Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 98: The Tower Returns

(ps: Some of the things involved in this chapter have nothing to do with reality. Please don’t compare yourself to reality when reading online articles. If you insist on substituting them, then you have a rich imagination.)

The twist has come, and the end has come.

Before the real doomsday comes, before the distortion concentration is about to reach a special value, before the tower appears, mutations are constantly happening all over the world.

The first person to notice this was number zero. The "Negative Emotion Meter" developed not long ago around the world has begun to increase explosively.

Jiang Ling, the little fan girl of number zero, also quickly began to report various strange things to Lao Zhao.

The distorted life has caused many people to start accumulating various negative emotions in their hearts, but there are also people like Jiang Ling, Lao Zhao, and Tang Jing who are grateful for life. They still maintain human dignity in this disaster. mood.

The inability to express negative emotions some time ago only aggravated their current anxiety and boredom. Instead of crossing the line and becoming evil.

"Boss... the situation is very bad now. We can feel through Master Zero's Evil Fallen Sensing Facility... that all parts of the world are constantly mutating. The number of new Evil Fallen people is increasing rapidly. The frequency and magnitude of this number change is super beyond imagination."

"With the capabilities of our rescue team, not to mention the whole world, even...even the city we are in is difficult to rescue."

The degeneration in the past is like red dots appearing in one region or several regions.

Lao Zhao only needs to move his finger and poke a few times on the screen, and the system will arrange for the nearest sealing team members to purify the evil.

But this time it's different, the red dots are densely packed, it's almost like... to dye the entire electronic map red.

Even in some places, special, bold red dots are found.

In the setting of No. 0, this means... a great evil has appeared, and the mutation level is at least level 7 and above. It takes several sealing teams to formulate careful plans to purify it.

If necessary, even need to use - light arrow man.

But now Guangyaxia is not here, even if he is, he can't deal with this kind of global catastrophe.

"How did this happen? How did this happen? Why did so many people suddenly explode with negative emotions?" Old Zhao spread out on a chair.

The technology building where he is located has been put on red crisis alert.

There are people inside the science and technology building who have turned into villains.

A scientific researcher strangled another scientific researcher's neck:

"I let you steal my achievements! I want to eat you! Eat you!"

Not long ago, in a scientific research report on the improvement of emotion measurement, in the research paper of this researcher, the signature position of c position was occupied by another colleague.

He has always dared not speak out, but this colleague looked at him as if I was teaching you how to be a human being.

Now that negativity has exploded, the colleague has gotten his comeuppance.

There are many such cases.

All kinds of eccentricities in life made the resentment in people's hearts explode even more.

In Orlo Sheng Township College, a female student who was harassed by a black professor on weekdays, after becoming a villain, has a strange ability, a rare distortion entry - black record.

Entries are different from sequences. Entries responding to emotions can be said to be ever-changing and endless. Although there are only a few legendary entries, there are rare entries, common entries, and even perfect distortion entries.

For example, laundering black records, the usual hatred of privileged races, led to this female student making a black notebook in her hand, but anyone who knows the other party's name, as long as it is a certain dark-skinned race, will show For crimes, she can directly distort reality and judge him.

These Black Dragon Branches of the Tianlong people who usually domineering in the Shengguo people's school and bullied the Shengguo female students, but rely on their special status and will not be sanctioned, now have a new sanctioner.

The female student who turned into a villain frantically wrote down the names of those people in the notebook, and the crimes were revealed under the influence of the black record.

So like a judge, she made these people pay a painful price.

But that's not all that's happening here.

In Orlo Sheng Township College, a girl who usually lived frugally, finally broke out her grievances and became a punisher.

Several of her roommates were completely drained, their skin and bones were almost stuck together, and they seemed to be decades old, and their deaths were horrible.

The reason is very simple, she basically brings meals on weekdays, and sometimes a few roommates will rub her shampoo and shower gel.

Hygiene is basically not done. When the girl can't stand it anymore, a few roommates know that the girl will do it for them herself.

Once she complains, these people will say, ouch, just use your shampoo, what's the matter, everyone is roommate, are you so stingy?

Ouch, I just asked you to bring a meal to pay for it. Look at you, I have thousands of dollars in cosmetics, how can I be greedy for your meal money?

What's wrong with the dormitory being dirty? If it’s not clean, clean it yourself, this dormitory is yours alone? I just like to put the finished lunch box on the table, you still care about me?

