Chapter 237 Extreme Cold Storm, Battlefield Inspiration

With so many resources, let alone Fang Yun, even Su Ye, this is the first time he has seen it in this life.

Sure enough, fighting is the fastest way to become stronger, there is no one.

After counting the resources, Su Ye said directly: “These resources, give me 500 million, and the rest will be yours.”

Fang Yun took a sigh of relief, Su Ye only needs 500 million, and the rest will be left to him, so there are more than 500 million basic resources left! Little did they know that Su Ye was so generous.

It actually left more than half of it.

“Leader, this”

Cloud hesitated to speak.

Su Ye knew what he wanted to say, and waved his hand to signal him to shut up: “You have taken in so many prisoners, and the situation is still very unstable. These resources will be developed for you first, and strive to build your own hegemony as soon as possible.”

Fang Yun was so grateful when he heard this, he was about to kneel and kowtow to Su Ye.

Before today, the resource reserve of the Cloud Territory has never exceeded 100 million.

After Su Ye came, he jumped directly to 500 million.

For such kindness, Fang Yun couldn’t repay it.

Well, in fact, from Su Ye’s point of view, he is also for himself.

It is the right choice to leave these resources to Fang Yun’s development, otherwise Fang Yun will suffer a loss if something goes wrong! Apart from resource allocation, Fang Yun also counted other resources of the Tyranny Alliance.

For example, the currency is as many as 300,000.

That’s right, there are nearly 300,000 coins in the account of Tianba Territory.

This was originally kept by Lei Batian to buy arms rings, but now he has made wedding gowns for Su Ye and Fang Yun.

300,000 yuan, Su Ye took 200,000 yuan, and the remaining 100,000 yuan was given to Fang Yun.

Next is the inventory of equipment and other props.

There’s nothing high-level in the equipment, so Su Ye didn’t like it, so he gave it all to Fang Yun.

As for the props, this is something that can be admired by Su Ye.

For example, the Forbidden Curse Scroll, which is a good thing.[Arctic Storm] Description: After use, it will summon an arctic storm with a diameter of 300 meters within the specified range. All targets within this range will receive ice magic damage for 10 seconds and cause freezing and slowing. wait for negative effects.

[Battlefield Inspiration] Description: After use, it can summon a 300-meter-diameter field of battlefield inspiration within a specified range. Allied targets in the field will have their body attributes enhanced by 30%, and apply a fearless effect for three minutes.

[Building Acceleration] Description, using this scroll can reduce the construction time of the building, the total reduction time is 000 hours, and there are still 100 hours left. These three 3-scroll props will make Su Ye move.

The extremely cold storm is a large-scale destructive skill, the same as when Su Ye Tianhuo came to the world.

Battlefield Inspiration, although this forbidden spell does not directly cause damage, it can enhance the attributes of troops by a full 30%, and lasts for five minutes.

Although the increase is not much, the duration is five minutes, but it can play a very important role in battle.

Just imagine, when two equally well-matched armies are at war, Party A uses Field Inspiration to increase the attributes of the entire army by 30%, although it can only last for five minutes.

But it’s enough to decide the winner in these five minutes.

Auxiliary Forbidden Scrolls like Battlefield Inspiration, in


In the late period of the lord era, it was a must-have item for almost every lord.

The last one, the building acceleration scroll.

Being able to find this thing in Tianba’s territory really surprised Su Ye.

This kind of scroll can directly reduce the construction time.

For example, if you need 24 hours to build a barracks, you don’t want to wait, so use this scroll.

Twenty-four hours will speed up, and the barracks will be built instantly.

The total reduction time of the scrolls will be reduced by 24 hours.

Like this scroll in Su Ye’s hand, the total reduction time is 100 hours, which is very useful.

Of course, Su Ye, who has god-level cooling, can’t use it himself:.

But he can’t use it: Su Qianer and Lin Yanxi can definitely use it.

Don’t care, just take it away.

After taking these scrolls, Su Ye took some relatively precious materials.

I’m going to take these materials back and throw them all to Vulkan to make equipment.

As for the remaining materials, all of them are left to Fang Yun.

After sweeping the warehouse in Tianba’s territory, Fang Yun counted the units in Tianba’s territory.

Explain it here.

The barracks of a territory can be inherited.

For example, in the current Tianba territory, there are more than a dozen barracks, and the most advanced barracks is the seventh-order [Tian Punishment Mage].

Now, the Tianba territory is occupied by Fang Yun, after he dispatched the lord to settle in the Tianba territory.

On this day, the barracks of the Punishment Mage can also train troops.

This is the so-called barracks succession.

In the Tianba territory, there are more than a dozen barracks, not to mention the low-level ones. It is worth mentioning that there are the seventh-order Heaven Punishment Mage, the sixth-order Hell Three-Headed Dog, the sixth-order Saber-toothed Tiger, and the fifth-order ones anyway. It is higher than that of Cloud Territory.

Su Ye can’t take things like barracks, and he doesn’t need them at all.

So it was all left to Fang Yun.

This made Fang Yun grateful.

With these high-quality arms, plus the hundreds of millions of resources that Su Ye left him just now.

I believe that it won’t be long before the Cloud Territory can truly become the overlord in Tangxi.

And after Su Ye generously gave Fang Yun various resources this time, this guy became more loyal to Su Ye.

While chatting, the two rushed towards the cloud territory.

Although this Batian Alliance is good, it is not his own after all.

There are more than 10,000 troops stationed here, and those who have changed careers, and arrange a few trustworthy lords to stay here, Fang Yun and Su Ye can rest assured.

After returning to the cloud territory, it was already late at night.

The lights in the territory were bright, and under Fang Yun’s order, a celebration feast was held.

This is one of the great ways to motivate an army.

There are rewards and punishments, which can make your subordinates return to you.

In the lord’s hall, Su Ye, Fang Yun, and several relatively powerful lords in the Cloud Territory sat in a circle.

Eat and drink.

Seeing this scene, Su Ye remembered the days when he was a lord in his last life.

somewhat similar to now

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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