Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 168: Fifty-Ninth Depravity

To pass through the area covered by the mental power of hundreds of split bodies is no different than walking through the corridor when Bai Wu was on the sixth floor.

Fortunately, Bai Wu had Bai Yuan's help at that time, and now Shen Shuyue has Dong Nianyu's help.

On this road, illusions continue to arise.

Of course Shen Shuyue is extremely powerful, but the split bodies do not have memory, and the memories deep in their consciousness all come from the main body.

The pain of being split seemed to be conveyed to Shen Shuyue.

Even if Dong Nianyu tried his best to resist this force, it still made Shen Shuyue and herself miserable.

The power of infinite proliferation is that when Shen Shuyue faces a physical attack, she can continuously split into split bodies that are as powerful as herself.

But in the face of mental attacks, there is nothing you can do.

Fortunately, the road was not long, and Shen Shuyue and Dong Nianyu quickly reached the end.

The two of them seemed to be exhausted.

Even when dealing with Jing Sishi, Shen Shuyue didn't feel this way.

Although Jing Si was powerful, he almost tested the limit of unlimited proliferation by relying on brute force.

But mentally, he will eventually know that he can survive and Jing Liu's prediction will not be wrong. I was always confident that Jing Si would stop at the critical moment.

But the road just now made Shen Shuyue feel extremely desperate.

"Do we still have to go back that way?"

"There is no way behind this alien space. Obviously our strength is not enough to break the alien space created by Jing Yi."

After all, Dong Nianyu had experienced that kind of pain, and relatively speaking, he looked better than Shen Shuyue.

Shen Shuyue couldn't imagine that if a person experienced such pain hundreds of times, would this person still be normal?

Will she have huge negative emotions about the world that are difficult to eliminate?

Will she hate the world?

This idea did not spread after all, because the two women's attention quickly shifted to the six-pointed star array.

After getting close to the formation, they saw clearly the phantoms, which were six figures.

Some of these figures were known to both of them.

"Well four, well six." Shen Shuyue pointed to two corners of the huge six-pointed star formation.

Dong Nianyu recognized Jing Yi.

"It seems that this six-pointed star formation is related to the six tic-tac-toe levels, but why is one missing?"

Shen Shuyue said:

"Maybe one of the tic-tac-toes...disappeared?"

"This magic circle is placed in the deepest part of the forbidden area. I'm afraid even Bai Yuan doesn't know about it."

Although Dong Nianyu knew that Bai Yuan was the first to come to the forbidden area, Bai Yuan could not walk this way back then.

"This magic circle seems to be closely related to the six Ting Tacs. It must be related to something about them. And if you pay attention... only Jing 1 and Jing 5 are black."

"The shadow of your old club is almost transparent. The fourth well is white and the second well is gray."

Dong Nianyu has discovered some connections, but this magic circle has powerful restrictions.

Dong Nianyu asked:

"Can you destroy this magic circle?"


Shen Shuyue shook her head and continued:

"We probably haven't been discovered yet, and I think it's time for us to leave the farm."

Dong Nianyu was very surprised:

"You finally reached the depths of the forbidden area and just left like this?"

"The powerful restrictions of this magic circle cannot be unlocked by my level. And regarding this magic circle, I think both of us have guessed what it is related to." Shen Shuyue's tone gradually became calmer.

After all, she had been with Jing Liu for a long time. Compared to Qu Li and Cheng Zi, Shen Shuyue was the most cautious and observant one.

Shen Shuyue said:

"The colors represent their loyalty to the Lord of Distortion. That's what I thought."

"What a coincidence, so am I." Dong Nianyu nodded.

"But our power can't change anything, so we should go back and find someone who can change everything." Shen Shuyue began to walk back boldly.

It is naturally impossible for a person to pass through the area covered by the mental power of the split body alone.

Dong Nianyu also walked back and asked at the same time:


"Jing 2, or Jing 4, I don't know the whereabouts of Jing 4, but I know the location of Jing 2. Jing Liu took me there in order to find Jing 4. We don't have much time, we must rush to Jing 1 Before recovery.”

Shen Shuyue already had a clear and feasible plan in mind.

Dong Nianyu said:

"Are you planning to...bring Jing Er to the farm to break this restriction?"

"Yes, Jing Yi is seriously injured, but he is not something we can deal with even if he is seriously injured."

Coincidentally, Bai Wu severely injured Jing Wu, and the will of the world severely injured Jing Yi and Jing Si.

The only one who is truly intact is Jing Er.