Because of his good temper on weekdays, this student can always stand a sentence of classic remarks that raise blood pressure,

Those princesses who always think that the world revolves around themselves, how would they know that when the distortion comes, the first eruption——

It is this temper that is at its best.

The anger of honest people is often genuine, unreconcilable anger.

These people who oppressed her on weekdays have now paid the heaviest price.

Maybe everyone should thank the roommate for not killing him back then.

Meinan, Jizhou City, Shengren Street.

In addition to Allo being a gathering place for people from Shengguo, so is Shengren Street. Most of the people of Shengguo here still maintain some traditions of Shengguo.

Tragedy is happening all over the world, including Grand Street.

In a certain alley on Shengren Street, a 30-year-old man killed his girlfriend who had been in love with him for six years, and his whole family.

The reason is...the bride price.

For those who were about to get married, the bride's parents suddenly changed the dowry from 40,000 Menam to 250,000 Menam.

The reason is simple, because the woman's younger brother is also getting married.

Not giving enough betrothal gifts to prevent marriage made men very anxious, but a while ago, everyone's negative emotions were suppressed.

He can only accept the reality morbidly, and then want to earn more.

But just today, two things happened that broke this man down.

First of all, the girlfriend's parents did not reject the man on the surface, but secretly arranged for their daughter to go on a blind date with other richer men.

The second is... Negative emotions can finally explode.

In fact, a man has always been a person with a strong psychological quality, but when he asked his girlfriend why he went on a blind date with another man, and saw his girlfriend dodge her eyes...

The collapse of an adult is only a moment, so a tragedy happened.

Outside Shengren Street, in the office of a certain office building, a long-time employee killed his boss.

And a day ago, the person next to this employee was promoted. This person fishes every day, but he just pretends to be. On the contrary, this employee has been doing his job very seriously.

"I finish my work on time every day. I work better than everyone else. Just because I don't work overtime, you keep leaving me alone?"

"Look at what you said, you can't help others after you have finished your own work?" The boss had a preaching expression on his face.

"Then can you pay me someone else's salary? Or you can just fire them and hire me. Is it wrong for me to get off work on time? I have to help them with my own salary? Then They are really nice." The employee's tone was angry.

"Tsk tsk, young people, don't think about money for everything. It's a matter of attitude. You see, you leave work early, but others are working overtime. Does anyone have a correct attitude?" The boss still said, "Only working overtime is a good employee." face.

The employee was angry, and he suddenly realized that it was not important to complete the work seriously. In this fucking company, the more prominent he was, the more he would be exploited.

After the distortion came, he actually felt a sense of relief, because no matter whether it was a colleague or a boss, he had become a delicacy in his mouth.

There is no need to struggle anymore, no need to endure ugly faces anymore.



All distorted lives, magical realities, begin to settle after the distorted eruption.

The collision of good and evil is presented in a more pleasant and twisted and cruel way.

Tang Jing took Xu Ling to walk on the street. The biggest problem now was to collect supplies.

According to preliminary statistics, one seventh of the world's population is degenerate. And the remaining six-sevenths have no possibility of surviving the evil, most of them are collecting materials, and some, even a considerable part, are also evil.

As the number of survivors continues to decrease and the number of evils continues to increase, it is foreseeable that the gap between human beings and evils is getting wider and wider.

Zero and White Mist have made many preparations, but these preparations are completely meaningless in the face of such a terrifying eruption of the evil tide.

During this process, both the poor and the rich must face the doomsday. Even Lao Zhao no longer has any privileges.

He may be able to mobilize his private gunships, private vehicles, and live in various secret mansions with extremely high security standards, but his money is just a number now.

The money is meaningless for the time being, after all, when the apocalypse comes and the law collapses, money is useless paper.

Unless he can meet someone who turns waste into treasure.

If Lao Zhao is like this, so are the others. The same is true of all living beings.

On the sixth day of the Twisted Fall, the Evil Wandered around the city, and people hid in the shadows of various buildings and huddled together to keep warm.

Those negative emotion measuring watches before have become the key now. In the past, if someone's negative emotion was too high, they would only be reported to the relevant local departments.

Now in order to survive, these gangs gathered together to collect supplies, once they find that the negative emotions are too high, they will kill them directly.

They can't afford the consequences of negative emotions attracting evil, or negative emotions causing teammates to directly become evil.

Tang Jing and Xu Ling live in the villa area, and the nearby business district has a lot of goods, and because it is a rich area, there are relatively few people.

But everything is temporary, they hid in the cellar of the villa.

