Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter Seven: Showdown with Cain

After Bai Wu left, the captains of the investigative legion obviously raised their heads higher, with their heads held high and their faces full of pride.

Obviously a few months ago, when the guardians came here, the strongest captains were beaten so hard by Liu Hu that they couldn't hold their heads up.

Forces outside the tower.

The guardians of these few words are very clear about what they mean, and they are also very clear that their rulers are related to forces outside the tower.

The meeting ended quickly, and Qin Xuan's face was ashen. The position of deputy head of the investigation legion, or Gu Qingyu, was obviously more important than he expected.

But these scenes are all pretending to be seen by others.

When the meeting ended and everyone left and returned to their posts, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Xuan's mouth:

"I thought you were too blunt to do things for a disciplined person like you. I didn't expect an honest person to tell a lie, and it was impeccable."

Qin Xuan didn't need to worry about how to report. After all, Qin Chu had a higher status in the family than him, so it was not his turn to preside over some matters.

His eyes were gratified, and he was sitting in his office now, looking in a good mood.

Although... he felt that it was really embarrassing for him to be threatened by the investigation legion.



Tower, third floor.

Ming Yuzhuang once again held a meeting for high-class couples in the tower.

Mingche is always happy about such activities, and can feel the warmth of other people's families every time.

And he didn't break up other people's families, he just temporarily experienced other people's families. Is there anything better in the world than this?

If there is, it is probably to do such a thing with Bai Wu.

Bai Wu is very busy now, and Ming Che also has a feeling that this person is really doing great things, and his strength improvement is getting more and more exaggerated.

In the past, Ming Che treated Bai Wu more like a certain promising team member, but now he finds that... Bai Wu already has a five-nine temperament.

This time, Bai Wu could come to find him, which made Mingche very happy.

Although there was a rift between the two armies, he did not treat Bai Wu badly, and Bai Wu was able to respond to this friendship, which made him feel that he had not misjudged him.

Ming Yuzhuang is very lively at this time, and is busy arranging the large-scale family integration meeting for the evening.

Bai Wu was in Ming Che's office.

His purpose was actually to tell Ming Che something about Jiang Xuan.

"But I contacted him the day before yesterday... Why did he die suddenly? I'll call and ask."

Ming Che was very surprised, what Bai Wu brought to him was the news of Jiang Xuan's death.

"No need. He is indeed dead. Maybe with luck in a few days, I will give you his body. As for the person talking to you, it's not Jiang Xuan."

Ming Che didn't understand the meaning of Bai Wu's words, that person was obviously Jiang Xuan, so how could it not be Jiang Xuan?

Bai Wu didn't explain much either:

"I just don't want our relationship to have problems because of this. Think about it carefully, will the Jiang Xuan in your impression resign from his current position and go to investigate the Legion as a field officer just for a moment of excitement?"

Mingche shook his head, this was indeed a very puzzling thing for him, but just based on this, can it prove that Jiang Xuan is not Jiang Xuan?

"Jiang Xuan came to me. I remember the case he handled before, which was the disappearance case of a certain art teacher and several students. Do you remember?" Bai Wu asked.

Ming Che nodded.

"Actually, there is another case, which is also investigated by your Zhen Yu Legion. Regarding the theft of a large number of emotional stabilization reagents before the military exercise between the two armies, this case must not be closed yet?"

Really, Ming Che was shocked, how could Bai Wu know this.

Mingche is not responsible for this case, but Mingche knows about it. At present, the suspect is locked in the Tashenhui.

It's just that the Tower God Society has disappeared for a long time.

White Mist said:

"Liu Mu was injected with reagents during the military exercise between the two armies and became evil. Those reagents came from the batch that was stolen, and the person who injected the reagents is currently speculated to be the teacher of the missing Noble Academy. That is You put Jiang Xuan in charge of this case."

Mingche couldn't believe that there was such a connection between these cases. He didn't know what to say.

He also knows Bai Wu's ability very well, and Bai Wu can't lie to him.

Bai Wu continued:

"This person possesses a power that can steal other people's bodies. You may think it's an exaggeration, but this is the truth."

"You want to say that Jiang Xuan's body was taken away by him? How is it possible... such a thing is unheard of!"

"I told you, it's the truth."

Bai Wu seriously added:

"I regard Team Ming as a friend. Before, for some reasons, I had to endure it, but recently, because of my luck, I have made a little improvement, so I don't need to endure it."

Ming Che said in his heart that you should speak well, why did Fan get up all of a sudden.

Although Mingche doesn't like to fight, but he is not weak, and the fourth-order accompanying power allows him to sense that the white mist has become a world of difference from before.

