Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter Three: Online Teaching of the White Mist

Tang Jing did not expect such a result.

This monster... is dead?

Just die like that?

According to the rules of the game, if the cruise ship in the black mist sails out of the black mist and brings about a distortion of the world, shouldn't I be a novice?

Shouldn't this game just start?

Shouldn't the one I summoned for the first time be a rookie in the world of black mist?

But what is this overwhelming sense of strength?

Not long ago, Tang Jing was still doubting himself, what is his contribution to this world? I can feel the changes in the black mist world, and what is the meaning of the contents inside.

Why do people around me gain the power to break world records, but I don't have anything?

Now his heart is pounding, not because of fear, but because of himself... he is actually a master of the summoning department!

"Is it too late for me to kneel to him?"

After the divine descent was completed, Tang Jing's real consciousness and inner activities were very complicated. But then—

It was so embarrassing that Tang Jing scratched the floor with his toes and drew circles.

"It's too late. Just kowtow twice more later."

Tang Jing didn't expect that the other party could sense the activities in his heart.


He thinks that he is now a bystander's perspective, so he shouldn't have his own role. The body is still the same body, but after being handed over to the master, it is already as strong as a superman. I also watched from the sidelines.

Yes, he has subconsciously changed his name to Master now.

Ah... the bored expression of this monster after being easily killed is so charming! Wait, will my idea be known too?

"Yes, some of your thoughts gave me goosebumps. The power of the sequence must be mastered gradually. You can try to feel it. Slowly you will find out how to control your thoughts and how to express what you want to convey. information, rather than saying it all at once.”

The master has begun to instruct the apprentice.

"You'd better start mastering it now, because I'm not interested in your inner activities. It's enough for people to retain the necessary communication skills. Mind reading is a very painful thing. It's right that the Creator didn't give people these permissions. Being read mind is even worse.

Especially the sequence of God's Descend may allow you to come into contact with other "summoned" in the future, so you'd better learn how to shield some of your thoughts before this. "

too professional.

Tang Jing, who didn't want to kneel two minutes ago, couldn't help thinking of the famous barrage of "Mom asked me why I watched TV on my knees".

However, the battle just now ended so quickly that Tang Jing felt that his master hadn't fully enjoyed himself yet.

The precise description is that the wine is still warm, and the enemy shames me to take off his clothes.

In the Meiyi Building, classrooms with different decoration styles began to twist again.

"Tang Jing" looked around and said:

"Next is teaching time. Based on my innate dislike for the two of you, I don't think you are a good person. Go to sleep first."

This was said to Condero and Tina.

Now Tina looked at Tang Jing with a complicated expression. This thin and small man, he is so powerful... Especially, he didn't count on him at first, but he actually saved his life.

Such a terrifying monster, he killed it instantly, is this a dream? Are you making a movie? Should I break up with Condero? Is he still a virgin? probably?

Tina's thoughts jumped quickly, but she didn't think too much, because soon, she and Condero fell into a coma.

"It's dangerous for a rookie to run around, so let's do it. Normally, this situation should be forced to start... Oh, there is no return roulette here. This world is full of ordinary people. In order to keep them and not be dragged back, sometimes we have to find a way Let them stay in a fixed place, have you played games? NPCs are always greedy and love to kill. In reality, you can choose to let these npcs sleep."

Tang Jing very much agreed with the master's words. This example instantly made him feel drawn into the relationship, and even wanted to chat about the topic of games.

However, he quickly noticed that the battle should have ended and all troubles should have been resolved, but the surrounding environment was still closed.

The master continued:

"The monster you are talking about is called Evil Fallen. It is a human or a creature. They feed on fear, sadness, anger, or the combination of these three things. Among them, despair is the most delicious, so you have to understand that no matter what you encounter No matter what the situation, don’t despair, and remember that there must be a way to break the deadlock.”

Tang Jing remembered silently.

"The monster just now is a second-level mutation, but the second-level mutation will not cause such a large damage to the human body, and the mutation needs to experience strong negative emotions. That monster is not the monster itself." The master will continue to lecture.

Tang Jing understood, that is to say, there is still a mastermind hiding in this building?

"Many scenes need to be deciphered, and you need to find clues. You have to learn to analyze, such as this building, have you observed its changes?"

Tang Jing thought about it, and indeed the changes in this building gave him a very weird feeling, as if it was coincident with something, but he couldn't tell for a while.

Fortunately, the master quickly gave the answer:

"This scene is not complicated, and there is basically nothing that needs to be decrypted. If you notice that the monster just now has no substance, only an outline, and you also notice that the terrain of this building is constantly changing, changing with the notes."

Tang Jing was startled, and immediately reacted.

"That's right! The sound of the monster overwhelmed the sound of the piano, but the sound of the piano is what makes this place strange. The changes in the house seem to change with the notes! It's in harmony with the melody of the song!

Since the melody has no fixed melody, it is more like strumming the piano... That's why the Meiyi building looks like a mess! "

Master said:

"It's not bad, barely qualified, half of the answers are correct. In fact, the building has not changed. What you see is a hallucination. The other party has the ability similar to the ordinary distortion entry - mental power*1 or mental power*2, which can be released through musical notes."