"Tang long do we have to hide?" Xu Ling was a little scared.

Tang Jing hugged Xu Ling and shook his head silently.

Xu Ling actually wanted to ask why he didn't ask Master at this time.

But she seemed to see some clues.

Tang Jing is very confused, even more confused than Xu Ling, because in the conscious world of God's descent——

He couldn't find his master.

He didn't know what that meant. Zero didn't have time to tell everyone the whole news.

Now that the end of the world is coming, no one can care about anyone else, Jiang Ling and Lao Zhao are also fleeing.

The original command post was occupied by evil, and now Jiang Ling and Lao Zhao must find a safe, new command post.

After discovering the option of descending from the gods and never seeing his master again, Tang Jing felt extremely uneasy.

If the world is a sick person, it is like suddenly changing from a mild symptom to a serious illness.

In Tang Jing's eyes, the person who can heal the world is his master.

He would always think back to the time when he played the magic tower game. He collected a lot of equipment and finally gave it to another person.

This indicates that perhaps he is not the savior, but just a witness.

Master is the real one who saves the world. In the past, every time some variables appeared, Master was always able to solve them instantly.

Whether it's the monsters on Allo Island, the Mechanic, or a giant cruise ship crashing into a human island.

They were all turned back by Master alone at the most critical moment.

But now, the sum of several accidents is not as good as this time, but the master has disappeared.

Is Master dead?

Tang Jing's hands were clenched into fists, and his eyes were full of fear and anxiety.



During the few days when negative emotions erupted, Wujiu kept saving people with the kitten on his shoulder.

These newborn evils had no possibility of surviving before him. His speed is extremely fast, and for these evil degenerates, Wujiu is basically a god-like existence.

There were also many people around Wujiu who followed him, saying that they followed him, but to save their lives.

Because only those who follow this man who looks like a student from Mei Nan Middle School have a chance of survival.

This human being is like a god, no evil can survive a knife in front of him.

A few days ago, Dong Nianyu detonated negative emotions, which made Shen Shuyue panic, and left without even having time to say hello.

Wu Jiu didn't know where she was going. As for Dong Nianyu, Wu Jiu didn't deal with her in the end.

Detonating everyone's negative emotions, Dong Nianyu fainted.

Wu Jiu, who was still unclear about the situation, originally planned to guard Dong Nianyu, but more and more evils appeared around him, making Wu Jiu realize that something seemed to have changed in the world.

As a last resort, Wujiu had no choice but to go out and save people.

Everything is like returning to the prosperous country seven hundred years ago, the world is in chaos and evil is rampant.

Wujiu couldn't imagine that the world, which was a bustling area not long ago, had turned into this in such a short period of time.

So he started to save people all the way, and there were more and more teams behind him. Gradually, in Fuyue New Island, a saying appeared——

God is not tall.

The mechanical descendant's transformation of technology has allowed some areas to maintain communication, and this rumor quickly began to spread.

With the end of the world approaching, everyone hopes that one day, they will suddenly see a dwarf with a face from a prosperous country.

Wu Jiu also knew this not long after, and he sullenly refused to comment on it.

The great changes in the world made Wu Jiu realize that he should join Bai Wu.

But how should I contact Bai Wu?

This problem has troubled Wujiu for several days, but on the seventh day after the distortion broke out, Wujiu faced a new problem.

Wu Jiu was shocked by a new event.

As the leader of the largest human survival group, Wujiu is also responsible for the distribution of various materials on weekdays.

He is the deputy head of the investigation corps, and of course he is quite good at management.

In order to facilitate the management of this increasingly large team, Wujiu must learn to use the technological equipment of humans outside the fog.

The latter is not difficult, and he will be able to do it in about half a day.

Therefore, on the seventh day, Wu Jiu discovered a news, which was a picture sent by the people from Menan. The content of the picture was very simple, but it shocked Wu Jiu greatly.

On the land north of Menan, a huge tower appeared, soaring into the sky without end.

Outside the tower, there are several familiar stone tablets.

The tower descends to the world.



There are definite numbers and variables in the development of anything.

The development track of things in the development process has laws to follow, and there are also unpredictable "variables".

A small change can affect the development of things.

In the battle of the death flight, facing Jing Si, Jing Wu, and Jing Liu, Bai Wu almost achieved the limit of one for two.

But the future that Bai Wu has been trying to reverse is still inevitable.

The detonation of negative emotions means that the tower will appear.

