Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter Fifteen: The world is weird

(For the Silver League, you can't use it randomly, and the completion progress is 45/100.)

Outside the fog, seven o'clock in the evening. Al Rawson Township College.

The moment the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Tang Jing rushed out. Its speed is as fast as a starved ghost reincarnated.

Tang Jing's recent behavior is very strange. Over the past month or so, his roommates have discovered that this person who likes to stay in the dormitory the most on weekdays is now staying out at night!

This is a very strange phenomenon.

Of course, strange things happen every year, especially this year.

Over the past month, strange things have happened all over the world. Some people have deciphered the mathematical problems that have troubled mathematicians for many years, and some people have successfully proved that magic exists.

Some people have proved that all the physical limits that human beings cannot reach are false, and some people have discovered... It turns out that evolution does not require a process of hundreds of thousands to millions of years.

Aberrations are explained by scientists trying to use evolution.

In some talk shows, experts began to talk about the possibility of accelerated evolution of various organisms.

It is also said that these suddenly evolved creatures are currently being studied, and a major breakthrough will be made soon.

But in fact, scientists are at a loss.

They can't understand things like distortion at all, not to mention people outside the fog, and people inside the fog are the same.

This kind of thing can only be felt, not understood.

But trying to find a reasonable explanation for the distorted things has become a kind of spiritual sustenance for people when facing the unknown.

It seems that as long as a reasonable explanation is found, this unknown and confusion can be eliminated.

But there is no reasonable explanation, and various distorted phenomena repeatedly ravage people's cognition.

Obviously the same city, but in different regions, the weather is abnormally cold on one side, and weirdly hot on the other. In the cold area, people experience the content that only belongs to the polar regions. Snow, frozen lake. Huge ice sculptures.

The two regions are connected by a bridge, and the extreme winter is at one end of the bridge, and the extreme summer is at the other end.

The temperature of more than 60 degrees made countless people run towards the other side of the bridge, but within a few seconds, this group of people ran back frantically.

Those who run slowly become ice sculptures.

The place was also quickly cordoned off, and rescue teams in heavy thermal uniforms began to evacuate the people inside.

The entire different temperature zone is called the Forbidden Land of Ice and Fire.

Scientists cannot explain these phenomena at all.

In addition to the environmental aspects, there are also biological aspects, twins of the same father and mother, but one grows a second head and the other grows wings.

How do scientists explain it?

Even if they were killed, the child with wings just hoped that he could run faster, and the child with a long head just hoped that he could do better in the exam.

The differences do not come from genes at all, but from desire.

The star who lost his stardom due to sudden mechanization was not as miserable as the number zero in the black mist.

He defended his human rights and began to participate in various talk shows, telling about his mutation.

In order to squeeze his maximum surplus value, the capital changed from the original little fresh meat trainee character to a scientist character.

A little fresh meat who can't sing and dance rap is not a good scientist.

Indulging in mechanical research and using himself as an experiment, the ethical and scientific topics involved in it brought Xiao Xianrou back to life, and his popularity skyrocketed.

All the shows he starred in, the ratings exploded.

But gradually, after two or three other mechanized mutants appeared in this world, among the mechanized mutants, in order to gain attention——

Rolled up.

Xiao Xianrou didn't dare to drink gasoline, didn't dare to connect wires with his bare hands, and didn't dare to perform swallowing screws. Gradually, people thought he was boring. There used to be a face, but now there is no face.

He also finally discovered... his so-called persona is to deceive those little fans who can't tell right from wrong.

In the eyes of the general public, he is just a toy. In the eyes of capital, he is just a commodity.

Today, with more toys and products with new functions, his has no value.

All of this... only took nineteen days in total.

In addition to the above, there are many distortions.

The dead came back to life, the living became younger, and some people even saw their youthful self. Someone else met another person who was exactly like him.

And when they appeared in each other's vision, both of them disappeared. No more audio.

Weirdness is going on everywhere.

Tang Jing's weirdness didn't seem so weird.

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Tang Jing left the school immediately and went to the villa area not far from the school.

The luxuriously decorated single-family villa became the "place to live" that Bai Wu asked Tang Jing to find for Xu Ling.

The one with this supernatural power is naturally Lao Zhao.

