Only this time, the joy of victory was obviously diluted a lot.

The ice bird was a little tired, half of its wings were destroyed. In the eyes of the subordinates, it seems that even flying is a bit difficult.

The drunkard's cross scar stopped bleeding, but anyone who looked over could feel the terror of the two claw strikes.

The toad was the least injured, but if it was measured by combat stats, its attributes would drop the most. The current toad has almost no defensive ability.

The fortress was the worst, Gu Hailin was already stronger than it, now without a helper, all the perfect distortion entries on Gu Hailin greeted it.

The huge stone wall is already riddled with holes and cracks.

The invader forces move on. The four generals teamed up again to confront Gu Hailin.

The huge strength gap allowed the invaders to defeat the Sanctuary Guardian Legion twice in a row.

But everyone felt a little uneasy, as if they had solved something, but found that it didn't seem to be resolved at all.

Even when confronting Gu Hailin, several people seemed restrained, as if they were always worried that an enemy would appear behind them.

This worry - soon fulfilled.

Lin Rui's figure descended with countless phantoms. His speed was so fast that what appeared in the intruder's field of vision was a golden shower!

A golden light is a guard who was dead but has been revived.

Hundreds of guards reappeared on the battlefield. If the first resurrection terrified the invaders, then the second resurrection would be frightening.

"Why...can't you die?"

"Damn it, how many times do these ghosts have to be resurrected? What kind of twisted rules is this?"

"What happened to that golden light? Why did our people die, but the corpses remained where they were?"

"Damn it, this place is so wicked!"

The fighting spirit has been greatly reduced, plus the injuries left by the second battle, as well as the loss of physical strength, as well as mental fear, the gap in combat power between the two sides has narrowed again.

"Vault Guard Legion! Charge!"

For the defenders, this sentence is a clarion call full of passion.

But for the intruders, it is simply a curse!

Gu Hailin launched a charge, and at this moment, the powerful twenty-four black flame cavalry hidden in Gu Hailin's snake scales finally appeared!

This is Gu Hailin's real killing move. Even Zhong Xu didn't dare to bear the powerful charge. One after the other, Gu Hailin, Yuan Ye and other prison forces began to double-team the majority with a small number!

The balance of victory and defeat began to tilt!

The contest between everyone in the prison and the army of evils began again. This time, everyone in the prison attacked even more crazily and bravely.

It seems that the immortal undead stood up from the bones after the mage chanted the spell!

Even a weak person like Wen Tai has become full of courage!

Yuan Ye stepped over the corpses on the ground, and rushed to the drunkard again in the form of a lion:

"Come on! The battle between us is not over yet!"

"Annoying Lion!"

The drunkard was shocked and angry, what was going on?

Could it be that the injuries I suffered were real injuries, and the injuries I caused would eventually not be counted because of the resurrection of the other party?

In this way, how should I fight this lion?

The alcoholic has the intention to quit, but once he has the intention to quit, facing the crazier Yuan Ye, the offensive and defensive relationship between the two will be reversed!

"Hey, why is your mace soft? That's it?"

Yuan Ye mocked the drunkard.

But the drunkard can't get angry, this woman has unlimited life, and beat me to one life, how can I play?

Bai Wu thought that if the second wave of attackers were smart enough, they would probably have discovered something strange in the third round of confrontation.

Now it was the third round of confrontation, and the two began to attack frantically.

Cole did not attack the ice bird this time, but left the ice bird to Qian Yixin and Lu Yan.

Toad, who was no longer defensive, became Cole's target. Cole's infinite firepower directly penetrated Toad's body.

This is the real tactic of Lu Yan, Ke Er, and Qian Yixin! The two were responsible for breaking the defense, and finally handed it over to Cole to kill!

In the third round of the war, Cole's infinite firepower without reloading and automatic lock finally showed a strong suppression ability!

Of the four invader leaders, one was finally defeated!

The drunkard, the fortress, and the ice bird all started to quit.

The fortress is really irresistible. The former Hydra, who guarded a red area alone, is also a leader in power even in the ninth level of evil.

The twenty-four iron cavalry unleashed even more chaotically on the front of the Heijin Island forces!

Twenty-four black flame shadow tracks are like cut marks cut by sharp knives, dividing the entire battlefield!

The defeat has been revealed.

Although the drunkard still suppressed Yuan Ye, it was hard to say that he would be able to defeat Yuan Ye next time.

The toad was seriously injured, and the ice bird had no time to take care of it, because its ice crystal defense broke automatically.

Lu Yan's mouth seemed to be more fierce than Cole's bullets!

The fortress didn't care at all, and retreated crazily.

God knows what's going on with this weird golden light?