The tower will appear, which also means that someone is destined to guard the tower.

Although there are many changes in details between the reality and the prophecy, the direction in which the wheel of fortune turns, the track it is moving on... have not changed.

In Yan Zizai's description, Bai Wu went to Denglin City after guiding others to the tower.

If the future is inevitable, once it changes, the "world" seems to run on its own logic.

Without the white mist, it would be someone else who was responsible for guiding others to the tower.

Those inside the tower have never seen the tower.

But with just one glance, Wujiu can recognize the huge tower-shaped building, which is a tall tower.

Everything seems to be the same as it was seven hundred years ago. But all this is different from seven hundred years ago.

Wu Jiu and the survivors who followed Wu Jiu quickly looked at Wu Jiu, and they all noticed that Wu Jiu's expression was wrong:

"Mr. Gu, what happened?"

Beside Gu Qingyu was a man from Shengguo, a translator who was proficient in six languages ​​and had a good understanding of all parts of the world.

"Do you know what this tower is for?" the translator asked again.

"We have to find this tower," Wujiu said.

"It's a long way to go, and you may pass through some areas where supplies cannot be replenished in time." The translator seemed worried.

At the place where they are currently, the surrounding evils have been killed five or nine times. People have built a line of defense with vehicles, blocked the nearby main roads, and all gathered in the basement.

Coupled with the sense of security brought by Wujiu, everyone thought that they could use this place as a stronghold to spend a long time.

"This place is where I came from. I come from this tower. We call it a high tower. Once the evil enters the high tower, it will die. Humans will not worry about emotional fluctuations becoming evil." Wujiu explained. with.

"There is such a place! Isn't that a refuge?" The translator was surprised.

Wujiu looked at the people not far away who were constantly patrolling or resting, and said:

"There are already many people living in the tower. I can bring some of them in, but only a part of them."

The translator understood.

I'm afraid the next journey is destined to be a journey to the tower, but in this process, because of a leader like Gu Qingyu, the team will surely grow stronger and stronger.

More and more people will know that the tower is a refuge.

The biggest question at that time is probably who is qualified to enter the tower.

Survival in the last days, Wujiu's principle is to save if he can, but if he encounters that kind of delay, he will not delay in the slightest.

Although because of their extremely powerful personal abilities, people will be envious of Wujiu's right to distribute food resources, and even complain that as a human being, they don't eat as well as the leader's cat.

But none of them dared to challenge Wu Jiu's majesty.

He will try his best to save people.

But once he encounters some pretentious, extreme, princess-sick ones, or those who are not cherished by the other party after giving him a chance—Wu Jiu is completely able to make a choice.

After a few days, the team following Wu Jiu became bigger and bigger, almost the size of a township.

As for Wujiu, besides being known as a short god, he also has a rather prosperous title--Cold-faced Shura

Unlike the soldiers who dealt with the investigation legion, he has always maintained a very cold posture.

Those soldiers followed him from birth to death, and these people followed him only to live.

And there are too many people, everyone wants to have a relationship with Wu Jiu, some people want to have a relationship with Wu Jiu, and some people want to have a relationship with Wu Jiu.

A face that strangers should not get close to is very good for Wujiu to do things.

"Then, should I spread the news?"

"Not for now." Wujiu said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you! Just...Mr. Gu, I know that my ability is not outstanding, can I..."

"If you reach the tower, I will take you in." Wujiu understood the other party's thoughts very well.

In seven days, he saw a lot of things, just like when he was a child, people would fight over a nutritious meal.

Now these people would tear themselves apart for a piece of bread. If he wasn't here, this so-called "camp" would also explode with negative emotions.

It stems from the inferiority of human beings, from not suffering from few but from inequality.

Wujiu knew very well that if someone knew the function of the tower, everyone would probably gather towards the tower, and the stone tablets outside the tower would inevitably be stained red with blood.

Wujiu didn't know how to make a choice. The density of the world outside the fog was getting higher and higher. If the tower didn't appear, he could still do his best to keep these people alive.

Just have a clear conscience.

If the tower appears, it means that a choice must be made. It is impossible for a tall tower to accommodate people from all over the world.

Even though these people... are decreasing every day, the base number is still huge, much larger than the people in Shengguo back then.

Maybe I should ask White Mist... at least I need to find White Mist first.

Wujiu thought so, and decided to go to the tower, he planned to do an experiment.

If the tower has already appeared outside the fog and on Menan's territory, does it mean that using the return roulette outside the fog... can return to the tower?