"It's also because of hallucinations that the students outside didn't come in. Otherwise, the distorted terrain of this building would have collapsed long ago. Let's go, let's go to the piano."

"Tang Jing" began to walk towards the classroom where the monster was just now.

The real Tang Jing noticed the master's words along the way. When the tune of the music style is relatively high, the ground will be unstable, sloped, and there will be sharp spikes.

But when the tune was in a low key, some classrooms had a hollow. Everything is as the master said... This amazing observation ability, I have been here for so long, but I haven't noticed it yet.

And as the master kept getting closer to the piano, the song became a little scary, like the soundtrack of a horror movie.

Tang Jing wondered if the owner of the piano was afraid of the master.

He himself was actually a little scared. Fortunately, as he gradually mastered the sequence, he was gradually able to control his emotions and not convey certain thoughts to the master.

The master is somewhat satisfied with the apprentice's mastery of the sequence. Of course, he believes that the standard configuration of an investigation legion should be to master the sequence as soon as he gets it.

But there is no survey legion in this world, forget it. Maybe one can be established in the future.

The piano is produced in Kanazawa country, an upright piano. It is the most valuable property in the school.

Teacher Tina basically treats it as some kind of private property.

"Tang Jing" said:

"Items will not send spirits for no reason."

"What is a spirit?"

"I won't explain it specifically. You can comprehend some words by yourself in combination with the context. You should use more game thinking and have enough absurd imagination about the world."

Bai Yuan said this sentence to Bai Wu, and Bai Wu said it to Tang Jing for some reason.

The master is really strict... Tang Jing thought so, this time, he successfully cut off the idea and did not convey it to the master.

At the same time, sequences, entries, spirits, and evil fall. Tang Jing also had a general impression of these words.

According to the thinking and understanding of the game, he quickly understood the concept. Just don't know the exact details.

"The piano is a thing, a dead thing. It can send spirits because there are living things."

Tang Jing noticed that the master began to observe the piano and walked around the piano.

"Has there been any disputes in your school recently?"

Tang Jingzheng wanted to say that there have been a lot of strange stories and disputes recently, but the master quickly narrowed down the scope:

"It's about music, and it is likely to be a conflict between the teacher and the students. It may be related to this piano. And it may cause one of them to have great negative mood swings."

The scope instantly narrowed from countless events to one thing——

"Yes, Tina has a student, a female student, who seems to be named Xu Ling. I remember a conflict broke out with Silva, the piano elective teacher, a week ago."

"What conflict?"

Tang Jing hesitated for a moment and said:

"Xu Ling is very talented on the piano. She once pointed out in class that the teacher had a problem when playing a certain piece. Silva thought it was a provocation, saying that monkeys in Shengguo dare to talk nonsense ..."


Bai Wu quickly thought of something.

The area in the black mist where I am is all of the same race, and they may all come from the same country.

Moreover, Tang Jing had the same skin color as himself, maybe it was the same.

Maybe this group of people escaped from the black mist back then?

"Yes, the area shrouded in black mist is the former prosperous country. Seven hundred years have passed... Although we can obtain citizen ID cards in various countries in name, but for some reason, from seven hundred years to now, various countries There will always be some locals who reject us.”

very real.

That's all Bai Wu could comment on. There are still all kinds of class opposition in the tower. For these people of different skins, for the people of Shengguo who have been regarded as "exiles" for seven hundred years, it is their traditional art to form a condescending posture.

After all, in my previous life, the country that most called for equality and freedom for everyone was the most chaotic and unequal country.

Seven hundred years is a long time, but in the history of mankind, the history of eliminating all kinds of discrimination is longer, so it is not surprising, and it does not rule out that the memory of people inside the black mist is erased, and people outside the black mist are not.

If Tang Jing knew his master's inference, he would probably kneel even deeper. This is simply a man with a script.

"What happened next? What happened to Xu Ling."

"The teacher Silva was dismissed, and Xu Ling also dropped out of school."

This development, the master really did not expect it.

"what's the situation?"

"She was violated." Tang Jing's tone was a little regretful.

"What infringement?"

"It's just... a beast that is not as good as a beast. It did it to humans. Xu Ling was slandered in the end because she seduced Silva. Many of us know the truth, but there are also many people, some are partial to Silva, and some are innocent. Good little media reported a lie that made Xu Ling feel very uncomfortable."

Bai Wu didn't need to know the content of the lie, but there were real cases of this kind of thing in the previous life. Even if it was brought to the court, these people from Shengguo were also a vulnerable group, and they might not get justice.

But in a sense, those who came from the black mist and the tower world were all from the Sheng Kingdom.

This group of people is not easy to mess with in this world.

Of course, Bai Wu didn't underestimate the world. Why was he summoned by people outside the black mist? Does this mean that there is something wrong with Jing? Or is it that the border of the black mist is no longer stable?

These are big questions, but he doesn't think about them right now.

