Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 71: My little mom is a little too much

"It's like an emotional tranquilizer. I heard that humans in the fog will use this thing as a last resort. Once it is injected, it will be almost immune to negative emotions in a short time."

"But once the time limit expires, negative emotions will erupt." The artist said with admiration:

"Miss Xiaoyu's move is really good. Human beings seem to have forgotten a certain setting, and they dare not cry, anger, or fear."

"They will remain in this state forever, and after Miss Xiaoyu lifts this state...these people will be injected with emotional tranquilizers."

The businessman clapped his hands:

"The whole world will fall into a huge negative emotion... She really doesn't want to make a move, and once she makes a move, it will be a killer move."

"I also have to thank that Guangya man. Miss Xiaoyu's ability is also limited." The artist took a few steps back and began to examine his work.

The businessman said:

"In this way, the other party should try their best to find Miss Xiaoyu?"

"Yes, but it doesn't mean much, because before they find Miss Xiaoyu, I will give this world more fear."

"That guy with the K of Hearts will bring us information, but in the process of gaining his faith, we can treat him as an enemy for the time being."



Foyo New Island.

Bai Wu met Heart K again and got news about Club K. The K of hearts indicates that the K of clubs has selected a certain area, and the rules of this area are most likely related to the "game".

And the fear brought this time is not comparable to several Q levels. He prepared Bai Wu and expressed his desire to be recognized by Guang Ya Xia again.

Of course, the white mist continued to drag.

Xi Yunzi can only sigh:

"My heart is towards Mingyue, I am sincere, when will I get the approval of the old man Guangya? Haha, see you by fate."

Xi Yunzi's eyes are quite interesting, Bai Wu can see that Xi Yunzi seems to gradually guess the identity of Guangya Xia on himself.

It's not a character to be fooled with.

After Xi Yunzi left, Bai Wu didn't return to Orlo Island immediately, but took a walk along the town.

He had noticed before coming that the atmosphere in the whole town was weird.

Everyone has a half-smile expression, living like a walking dead.

Occasionally, someone will nod when they see an old friend. Some people opened their mouths, but finally hesitated to speak.

Everyone seems to avoid speaking, because the outlet of emotions is the mouth. They want to express their true emotions too much, but they still dare not express them, as if they are suppressing something, afraid that they will not be able to suppress it.

I have been investigating the white mist of the plum K, but I am also wary of other K-level shots.

Thinking about these guys hiding in the dark, once they make a move, there must be a lot of movement.

But he didn't expect that the process of becoming magical in this world would be so smooth and silent...

I haven't noticed this these days.

He began to use the apostles to obtain information, and soon learned about the changing process of the world——

At the beginning, it was some systems of the world's top leaders.

He frowned. These systems are already a bit extreme, and things must be reversed if they are extreme. It is impossible for the people not to resist.

But Bai Wu discovered that the implementation of the system was surprisingly smooth.

In the following, cartoonists can't cut characters, novelists can't write tragedies, and all movies are replaced with pure comedies. Even the core of tragedies does not have such magical operations... It is theoretically impossible to be accepted by the public.

But what is outrageous is that the masses accept it.

And engraved it in their minds, everyone tried their best to maintain their emotions and not let the emotional measurement value drop...

The more she learned about the lives of these people, the more astonished Bai Wu became. How long has it been? Why did the world become like this?

It wasn't that Bai Wu and Zero were negligent in guarding against it, but that the opponent's mental power was so powerful that they couldn't guard against it at all.

People all over the world are living with smiling masks, but after wearing the mask for a long time, it will grow on the flesh, and once it is torn off, it will be extremely painful.

A crime-free world is already some kind of ideal.

But it is almost impossible for the world without disputes.

You told people that all the trolls stopped trolling people and changed it to boasting people, and the Internet forums were harmonious, as if the "good landlord" and "good people have a safe life" that only the Seqin website has spread to the entire website.

He would probably say: Is there such a good thing?

But the heart obviously didn't think it was true.

And once such an outrageous situation really occurs, it seems harmonious, but it is actually terrifying.

The more depressed the emotion is, the more terrifying it will explode.