Wu Jiu hadn't returned to the tower for a long time, and he wanted to go back and have a look.

So next, Wujiu said to the cat:

"I might go somewhere you can't go."

The cat was placed on Wujiu's lap and was dozing lazily.

Wujiu's hands gently rubbed the cat's stomach, the cat seemed to enjoy it, obviously accepted the cat's identity.

But after hearing Wu Jiu's words, it suddenly raised its round head and looked at Wu Jiu in confusion.

Fifty Nine said:

"Thank you for your help these days, but I just went for a while, and I will be back."

Saying this sentence means that the journey of pretending to be confused with this cat is over.

But the cat still didn't say anything, just its claws, and suddenly left a claw mark on the back of Wujiu's hand.

Fifty Nine said:

"I'll come to you again after I've asked some questions."

The cat has already recovered its lazy expression, as if saying: I have read it, please step back.

Wujiu then called the translator and gave some instructions:

"I'm going to leave for a while, don't let anyone mess with this cat, you must remember."

"No problem, I remember, but when will you come back... If you are not here, I'm afraid these people will cause trouble." The translator's worries are not unreasonable.

Without Wujiu, these people of all skin colors and regions will have some problems to some extent.

"It won't take more than two days. You take good care of the cat in the past two days. If anything happens, the most important thing is to save your life. Just write down what happened and tell me."

"Okay, I see, you should be more careful."

Wujiu nodded, and then left the area through the sewer.

Of course, he just walked to a place where no one was around, and started to return to the roulette wheel to try.

If you can't return to the tower, then give up and continue to lead the group to the tower.

A minute later, the back of the roulette emitted a burst of white light, enveloping Wujiu.

At the same time, in the eastern square at the bottom of the tower, the white stone tablet emitted a soft light.

After more than half a year outside the tower, the legend of the investigation legion finally returned to the tower.

As for the area outside the fog that Wu Jiu was in charge of, the translator was about to take advantage of Wu Jiu to leave... to take a box of canned luncheon meat for his girlfriend.

He watched Wu Jiu leave with his own eyes, thinking that there must be some supplies in the leader's tent.

Of course, he is not greedy and does not dare to take too much, just take one box, just take one box of cat food, after all, cats eat better than people, and it doesn't matter if the cat is hungry, cats can eat with people. than what?

That white female student is very good-looking, if I give her a box of canned food at this time, maybe there will be some stories tonight.

So he was going to touch Wujiu's tent to have a look.

But when the translator approached the tent, something happened that made him dumbfounded.

Wujiu walked out of the tent.

The translator was stunned on the spot, quickly reacted, and asked:

"Mr. Gu, why are you here, I...I didn't see you just now..."

The translator watched Gu Qingyu leave through the sewer with his own eyes, and his eyes never left the tent.

Even when he was hooking up with that young white girl, he kept staring.

But now, Gu Qingyu appeared in front of him.

"Gu Qingyu" licked the back of his hand habitually, like a cat licking its paw, but when he stuck out his tongue, he suddenly realized something, and then gave a dry cough, canceling this action.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No... nothing..."

The translation feels outrageous, outrageously broken, outrageous fucking and outrageous being a thief, thieves fucking outrageous.

It's not because of Mr. Gu's enigmatic teleportation, but because he thinks... the cold-faced Shura sticking out his tongue is actually a little cute.

On weekdays, this is a face that everyone owes him millions.

"Leave if you have nothing to do."

"Oh... ok, ok."

The translator didn't dare to think about the canned food anymore. As the leader, Wu Jiu didn't give himself too many privileges. Humans are not as good as cats, and he himself is not as good as cats.

So the translator had the idea of ​​a cat, but he didn't want to meet Wujiu.

It's just that when he translated and subconsciously looked back, he saw another strange scene.

"Gu Qingyu" was looking down with his head, and he opened his pants with both hands.

His gaze seemed to be fixed on...his own underside.

Ah this...

The translation was outrageous again, it was outrageous grinding tofu, outrageous dregs.

Why, this man who is called a 1.59 meter god, with a cold face of Shura, stares down at himself for no reason, and even shows a thoughtful expression on his face?

Yes, the current Gu Qingyu is pulling the waistband of her trousers, and the expression on her face seems to be thinking about world-class philosophical issues.

But what is the situation with this expression that seems to be thinking about the world's problems?

The translation felt a little bit spicy, so I didn't read it.

Fortunately, Gu Qingyu's curiosity-seeking behavior also stopped.