Dong Nianyu never imagined what the scene would be like when Jing Er came here:

"You're gambling... What if you guess wrong? What if the color doesn't mean anything, what if Jing Er is definitely the Lord of Distortion?"

"No, when Jing Liu was still there, she said that Jing Er might be able to win over the Lord of Distortion." Shen Shuyue responded calmly.

Jing Liu has indeed disappeared, but Jing Liu's words still have extremely important value in Shen Shuyue's eyes.

Dong Nianyu didn't say anything more, she started walking back, and the two of them entered that hellish road again.

For Dong Nianyu, meeting Bai Yuan is a very important thing.

This has always been what she wanted to do most.

But Shen Shuyue was sure that Dong Nianyu would help her, and she didn't know what would happen if Jing Er came to the farm.

Shen Shuyue is Jing Liu's guardian, but her and Jing Liu's ultimate goals are different.

Shen Shuyue wants to end Distortion, and Jing Liu wants to replace Distortion.

Fundamentally, Shen Shuyue and Bai Wu are the same people.

Moreover, Shen Shuyue had experienced something more painful than death in the past years, so she had already realized it.

Either be killed by Jing Er, or...

Jing Er will destroy this magic circle, and the worst he can do is sacrifice himself.

As for Dong Nianyu, she will definitely help her.

Because Shen Shuyue is very good at observing.

When she saw the split bodies in hundreds of containers, she knew that what little good image Jing Yi had had been destroyed in the forbidden area.

Being able to attack the farm, Dong Nianyu must be willing to help deep down in his heart.

Shen Shuyue and Baiwu are not familiar with each other.

The two only had brief contact a few times, but Shen Shuyue spent time with Wujiu when they were outside the fog.

For people like Wujiu, Shen Shuyue had to say that she had despaired of the tower man.

But Wujiu made her feel that there may not be good men in the tower. Anyone who can become friends with Wujiu, who can make Wujiu never forget him, and who can make Lili and Chengzi trust him, must not be a bad person.

So Baiwu may have died in the tower defense battle.

But Shen Shuyue didn't intend to just let go of the mission sent by Bai Wu - to sneak into the farm.

North Sea, Ark Cruise.

Not long ago, after the arrival of the first generation, the cruise ship began to travel along the North Sea to the fog, preparing to join the Sanctuary forces.

Wen Hao's three generals, together with Gu Qingyu, Nie Chongshan, Gu Hailin and others, prepared to form a team to collect the pieces of the doomsday puzzle on a large scale.

As mentioned before in the first generation, there are two types of doomsday puzzle pieces.

One is a picture scroll, and the other is an individual.

No matter which one it is, it is crucial to completely ending the distortion in the future.

Individual individuals can bring additional abilities, which can be regarded as preparation for the upcoming war.

Later, the first generation, Gu Qingyu, and captain Wen Hao formulated a plan to collect the fragments.

It’s just that the first generation had more important tasks and had to go elsewhere.

So the huge ark began to follow the route of the North Sea, heading towards the Shicheng harbor in the fog.

On the way, you will most likely pass by Black Gold Island.

Now that Jing Wu was seriously injured, no one took Jing Wu seriously.

But something unexpected happened inside the Ark.

Gu Qingyu, one of the most powerful humans in the tower, has become evil.

This is undoubtedly a big deal.

To collect the pieces of the doomsday puzzle, you need a human to help you.

Wen Hao, Jiang Zhu, Li Xin, Liu Bingshu, Nie Chongshan, Gu Hailin, although these Evil Fallen are extremely powerful, according to the rules, only one fragment can be used by Evil Fallen.

Wen Hao even had a fragment in his hand that could control the sea.

There must be a human in the team to collect the fragments.

But the only human being who has the strength to form a team with these top villains - Gu Qingyu, with completely normal mood swings, in Ark, a place where there are absolutely no other vicious rules -

Suddenly something bad happened.

Scarlet armor covered Gu Qingyu. When dealing with Zhong Xu, Gu Qingyu had become evil.

What appeared in Bai Wu's eyes at that time was a tall and thin swordsman. Long blades grew out of his arms, his face was stern, and his whole body was covered in red crystallized armor.

The original deterioration of Wujiu led to the failure of the extreme balance of the sequence.

Therefore, in terms of overall strength, Wujiu has deteriorated and rarely improved much.

This time, Wujiu's evil transformation still retained the same appearance as before, but there were many weird curse marks on his body.

The patterns of these curse seals look like shackles.