"There are some grievances and grievances between me and him, and the matters involved in these grievances are very important, so...'Jiang Xuan', I hope that the Ming team will treat him as dead, and he will not appear in the future. In the investigation report, I will write Tomorrow, Jiang Xuan investigated outside the tower and died in battle."

Ming Che understood Bai Wu's meaning:

"Then what will happen to him? Surely you won't hand him over to our Zhenyu army?"

Arriving here, Mingche has actually believed Bai Wu's words. Although what Bai Wu said is extremely absurd, Mingche knows very well that Bai Wu is someone who can be trusted.

"It can't be handed over to Zhen Yujun, because Zhen Yujun can't lock him up. To be honest, I don't know how to deal with it, because in this world, he has never shown his true side, although I think I have already done it." Prepare, but it is very possible that he will give me some... not a big or small surprise."

Bai Wu looked at Ming Che, paused for a while and said:

"In short, this person cannot be handed over to you, because he is very dangerous."

Mingche understood and said:

"It seems that I underestimated the danger in the tower. I didn't expect to get so close to such a dangerous person on weekdays. I know about this. I will cooperate with the follow-up procedures on Jiang Xuan's death. of."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you? This is a life." Bai Wu said.

Ming Che smiled:

"I'm a businessman. I do business by looking at people. Not all stinky fish and rotten shrimp are worthy of the favor of people like Wujiu. He is a big trouble for the Zhenyu Army, but the Zhenyu Army Up and down, there is no one who does not admire him. And you are the one who even admires him. Even if you don't tell me what happened today, I will still believe you. "

White Mist said:

"I like a businessman like you very much. Although there is nothing wrong with business, you also have your own principles and pay attention to integrity. It is better than a certain businessman I know. Team Ming, maybe one day in the future, your business will be very big .”

"Hahahaha, to tell you the truth, I'm now the top businessman on the third floor, and I'm basically at the top. If I go up, I have to climb to the fourth floor. I don't like it. I just like money and other people's money." Wife, I'm not interested in being an official."

Bai Wu laughed, this person really didn't treat me as an outsider:

"The structure is small. It's hard to say what will happen in the future. What if there is a new business channel suddenly? But I have to go first, and I have to deal with the matter of 'Jiang Xuan'."

Ming Che did not understand the first half of Bai Wu's sentence, but understood the second half:

"Okay, be careful with everything."



On the second floor of the tower, the investigation legion branch, the captain's office of the seventh team.

When Jiang Xuan came to the office, he was very surprised.

The white mist has changed a lot.

Although Bai Wu had cut off her long hair and looked the same as the last time they met, Jiang Xuan could clearly sense that Bai Wu's aura had changed.

"Come on, sit down."

"What does the captain want from me?"

Jiang Xuan frowned, because Bai Wu closed the door.

Bai Wu smiled:

"It's nothing, let's catch up on the old days."


"Yes, reminiscing about the past. There are not many people who can reminisce about the past with you, and there are not many people who are worthy of my reminiscence. Since the two of us happen to be here, why don't we open up and chat."

This is Bai Wu's intention to directly point out, conspiracy, or various calculations, it is very necessary.

But right now, he wants to figure out some things as soon as possible, and the best way is to clarify, especially after the other party has no threat.

"I didn't understand what the captain meant." Jiang Xuan had already guessed a certain possibility in his heart.

A normal conversation would definitely not unfold like this, but his acting skills were not under the white mist, and he didn't show any flaws.

But Bai Wu didn't come to play a rivalry with Jiang Xuan, he cut to the chase and said:

"You lied to me, and I lied to you. We are even. The last time you went to Baichuan Middle School, you received a very interesting commission. It was so interesting that you couldn't tell the truth from the fake, but you would definitely accept it. If you don't want to continue this Of course, we don’t need to continue talking about the topic. You can continue to pretend to be Jiang Xuan.”

The atmosphere changed instantly.

Jiang Xuan, who was better at acting than Bai Wu, finally showed his flaws at this moment, and Bai Wu could clearly see the astonishment in Jiang Xuan's eyes.

"You must have thought about where the headmaster and his group went. If you must play Jiang Xuan, there are no answers to these questions. Mr. Jiang, is it fun to investigate the Legion?"

With a playful tone, Bai Wu looked at Cain with playful eyes.

Once upon a time, "Jiang Xuan" also viewed Bai Wu and Wu Jiu in this way.

But at this moment, "Jiang Xuan"'s mood fluctuated abnormally.

For seven hundred years, he has enjoyed the feeling of countless lies being exposed.

But the picture should be that the other party has nothing, or finally lost his human identity, or thought that he had finally survived the catastrophe and then looked back at the past, thinking carefully and horrified to find that he was deceived, and finally saw someone who had been playing with him. , into despair.

