Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Sad White Mist and the Lord of the Ocean

"I get it, a dream within a dream! Hahaha, you are more fraudulent than anyone else I imagined! You made me change back to my waking appearance, but I haven't changed! I'm still in a dream, I just Thought I was awake!"

Xu Wei originally thought that he really saw Bai Wu.

Until he heard Bai Wu's words, he felt that the content was too outrageous, so he fell into doubt again.

Bai Wu can also be sure... This person does have some mental problems, and he really hasn't faced reality for too long.

Unwilling to accept a world without humans.

"In that case, why don't you try to call out the rest of the town?"

Xu Wei was taken aback.

Yeah, if I'm stuck in a dream, why can't I call out the rest of the town?

"You've never seen me either, have you?"

Xu Wei nodded, he had never seen the white mist.

Bai Wu continued:

"Also, you should be able to feel that my breath is different from the other people you imagined. Hmm... I am not a weak existence in your mouth."

The white mist spread the breath.

This kind of strong pressure is enough to scare the powerful creatures within a few hundred meters, but for Xu Wei, this breath is just enough to convince him that this is reality.

"So... there is really a place where many people live?"

"To be precise, it is a mixture of human and evil. If you are interested, I will tell you how it was established."

This is naturally a long story, but Bai Wu is very patient.

This Xu Wei is certainly a thigh, but the reason why Baiwu really wants him to go to Baichuan City is not simply to hug his thigh.

There is also a big reason, which is to protect Xu Wei.

There are strange laws in this world.

If you have never heard a song before, it seems that it did not exist in your long life before.

But once you hear it by accident, you will find that you will hear it again soon.

A strange noun explanation, a popular science concept, a complicated psychological effect, some things, once we come into contact with them, we will find that we will come into contact with them again in a short time.

Not long ago, Bai Wu knew that the two strongest sequences that human beings have mastered, one is the Law Body of Ten Thousand Phases, and the other is Time Return.

Coincidentally, I met the owner of Shihui.

He was very worried. Coincidentally, this person was abducted into the tower. Then as a coincidence, this person also went to the sixth floor.

So it is best to arrange it under your nose.

He didn't rule out the possibility that his own deliberation would speed up the other party's entry into the tower, but after weighing various aspects, Bai Wu was convinced that his idea was more reasonable in terms of probability.

Xu Wei was naturally willing to listen to the story.

A person has been alone for a long time, and it is a very happy thing to have someone to talk to.

There is actually no such absolute loneliness outside the tower, but it is different for Xu Wei. For him, the tower is a place to expose the ugliness of human nature.

And after the feeling of time has changed...Xu Wei's seven hundred years is very long.

It's a little difficult to find someone who can talk. It is so difficult that it is better to imagine some people by yourself.

This is the moat of his thinking, which prevents him from being eroded by loneliness, but also prevents him from getting out of loneliness.

Only by the guidance of fate and the appearance of people like Bai Wu can this situation be broken.

The story of Bai Wu is very exciting. He didn't add oil and vinegar, but he introduced many interesting people.

The purpose is to make Xu Wei like the group of people in the refuge.

Xu Wei was also very happy to hear it, very emotional.

Everything went smoothly. In Bai Wuyan's eyes, this task was not difficult at all, and it was an easy task to complete.

Because the needs of the other party can be met by oneself, there is no need to create needs.

In the evening, the sky was dim.

Xu Wei thought about this story incessantly, yearning for the refuge.

Bai Wu's persuasion plan was successfully completed without any reversal or twists and turns. It went so smoothly that even Bai Wu felt... This was simply an explosion of his own luck.

But what Bai Wu didn't expect was... In fact, there was still a little accident.

After Bai Wu finished telling the story, Xu Wei was very interested, and he also invited Bai Wu to visit the town.

What is there to see in a small town with no people? Although Bai Wu thought so, he knew that this town belonged to Xu Wei.

Each household also has a different function.

Someone serves the food, someone tells the jokes, someone drinks the afternoon tea, and someone else handles the food.

In the fourth house of the third row of buildings in the town, Bai Wu suffered some injuries here.

When Xu Wei opened the door, a note hit Bai Wu's face.

[Don't look at other places, look at the pot in the middle, it looks like a rice cooker, but it's actually a pot that can transform ingredients and automatically make gourmet food, a pot that sends spirits! 】

White mist is happy! Isn't this the pot you want? With this pot, can't the waste pot in the storage bag be thrown away?

I took him to the shelter and asked for a pot, isn't that too much? Not too much, right?

But at this moment, Xu Wei was about to entertain Bai Wu, but because he was too excited, he acted a little harder, and when he accidentally picked up the pot to put the food... it broke.


