Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter Fifty-Four: When Liars Don't Want to Liar

In order to survive and to explore, Bai Wu has never hesitated to lie.

Along the way, Bai Wu lied to Hong Yin, Bai Xiaoyu, Jian Qiu, Zi Luolan, Jing Si, Gu Hailin, Jiang Yimi, the tomb guards, everyone in the prison, those ghost guardian spirits, and Xiao Xiao. Apprentice's little girlfriend...

It can be said that along the way, as long as it can benefit him, Bai Wu will lie.

But the biggest difference with Bai Yuan is that Bai Wu really made good friends with these people later, and had a life-and-death friendship.

So he never had a moral dilemma.

but now……

When Bai Wu knew that he might have to do the same thing again, he couldn't bear it.

For the first time, he hated himself for doing this. I hate what Bai Yuan once taught... Talk to people when you see people, talk to ghosts when you see ghosts.

Small dried fish appeared.

It's just that in this memory world, she can suppress all rules.

When Bai Wu's eyes focused on her thin figure, Prell's Eye gave such a remark.

[Away games, even advanced analysts with this belt can’t analyze it. She is avoiding a stalker, so she blocks all opportunities. When you meet her and finish talking with her, she may eliminate it. this memory. I don't know any more. But I suggest you believe that you listen to the old man's words and play traditional arts. 】

The eyes are the other side of oneself, Bai Wu examines himself now, and finds that no matter which side of himself it is, it is deeply influenced by Bai Yuan.

Xiao Yugan is very beautiful, but she looks at people with strange eyes, with vigilance.

It was different from Liu Chengzi's enthusiasm, the short sister-in-law's calmness, Yin Shuang's indifference, and Yan Jiu's dullness.

She seemed to be fear.

She was wearing the hospital gown of the farm when she first met Bai Yuan, but in the memory world, the size was changed. With bare feet, she looked at Bai Wu timidly, holding her heart in her hands, her eyes were frightened...and a little sad .

Even in this world, she couldn't see Bai Yuan directly.

He could only see Bai Yuan from Bai Wu's memory.

When Bai Wu first entered the memory world, Xiao Yugan noticed an outsider.

But even if Bai Wu talks to the first generation, she doesn't care, she won't show up easily, and even's not worth showing up by herself.

Because she is afraid of communicating with people, and because there is a stalker in this world... Only by hiding in the deepest part of the memory world can I have a sense of security.

Until Bai Wu talked with Bai Yuan, another new "copy" was generated. Through this copy, Xiao Yugan felt a person who had been waiting for a long time.

At that moment, she ignored many things and crossed countless doors to come to Bai Wu's side.

It's just that after seeing the white mist, she didn't know what to say. Her loose hair, pale face, and thin figure made her look more like a patient than when she was on the farm.

She is afraid to speak.

I also don't understand what kind of communication method is between Bai Wu and Bai Yuan. Why can I see Bai Yuan in my memory, why can't I see Bai Yuan when I come to this person.

After poking his head in fear...and feeling that there is no danger around him for the time being, Xiao Yugan finally summoned up his courage:

"I...I want to see him."

Bai Wu already understood how Xiao Yugan captured Bai Yuan's breath.

Since he snooped on that memory, he naturally knew the conversation between himself and Bai Yuan.

But she still came, and then said that she wanted to see him when she opened her mouth.

This is really ironic, what did Bai Yuan do before?

For a moment, Bai Wu didn't know how to face this person.

They are immortals, and when their bodies grow to a certain level, they will no longer change.

The small dried fish is still the same as it was seven hundred years ago.

Although Bai Wu doesn't know what she looked like seven hundred years ago, Bai Wu estimates...the changes won't be great.

This is the first time Bai Wu saw this square k.

Sharp, straight to the heart.

But withdrawn and autistic, in the mouth of the first generation, he was not good at talking, not good at communicating with others, and was even said to be difficult to get along with.

Bai Wu was silent, not knowing how to respond.

Xiao Yugan repeated again:

"I... I want to see him! I don't want to see you."

Because I am the child of Bai Yuan and another life? Speaking of which, what was my mother like?

Bai Wu thought so:

That's why Bai Yuan asked me to make good use of my identity as his son... If it wasn't for a joke and a prank, the breakthrough would probably be to bring the topic to him and his mother...

Then make up a lie that Xiao Yugan can accept and is willing to help me?

It's not difficult, it's even easy, no matter what kind of person, if he is too obsessed with a person, he will want to know how to get this person.

But Bai Wu shook his head, and didn't cut in like this:

"He can't see you. Or he doesn't want to see you."

Bai Wu couldn't remember who her mother was, and she didn't want to follow Bai Yuan's train of thought. He also didn't want Xiao Yugan to wait for Bai Yuan.

Even at this moment, Bai Wu has a feeling that even if this exploration ends without a problem, she doesn't want to deceive this person.