Lao Zhao is a very reliable person, and Tang Jing likes Lao Zhao's sentence very much:

"There is no better house nearby, so you can let that little girl feel wronged first, and build a suitable one as soon as I buy the nearby land."

Tang Jing has seen rich people, but never such rich people.

So much so that Tang Jing wondered what Lao Zhao was doing? Why was he able to quickly find his group?

His voice doesn't sound old, even a little young, how did he accumulate such a huge wealth. Did he, like himself, see some sort of revelation?

Does Lao Zhao also have the sequence that Master said?

It's all a mystery.

But anyway, Xu Ling now has a place to live. And Xu Ling had a good impression of Tang Jing, so he hoped that Tang Jing could spend more time with him.

So these days, Tang Jing ran to find Xu Ling as soon as his homework was over.

The two of them had a lot of topics, chatting about the changes in the world and their daily life.

Xu Ling is a very...closed girl.

The red peach tattoo on her hand symbolizes charm and affection, but she herself is extremely introverted.

That is, the "White Mist" version of Tang Jing, who sincerely moved Xu Ling with his words.

But after Bai Wu left, although Tang Jing passed the sequence and grew very fast, and had a level roughly equivalent to the second-level companion power of the Investigation Corps, it was incomparable to Xu Ling.

Especially... EQ is far less natural than Bai Wu.

So in Xu Ling's eyes, there was a big difference between Tang Jing's before and after, which made this sensitive girl feel that she might be wrong.

She lived carefully in this place where the rich lived.

I shut myself in that little room every day.

She hardly touches the outside house, but cleans and tidies it up on a regular basis. Even so, the movement is very gentle.

I thought about not destroying the original feeling of this room as much as possible, and I was afraid that because of my arrival, it would make this place different.

Tang Jing also discovered that Xu Ling did live here, but he couldn't integrate into it at all.

Today, a strange thing happened in a supermarket, and the policemen from Aurro have surrounded that supermarket.

It is said that after a strange customer walked in, everyone in the supermarket suddenly couldn't get out and was all trapped.

Old Zhao told Tang Jing the news. Now that Tang Jing had learned some white mist fur, his abilities were different from ordinary people, but he couldn't compare with those monsters that mutated directly.

He guessed...there might be someone like Xu Ling in the supermarket, so Tang Jing decided to take Xu Ling to explore.

There are a total of 60 villas in the villa area, most of which are townhouses. What Lao Zhao bought was the largest single building, surrounded by a manicured and pleasing lawn of nearly 160 square meters, and a swimming pool of 44 square meters.

Every time Tang Jing came here, he felt unreal.

He's standing outside the door lingering, it's week four. Especially tonight, he will go to explore that supermarket with Xu Ling, so Tang Jing is a little scared.

He hopes that Master can "have time" today.

So standing outside the villa, Tang Jing activated the sequence - the descending of the gods.



In the vast white space, Tang Jing walked in a familiar scene, feeling a little flustered.

Although the master asked to report the changes and major events in the world outside the fog every week, in fact, every time Tang Jing contacted the master since the apprenticeship, the master was always in a busy state.

This time too.

In the white world of consciousness, there are many human silhouettes, and these people are all objects that Tang Jing can summon.

But only on the other side of the white mist, there is a voice.

The voice was very weak, but Tang Jing could hear it.

The first week, the second week, the third week, and today is the fourth week... Tang Jing always felt that Master went to a strange place, and there was someone beside him who couldn't tell whether it was a teammate or an opponent.

"It seems that Master still doesn't have time... What should I do, should I go with Xu Ling by myself? Or... I'll find someone else..."

"Forget it, it's too dangerous. What if the person you find is a lunatic?"

Tang Jing finally gave up.

God's Descend is a very powerful sequence, which can directly gain the strength of the thighs, just like the upper body of the ghost with positive feedback.

But there are also disadvantages in the descending of the gods, and the user does not know whether the person who is pulled out to occupy his body is a good person or a bad person.

So Tang Jing didn't dare to take the risk.

Especially... He now feels that his physical strength is far stronger than ordinary people, so maybe he can try to explore with Xu Ling.

Tang Jing was about to leave. As usual, he listened to what the master said for a while before leaving.

In the past few weeks, he has been guessing where the master has gone and what the meaning of these conversations is.

So he remembered every word Master said. But these words are very obscure, such as——

"So the fruit on these trees... hides human souls? Can you tell which one is you?"