In the next few days, Bai Wu quickly returned to Orlo, and saw a similar situation in Tang Jing's school.

Even things like campus bullying are bullying people with a smile, and those who are bullied also laugh, with a weird feeling that makes people feel scalp numb.

It seems to have returned to a certain distorted scene in the memory world.

Human behavior is still those behaviors... But human emotions seem to have only one emotion.

A happy world, where people rejoice when they do good, rejoice when they do evil, rejoice when they bully others, and rejoice when they are bullied...

The whole world is in a sick state.

This made Bai Wu realize that the source does not lie in the magical operations of high-level countries, the so-called mood gauges, or various policies to resist negative emotions——

It is an unknown, unprecedented force.



On the fourth day, Bai Wu got two pieces of news.

In Xu Ling's villa, when Tang Jing and Xu Ling went to school, Bai Yuan appeared.

"I'm here to remind you that it's time to expand the recipes in the inner world."

When Bai Wu saw Bai Yuan appear, he knew that this person was probably very happy, after all, Bai Yuan always liked to read jokes.

Although Bai Wu guessed that the great change in the world came from a certain K's ability, he didn't know the weakness of this ability.

When Prell's Eye sees these human beings affected by a certain power, it will pop up a lot of data, but for that power, the eyes only mention——

[My old buddy, this is a power to reverse thinking, but you have to find this person before I can analyze specific things. 】

Bai Wu did have some ideas, and his thoughts gathered on the block K—Dong Nianyu.

This should be some kind of powerful spiritual power, causing some people to reverse their normal cognition.

But where is Dong Nianyu? How should this power be dismantled?

White Mist still needs more time to understand, but time is precisely the most precious thing right now.

It wasn't that Bai Wu and No. 0 underestimated the enemy and made a mistake, but that the enemy was too strong this time.

In the past, opponents all created certain effects within the area. But this time, the scope of Dong Nianyu's mental power influence is the whole world.

Even though Bai Wu paid enough attention to Ks, he still couldn't believe it... A K could change the normal perception of everyone in the world in such a short period of time...

Even people like Tang Jing and Lao Zhao were affected, so much so that they didn't feel anything abnormal in the world when they were investigating K information in Baiwu these days.

In the whole world, it seems that Bai Wu is the only one who is awake.

"If you are here to give information, then hurry up, if you are here to see a joke, get out."

"Don't be so fierce, I just think the recipe should be expanded, but it's also good to appreciate the sense of oppression when you fight against the previous generation K."

"Previous generation k? Square k, Dong Nianyu?" Bai Wu caught the key word.

Bai Yuan nodded and said:

"The previous few Qs, you can completely abuse them. The new K is theoretically not your opponent. The same is true for Diamond K. She is very powerful, but you can still beat her, but you have to pay a price. "

Bai Wu guessed what the price was:

"The price of a large number of human beings becoming evil."

Bai Yuan's hand touched the cup in the living room, but he couldn't pick it up, because his hand passed through, he was just an obsession, nothingness, Bai Yuan smiled:

"That's right, you and your mechanical friend are essentially invincible. Dong Nianyu's attack is actually equivalent to exposing that she is in this world."

"As long as you look for it, you will definitely find it, and you will win in the end, but the concentration of distortion in the world will increase.

Dong Nianyu is not your opponent, but it is not the kind of opponent that can be defeated easily and without cost. "

With such terrifying mental strength, even if the opponent has no IQ, he is still a ruthless character. Bai Wu asked:

"She's not the main body of Xiaoyugan, is she?"

"Of course, as I said, she hides in a place that you can't reach. Dong Nianyu is a split body, a real cube K, but Xiaoyugan is not. Xiaoyugan is an unknown existence." Bai Yuanqing The glass was tapped, but there was no sound.

White Mist said:

"I need more information about this ability."

"This is the price of updating the recipe. It's not a loss. Dong Nianyu has a weakness."

"What weakness?"

"Me, or you."

Bai Wu frowned, Bai Yuan seemed to recall something very interesting:

"I took away the real dried fish, which means that there must be a fake dried fish in the forbidden area, which can confuse Jing Yi. Guess who this dried fish is?"