But at this moment, "Jiang Xuan" didn't feel any pleasure at all when the lie was exposed.

When he came to investigate the Legion, he thought he would soon be able to steal one of the two containers - Wujiu, or White Mist.

But Bai Wu's exiting the tower is simply exiting the tower impromptu, that is, walking on the road, talking to someone about a topic that has nothing to do with exiting the tower one second, and thinking of exiting the tower the next second, and exiting the tower quickly.

The most outrageous thing is that the same is true for Wujiu. As soon as Bai Wu shouted out of the tower, the workaholic left the tower without saying a word and put down the work at hand.

Many times, "Jiang Xuan" found that he couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm at all.

So far, the only time they went out of the tower together was after the establishment of the monitoring team, and they finally got the chance to go out together.

But that time, it was extremely dangerous. If the Lake God hadn't been finally defeated by Yan Zizai and a monster-like girl, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

After returning, he found that he was completely led away by the other party.

Bai Wu is different from all the people who have been deceived by him before, because the deceitful

You can't find any fun in Bai Wu.

At this moment, "Jiang Xuan" finally knew the reason, he quickly calmed down, and still showed his usual calm expression:

"When did you find out. Although I didn't deliberately hide it, it's impossible for you to suspect me."

Bai Wuxin said that the Eye of Prell is number one in the world, shall I tell you?

"From the first day you joined, I felt that your motives were unreasonable, so I have been investigating you, and you should have thought that Nie Chongshan and Liu Mu are all my people, so I discovered your true identity—— Cain, it's not hard for me."

When this name came out of Bai Wu's mouth, Cain suddenly felt that he had lost.

This is a very strange and strange feeling.

"Then you should know that this is not my real body. Don't you think that you have startled the snake?" Cain asked back,

"Don't you think that if you don't send out your body, you won't be able to learn a lot of news?" Bai Wu disdained Cain's hiding.

"You have lost your chance. You must know what I'm talking about. My growth rate is indeed a bit fast. If I were you, it would be hard for me to imagine that your loss is not wronged."

Cain nodded, although these words seemed to be consoling but mocking, but he did, as Bai Wu said, completely underestimated the speed of Bai Wu's growth.

"In fact, it's not bad for me to continue spending time with you. After all, I can use you to help me kill the Yan Dynasty, and I can also use you to kill other rulers. I have to say that you are very powerful. But now I am not afraid of you.

But I have more important things. These things make me have to reveal my identity to you. "

Bai Wu didn't show his own power, and Cain didn't need Bai Wu to show his power, even though his current body couldn't show his full power, he could still sense——

The man was transformed.

Reminiscent of Wu Jiu disappearing for ten days... Cain guessed that the next time he saw Wu Jiu, that person would be reborn as well.

"It turned out that my biggest mistake was to treat the hunter as the prey, hahahaha... This is really a fatal mistake."

Jiang Xuan's temperament changed greatly at this moment.

It was as if he was indeed still such a person, but in an instant the whole person became another person from eyes to breathing.

Cain looked at Bai Wu. Over the past 700 years, he had deceived too many people, and he had been deceived a few times, but this kind of pure suppression by information led to his being used by others, and the number of times was very small.

"I don't know if it's interesting or boring, ah, I really want to continue playing someone you trust, but why was it exposed so quickly? Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you must have met someone you really want to know matter."

White Mist said:

"It doesn't really mean much to you to expose your lies. After all, you just can't get along as Jiang Xuan, but you still have many identities. Your sequence is very tricky. As long as you can't find your body, You can still do the next deception, the next deception."

This is not wrong, and this is why Cain was exposed, but he did not panic at all.

But this time, Bai Wu obviously came prepared:

"But the big gamble last time let me know what you are really interested in. Back then in Violet Manor, you tricked Violet into escaping from her family's game."

Cain was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Violet was involved. That unfortunate mad girl, the offspring of some extreme hedonist.

"You left me a letter in Violet's manor. You thought that the ticket was useless. I still remember that you mocked the people on the boat and lived a lie."

Cain remembered that he had indeed left such a letter.

The purpose is to let Bai Wu or Wu Jiu understand the atrocities committed by the ruler, and make them hate the Zhong family even more.

It's just the boat ticket, so what's wrong?

Bai Wu looked at Cain who was a little puzzled, and said a big news:

"That ship can sail out of the black mist. I have been to the world outside the black mist."

(For the time being, let’s move the leave to tomorrow. I’ll update it today. It’s really Cavin, because there’s a big part of the story behind and I haven’t figured out how to arrange it, so it’s updated today. I may still ask for leave tomorrow. Of course, it’s also possible to say please Please do not reverse the pigeons, the probability is not high.)

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