"Absolutely dissolved... He is also on this tree? So is this a nutrient? But why doesn't it come down to look for food? Can we assume that it actually... can only go up, not down?"

"Is this the note it left? But the content inside seems to be very short. Let's look again, maybe there are clues. Haven't you come across these before?"

"That's right, this is obviously only possible after the seventh floor is opened up."

"You'd better tell me the truth, now that we're trapped here, you want to use me as a container, but if I can't get out of here, you know very well that the only thing waiting for us is death. Or I, like you... become In such a situation, do you still think that I am the most suitable container?"

"It's gone, I told you to listen to me, don't ask so much, you don't care where I got the information from, can't I be smarter than you?"

"Don't move, or I'll kill you. Don't think you and I are friends. As I said, black is black and won't turn white. If you want to continue to die, I won't stop you."

"Sequence Four, Sequence Seven... I only found a blank piece of paper with these words on it. Is he trapped by these two sequences? Or is this sequence helpful to him? He thought To get these two sequences?"

"Awe? Bullshit awe, Cain, you and I know very well that even though you gave those people some religious names, you and I don't believe in religion."

"Spiral corridor, you can't get out without me, don't ask, I know everything."

"How long have we been here."

"I know it's two days, but don't you think... the time dimension is a bit weird?"

"Can't I go back? Now it seems that this possibility is indeed possible, and I don't know if my friend who wants to turn me into a machine race can find my soul if I die here. Can't you understand? Can't you hear me?" It's right to understand."

"Cain, what is your real purpose? Now that we can't go back, why don't you tell me? There's no need to lie, everyone might die here."


For four weeks, Tang Jing heard a lot of content, and it was precisely because of these content that Tang Jing felt that Master was in a very dangerous environment.

And there is a very dangerous person around, possibly an enemy. If Master is forcibly summoned at this time, it may bring disaster to Master.

In the end, Tang Jing gave up.

He walked into the villa. Xu Ling had actually spotted Tang Jing through the window.

Seeing Tang Jing pacing back and forth, she found it really strange.

Obviously he was so generous and calm before, but after that day, when he saw himself, he seemed a little... restrained.

Xu Ling thought that maybe Tang Jing wanted to calm himself down that day, so he acted more... calm, full of indifference that everything was under control.

But recently, Tang Jing didn't feel that way anymore.

However, this did not affect her still fondness for Tang Jing.

Soon, under the crystal chandelier in the living room, the two boys and girls began to communicate.

"That... I have a friend, as I told you, who bought this villa. He and I set up an organization, and we are responsible for investigating some weird events."

"Well, you said so. Let's go." Xu Ling said.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I'm going to do?"

"I believe in you and won't let me do bad things. I've always been afraid that I'd lose control...but if you're here, I'm not afraid." Xu Lingshui looked at Tang Jing with big eyes.

Tang Jing panicked.

What if Xu Lingzhen loses control? Master seems to have also told me to take good care of Xu Ling... Maybe I should explore the supermarket by myself instead of taking Xu Ling with me.

When Tang Jing was thinking this way, Xu Ling held Tang Jing's hand.

This time without the white mist, Tang Jing's reaction was much more real.

If the white mist is there, you will definitely sigh, it is worthy of the heart family, from being teased to being teased, no one needs to be taught at all.

Tang Jing blushed, but Xu Ling was calm.

"In fact, I have always felt... There seems to be a power in my body that I can't control, but I don't know how to use it. But sometimes I feel that it is very dangerous."

Tang Jing remembered that Master also said that this girl is not simple, and there is a certain organization behind her.

"I'm afraid to use these powers, but if I follow Tang Jing, I won't be afraid. If I really become a can pull me back, right?"

Master promised her for me, do I want to admit it?

Although Tang Jing felt that Master was very decent, he somehow felt that I was helping the scumbag to deal with the aftermath.

But he still nodded his head, probably the divine descendant brought him some "Bai's thinking":

"No matter what, as long as I'm here, you will always be Xu Ling."

(I still remember that I will ask for leave, and I will ask for it on the day of Calvin, ahem. Tang Jing’s line is more important. The necessary foreshadowing of the plot part of counterattacking the farm can only be written as less boring as possible. Then Will return to the protagonist line as soon as possible.)

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