Chapter 168 Undead Knights Expedition

Then, Su Ye took the three little girls on the blazing, and went straight to the orange secret realm to refresh.

With a wave of his hand, Andre summoned a warhorse from nowhere.

Mounted on horseback and led the undead knight army to follow behind Su Ye and others.

The picture of 400 undead knights running together is very spectacular.

The ground vibrated slightly, raising dust several meters high.

The low shrubs and even small trees that blocked the way were trampled underfoot by the undead knights.

In addition to the undead knight, Su Ye actually brought another unit.

Also a seventh-order sling giant.

This unit is Su Ye’s highest-ranked long-range attack unit so far.

Used to defend the city, but when.

It’s just that, considering that the sling giant’s forward speed is slow, Su Ye didn’t release them, but placed them in the arms ring.

A total of 100 heads, just wait for the orange secret realm resource point, and then use them to exchange for the giant dragon currently stationed in the resource point.

The undead knights can’t fly, they can only run wildly on the ground.

great momentum

In a jungle within the original urban area of ​​Hannan City.

Dozens of class transferees are training here with their troops.

Kill monsters one after another, get a small amount of experience points, and be very busy.

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet shook slightly.

Make everyone stop.

“Fuck, what’s going on, is there an earthquake?”

“Stop joking about the earthquake, it’s impossible.”

“Then how do you explain this ground?”

Just as everyone was bewildered, the vibrations under their feet became more and more obvious.

After a while, hundreds of figures appeared behind him.

“I rely on, what is this”

With an exclamation, it attracted the attention of all the transferees in the field.

I saw that in the direction behind them, a legion was running wildly.

Black armor, tattered but domineering cloak, holding a spear, and a bone horse under the seat.

That’s a head of undead knights! The queue is neat and majestic, marching forward in unison, ignoring all obstacles ahead.

Such a neat queue, such a unified action, the most important thing is the number, as many as hundreds, and the order is as high as: seventh order.

There is no doubt that this is a very powerful army.

The transferees who saw this scene were stunned, fine beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads, and the Adam’s apple slid up and down.

And the low-level troops behind them, the weaker ones even squatted on the ground, shivering.

“Terror, too scary.”

“Why do I see the shadow of the military parade in these undead knights, no, this is even more powerful and domineering than the military parade.”

“Undead knights, seventh-order soldiers, at least three hundred, whose team is this, it’s too violent!”

The job changers were talking a lot.

At the same time, they were also frightened by the power of the undead knight army, and they moved away from both sides.

Make way for this unknown legion.

The scene of the undead knights crossing the border at this moment is truly refreshing their world view.

It’s hard to imagine, but they are still fighting for Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 4 arms


At that time, someone had already summoned an entire seventh-order undead knight army.

The level is still not low, so there are ten thousand people in my heart, I know it is wrong to say it! Su Ye didn’t have the idea of ​​pretending to be in the limelight, and ordered directly to let the undead knights move forward at the fastest speed.

Under the watchful eyes of the class changers, the undead knights dashed past and disappeared from the sight of these class changers in a short while.

The undead knight army left, and the fear that shrouded the hearts of these people instantly vanished.

They wiped the fine sweat from their foreheads, feeling lingering fears

About an hour later.

Su Ye and others successfully arrived outside the Orange Secret.

Compared to yesterday, it is more lively here.

The news that you can compete for resource points at will in the orange secret has spread.

Under the influence of interests, most of the surrounding lords who claimed to be powerful came here with their respective arms.

Then enter the secret realm.

At this moment, Su Ye arrived with the undead knight army, and instantly shocked everyone in the field.

Hundreds of seventh-tier troops are powerful.

The nearby job changers didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly spread out.

Su Ye was also welcome, and took the undead knights through the orange secret entrance:.

As soon as he entered, the transferees outside gathered together.

“Damn, whose army was that just now, so domineering!”

“Keep your voice down, if I guessed correctly, the leader just now should be Su Ye.”

“Who is Su Ye?”

“I’ll go, you don’t even know Su Ye, let me tell you, yesterday in the secret orange territory, Su Ye pushed ten level 10 resource points in a row, do you know the concept? That’s a level resource point.”

“Ten level 10 resources, awesome, brother, tell us the process.”

The job transferee who was being questioned raised his head with a face full of invincibility, as if he knew how amazing it was.

“Just say it, this resource point is the most advanced in the orange secret realm”

After speaking, the man started talking at length.

And the surrounding job-transferers all pricked up their ears and listened with a look of fascination.

If Su Ye saw this scene, he would be speechless again.

What’s the matter, I just want to occupy more resources, it seems like you are deliberately pretending to be coercive.

Hey, it’s difficult! Cough, explain, Su Ye’s name is only known to people near Hannan City for the time being

Inside the Orange Secret.

Su Ye has already brought in the undead knights.

He had already instructed the three little girls to mark the secret realm that had been occupied yesterday.

Now, just follow these marks to check one by one.

It is said to be checking, but it is actually changing the guard.

The number of giant dragons is small and powerful, so it is very suitable for siege.

But it’s not worth it to defend the city.

Yesterday there was no way, Su Ye only brought the giant dragon.

So we can only assign giant dragons to guard resource points.

Today, Su Ye brought the stone-throwing giant and the undead knight, and the task of defending the city was naturally given to them to complete.

Now, Su Ye just follows the map, finds the resource point occupied yesterday, and distributes the defending troops.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

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