Chapter 200 Spike Kill, All Spike Kills (Second Update for Subscription)

Jiang Tianqing also found something wrong.

Although he does not have the clairvoyance of Zhou Qing, he can see things at night.

However, the dense sound of flapping wings in the air made him instantly alert.

“What the hell is going on, why are there so many sounds of flapping wings”

Lu Lin asked, staring at Zhou Qing.

The latter swallowed a mouthful of saliva and pointed in the direction of the Dryad’s territory: “It’s a giant dragon, a lot of giant dragons”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Tianqing: “It’s impossible for a giant dragon, and there can’t be giant dragon troops in the tree demon territory, are you mistaken!”

Zhou Qing shook his head frantically, not waiting for him to speak.

The sky was already lit with fire.

That’s seven or eight, the dragon’s breath spewing out by the flame-headed dragon.

A scorching wave of air rushed in.

The rays of light light up the night sky, and at the same time expose their bodies to the eyes of Jiang Tianqing and others.

The dragon is really a dragon.

The number is about thirty.

At this moment, he has joined the battlefield and rushed towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tianqing was shocked.

The giant dragon appeared again in the Dryad Domain, which is not common sense! If there are really giant dragons in the Dryad Domain, why didn’t it appear just now.

Could it be foreign aid? Didn’t Zhou Qing’s previous investigation say that the alliance of the tree demon territory is thousands of kilometers away in Hannan City? How could it be possible to arrive here so quickly?

How would they know that in the Dryad Domain, there will be a portal connecting to the Zhongzhou City Star Territory? The so-called rescue means that they come across the portal and arrive at the battlefield in minutes.

“Boss, what to do now”

Zhou Qing asked.

The situation has changed, and it has become very unfavorable for them, he really has no idea what to do next.

Jiang Tianqing stabilized his pressure, clenched his fists tightly, and roared: “Fight for Lao Tzu, no matter what kind of dragon it is, all of them will be shot down by Lao Tzu.”

Just kidding, the southern city wall of the tree demon territory has already broken five, and victory is just around the corner, how can Jiang Tianqing give up.

Although he knew he would pay a huge price for doing so.

But the problem now is, he has no choice! Even if he gives up the fight now, will the big guy behind the tree demon territory let him go? Most likely not! If so, then just don’t do it, and the two will be endless. , try to get in.

Zhou Qing and Lu Lin are also ruthless characters, and when they heard Jiang Tianqing say this, they all agreed.

mobilized the legion and attacked the southern city

Su Ye on the city wall glanced at the city wall with a small hole in it, angry.

He even dared to make up his mind about his territory, and he even broke a hole.

I can’t bear it! I immediately called out Blazing and climbed onto the latter’s back:.

“Let’s go, let’s see which Guwazi is attacking here.”

Nodding fiercely, he flew Su Ye towards Jiang Tianqing.

However, Lin Yanxi, Eve, and Susie, who were still on the city wall, didn’t hold back and pulled out their weapons to prepare for battle.

Especially Eve, after getting the inheritance of the dragon hunter, the fighting spirit in her heart has risen like never before.

At this moment, she only felt a strong


Fire, burning in the heart.

Take off the longbow, an endless rain of arrows.

咻咻咻! Countless arrows pierced the air and poured towards the troops below.

Ignore defense, plus Eve’s own damage bonus, and the useless field opened by Su Ye.

With one blow, the bottom of the city wall instantly turned red.

Countless high damage figures came up, causing Lin Yanxi and Su Qianer to break up.

“This hurts, Sister Eve, you”

“Fuck, Sister Eve, you’ve become stronger.”

Eve’s face was expressionless, and she coughed lightly: “We’ll talk about this later, and deal with the enemy first.”

The two little girls nodded, raised their staffs, and joined the battle.

The battle was going on fiercely, and Eve, the group-killing weapon, had a great suppressing effect on the troops outside the southern city wall.

Although dragon hunters don’t have much control skills, they do high damage! One hit, who can stop them.

except for EveIn addition, the strength of the dragon and the undead knight army is not weak.

Although the giant dragons are fighting each other, their individual strength is arrogant, their damage is high, and their life-saving ability is strong, which poses a huge threat to Jiang Tianqing’s arms.

The undead knights formed their formation and kept charging.

The cone formation formed by them is enough to cause huge damage to the monsters along the way under the accelerated charge.

And it’s still unstoppable…

Jiang Tianqing at the back of the battlefield was about to cry.

He still can’t understand why this tree demon territory has become so strong in a short period of time.

Where did those giant dragons and those knights riding bone horses come from? “Damn, do you have to force me to use a big move?”

Jiang Tianqing gritted his teeth.

With a big wave of his hand, a scroll appeared in his hand.

It is a Forbidden Curse Scroll.

He got this thing a month ago and has been reluctant to use it.

This time, for the sake of the tree demon territory, I can only reluctantly part with my love.

But just as he was about to open the scroll, a loud dragon roar came from overhead.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure appeared from above his head.

Looking up, it was a giant dragon.

The body is more than 50 meters long, powerful and domineering, and the huge dragon eye is staring at him.


The giant dragon let out a roar, and the ferocious air wave rushed towards the face, blowing the job transferees below.

Su Ye, who was sitting on Blair’s back, saw Jiang Tianqing at a glance, scolded him angrily, and ordered an attack.

Blazing is rather straightforward, opening his mouth wide, and spewing out a long-brewed dragon breath.

Heat, fire, the smell of death.

Appear together at this moment.

Jiang Tianqing’s face turned pale, he was afraid.

Not only him, Zhou Qing, Lu Lin and all the transferees gathered here, they were all scared.

But now I am afraid, what can I do, the result has not changed.

Phew! The breath of the dragon fell and swept past, igniting the job-transferers here.

Huge amount of damage emerged, more than two-thirds of the people died instantly

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