Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Strange Development Starting from Jing San

(For the Silver League, you can't use it randomly, and the completion progress is 61/100.)

Bai Wu had never experienced this feeling. But he knew it was going to happen.

When a person walks on the road, looks at the street scene, or sits on the bus and watches the passing scene, some thoughts will come out unconsciously, and then the emotion will collapse.

He guessed that Xiaoyugan...probably was touched by a certain sentence to some memories.

Seeing that Xiao Yugan was crying a little bit, Bai Wu didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

It is true that Bai Yuan will not come back, and the first generation is indeed dead.

No matter what kind of promises they made, in the eyes of this girl, it was a deceit that could not be forgotten for seven hundred years.

"I'll be back, I won't lie to you."

Bai Wu thought for a while, and finally said this sentence. He really didn't want to deceive Xiao Yugan, this woman is very easy to deceive.

Her value is probably higher than Jiang Yimi, Hong Yin, and those who have been deceived by her.

But in every adventure she has experienced, she is actually the one who is the best to deceive.

That's why Bai Wu didn't want to deceive her.

So I will come back, he is not absolutely sure, but no matter how dangerous Jing San's memory copy is, he will try his best to explore it, and then come back safely and say goodbye to Xiao Yugan.

"Didn't you lie to me?"

"Do what you say. But right now, I need you to tell me how to get to Jing San's memory world. I must find the deeper reason why the stalker hunted you."

Xiao Yugan sobbed for a while, watching Bai Wu calmly:

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Not in that mood."

"Aren't you sad too?"

"Refer to the last reply." Bai Wu couldn't get the little mother's brain circuit.

Xiao Yugan tilted his head:

"Then have you never cried since you were a child? Have you lost your mind?"

"It's no use changing the subject."

"I didn't change the subject, Bai Wu, why don't you stay in this world, it's safe here, as Bai Yuan and old K have said, it's safe here. There are many people here, although they don't really exist, But you can treat them as real."

Xiao Yugan continued to persuade very seriously:

"You won't be afraid or sad, you can live in this place forever. I'll find you what kind of girl you like. It doesn't matter what year she was born, fat or thin, tall or short. of."

Although this little mother still looks like a girl, she seems to count herself as an elder.

The elders have a traditional art ability - urging marriage.

"Why don't you choose someone you like? In case you die, I can still look at your memory, marry and have children with the memory you like. I think you can come back, but I'm afraid you won't come back. "

Bai Wu was once again rendered speechless by Xiao Yugan, remembering that the proprietress seemed to have said something similar last time, such as what kind of woman she likes.

Later, Bai Wu gave an answer worth as much as 87 million.

Xiao Yugan opened his eyes wide, quite seriously:

"You tell, otherwise I won't tell you how to get there, if you don't tell me, I will tell you, I won't tell you, I will tell you..."

Bai Wu nodded:

"Women, live and healthy are fine."

"It's fine as long as it's healthy... It's such a low requirement, can you be more specific?"

"How specific do you want?"

"It's very specific, the details."

Bai Wu thought for a while and gave a very specific answer:

"The height is between 150cm and 175cm. The lung capacity must reach more than 2500ML. And the liver function must be total bilirubin 1.7~17.1mmol/L, direct bilirubin 0~3.4mmol/L, total protein 60~80g/L , aspartate aminotransferase is less than or equal to 40 units per liter, which is almost the same value."

"Of course, renal function must be in the normal range of blood urea nitrogen, which is about 2.1-8.2mmol/L, and the normal range of uric acid for women is best between 140-340umol/L."

"Is it specific enough? Not enough, I can say more."

" be specific." Xiao Yugan was a little confused, not knowing that Bai Wu was talking nonsense.

But she was afraid that the white mist would never come back, so she still wrote it down seriously.

Bai Wu looked at Xiao Yugan who was seriously memorizing, and suddenly thought of a picture.

If I died in Jing San's memory, or got trapped in it and couldn't come back...

This little mother will probably really bring her own memory, and then talk about the pile of data on it, and ask other memories one by one, right?

Thinking about that's hilarious.

But it also made Bai Wu feel uncomfortable, because the time he knew Xiao Yugan was very short, but Bai Wu believed that she was really the kind of person who would still keep her promise after many years.

Xiao Yugan put his feet on his feet and patted Bai Wu's head:

"When you come back, I will find a good partner."

Is this concern from the elders? Bai Wu felt very uncomfortable, but did not resist.

This woman is really lonely. If it were someone else in this world, she probably wouldn't be so lonely. Because the performance of memory is no different from real life.

Even facing the memory of the first generation, I can't help but let the first generation give up saving the world.