Such a big pot, in front of the white mist, shattered into sawdust, and when the wind blew, it seemed to be able to blow up a piece of dust.

What is a surprise?

Bai Wu first felt more joy than surprise, then more surprise than joy, and finally joy gave birth to sorrow.

The ups and downs of life come too fast.

Bai Wu was stunned on the spot. Bai Yuan in the other world even felt that the blue door seemed to be a little loose.

The brain circuits of the father and son are very clear, Bai Wu doesn't know what is worth Bai Yuan's pain. But now he knew that the closest he was to being sad... was just now.

Xu Wei felt nothing:

"Ah, I'm so excited, I accidentally crushed it... I wanted to treat you to a delicious meal. Forget it, let's set off directly, shall we?"

Bai Wu didn't move, his pain mask was hidden under his calm expression:

"Such a good baby... won't you feel bad if it's broken?"

"It's just a pot." Xu Wei thought it was a very common thing.

a pot? Pay it off?

Bai Wu's blood pressure rose.

"But it's a pity. After all, it's very convenient to get something to eat, but for me, being able to find something to do is actually better than enjoying the results directly. It will make me feel alive. If you didn't come, I almost forgot about this pot."

Then I go? Bai Wu was speechless, and cooperating with her own arrival, let this baby suffer the fate of being shattered?

Xu Wei had no sense of Bai Wu's deep underlying emotions, and continued:

"Forget it, if the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come. When I first learned about sending spirits from the sixth floor, I also thought it was amazing. Later, I found out that it's quite easy."

Also, pretty, easy, easy.

The sky is blue, and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window. Bai Wu feels that he has met a powerful opponent.

Xu Wei did not show his physical strength as the first person in the tower, but he showed his too strong spiritual strength.

"Hehe, let's go, you are right, you are right." Bai Wu was about to leave.

But Xu Wei talked a lot, he caught someone, how could he not talk? It was not easy to have a topic, and Jiling was a topic he was interested in. He was not good at communicating with people, and he could tell that he didn't respond to Bai Wu's name three times in a row.

That's why Xu Wei didn't know how to observe words and expressions, enough was enough, and he even felt that Bai Wu was agreeing with himself:

"Yeah, you think it's right, then you must have a lot of items for sending spirits on you, right?"

Go fuck save the world and leave this person to fend for itself, the thought White Mist swears really popped up.

"But is there a possibility that this thing is probabilistic, just like this pot, could someone carry it all the time, just not sending spirits, hahahaha, thinking about that picture, isn't it funny?"

Xu Wei laughed while talking:

"Hahahahaha, it's so funny. I walked around carrying a pot on my back. I went to Baichuan City. I must tell this joke to the people you mentioned. I found that I have a sense of humor."

"But it shouldn't be. It's impossible for someone to be unable to do such a simple thing as sending a spirit. It's really unimaginable. It seems that the joke is still divorced from reality after all."

long night...

Bai Wu didn't know where Baichuan City was, nor how long he would take this person with him, nor how long this person would continue on this topic, nor whether this person had been talking so much.

But he knew that there would be many evils ahead.

It must be there, after all, he may not be able to suppress his anger, and the red karmic fire will erupt, and it is better to burn to death the evil depraved, than to burn to death the seemingly passive but talkative psychopath next to him.



Finding the owner of Shi Hui is a big event for Bai Wu.

He couldn't tell what would happen next, but Bai Wu knew very well that this person was very important. Those who are important to the great devil in the tower are equally important to this world.

He wants to protect this person well, and at the same time it can be regarded as strengthening the power of Baichuan City.

During the days when Bai Wu took Xu Wei to Baichuan City and settled Xu Wei.

The world outside the fog has not been visited by Baiwu for nearly four months. As the main battlefield in the future, some minor changes have taken place there.

Outside the fog, Jiang returned to Hong Kong.

Such a port with the characteristics of the name of the prosperous country is because it is a small island country in this sea area, which is deeply influenced by the culture of the prosperous country.

This country is called Jinze Country.

However, after 700 years of changes and many applications for world heritage, most of the things in the Sheng Kingdom have become unique to the Jinze Kingdom. Even thousands of years ago, the cultural saints in the history of Shengguo became the saints of Jinzeguo.

Outside Jianghui Port, countless artillery fires were bombarding a huge cruise ship.

Although satellites have already seen this super huge ark ship like a sea city, countries have never done it.

Now, after many months and countless times of going forward and turning around... the ship is finally sailing out of the fog.

This move also caused panic in all countries. The transition from panic to anger is brief.

Because of this giant ship, it finally arrived at Jianghui Port.