The tragedy that happened seven hundred years ago on the land of the Prosperous Kingdom within the black mist must not happen in the wider world outside the black mist.

All of this, Bai Wu could only wait until he returned to his body before thinking about it slowly.

"Xu Ling couldn't bear this kind of pointing from others. She was clearly a victim, but she was viewed as a sinner, so she dropped out of school."

"After that, no one has seen her, and I don't know where she went. Some people speculate that she committed suicide. This is the biggest dispute that happened recently. Therefore, although many teachers in the school discriminate against us, they dare not do it. It's too much, because public opinion will still condemn this kind of behavior." Tang Jing sent a message in his mind.

Then he added:

"But where Xu Ling went, we don't know, but after that, someone said that there would be strange piano sounds in the music classroom at night... I guess Tina may have heard this statement, thinking that some students sneaked into the music classroom , Let’s take a look... Then, I hit a ghost. Oh, I fell into an evil.”

The apprentice spoke in detail, and the master nodded, accepting this statement for the time being.

Although the deciphered scene of being a master is much more complicated than this, but the current level of difficulty is not bad as a teaching for apprentices.

In particular, after Xu Ling appeared, how to treat Xu Ling was the essence of the subject.

"Tang Jing" sat on the piano. At this moment, he felt a sense of sadness.

The laughter of others rang in his ears.

After a sigh, "Tang Jing" began to observe the piano with his eyes.

[Ha, is it finally my turn to lead the show? Do you feel comfortable being a master? You are Xiaomengxin's master, and I am your tutor. Please tell me, what should Xiaomengxin call me? Well, let's put that question aside. In fact, you have already found the answer. The piano is sent to the soul because of Xiaopoor. She has a certain talent, but compared with Xiaopoor, it is still far behind, but the cultivation value is very high-for example, she will be separated now. Play the piano empty, follow the guidance of the notes, you will find her.

Of course, this is a normal way of playing. With your current strength, you can pass the level violently. 】

Poor little? That's right, the juniors are inside the black mist, and those outside the black mist can only be the juniors.

If he met the real poor Hong Yin, he would be too scared to play the piano, right?

"Tang Jing" made a puzzled smile, which made Tang Jing a little confused. Isn't the current scene a scary scene?

Why is the master laughing?

The reason why the master laughs is because he is very strong now. If he encounters such a thing in the black mist, he will probably be able to patiently decipher it. It is a product of rules.

But outside the black mist, all kinds of distorted rules have not been fully formed, which means that what he is fighting against is actually evil, not rules.

So the master finger suddenly pressed a certain key.

This press seemed to give someone a painful blow through mental power.

A girl's cough was heard in the distance.

The master continued to press a few keys, but the apprentice soon discovered that the constantly moving black and white keys of the piano slowly stopped...

He seemed to see two martial arts masters fighting with the piano.

No...not two martial arts masters at all, but a martial arts myth, fighting against a martial arts rookie.

A few keys were pressed, and the poor little girl on the opposite side couldn't hold on anymore.

Bai Wu's spiritual power is already extremely powerful, and coming to this world is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction.

The breath was locked, and seeing that the other party had revealed his true body in another classroom, "Tang Jing" did not stand up immediately, but asked:

"Tell me briefly about the law of musical note fluctuations. Suppose at this time someone asks you a question based on musical note fluctuations and the terrain changes in the hallucination. How would you answer it?"

Tang Jing was dumbfounded, and thought to himself, didn't we just start the novice tutorial? Why did the exam start now?

Although a little flustered and a little surprised at the strictness of the master, Tang Jing still gave the answer based on the changes in the environment after the piano key was changed, as well as the change in the style of the music and the state of mind of the piano owner at this time.

"She should be avoiding us, so when we are close to the piano, the way to this classroom is changing, and the style of the music is relatively scary..."

"Tang Jingjing nodded, let the real owner of this body continue to analyze in his mind:

"At the same time, the master tested a few keys just now, different notes should correspond to different speech information, but I still need more convert these information."

Not bad, Bai Wu is more satisfied with Tang Jing.

Not to mention that God's Arrival will slowly allow Tang Jing to learn his own thinking and ability, allowing him to grow faster than others. Even without these, he thinks Tang Jing's thinking ability is not bad.

"Tang Jing" stood up and looked at the corner of the opposite classroom. Because of the distorted terrain, it had been covered, but he couldn't hide it from his eyes.

"Come on, let's see what your first evil friend looks like."


Tang Jing was a little confused, how can the evil degenerate still be friends with humans? According to his own understanding, seeing his master mentioned the words "great negative mood swings", he thought that the evil depravity should be some kind of setting similar to "resentful ghosts".

This kind of thing is like a curse, and it should be feared and kept at a distance.

This time, although the apprentice did not convey these thoughts, the master accurately guessed his inner activities.

"Many evil people are poor people. Poor people need love. This is the correct password to communicate with evil people. Remember, you will have to take the test many times in the future."

(I have something to do in the afternoon, so although the update is earlier, it is likely that there is still only one chapter, and I will go back and add as much as possible after I am done.)

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