But dried fish is different.

She is a creator, and creators have a hard time seeing their work as a real human being.

Just like the authors of many stories, when it comes to the life and death of the characters in their works, they only consider whether it is appropriate or not, and they are far less sensitive than readers.

"I will definitely come back. You don't need to stack the flag that you can't come back."

"Then I have to tell you about the situation." Xiao Yu became serious.

Of course, Bai Wu would not choose not to listen to this kind of necessary information before entering a certain area.

"Jing San is a distorted creature. After coming to the memory world, he is like a source of pollution... It will pollute many memory areas. Probably... probably like a well. In the outside world, the well will pollute many real areas."

Bai Wu didn't expect this layer to exist.

The brothers and sisters of the Jing family are all distorted aggregates, and they do not belong to the traditional evil depravity. From this point of view, the price of trapping Jing San is very high.

Although Xiao Yugan's spiritual world successfully erased Jing San's memory, it seems...Jing San also caused great harm to this world.

"If you go to these areas, you must be very careful. In these areas, because many people's memories have been distorted, you may see a very sick world. You have to find information about Jing San in this world. It's going to be hard."

Xiao Yugan, who got serious, didn't have that kind of inconsistency in his speech.

"What a distorted place?" Bai Wu asked.

Although he won't fight Jing San, Jing San's spiritual world must be extremely dangerous.

"It's also very similar to what you experienced in this memory world... There are many, many people, and they are all memory. But their memories are all distorted, and the world is also distorted... It's terrible."

"In addition, there will be some strange rules there. After you go in, they will find a way to make you stay there permanently."

Bai Wu probably understood a little.

If in Xiaoyugan's memory world, the food city is a normal food city, and the residents are all normal residents, then in Jing San's memory world, the food city is probably a mutant city, and the residents are all a group of lunatics.

Moreover, this twisted memory world seems to attract intruders?

But Bai Wu probably had the kind of madness in his bones coming up, and he actually had some expectations.

"Is this place safe where you are? Could it be that as soon as I leave... the stalkers will find you?"

"No, I'm safe, but I'm afraid, I'm not afraid... I'm still afraid, but I'm safe." Xiao Yugan thought for a while before saying.

"I can calculate the time when he found me. Last time, it was just because of your appearance that I lost my temper."

When he saw Bai Wu, because he saw Bai Yuan's son and the enemy's son, Xiao Yugan was very angry and sad.

A variety of emotions were mixed together, causing Xiao Yugan to disintegrate the ark in an instant, and even wanted to kill Bai Wu.

The huge power fluctuation is equivalent to giving a signal to the stalker.

This led the hunted to find Xiaoyu in such a complicated memory museum.

But under normal circumstances, the small dried fish would not be caught.

Even before being caught, he can feel the position of the stalker through the prying of various memory worlds, so he can leave early.

Bai Wu felt relieved:

"Let's go, take me to the entrance of Jing San's memory world."

"Are you really going? Forget are going."

Xiao Yugan felt a little uncomfortable again, but a vortex had been opened.

Passing through this vortex, one can enter the entrance of Jing San's memory world and arrive at a completely distorted memory world.

The moment the white mist touched the vortex, Xiao Yugan said:

"You have to be careful... Bai Wu, there may also be your own memory in it... You may even lose your memory temporarily, and you can't tell which ones are real and which ones are false."

"You have to be careful, I'm worried about you, I don't hate you anymore, you have to come back alive."

Xiao Yugan is a very kind person in essence.

From having murderous intentions towards Bai Wu to caring about Bai Wu, there is no longer any contradictory sentence in the words——

Just had a conversation.

Seeing Xiao Yugan's expression of reluctance, Bai Wu really wanted to pull Bai Yuan out and beat him up.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you. I'm different from old K and Bai Yuan. I won't lie to you."

I won't lie to you, Bai Wu has said it many times, but facing Xiao Yugan is definitely the most guilt-free time.

Because he really didn't deceive this person, which had never happened before.

Probably because she was really pitiful, or because of other reasons, Bai Wu just didn't want to lie to her.

"Okay, I believe you."

Bai Wu nodded to Xiao Yugan and entered the vortex.

Until the vortex disappeared and the figure of the white mist disappeared completely, Xiao Yugan squatted down, lowered his head, stretched out his index finger and pointed at the ground, watching the little ants on the ground transport the bread crumbs that fell from eating just now.

She just waited silently.

It was the same seven hundred years ago. After Bai Yuan left, she waited silently for a long, long time.

It wasn't until she realized that Bai Yuan really wouldn't appear that she stood up in a daze and wandered in this world made up of countless people's memories.