This port symbolizes the return of the wanderers who have wandered in the rivers and lakes, but for the wanderers who have experienced seven hundred years of sea wind in the giant ship, the world outside the fog... There is no home for them, or their home.

When monsters and alien-like creatures protruded from the giant wheel.

All the countries around the world paying attention to this giant ship... all changed their previous optimistic guesses.

The monster must be wiped out! The sovereignty of human territory cannot be shaken!

So the first battle between the creatures outside the fog and the creatures inside the fog finally started.

Fuyo Old Island, Fuyo New Island, Orlo Island, Menan, Paka Island Twelve Countries. Jin Zeguo. Johnson Island.

These countries have organized sea fleets one after another, code-named Gale, vowing to blow away the black mist.

A powerful human fleet is assembled in the waters of Jianghui Port.

Numerous large war machines lined up at the entrance of the port, and the terrifying firepower bombarded the sea fortress that was not at the same level as other warships in size!

The sea seems to be boiling! The water mist in the air was transpiring, and the huge water mist enveloped the waters of Jianghui Port, and the temperature of the entire port rose sharply.

Amid the deafening gunfire, no one heard the screams of those monsters.

"We just want to go home..."

"Why attack us...we are human!"

"Why are they attacking us...why are they attacking us! Is the pure land we have been looking for for seven hundred years... just a joke in the end?"

"We are not monsters! We are not monsters!"

"We just want to go ashore..."

Over the past seven hundred years, countless days and nights, these passengers on the huge cruise ship have become accustomed to the breath of the sea breeze.

They have experienced tsunamis, thunderstorms, and countless dangerous seas. They are also on cruise ships, and countless wars have broken out.

The Tower is a gathering place. Baichuan City is a gathering place, why not a cruise ship?

In this gigantic ark, which is as huge as a city on the sea, there has been decay and disputes in the past seven hundred years.

But they are fundamentally different from high towers. Obsession guides them to break through the black mist... Obsession guides them to find their home and paradise.

Obsession guides them... so that the feet are no longer on the deck, but on the solid soil.

Over the past 700 years, wars have been waged again and again...but in the end, they will sing the song of returning home, and then gather hope again...and embark on a journey to find the end of the world.

Finally, when the war broke out in Baichuan City, the well was opened due to a calculation by a woman, and the huge cruise ship finally found the boundary of the world. They broke through the boundary, thinking that the other end of the freedom and hometown .

But they are wrong...

What awaits them is endless fire bombardment.

On the deck, countless monsters endured scorching heat and severe pain, but they still longed for the sympathy of humans outside the fog.

But as more and more passengers died... this mood gradually changed.

"Stop it! Stop it! We have been wandering for seven hundred years! We can get out of here! Don't attack us again! We can get out of here!"

Wen Hao's shout actually overwhelmed the roar of countless war machines.

In this mournful cry, there is regret for the old man, there is also sadness for the wrong payment in the future, and there is also... suppressed anger.

The coalition forces of various countries have definitely heard this cry.

But what responded to Wen Hao... was still overwhelming and endless artillery fire.

The shout that resounded through the sky is definitely not something that humans can utter, it is a monster, and these people are all monsters!

The human allied forces thought it was the monster's show of weakness, and thought it was the victory of mankind. Faced with a monster begging for mercy, how can there be any reason to let it go?

There are also many military commanders who think that they should negotiate with the other side, but in recent days, the changes all over the world started when the giant ship smashed through the black fog.

Now the people in the giant wheel are begging for mercy, which proves that they are no match for humans! The main fighters believe that at this moment, the firepower should be increased.

It's just that they don't know...

Seven hundred years ago, the child who had no boat tickets and was almost abandoned by his parents had grown into an iron-blooded leader in seven hundred years.

The disputes on the cruise ship made him grow up again and again, and made his kindness change from cowardice to sharpness.

He was always grateful to the person who gave him the boat ticket seven hundred years ago, even though he later learned how heavy the price of boarding the boat was.

But now... he is the captain, and he never regrets his choice.

The artillery fire did not stop, and Wen Hao wiped away his tears in the endless mist and gunpowder smoke, in the scorching heat.

Sad eyes sharpened.

The terrifying aura spread instantly. He was willing to face the humans outside the fog with tolerance and tolerance, and he was also willing to restrain his crew not to use the power brought by the distortion...

Just like seven hundred years ago, he always has his own kindness in his heart.

But he is also a captain, the greatest captain in the world. He led the crew and conquered the ocean that distorts the world. He is a veritable ocean overlord.

Feeling the arrogant attack of human beings and the cruel declaration of war by human beings, Wen Hao roared angrily:

"Don't let us go to the island, don't let us leave, then meet our wrath!"

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