This is a very irrational emotion. If Bai Yuan hadn't appeared, Bai Wu would be willing to use "traditional performing arts".

But based on sympathy for this person and disgust for Bai Yuan, Bai Wu didn't want to do this.

Xiao Yugan showed a confused expression:

"Why didn't he see me? Is it because I'm no longer useful? But I'm not the same as I was seven hundred years ago."

When she spoke, she looked around again, as if she was on guard for something.

Bai Wu thought she was afraid of the pursuer, the intruder that Wen Hao called.

But in fact, this is how small dried fish are on the farm.

For seven hundred years, she has been insecure.

As a special being as a child, the abuse she suffered made her always wary of her surroundings.

Only when Bai Yuan was around, would she feel at ease, and would not look around, guarding against some unknown, non-existent predicament.

Regarding Xiao Yugan's straightforward question, Bai Wu really wanted to say yes, because he felt that you were no longer worth using.

But he couldn't speak.

It's so strange, it's the first time I've met this person, but the other person has a quality that I don't want to hurt.

Bai Wu decided to change the way to tell the truth:

"He can't see you. The Bai Yuan you see is my obsession. The real Bai Yuan is dead. The current Bai Yuan can be said to be Bai Yuan, but it can also be said that he is not Bai Yuan."

"This is the ability of the doomsday puzzle pieces. I don't know if you can understand this."

Xiao Yugan grabbed his hair, feeling a little painful:

"The one who died was Old K...he didn't die, he just didn't want me anymore."

The surrounding world began to appear vortexes continuously, and some vortexes began to twist into some kind of cracks because of instability.

It's hard to imagine what level of mental power this is.

Bai Wu suddenly realized that the truth about the escape of the two k and one ten in the first generation had to be asked about Xiao Yugan, most likely because Xiao Yugan had some special characteristics.

This particularity even surpassed Bai Yuan and the first generation.

In the following process, Bai Wu began to realize that Xiao Yugan was difficult to get along with.

Her mood was extremely unstable, and the huge ark in the distance began to disintegrate continuously, and the disintegrated ark materials were floating in the sky.

Blot out the sun.

But the surrounding light did not become dim. Looking at the past, there are two lights and shadows in the brightest place.

Those were Bai Yuan and Xiao Yugan.

But only shadows.

"He... When he left, he took away his memory... He didn't let me see him."

Looking at the light and shadow behind him, Xiao Yugan feels aggrieved.

Bai Wu also reacted suddenly, since memory has its own track in the world of memory, why doesn't Xiao Yugan go back to his own memory?

It seems that Bai Yuan is very decisive.

At least some restrictions were left on the small dried fish.

So much so that the owner of this memory world can find anyone's memory, but cannot find his own memory.

Of course, it may also be a means of isolating causal attention.

From Bai Wu's point of view, Zhang Xian, the woman who lost her daughter, everyone forgot about her daughter's existence, maybe it was some kind of karmic hijacking.

But Bai Wu didn't have any evidence for these things.

He is not good at what Bai Yuan is good at.

The interpretation and control of the inner world and the spiritual world are also extremely difficult and obscure for Bai Wu.

White Mist said:

"He doesn't like you. He's just using you from the beginning to the end. Why do you need to see him? Such a person is not worth waiting for seven hundred years."

The light and shadow did not stop.

Xiao Yugan can only recall the past from those shadows, seven hundred years are like a day.

"I know he doesn't like me, you are so annoying! I don't want to see you! I want to kill you!'s not like this...I don't want to hurt you!"

Bai Wu's body almost disintegrated at this moment, like the ark, part of his skin was directly peeled off, and the flesh and blood on his face were exposed.

But because of its powerful power, it began to heal quickly again.

Healing... Broken, Healed, Broken.

Then an unbearable storm blew it away and hit the ruined wall behind it.

This is the memory world, a world dominated by Xiao Yugan. No matter how powerful Bai Wu was, he knew that it was impossible for him to fight in this kind of away game.

What's more, he doesn't have any fighting spirit against Xiao Yugan.

Xiao Yugan looked at him with pain and fear:

"Why don't you come out to see me? I'm going to kill your child! Come out and see me!"

The ruins and the ark have a unique beauty in the apocalypse, but this beauty is extremely deadly.

Bai Wu could feel that Xiao Yugan's mental state was a bit unstable, and he was actually in an extremely dangerous situation.

"Kill me... He won't come to see you anymore. In a sense, he and I have a symbiotic relationship."

Xiao Yugan panicked instantly.

Bai Wu didn't want her to fluctuate too much and lose control again. He had to say some soothing words:

"I'm here to help you, I can't let him see you, and he doesn't want to see you, but in this world, he is not the only one who can help you. You shouldn't only care about him in your world people."

"Don't worry about it! You go...or I will kill you! I hate you! can't go."

Of course, Bai Wu couldn't leave at this time.

He could understand Xiao Yugan's pain. The person who had been waiting for seven hundred years appeared just now, but he refused to see him.