She is like a child who can be laughed at a joke dozens of times.

After experiencing Bai Yuan's deceit and abandonment, it is still easy to believe in Bai Yuan's children.



The moment he touched the vortex, Bai Wu's consciousness began to shake.

After the violent shaking disappeared, he slowly opened his eyes. The memory in the brain seemed to have undergone some kind of distortion in the shock just now.

Bai Wu instinctively felt that she should be vigilant, but she forgot what to be vigilant about.

"You're back."

With a sweet smile, Yan Jiu stood in front of Bai Wu.

Bai Wu found that she seemed to be in the entrance of a certain house, and Yan Jiu happily took out slippers from the shoe cabinet.

"Ah... I'm back."

what happened?

There is a strong sense of disobedience, but also a strong sense of familiarity, as if I shouldn't live this kind of life, and I shouldn't have such a conversation.

But it seems like it should be like this.

After Bai Wu changed his shoes, Yan Jiu took his coat and hung it on the decorative hanger between the entrance and the living room.

"Is the project going well today? I cooked your favorite dish to celebrate you. There will be surprises later."

The sense of joy that Yan Jiu felt was so real, it made Bai Wu feel very comfortable, but it felt weird.

"It's going well, both parties have reached an agreement."

What project is it?

Bai Wu came out of her mouth, but found that she couldn't remember what project she talked about for a while.

Just when Bai Wu wanted to think about something, there was a knock on the door.

"Baiwu, are you at home? I'm Qingyu."

"Here we come." Bai Wu walked to the entrance and opened the door.

Ruan Qingyun and Gu Qingyu stood at the door with food.

"Just about to eat? I heard from Xiaojiu today, you should have settled the copyright, right? We specially prepared food, surprise or not. I really envy you, boy, everyone graduated from a school, and you are going to be promoted soon, right?" ?

"My bastard boss, Qin Zong, is only a rich second generation who knows how to eat, drink and whore, and doesn't care about the company's life or death."

"Okay, okay, don't tell Xiaobai this as soon as you enter the door, today is for Xiaobai to celebrate."

Ruan Qingyun leaned her head against Gu Qingyu's arm.

Bai Wu's head suddenly ached.

Is Gu Qingyu my neighbor? He married Ruan Qingyun?

Bai Wu inexplicably thought of the word captain... Then, she always felt that Ruan Qingyun's head should not be leaning on Gu Qingyu's arm.

Because Ruan Qingyun is not that short...

No, it's not that she's getting shorter, it's that this 1.9 meter neighbor is too tall.

It's strange.

But Bai Wu couldn't think of anything to blame.

Yan Jiu began to invite a few people to sit down, two families, four people sat together, and began to chat about some family affairs and trivial matters.

During this process, Bai Wu noticed that Gu Qingyu didn't seem to be doing well.

No one respects him in the workplace, he is suppressed by his superiors, and even looked down upon by newcomers.

It is said to be a celebration for myself, but it is basically pouring bitter water. It seems that he is just a person who is looked down upon casually in life, and has no skills.

As for Ruan Qingyun, she felt that her man was a bit ashamed, but she didn't speak up for him, she just smiled awkwardly.

As for Yan Jiu, Bai Wu felt that Yan Jiu should express sympathy, but Yan Jiu didn't, and she smiled more happily.

Gu Qingyu seems to be used to being ridiculed by others, but he thinks that Bai Wu is his best friend, as long as Bai Wu can't laugh at himself.

Only when he saw Bai Wu did he feel that the pressure of life was not so great.

The two women quickly finished eating, arm in arm and began to go to the living room to chat about celebrity gossip.

Yan Jiu let out exaggerated laughter from time to time during this process.

Bai Wu's mind gradually cleared up and remembered.

The company I work for is engaged in copyright operations, and the company arranged for me to be in charge of asking for copyright from a down-and-out author today. Taking advantage of the other party's confusion, I asked the other party to hand over the full copyright for 60,000 yuan.

Although this author is down and out, in fact, the comics he draws have quite a market potential. If the other party hadn't been too drunk, if he hadn't been pretending to make friends with this kind of dead house these days, it wouldn't be easy for people to sign the contract in a daze.

The company is very satisfied, and the performance this month will look good.

Then my good friend, Gu Qingyu, seemed to be facing a family crisis, so he drank like crazy at the moment.

Bai Wu felt that something was wrong, this memory was very real, but it made him somewhat resistant, a sense of disgust from the depths of his soul rose.

Subconsciously, Bai Wu suddenly said:

"Captain, stop drinking."

Gu Qingyu was taken aback by this title. At the same time, Bai Wu was taken aback.

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