It's not that he stopped, but he realized that it was not good to be watched, so he returned to the tent and began to study himself.



tall tower.

The appearance of Gu Qingyu soon caused a sensation.

The people of the investigation corps are all over the bottom. Due to the reduction of the white area, the mining work for obtaining food resources is now led by the people of the investigation corps.

And no one who investigates the legion will not know this legendary figure.

It's just that many people thought that the legend of the Survey Corps was dead.

When they saw Gu Qingyu again, the recorder who had recorded Gu Qingyu and Bai Wu going out and entering the tower several times, complained from time to time why they didn't return from the red area...the eyes suddenly turned red.

"Gu...Team Gu?"

His reaction quickly set off a chain reaction, with more members of the Survey Corps nearby. More and more people saw Gu Qingyu.

The news that Gu Qingyu was still alive spread quickly.

People have forgotten how long he has been away from the tower. For most people, if they leave the tower for more than three days, they will basically not be able to return.

But this person created an unprecedented record outside the tower.

This process was not long, only a few minutes, Gu Qingyu looked at his former comrades-in-arms, who had been serious for many days, finally smiled.

Lin Wurou, Wang Shi, Yin Shuang, Shang Xiaoyi, Bai Xiaoyu, Qin Lin, these friends who had fought together rushed to the scene immediately.

"team leader……"

"Are you really the captain?"

"I'll just say, I'll just say he's not dead!"

The members of the Vanguard Group of the Seventh Team of the Survey Legion had tears in their eyes.

Wujiu looked at them and nodded. He wasn't much different than usual.

It just looks more vicissitudes, and it also looks... stronger.

Then there was his saber, which used to be always attached to his waist. These days, in order to deal with the evil that may appear at any time, Wu Jiu almost never left the saber, holding the saber in his hand all the time, ready to be unsheathed at any time.

During the time in the fog, even when he was sleeping, he would never leave his hand with the knife, as if as long as he held the knife, he would not be swallowed by various negative attributes.

This is probably the biggest change in Wujiu.

"Gu Qingyu, you bastard!"

Suddenly, a crying female voice came from the crowd. When Gu Qingyu saw this person, tears were filled with guilt.

Ruan Qingyun.

Ruan Qingyun, who has always been an image of a strong woman, has tears in her eyes, which makes people feel pity. Ye Weiming followed behind her, seeing the proprietress like this for the first time.

Wujiu walked towards Ruan Qingyun and said softly:

"I'm back."

Ruan Qingyun, who was able to hold back her tears, couldn't help it anymore when she heard this sentence, and cried loudly while hugging Wujiu.

Not long after, Wujiu calmed down all his friends, and Yan Zizai and Xie Xingzhi also rushed to the bottom floor.

The two of them were naturally very happy to see Wu Jiu, but when they thought about the topic they were going to talk about next, their faces became a little ugly.

Wu Jiu also noticed the two of them, and patted Ruan Qingyun's shoulder lightly. Ruan Qingyun understood and did not delay Wu Jiu any longer.

Wu Jiu walked towards Yan Zizai and said:

"It seems that during my absence, a lot of things happened in the tower..."

Yan Zizi nodded and smiled:

"There are indeed many things, both bad and good, but they are getting better and better."

"Just get better and better. I came this time because I wanted to ask Bai Wu some things. I went to a place... You may not believe it. There are many human beings there, different from us."

At the time of 591, I don't know how to describe those human beings who have not mastered the power of companionship, and who have different skin colors and cultures.

He glanced back at Ruan Qingyun and gestured for Ruan Qingyun to wait for him for a while.

Then he entered the elevator with Yan Zizai and Xie Xingzhi, ready to talk about business:

"The outside world is changing a lot, and I'm not sure about some things. Maybe the tower will experience some big events soon. I want to discuss it with Bai Wu, but I don't know how to contact him. Do you know? "

Xie Xingzhi glanced at Yan Zizai, Yan Zizai hesitated for a few seconds, looked down from the elevator, and the view of the people on the bottom was getting farther and smaller.

Wujiu sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and asked again:

"What's wrong with Bai Wu? Why haven't you guys been talking?"

Yan Zizai sighed in a low voice. He could hide the news about Bai Wu from others, but he couldn't hide it from Wu Jiu. After all, he wanted to tell Wu Jiu:

"Gu Qingyu, Bai Wu... died."

There was the sound of metal clashing in the quiet elevator, and the knife in Wujiu's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

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