And the ones standing in front of me are the children of my sweetheart and others.

Xiao Yugan curled up in pain. The wreckage of the huge ark floating in the sky began to twist and deform.

Meanwhile, outside the memory world. Wen Hao, who was anxiously waiting for the return of the white mist, felt a depressing and suffocating breath.

All the decorations and chandeliers in the cruise ship are dangling.

"What happened? Hit a sea beast?" Jiang Zhu felt the slight tremor of the whole cruise ship.

Wen Hao shook his head:

"No sea beast dares to provoke us. The source of the earthquake comes from a forbidden area. Sit down and don't panic."

Wen Hao didn't know what happened.

I just hope that Bai Wu can return safely.

In the memory world.

Enduring the pain of being almost torn apart, Bai Wu said:

"Those who came from the ark, and some who left alive, were able to become friends with the first generation. I believe that you are different from Bai Yuan. You have qualities that the first generation recognizes. You are a kind person..."

"So you want to kill me... because I am Bai Yuan's son?"

White mist is painful.

Feeling the body being disintegrated, broken, and torn bit by bit... This is a pain more terrifying than needle pricks.

It is impossible for any normal person to maintain his will in this situation.

But Bai Wu, who has been tortured since she was a child, also has the characteristic of becoming more sober as she suffers.

"Yes...I don't want to kill you, I want to take a good look at you...but I really want to kill you..."

Bai Wu suddenly discovered that she always said a lot of contradictory words.

He didn't know why.

In Xiaoyugan's world, there are only a few people, and the memory of the farm is painful and sweet to her.

After Bai Yuan rescued her from the forbidden area of ​​the farm, she followed Bai Yuan and experienced the life of an ordinary child, carefully pretending.

At that time, the friendliness of the people around her made her feel very happy, but before that, she experienced the division and devastation of her soul.

It was Bai Yuan who rescued her from the predicament, it was Bai Yuan who gave her the social interaction that ordinary humans only have, and it was Bai Yuan who resolved the crisis time and time again, so that the farmer never found out... The monster in the forbidden area of ​​the farm was replaced.

Later, she can have a normal life.

But her pain in her early years prevented her from becoming a normal person forever.

What she thinks in her heart will be spoken directly.

The pain and joy in the heart, likes and dislikes for a person, will be expressed at the same time.

So in the process of communicating with people, the first generation felt that Xiaoyugan was difficult to understand, or it was too easy to understand, so that sometimes it was difficult to get along with.

Everyone should hide something, even the most intimate and innocent person.

But Xiao Yugan couldn't hide his thoughts because of his special childhood experience.

When I was on the farm, sometimes I would express my liking for a certain person while expressing the shortcomings of that person. Being too straightforward makes it impossible to make friends with people.

Even the first generation had their mentality exploded by Xiao Yugan.

"He is very powerful, I want to be friends with him, he looks like an ugly monster, I hate him so much."

The first generation thought that he just couldn't chat, but Xiao Yugan was even more ruthless, talking like giving another slap to a date.

Only Bai Yuan is an outlier.

Because Bai Yuan is perfect, in Xiao Yugan's eyes, he can't find any dislike for Bai Yuan, and can't pick out Bai Yuan's shortcomings.

Teenage girls hope to follow love, especially Bai Yuan who is so perfect.

And the more straightforward and simple a person is, the harder it is to get out of it once they get stuck.

Now Bai Wu is standing in front of Xiao Yugan, Xiao Yugan really wants to say something to Bai Wu, but wants to kill Bai Wu to express his anger.

But she is trying to restrain herself after all, she is afraid that if she does so, she will make an irreversible mistake.

"Why... why did he leave me..." The curled up Xiao Yugan was tearful.

Bai Wu was troubled by the fact that he couldn't find an entry point. He knew the correct answer. At this time, he only needed to use Bai Yuan or his own mother as the entry point.

But he just didn't want to do this, he just felt inexplicably... this woman who was confused and contradictory should not be deceived any longer.

When Bai Wu found out for the first time that he couldn't speak and didn't know what to say... the mutation came.

The vortex floating in the sky... Suddenly there was one more.

But unlike other vortexes, this vortex is even bigger, and it does not hover in the air without any changes...

When Xiao Yugan was in great pain, a red arrow of light shot out from the vortex...

The stalker who made Xiao Yugan keep avoiding, the intruder who broke into the cruise ship seven hundred years ago, finally found Xiao Yugan.

Bai Wu didn't know why Jing San was tricked by the memory scene, he could not be tricked...he only knew that if he didn't take action.

Xiao Yugan must surely die.

Because this woman is the same as Bai Yuan, although she has strong mental power, she is not good at hand-to-hand combat.

The light arrow was swift and fierce, as if it could penetrate the woman's body in an instant, just when Xiao Yugan realized that the crisis was approaching and could not avoid it...

A figure wrapped in crimson flames intercepted Xiao Yugan in front of him!

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