They are engraved on Wujiu's body, like a sealed object, sealing something.

Since he had established a connection with Li You in the past, Wujiu actually had many evil deeds in his body.

However, these evil entries did not cause any change in Wujiu's appearance.

The appearance and abilities of evil are closely related to human obsessions.

Compared with when he dealt with Zhong Xu, Wujiu now has other obsessions.

These obsessions often affect a depraved appearance.

Just like Nie Chongshan would be born like a devil, Liu Mu would be as muscular as a rock.

And Wujiu's obsession and consciousness... did Wujiu turn evil into evil? There are these curse marks on the periphery of his scarlet body.

No one knows what these curse seals are about.

But this matter is obviously completely unimportant.

The important thing is, inside the Ark, how could a person with stable emotions suddenly become evil?

And he happens to be the most powerful human being here?

This is undoubtedly a very strange thing.

At this moment, when the edge of the North Sea was about to enter the Shicheng sea area, Wen Hao looked at the unconscious Wujiu and fell into unprecedented anxiety.

"Such a thing has never happened. Not long ago, the one who suddenly transformed from evil to human... also never happened." Jiang Zhu could not understand this scene.

He has the ability to control natural disasters and is an evil destroyer.

Jiang Zhu thought most of the humans who took refuge were weak.

But Jiang Zhu admired this dwarf alone, because in private... he had competed with him.

Needless to say, the outcome is that although Wujiu is a human being, he is powerful in a way that even evildoers cannot match.

Now this dwarf - not short at all, but suddenly fell into a coma.

Li Xin said:

"Could he miss his old friend and be too sad, and his mood is unstable, which leads him to evil? Some people are like this. They look calm on the surface, but they actually have great mood swings on the inside."

The diseased willow tree coughed a few times:

"The possibility is very low, almost non-existent, because this person's psychological quality is stronger than all of us. I have talked with him before. He has survived continuously for more than half a year as a human in many areas within the fog.

No one here, even the captain... may not be able to compare with him in terms of mental quality. You must know that surviving in the fog tests not only your vitality. "

Wen Hao does not deny this:

"Lin Wurou, have Shang Xiaoyi and the others notified you?"

"Not yet." Li Xin answered.

Wen Hao looked worried:

"Don't inform them yet. Gu Qingyu's matter is very strange... The rules of this world seem to be changing. Everything will have to wait until Gu Qingyu wakes up."

The sick willow tree is sickly, looking at the evil image of Gu Qingyu:

"He looks so... so tall. Ahem, cough, cough..."

Li Xin said:

"I think...his evil image is quite charming, and he's better looking than you and Jiang Zhu."

Jiang Zhu and Liu Bingshu did not answer, Wen Hao said:

"I'm going to the forbidden area. Maybe the senior in the forbidden area can give some advice."

The crowd quickly dispersed, and Gu Qingyu turned into an evil form. This was a very important and strange thing.

Not long ago, Evil Fall turned into a human for no reason, which made people feel that the concentration of distortion seemed to decrease.

But now, humans have become evil for no reason, which proves that there is a problem with that statement.

It seems as if there is still a place in this world where various "settings" can be controlled.

In any case, a human being with the strongest psychological quality and the most powerful strength suddenly turned into a villain, which is weird no matter how you look at it.

Well World, third level.

In the Eternal Bank Building in the Second Well City, the detective discovered that his friend was dead, so he decided to track down the outsider. After committing murder and betrayal, he became qualified to go to the Third Well World.

He finally passed through the long belt of chaos and officially reached the third level.

Seven Sins Camp.

Different from the second level, the third level is a zone with almost no power restrictions and is extremely twisted.

Here, you can see endless jungles, deserts, and cities. Sometimes you can even see the city's past and future existing simultaneously.

This is not the territory of the Seven Financial Groups, or in other words, the Seven Financial Groups are working hard to take this place as their own.

But before the seven major financial groups expanded to the third floor, the owner here was Evil Fall.

In this place, countless powerful evil spirits gather.

These evil falls are different from those in the Pure Well area on the first level of the Well World.

They have a strong hatred for both the rebels and the seven major consortiums.

Among them are some monsters that give the Seven Financial Groups headaches.

Occupying the third level of the world and covering the second level of urbanization onto this twisted and chaotic land is what the seven major consortiums want to do.

So being able to appear in the Seven Sins Camp, a survival base jointly built by the seven major consortiums, is a good thing for the detective.

Next, what he has to do is to find the outsider Bai Wu and avenge his friend.

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