Countless possibilities were assembled quickly in Bai Wu's mind, and Bai Wu quickly deduced the scene at that time——

The farmer intends to use the small dried fish to split an army...but the first one to split is also the most powerful one-Diamond K, Dong Nianyu.

After that, the farm mainly observed Dong Nianyu's behavior.

And Bai Yuan discovered the secret of the forbidden area, and saw the small dried fish exactly like Dong Nianyu, that is, the main body.

So Bai Yuan, who was not too serious about the matter for fun, decided to release the main body.

But Xiaoyu is exactly the same as Dong Nianyu, and there cannot be two "Dong Nianyu" in one farm, so Bai Yuan put Dong Nianyu in the forbidden area.

"Why does Dong Nianyu cooperate with you..."

"Isn't the answer obvious?" Bai Yuan smiled.

Bai Wu fell silent, looking at Bai Yuan with complicated eyes.

The answer is indeed obvious.

Why did Dong Nianyu cooperate with Bai Yuan? Naturally, he was deceived by Bai Yuan, the greatest possibility... the split body of Dong Nianyu, the split body of Xiaoyugan in the memory world, the body of Xiaoyugan——

Everyone likes Bai Yuan.

So this method of making the other party fall in love with him first, and then wantonly manipulate the other party, Bai Yuan has tried repeatedly.

"She likes you..."

"Because I promised, I will take her away."

"But you only took away the body of Xiaoyugan, and she was left on the farm..."

Bai Wu found that Bai Yuan's scum was really clean and neat, and once he found out that the other party was useless, he would abandon it without hesitation.

It can be imagined that Dong Nianyu thought that Bai Yuan would save him, but he was desperate when he found out that he was just Bai Yuan's abandoned son.

When Bai Yuan fled, he left with another "self". The loneliness and anger of being betrayed and abandoned by others was far more miserable than the small fish waiting alone in the memory world.

No wonder in Xiyunzi's painting, Dong Nianyu and Xiaoyugan are the same everywhere, except for their eyes, which are indifferent.

It seems that there is endless hatred hidden.

"The answer is correct. So she probably hates because of love? But I know her very well. If she knows your identity, she will come to you. As for what she came to you, who knows?

But it's better to let her come to you than to slowly find her, and maybe soon you will have the opportunity. "

After Bai Wu understood this relationship, she found that the other three K's of the same era had been deceived miserably.

Small dried fish is the worst. Bai Yuan's redemption made her think that she would never experience the pain of separation again, but at least the Ark Project showed that she had experienced two separations.

The same is true for the ten of spades, who has outstanding talents across the ages, but always sets limits on himself.

The first generation, Lin Rui, was also used by Bai Yuan, and the first generation possessed a way to travel across time and space.

It is very likely that in Bai Yuan's eyes, the first just a key to another world.

After going to another world, Bai Yuan didn't care about the life and death of the first generation.

"It's really unfortunate that you don't have a sequence like the Deceiver on you." Bai Wu mocked.

Bai Yuan didn't take it seriously:

"It's all just past events that are not worth mentioning. Remember our agreement."

It is indeed a past event that is not worth mentioning. Regarding Bai Yuan, Bai Wu hates such a person from the bottom of his heart.

Even Bai Yuan's game, in terms of the purpose of the game, has many similarities with his own, at least they are fighting against wells and distortions, even though Bai Yuan is just going along the way.

But Bai Wu still hates such a person very much, but it is difficult to explain the good and evil of this person in a few words, Bai Wu shook his head:

"Does the farm have some kind of ability to predict entries?"

The question finally got to the point.

Bai Yuan nodded:

"This news should be treated as an extra gift. Yes, I also know what Dong Nianyu's ability is. The entry of legendary distortion-cognitive ban."

"What kind of ability is this?"

"Aren't you curious why a person like the K of Spades would limit himself for a lifetime just because of a tattoo?"

Of course Bai Wu was curious, and even felt that this was quite unreasonable.

"This is a very powerful ability. You have to understand that among the four kings you are dealing with now, this Dong Nianyu is from the same era as me."

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