The clearest way now is to tell several adults about this weird phenomenon.



In the teaching building of Baichuan Middle School and the combat command center, the white silkworms did not expect that the situation of the battle could be reversed within an hour.

"Although our resources are few, they can be reused. This is an infinite resource. Teachers, are you relieved now?"

So far, in Bai Wu's view, there is nothing out of control in the whole battle.

Even in a few situations that might get out of control, he has a backup plan.

But right now, these backup plans don't even have a chance to play.

"They are about to retreat. If they retreat...the secrets of the East School Building may be exposed."

Lin Rui's speed did not reveal the location of the "Resurrection Altar", but the strange event of resurrection will definitely arouse the other party's vigilance.

Once a certain rule is too strong, it may cause this rule to be targeted, and at that time, any magic trick may be exposed.

Naturally, Bai Wu would not make this mistake, and had already arranged a plan.

"They cannot be withdrawn. Although even in the third round, we are still inferior to this group of people, but that is because the two trump cards of Baichuan City have not been played."

"Ace?" Yan Jiu was curious.

Bai Wu smiled:

"Everyone just needs to continue to watch. Before the forces of Huangquan Island arrive, we will have an absolute advantage."

"What about after Huangquan Island arrives?" A teacher asked.

Bai Wu didn't answer, but still kept a mysterious smile.



In the tallest building in the commercial center, Lin Rui found that although everyone's fighting power was still inferior to the invaders, the invaders had no fighting spirit.

This made him a lot easier.

"Haha, it looks like I'm free. They've already started thinking about retreating, and it's up to you next."

Two trump cards, one is Lin Rui, and the other is naturally Jiang Yimi.

Previously, Jiang Yimi behaved to Gu Hailin, Lin Rui, Nie Chongshan and others like a shy girl who spoke too briefly.

But in Bai Wu's eyes, Jiang Yimi is the queen of misfortune.

After exploring the Guaitan apartment, he has a deeper understanding of Jiang Yimi's power when the fusion disease broke out.

This is definitely the strength of a fiftieth-level demon king.

And that was Jiang Yimi seven hundred years ago. Seven hundred years later, no one knows how far Jiang Yimi has controlled those bad luck entries.

After Lin Rui escorted Jiang Yimi to the rear of the battlefield, he returned to the highest point.

The reason why he didn't participate in the battle was to prevent the excessive use of space-time power, which made Jing Wu alert.

Therefore, under Bai Wu's arrangement, Lin Rui can only be a "transporter" who shuttles through the battlefield to save people for the time being.

But Lin Rui really wanted to fight Jing Wu in his heart. His idea is very simple, if according to what his predecessors said, Baichuan City can only fight against one Tic Tac-toe if all the reinforcements are counted——

Then as long as you perform at a super level and hold a Tic Tac Toe level, even if you are unilaterally beaten, you can buy time for that unmasked Zero.



In the central square, corpses were piled up on the huge battlefield, but this time it was no longer the corpses of the refuge guards.

Yuan Ye's sharp claw left another wound on the drunkard's back, and the other wing of the ice bird was also pierced, so he could only flop back. The fortress became a huge shield, bearing the firepower of Gu Hailin and all the defenders.

The drunkard's idea was simple. Although the fortress had suffered damage that it shouldn't have suffered, as long as they returned to the rear, the three island owners would naturally have a way to reverse it.

Just get out of here!

But what he doesn't know is that in Baichuan City, one must learn to have no desires and no desires. Although buffs that cannot be obtained are not available everywhere, but if you offend a girl who has lived for seven hundred years, you are doomed to do nothing. smoothly.

The great misfortune is like dark clouds falling from the sky, and the black clouds are overwhelming the city! What appeared in the intruder's vision was the endless black mist that surrounded the entire battlefield.

Sitting on Jiang Yimi's shoulder, the black cat tilted its head and looked at the group of people, wondering why the shit shovel officer was so angry.

In the past seven hundred years, it seems that she has not seen such a huge aura of doom.

In the end, Jiang Yimi disappeared under the misfortune and disappeared from everyone's sight.

There is a strange black mist in front, and there is a refuge guard army headed by Gu Hailin in the back.

The drunk finally ordered:

"Rush over!"

No one knows what these black substances that look like resentment are, and what will happen if they touch them.

But after knowing all this, Bai Wu sympathized with them. I thought of those teachers who were once forced to curl up in the principal's office building by Jiang Yimi's bad luck.

Thinking of himself who was crazy and unlucky even if he was only a little contaminated, Bai Wu laughed out loud. This dose of bad luck could be called bad luck... He was really afraid that a meteorite would hit it directly:

"It's not easy to walk at night, I hope you all have a safe journey."

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